"I don't know if my lord has any questions." Zhang Fan said he had questions.Wei Yaoyao naturally asked the question.After all, what is being discussed now is a big deal.At least for Wei Yaoyao and those dozens of orphans.This is definitely the top priority.Wei Yaoyao had to be cautious.Now that Zhang Fan said he had doubts.So for Wei Yaoyao.Naturally, you have to ask to understand.

"Actually, this question. Maybe I think too much." Zhang Fan said. "I understand what Sister Wei is thinking. I know it is for the good of those orphans. I also admire what Sister Wei has done. But Sister Wei needs to know one thing. Those orphans are not only boys, but also many girls. .Let them all read. That's not a problem. I won't say anything. After all, even women. Reading some books is good. But now. Here comes the problem. It's good for boys to read. They will grow up in the future. If you study well, you can go to the exam to get fame. You can even get an official position in the court. This is a beautiful thing. But what about your daughter. No matter how good your daughter is at school, she will not be able to in the future. Obtaining fame and fame. In the end, you have to marry.

"But at that time. What should we do?"

"What... what should I do about this?" Wei Yaoyao was confused by Zhang Fan's words for a moment.I don't know what Zhang Fan meant by saying that. "The men's university should be married, and the female university should be married. At that time, I can't control those boys. If they can get fame, I don't have to worry about it. If not, there must be other ways out in the future. As for the girls, it will be a good thing if they are attracted by men from some family in the future. Of course, I have to check for them. You don’t have to marry into a wealthy family to marry. But you have to marry a good family Just do it."

"Sister Wei really treats these children as her own." Zhang Fan smiled.Said. "But what Sister Wei said just now is the problem. The daughter's family will naturally get married in the end. At that time, Sister Wei will be considered as a mother. This kind of matchmaker's words will be indispensable. But in the future. These daughters It's really time to get married. This dowry must be there. You can't just let the husband's family pay the dowry. There is no dowry here. At that time, Sister Wei may be able to help one or two. But these daughters But there are more than one or two. What should we do then."

"This..." Wei Maoyao was stunned by Zhang Fan's words.have to say.Zhang Fan thought very far.And these are questions that Wei Yaoyao has never considered.It's not that Wei Yaoyao couldn't think of these things.After all, these things are just human nature.wait until later.It is impossible for Wei Yaoyao not to think of it.But now.She hasn't seen that far yet.But that doesn't mean either.Now Zhang Fan raised this question.How could she not think about it.

And she thought so.Found that this is indeed a problem.dowry.For a woman.No small matter.It can even be said that it can affect her future life.If you bring a good dowry.Married in a glorious manner.future.And no matter what the husband thinks of it.The situation at her husband's house will naturally be much better.

If only with a shabby dowry.Not even anything.Then how will the people in the husband's family treat and treat her in the future.That's hard to say.

After Wei Yaoyao thought of these things.I couldn't help but feel more upset.yes.With her own ability.Feeding so many orphans nowadays.Wei Yaoyao was already struggling.Fortunately now.The business of this teahouse is very good.But it's just barely able to maintain balance.

Now.To enable these children to read books.Wei Yaoyao was already exhausted.fortunately.Now Zhang Fan is willing to help.This can be regarded as a solution to her urgent need.

And in the future.What should I do about this matter.By her alone.If you only buy a dowry for one or two girls.Let them get married off in style.That's absolutely fine.But now it's not just about one or two people.Right now.Among the twenty children.More than half of them are daughters.The reason is not difficult to guess.After all, this is a patriarchal era.Every family wants to have a son.Not to mention passing on from generation to generation.It can also contribute to the family.therefore.Abandoning a daughter is not uncommon in this day and age.

and.This is only now.Who knows the future.Will there be more orphaned girls?Wei Yaoyao is not the kind of person who would give up halfway.Now that a batch has been taken in.There will definitely be a second batch then.

By the time.I'm afraid Wei Yaoyao is also powerless.Although now with Zhang Fan's help.It is certainly not a problem to feed these children.But in the future.

"Xianggong." Yingyue said from the side.There was a sense of blame in the voice. "What do you do with these troubles now. Let's talk about it. The oldest one. I remember it was only six years old this year. The youngest was only four years old. It will be ten years later. It's not that it shouldn't be considered now. .It's just that there is no good way at the moment. Instead of being upset by these things, it's better to think about the things in front of you."

