Feng Bao's idea is very good and very clear, that is to hold Zhang Fan back, let him stay in the palace, and prevent him from informing his subordinates about the arrangements. It will take more than an hour until noon, but now, it always gives people a feeling that every second counts, and if Zhang Fan doesn't care about this hour, Feng Bao wouldn't even think about it, so Feng Bao's doing so would become It's pointless.

If Zhang Fan is dragged into the palace, obviously, Zhang Fan can't inform anyone. The palace is full of Feng Bao's eyeliner, and even the Jin Yiwei who may be guarding the palace has already been bought by Feng Bao. Not sure, in short, after Zhang Fan entered the palace, he would never want to spread any news until he came out.

Obviously, it is impossible for Feng Bao to do something meaningless. Although Zhang Fan has not yet figured out what Feng Bao's plan is, since the other party has made a move, he will follow up, and It has to be resolved.

The morning court is coming to an end, and the time left for Zhang Fan is getting less and less, and whether Zhang Fan can come up with a good solution, he still doesn't know, and Zhang Juzheng, who is standing beside Zhang Fan, although he has no face But that's just the way he made it, the purpose is to keep Feng Bao from knowing.

In fact, Zhang Juzheng was probably more anxious than Zhang Fan. After all, Zhang Fan wasted a lot of effort on this matter, but what he did was not his own. After all, it was just for the stability of the court. It sounds like this, It is indeed great, but in fact, if this matter does not succeed, Zhang Fan will not suffer the slightest damage.

But Zhang Juzheng is different, even if no one said anything during the trial of the "Testing Method", he also understands that many people don't want to see him succeed, no, you can't say that, it's not that they don't want him to succeed, It's just that he didn't want to let him do it at all.

Now many people don't say it, the main reason is that Zhang Fan, Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao, the three most powerful people in the imperial court, all publicly expressed their approval for this matter. , It has been able to silence more than [-]% of the people in the court, not to mention that it is not only the three of them who agree with this matter, but also Queen Mother Li and Emperor Zhu Yijun.

Zhu Yijun has no rights now, and he is not too clear about the benefits of doing so. Maybe Zhu Yijun's approval is only because of Zhang Fan's reasons, but he is still an emperor, even if there is no such thing as a powerful emperor. It is also useful.

Even today's Zhu Yijun can have such a big influence, not to mention the Queen Mother Li who is holding all the power today. In fact, at the beginning, this matter didn't need so much effort at all. Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng People, I want to ask Ge Shouli to rely on his influence in the court to persuade the ministers in the court not to object to this matter. In fact, they only need to talk to the Queen Mother Li and get her to agree.

This is not an assumption. In fact, regarding Queen Mother Li, she still has a bit of a temper. Although she is now in power alone and does not abuse her power, there is one thing about her that many people don't know. Zhang Fan is also through Zhang Juzheng. Just found out.

That is, generally the Empress Dowager Li will agree to one thing, it is definitely because the person who told her about this matter is prepared, the rules and regulations are very detailed, and many things have been considered. Gradually realize the correctness of that approach.

However, as long as Empress Dowager Li agrees, it's not just about agreeing to this matter, she even agrees with that person.

In this case, if someone objects in the future, if they want Queen Mother Li to withdraw their plans, they must be so careful and consider all aspects, so that they can slowly make sense of Queen Mother Li.

However, in the imperial court, this kind of situation is very rare. In general, many people express dissatisfaction with the matter or the person who proposed the matter, and this is the only way to stand up and oppose it.

However, when these people object, it would be better if they are just right. Although this kind of situation will happen, they usually catch the other party by surprise, and they can't think of a way for a while. They can only say the word "opposition". It may not have any effect, but in this way, Queen Mother Li will not feel that there is anything wrong. After all, there are too many things that disagree with political opinions. Secondly, it is not ruled out that someone will be in such a short time. In an instant, he had a flash of inspiration, and he might come up with a good reason to refute.

But if it's only aimed at people, when things come out, instead of looking for trouble in the matter, they speak bad things about that person loudly, which will be troublesome.

