The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 711 Last Leisure

All in all, this matter has finally come to an end. Although Zhang Fan has never said how he intends to solve the problem of those children's schooling, what he said is quite reliable, although it is the first time for Wei Laiyao and him. We met each other, but seeing Yingyue and Zhaoxue who really cared about those children was also very concerned about this matter. Although she was still a little uncertain in her heart, she didn't ask any more questions.

Of course, maybe Wei Leiyao did not ask to understand, not only because she believed in Yingyue and Zhaoxue, but also had a lot of confidence in Zhang Fan, and half of the reason was actually Wei Leiyao herself. In my heart, I felt a sense of trust in Zhang Fan, which is a bit funny to say, after all, the two just met for the first time, obviously this is not enough for people to trust each other.

But the facts are like this, of course, if you ask Wei Yaoyao, she will definitely deny it, but deep down in her heart, only she herself knows what she thinks.

After bidding farewell to Wei Yuyao, Zhang Fan and the others left Chunmingxuan, wanting to go home. At first, Yingyue and Zhaoxue were silent on the way, and Zhang Fan didn't say anything. However, Yingyue was thinking What, others can't guess, but Zhaoxue didn't speak, it was too easy to guess, in fact, the expression in her heart was all written on her face, even though the atmosphere just now was very harmonious, and she looked at Zhang Fan The relationship with Wei Yuyao is also very friendly, but even so, Zhaoxue is still worried, whether Zhang Fan will still blame herself, and decide without telling him about this matter, even, Zhaoxue is still worried, before Several times, Zhang Fan tested himself, but he never said whether Zhang Fan would blame himself for this.

And along the way, the more Zhaoxue thought about it, the more she felt it was possible, especially along the way, everyone was very silent, which made her more sure of her own thoughts, but the more so, she The more he dared not say anything to Zhang Fan.

On the other hand, Yingyue recovered from her thoughts, saw Zhaoxue's embarrassment, and understood what she was worried about.

Yingyue was also enthusiastic, and after a second thought, she asked Zhang Fan, "Is my husband still blaming me and my sister?"

"What did you say?" Zhang Fan was also awakened from his thoughts by Yingyue's words, and after thinking about her words, he said with a smile, "Of course not, if I'm still angry, I said it before, then It’s a feeling that I have something in my heart but hold back, I understand, it’s very uncomfortable, so it’s enough to be above the court on weekdays, if it’s still like this outside, then I must die of aggrieved, "

"So Mr. Wang won't be angry anymore," Yingyue said with a smile when she heard him say this, and she lowered her voice a little, obviously to let Zhaoxue next to her hear it.

Sure enough, after hearing Yingyue's words, Zhaoxue immediately looked up at Zhang Fan in great surprise.

Seeing this, Zhang Fan understood what Yingyue was planning, but even though he understood, and Yingyue was playing tricks no matter what, Zhang Fan felt a little troubled in his heart. No, on the contrary, he was very happy. After all, Yingyue didn't do this to hide anything, nor was it for anything else, but for Zhaoxue.

To be honest, Zhang Fan has always been very worried about the relationship between Yingyue and Zhaoxue. After all, the whole house knows what the two of them look like on weekdays. Although Zhang Fan didn't ask questions before, it doesn't mean that He wasn't worried, although the two said it was just a small fight, and in fact, the relationship between the two was very good in private, as can be seen from this incident.

However, Zhang Fan was still worried. He was worried that the harmless little friction and awkwardness between the two of them would be troublesome when they really got angry. By doing so, Zhang Fan could be regarded as completely relieved, and after he was relieved, Zhang Fan couldn't help feeling something else in his heart.

"It's natural to be angry," Zhang Fan changed his face and said with a serious look, "Especially Zhaoxue, I asked her over and over again, but she didn't say anything, and I didn't know what it was, I thought What trouble did you get into? Can I not be anxious in my heart.

"And you, Yingyue, I didn't mean you, you really think of me as that kind of person."

What Zhang Fan said made them bow their heads again. Yingyue looked regretful. In fact, she really regretted it. What Zhang Fan said was correct. Some people don't trust Zhang Fan too much. Although most of the reasons come from some things she experienced before, but now, she is already Zhang Fan's woman, and when she is willing to become this role, she has no feelings for Zhang Fan. It must have been agreed, but even so, she still didn't believe Zhang Fan on this matter.