"Yes." Zhaoxue on the side also agreed. "Let's talk about it. If there is still no solution by then. Isn't it possible from Xianggong..."

"No." At this time.Wei Yaoyao stopped Zhaoxue from speaking.Said. "I'm very happy to be able to get help from adults. As Sister Yingyue said. It's still early in this world. Let's not think about it now. Maybe when the time comes, there may be some way. And... Even if there is no good way at that time, I can't trouble my lord any more."

"In that case, let's talk about these things later." Zhang Fan said with a smile.He didn't say he had to help Wei Yaoyao.But he didn't promise her not to ask.In short.It's ambiguous.

"What your lord said is true." Wei Yaoyao seemed to want to escape this question as well.Said. "Although that is a problem. But at least it will be several years later. Maybe I will have a solution by then. Even if I don't. It's not too late. Now. Let's think about how to solve the problem of children going to school. "

"Sister Wei is right." Zhang Fan said. "Since we are going to talk about going to school first, let's talk about it.

"This matter. It can be said to be easy to do. It is also difficult to do it. The difficulty lies in the difficulty. This gentleman is hard to find. Most of the private schools or colleges are people who have passed the exam but can't go any further. Open a museum to teach. Earn some money. While teaching, I can study on my own. In the future, I hope to win a Juren, or even a Jinshi. To tell you the truth, I got a champion. Therefore, there is a saying. I know better Incomparable. It is said that the number one scholar in the world is taught. At first glance, these words sound like a kind of appreciation. But in fact it is not the case. Since he is a scholar, then he just wants to be able to obtain fame in the future. Later, he will improve One floor. Looking for an official position. It is because of failing the exam. There is only helplessness in my heart. Even if someone says that. On the surface, I am happy. But every time I hear this in my heart, how can I Can you be sad.

"Miss Wei, you don't have to doubt. I don't mean to say this. I just said that it is really hard to find a teacher. If there are scholars who volunteer to teach, then everything will be easy to talk about. At that time, even if we spend some money to hire He came. But nothing happened.

"But these people who opened the school. There are already students below. We can't force them to come here."

"What if we let the children go to school there?" Zhaoxue asked.

"Not right." Zhang Fan didn't wait for others to speak.Then he opened his mouth and said. "These children are all orphans. No matter how they are concealed at that time, they will always be known by outsiders. And the people who study there are mostly children who are not a few years older than them. People who can go to school. The family is also quite Assets. I was afraid the kids would be bullied there."

"This..." Originally.Wei Yaoyao also thought that what Zhaoxue said was good.After listening to Zhang Fan's words.She thought so too.I hesitated.And after that.Her affection for Zhang Fan increased a lot in an instant.After all these details.She didn't think of it at all.Zhang Fan thought clearly.She had to have a good impression of Zhang Fan.

certainly.This favor has no other meaning.It's really just a good feeling.and.Wei Yaoyao was also happy for Yingyue and Zhaoxue.Can marry someone like Zhang Fan.It is indeed their blessing.

"Then let's invite a scholar to teach." Zhao Xue didn't think so much.Another possibility was casually mentioned.

"Yes, yes. But it will be hard to find." Zhang Fan said. "I've said it before. Which scholar doesn't want to get fame and become an official. Even if he is over fifty years old now. Even if he wins the imperial examination, he has no hope of becoming an official. But a scholar has a temper. If it is his own decision It's okay to say. But if someone asks him to do that, he will feel as if he has been insulted. It's hard to say yes. It has nothing to do with money. Even sometimes. The more you give, the more he will I won’t agree. And. You think a person who loves money so much. What will happen to the students he teaches.”

"This..." Zhang Fan said.It made Zhaoxue speechless.

"I know what your lord said." Wei Yaoyao said. "It's just now. There is no good way."

"So I will be used here." Zhang Fan said. "You don't need to use official titles to pressure others. Just find someone with some prestige. Talk about it. That's it."

"Who is Xianggong planning to go to? Not an official." Yingyue asked. "Those who are officials. Aren't they more troublesome than those scholars who didn't pass the exam?"

"Leave this matter to me. You don't have to worry about it." Zhang Fan said with a smile.

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