"By the way, Feng Bao." Seeing that no one was talking among the ministers standing below, Zhu Yijun became a little bored, and couldn't help asking Feng Bao who was standing beside him, "Yesterday, those who incited the people to rebel It has been handed over to Dongchang for trial, so what happened now?"

Obviously, Zhu Yijun asked this question because he was bored. In fact, Feng Bao certainly would not dismantle Zhang Fan's platform like this. It only took a day for those people to be handed over to Dongchang. It's really unreasonable for him to come up with some news now, and on the surface, Zhu Yijun himself doesn't know what's going on, so what he said is completely for the purpose of stinking Feng Bao.

And the people who heard Zhu Yijun asked this question couldn't help but all looked up, and most of them stared at Feng Bao, as if waiting for his answer, while only a few people below didn't look at Feng Bao, But he turned his face to Zhang Fan's side. Zhang Fan also pretended to know nothing, but he still glanced at those people from the corner of his eye, and found that the few people who asked him outside the palace gate in the morning Individuals are in it too.

Seeing this, Zhang Fan couldn't help but sneered in his heart.

In fact, Zhang Fan understood what Feng Bao wanted to say without needing to open his mouth. When he handed over the eight people to Dongchang yesterday, Zhang Fan also specifically proposed to ask Jin Yiwei to assist him. The purpose was to monitor Dongchang. In other words, it is how Feng Bao will try this matter, and now there is no news from his people. If Feng Bao just talks like this, there will definitely be trouble. Zhang Fan believes that he will not be so brainless. .

"Your Majesty," sure enough, Feng Bao suddenly showed a somewhat difficult look, "Please forgive the incompetence of the servants, those people are really hard-spoken. I didn't say anything, but I felt a little disdainful in my heart, now it seems that the slaves have indeed underestimated those people, Mr. Taifu, Feng Bao apologizes to you, and I hope Mr. Taifu will not be offended."

Speaking of this, Feng Bao thought of Zhang Fan and bowed down to express his apology.

"What is the father-in-law talking about?" Zhang Fan naturally quickly agreed, "At the beginning, I was just like what the father-in-law thought in his mind, and I was extremely supportive, but I didn't expect to gnaw on a hard bone. But now, complaining about these things is useless. Or we should quickly find a way to find out the truth of the matter and eliminate the hidden danger here,"

"Well, it's a beautiful thing for the two of you to be like this, and I'm happy in my heart," Zhu Yijun said, "But now is not the time to give in to each other, not to mention that this group of people caused such a big mess, and now it's over. Two days have passed, but the court still hasn't figured out who is behind the scenes, and what is even more worrying is that no matter who is manipulating this matter, they have sent such a tough person, even Jin Yiwei and Dongchang I can't even ask, so it can be seen that the wolf ambition of the people behind it must be to overthrow me, Daming, this matter must be clarified for me."

"Your servant understands," Feng Bao bowed again, and then stood aside silently as before.

However, although Feng Bao didn't speak, his eyes were moving. Zhang Fan had been staring at Feng Bao. When he saw Feng Bao's eyes lingering on him for a moment, he understood in his heart.

To be honest, Feng Bao's eyes didn't fluctuate at all, and he only stayed on Zhang Fan's body for a breath longer than other people's bodies, and that eyes didn't contain any information at all. He looked like he had nothing to do, looking at it casually, but even so, Zhang Fan still had a feeling.

Of course, it is also possible that Zhang Fan himself is too nervous. After all, in such a sensitive period, he needs to consider any possibility, and now, Feng Bao is the person he needs to worry about the most, so he has this This feeling is not surprising.

However, I'm afraid the truth is not just a matter of thinking about it. Those few Feng Bao's henchmen came to him in the morning to ask him about Liang Chao's movements. This has already been exposed. Feng Bao already knows what Zhang Fan is doing. .

Now, Feng Bao's eyes that lingered for a while are enough for Zhang Fan. Now Zhang Fan can be sure that Feng Bao already knows it. If he was only suspicious before, now He has been able to be completely sure.

This also made Zhang Fan make up his mind that he will send people out to help Liang Chao when the court is over. Now is not the time for any troubles. He already knows that Feng Bao is likely to attack Liang Chao , he naturally couldn't sit idly by.

"Well, to solve this matter as soon as possible, not only will my heart be more peaceful, but also the Queen Mother will have an explanation, so don't let the Queen Mother be so worried," Zhu Yijun said, "I don't know if there is anything else you want to say, dear friends, "

Seeing that no one spoke below, Zhu Yijun just wanted to announce his resignation from the court, but Feng Bao at the side spoke up. Although it was a bit unreasonable for him to speak like this in the court hall, no matter whether it was the emperor or the minister I have already gotten used to it, so no one will ask at all.