It may be unbelievable to say this now, but there are many things above the government that can make people excited instantly, let alone those who have just entered the official career for a long time, or those who have not yet cultivated their minds. People, even the kind of people who are already familiar with it and can deal with most emergencies without changing their expressions or beating their hearts, dare not guarantee that nothing can affect their mood.

All in all, attacking people on impulse is naturally the best way people can think of.

However, many people don't know about Empress Dowager Li's temper. She can indeed be regarded as the best empress dowager in the history of Ming Dynasty, but no matter what, she is also a person with a temper. Her temper has also become stubborn, and she hates the kind of things that attack each other the most in her life. This is also related to her being a concubine back then, and she has encountered such things quite often.

Once someone dares to do this, they will definitely be strongly disgusted by Queen Mother Li.

Therefore, this matter does not need to be so troublesome at all. As long as Zhang Juzheng can make sense of Queen Mother Li, the trial of the "Testing Method" is [-]% sure to succeed.

But Zhang Juzheng still chose to do that. What he wanted was not just to make the "Kao Cheng Fa" work, but also to consider the problems in the court so that people could accept the "Kao Cheng Fa".

If it is just relying on Queen Mother Li, perhaps on the surface, no one dares to object, and they all act in accordance with his regulations, but the more this is the case, the more unconvinced the officials below will be. Empress Dowager Li pressed on it, they couldn't say anything openly, they could only hold it in their hearts.

Some things can be held back for a while, but not for a long time. If you keep holding it like this, you will definitely find a vent in the future, and what Zhang Juzheng can foresee is that these people will be in the process of implementing the "Testing Method" Add lots of little tricks.

Doing this may not affect the general direction of Zhang Juzheng's entire actions, but it will definitely cause small troubles, and small troubles will not cause any big troubles, but will greatly hinder the progress of things. If you take care of it , It must be a labor-intensive thing, but if you don't take care of it, it will be enough to bother you, and you will not be able to achieve the expected goal.

But now it is different if you do this. At least, those who feel that it is not good to do so and hinder their official career will think about it when they want to do something. When the court was implementing it, although they did not Agree, but in the end, there is still no movement to stop, not even the intention to stop.

Don't underestimate this subtle psychological change, it can make a big difference.

Back to the topic, Zhang Juzheng wanted to help Zhang Fan from any point of view, but he didn't know what Zhang Fan had planned on this matter before, and now, he could only watch Zhang Fan anxiously, But he couldn't do anything, and he had to pretend that he had nothing to do to confuse Feng Bao.

At this time, Zhang Juzheng was even more nervous than Zhang Fan.

at last.

"Since there is nothing wrong, let's go back to court," Zhu Yijun saw that no one spoke for a long time, so he stood up and walked away without thinking.

And the little eunuch at the side hurriedly shouted to withdraw from the court, which also made Zhang Juzheng tremble all over.

The ministers began to back away slowly, but Zhang Fan stood there, motionless, with his head down. Obviously, he was still thinking of a solution.

But Zhang Juzheng, who was standing beside Zhang Fan, became more and more anxious, like an ant on a hot pot, looking at Zhang Fan for a while, and Feng Bao for a while.

"Master Taifu, Lord Taifu,"

While Zhang Fan was deep in thought, Feng Bao's voice from above not only made Zhang Juzheng stop his anxious movements, but also made Zhang Fan raise his head.

"Elder-in-law, when will you call me?" Zhang Fan looked at Feng Bao with a calm face, and asked flatly in his voice without any ups and downs.

"I have retired from the court. Didn't I just say that the recent Jingyan will be presided over by the Taifu?" Feng Bao also looked at Zhang Fan with a smile on his face, and said, "In this case, don't let Your Majesty wait. Got it," Obviously, Feng Bao was urging Zhang Fan, but as for whether he was urging Zhang Fan for Zhu Yijun's sake, or just for himself, I'm afraid only he himself knows.

"Of course I understand that," Zhang Fan replied with a smile, "It's just that I've only watched the Jingyan ceremony a few times before, but today is a small Jingyan, and I've never seen it before. , I need to be cautious, I intend to ask Mr. Zhang, but there is something that needs to be paid attention to, "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Zhang Juzheng felt at ease immediately. It was obvious that Zhang Fan had already thought of a way to say this, but it was also obvious that this way needed Zhang Juzheng's help.

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