It can be said that Yingyue was quite frightened by the past events, but at the same time, what she did in this matter really disappointed Zhang Fan.

But now Yingyue is just thinking, how to reflect, how to make an exception.

But Zhaoxue is different. Her thoughts are too simple, and the problems she thinks are too simple. Often when a problem arises, her mind is filled with things, and she never thinks about other possibilities.

But now, when she heard Zhang Fan angry, she didn't need to mention how scared she was, and besides being scared, she also regretted a lot in her heart. After all, she had no reason not to believe Zhang Fan. She began to think, if at that time , If I tell Zhang Fan the whole story, will the current situation be better, and will Zhang Fan still be so angry.

"But anger is anger," Zhang Fan suddenly changed his tone. In fact, he planned to pretend for a while, but seeing Zhaoxue's appearance, he couldn't bear it, so he gave up. It has already happened, and it’s useless to talk about those, but fortunately, it’s a good thing anyway, it’s nothing else, "

Hearing Zhang Fan's turning point, Yingyue immediately understood his thoughts, a smile appeared on her face, and she didn't say anything else, but Zhaoxue, who had been figured out by Zhang Fan, was now at Zhang Fan's mercy. When Fan said that she would not pursue it anymore, her regret immediately disappeared, and she turned into a happy look.

"However, I'm just telling you that it might be difficult for you not to commit the same crime again," Zhang Fan stroked his chin and said with a thoughtful look, "I'll find a way to punish you so that you can remember Hold on, if this kind of thing happens again in the future, it won’t bother me so much.”

When Zhang Fan said these words again, there was an ambiguous expression on his face. It was obvious what the punishment he meant was already clear. Both Yingyue and Zhaoxue could understand what he meant. The person's face also instantly turned red.

"By the way, my husband, I don't know anything about myself." Not only did she really have doubts in her heart, but also to escape the embarrassing situation, Yingyue said suddenly, "When did my husband find out?"

"Well, it's been a while," Zhang Fan said, "At the beginning, I really didn't notice it at all, and even the people who were sent out to protect you secretly didn't find any problems, except for the two of you who I will go out, it is a bit frequent, there is no sign of any problem at all.

"Until seven days ago, when I went home to visit Ling'er, I heard that you borrowed money from her. At that time, I didn't pay much attention to it, but later I heard that Ru Xue's side, I was also "borrowed" by Zhaoxue for the money, so I was puzzled, "

When Zhang Fan said the word "borrow" in the back, his tone was quite heavy, which made Zhaoxue on the side lower his head again.

"Later, I asked someone to check what was going on," Zhang Fan continued, "After checking and checking, I found this Chunming Pavilion. At that time, I thought it was something bad, and I was worried. However, later, Liang Chao continued to investigate, and this was the only way to find out what the truth was,"

"Xianggong," Yingyue couldn't help asking after hearing this, "When did this happen?"

"Three days ago," Zhang Fan said, "Although I found out at that time, I still had to check some things. It wasn't until the day before yesterday that I finally figured it out."

"So that's how it is," Yingyue said, "but why did Mr. Xiang come here to ask about it today, and why didn't he come then? It's not a few days later, but today."

"Hehe," Zhang Fan smiled, but it was definitely a wry smile, "Yingyue, you don't know something. You probably have heard of what happened in the capital recently, but that thing is not as it seems on the surface. It's so simple, many things are involved in a lot, and you and I have to be on full alert. Until today, although the matter is not over yet, I have some free time.

"Next, maybe tomorrow, I may not have time, I have to go all out to deal with those things, I can't let this matter be a distraction, so I will hurry to solve it,"

"So that's how it is," Yingyue said, and she didn't ask any more questions. In fact, she didn't have any reason to ask these questions, it was just to divert attention, so that Zhaoxue would not be so embarrassed anymore.

But her question made Zhang Fan think for a long time, yes, just like what he said just now, today is likely to be the last leisure time, and the next thing, maybe tomorrow, he needs to go all out again, Can't relax at all.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan could not help but sigh,

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