"Your Majesty, have you forgotten?" Feng Bao said beside Zhu Yijun, his voice was not loud, but the ministers below could hear him clearly, "Now there are floods in three places, and Mr. Zhang's cabinet is very busy. In addition, there is a new law to be tried, and Mr. Zhang is in charge of this matter, so he cannot get away with it at all.

"On weekdays, Mr. Zhang is also in charge of hosting the banquet. The banquet is a major national event and must not be neglected. No matter how busy he was a few days ago, Mr. Zhang would be there, but today he can't. What the servant means is, Since Mr. Zhang is unable to come because of something, why not find someone to replace Yi Er."

Originally, when he heard that Zhang Juzheng was unable to attend the Jingyan because of something, Zhu Yijun was very happy. After all, he has long since lost the enthusiasm he had just started, and Zhang Juzheng's attitude is becoming more serious day by day. He was not allowed to make the slightest mistake, now that Zhang Juzheng could not come, he was naturally happy, thinking that he could finally rest for a while.

But now, Feng Bao talked about this matter, which annoyed him. After all, he originally wanted to get by without anyone mentioning it, but now, since Feng Bao mentioned it Yes, this matter can't be avoided.

And the officials below obviously don't have any feelings about this matter. After all, what Feng Bao said is very normal and there is nothing unreasonable. Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng are also suspicious. They don't know what Feng Bao said at this moment What does this matter mean.

But the next moment, when Feng Bao spoke again, the two of them understood what Feng Bao was planning.

"Then who do you think is competent for this job?" Zhu Yijun asked with a bored look.

"My servant feels that the words of the Tai Tuo are well deserved," Feng Bao said, "After all, the Tai Tuo is responsible for teaching His Majesty, and his knowledge is beyond doubt, so there is no need to worry at all. I don't know Your Majesty how about,"

Hearing Feng Bao said that Zhang Fan was going to give him a sutra banquet, Zhu Yijun immediately cheered up, but after he was cheered up, it was obvious that he also considered that it would be too unsightly to do so, so he forced himself to calm down, but the excitement on his face However, he could not change his enthusiasm: "That's right, if Master Tai Tuo presided over the Jingyan, it would be no problem, but... I don't know about this matter, Mr. Zhang can agree, after all, Mr. Zhang has always presided over the Jingyan." , this time Mr. Zhang has other business, so he can't attend, but if he changes the speaker, he also needs to ask for opinions, "

"Your Majesty," Zhang Juzheng, who was standing below, said, his face was a little strange, but he also forced himself to be calm, and said, "This matter is seconded by my ministers. If Master Tai Tuo presides over the sutra feast, I will have nothing to say."

Zhang Juzheng's expression was very wrong. Many people thought it was because Zhang Fan snatched his job and made him unhappy. Therefore, many people thought it was funny. After all, Zhang Fan was Zhang Juzheng's student. They thought they had a good relationship, but It was unexpected that Zhang Juzheng would be so stingy that he would not even ask his students to host a sutra feast.

It's just that these people are really short-sighted, they are only staring at Zhang Juzheng now, but they don't realize that Zhang Fan standing beside him doesn't look very good-looking.

The two now fully understand what Feng Bao's plan is. He wants to hold Zhang Fan back and prevent him from preparing. After all, the palace is Feng Bao's world, and those little eunuchs belong to him. People, as long as he finds someone to go to Dongchang to talk to, not only will he not arouse suspicion, but he can also get everything done.

Of course, there are people from Jinyiwei in the palace, but Zhang Fan entered in the name of presiding over the Jingyan, and today it is only a small Jingyan, so I am afraid that he will not be able to meet him, and even if he does, Zhang Fan may not be able to entrust the matter to these people. People, after all these people are often in the palace, who knows if these people have been bribed by Feng Bao.

"Master Tai Tuo," Zhu Yijun couldn't help asking seeing Zhang Fan's complexion, "I don't know what Master Tai Tuo wants,"

"Of course my minister is willing," Zhang Fan said quickly after recovering from his senses, "I am grateful for His Majesty's trust to be able to take on this great task."

"It's so good," Zhu Yijun smiled happily now. After all, if Zhang Fan came to teach Jingyan, although he would learn a lot, it made him relax a lot. Basically it was just him and Zhang Fan, and Zhang Fan wouldn't bother him no matter how easy he wanted.

It's just that Zhu Yijun, who obviously only cared about his own happiness, didn't know what happened.

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