The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 768 The deal is reached

Although Zhang Fan's words were spoken with a smile on his face, these people felt extremely threatening. Even with his handsome face of a scholar, the expression that concealed a knife in his smile made them feel very threatening. People felt shuddering, and Zhou Guangchang, who had been silent all this time and had never spoken, actually spoke this time.

Of course Zhang Fan is happy. In fact, after Wang Meng's introduction before, Zhang Fan can naturally understand that Zhou Guangchang is the most difficult person among this group of people. Among them, the most serious crime was because he was the most difficult person to catch among this group of people. Moreover, saying that he was difficult to catch did not mean how strong his martial arts were. It was really because of his scheming that Jin Yiwei It's a big circle.

This matter is very clear, as long as these people are released, even if this Zhou Guangchang has been silent all the time, he will definitely become the leader of this group of people. In their circle, this kind of relationship is very simple. Whoever has a hard fist is the boss, and Zhou Guangchang's martial arts are indeed outstanding. Of course, he cannot compare with Wang Degui, and Wang Degui has no intention of showing anything. With this alone, Zhou Guangchang is already able to lead them, not to mention Well, Zhou Guangchang is very intelligent, even if someone is not convinced, he can succeed as long as he uses a little plan.

And now, this person who will become the leader of these people no matter what, the influence on him now will inevitably have the same effect on these people in the future.

"You want to know what it is." Zhang Fan showed a more dangerous smile, looked at him, but pointed to Wang Degui, and said, "This man is called Wang Er, and he was originally working as a member of your team in the northwest. A kind of businessman, but this person is blind, killing the Tartars is fine, and even the people here are not spared, but, if I remember correctly, Wang Er, you still have an old mother at home Bar,"

"You dog official," Wang Degui has practiced with Zhang Fan for countless times. He knows that he should play by himself at this time. Although he is wearing a splint and his hands and feet are shackled, Wang Degui is very angry at the moment. Just like that, he rushed out and went straight to Zhang Fan.

On the side, two factory guards hurried forward to stop him. They didn't know Wang Degui's identity, and thought he was one of these desperadoes. Seeing him heading straight for Zhang Fan, they hurriedly stepped forward to stop him. .

It's just that Wang Degui's move was really powerful. These two people stood in front of him. Although they held him back, they couldn't stop him from rushing towards Zhang Fan. The other people at the side saw the commotion, but they couldn't stop him. He also had a small thought in his heart, and wanted to take the opportunity to do something, but he saw that even though Wang Degui's side was bustling, Zhang Fan's other subordinates seemed to have not seen half of it, and their eyes were still staring at him. They, and their hands were all on the handle of the knife at their waist.

Seeing this scene, these thoughtful people stopped immediately. They understood that Jin Yiwei had obviously taken precautions against this situation. Although these people were lamenting that they had no chance, they had to Admire, Jin Yiwei's style of doing things is really flawless.

But here, Wang Degui was still rushing towards Zhang Fan with all his strength. Even though the two people slowed down his pace, they couldn't stop him. The two people who stopped Wang Degui, although they were blocking Wang Degui, were also on top of him. Punched and kicked, but Wang Degui didn't seem to feel anything, and still rushed towards Zhang Fan.

On the other hand, Zhang Fan looked relaxed, Wang Meng at the side walked up to Wang Degui without saying a word, and punched Wang Degui in the heart with his fist. Just this time, Wang Degui, who was still alive just now, suddenly fell down. He knelt on the ground and couldn't get up for a long time, and was dragged back to the original place by the factory guards on the side like a dead dog.

Wang Meng's all of a sudden shocked the people present. No matter how good Wang Degui's martial arts skills were, his size and powerful appearance could never be pretended. No one dared to assert that a punch in the face could make him do this.

And Wang Meng's all of a sudden also made these people vigilant. Although they still hated the court, they didn't dare to underestimate them anymore. Perhaps when Jin Yiwei arrested them, they relied on crowd tactics, but now it seems that , this does not mean that there are no masters in Jinyiwei.

In fact, Wang Meng did not keep his hand. These people may not be as strong as him and Wang Degui in martial arts, but they are also figures in the world who have been licking blood for decades, and are on the verge of death every day. In doing things, poor martial arts does not mean that their eyesight is poor. If something is spotted, it will be troublesome. Therefore, Wang Meng's punch really did not hold back.

And Wang Degui really felt a little depressed, and it was difficult to get up for a while, but it was not as exaggerated as he showed now.

"You... you dog officials... villains," Wang Degui looked out of breath, looked at Zhang Fan and said viciously, "What are you capable of, come for me, if you dare to beat my mother The idea, I will not let you go even if I am a ghost, "

"You can rest assured about this," Zhang Fan put on a standard villain appearance, looked at Wang Degui and said, "We will take good care of your mother and will never let her suffer any grievances. Of course, all of this It all depends on you. If you are obedient, then everything is easy to talk about. In the future, as long as you can keep yourself safe and let you go back and continue to honor your mother, everything is easy to talk about. But if you are not obedient , what accidents will happen then, I can’t guarantee that.”

"You..." Wang Degui lay on the ground and looked at Zhang Fan with an angry look, as if he wanted to eat Zhang Fan alive.

However, Zhang Fan still looked like nothing happened, looked at him with a smile, and then looked at other people.

"Perhaps you had a question before, why did you come to me this time?" Zhang Fan didn't care about the expressions of anger or fright on their faces, and said, "Jin Yiwei's past few years , arrested a lot of people like you, but this time, I just asked you people to come over, do you know why, if it is about martial arts, you are not the best we have ever caught, if it is your turn to be obedient, you No, but I chose you, do you know why?"

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, plus the previous play that Zhang Fan and Wang Degui co-starred in, these people already understood what Zhang Fan wanted to say.

"It seems that you have all thought of it in your heart." Zhang Fan continued to smile, and said, "I found you not because of anything else, but because you are not the kind of carefree people. You may go to rob and kill people." , either to fill your stomach, or it is difficult to stop, but you all have families, either you have a high hall in your family, or you have wives and children, or you can really let go of your worries, You can't escape alone,"

In fact, Zhang Fan and Wang Meng have already discussed this issue before. Although it is unlikely, we still need to take precautions. The possibility of running away like this is very real.

So for this point, Zhang Fan was also very careful when selecting people, and specially selected people who had been investigated and would definitely not do the kind of thing that abandoned the young and old to come here.

Therefore, Zhang Fan has come up with such a thing now. Apart from continuing to increase their hatred for Zhang Fan, these people are helpless. These people are very family-oriented people, even if they have done so many bad things outside , Some even left home for many years, just because they didn't want to cause their family members any trouble because of their own reasons.

Now, when Zhang Fan brought up this matter, he really shut their veins, leaving them with no other choice but to be obedient.

This feeling, this feeling of being threatened by others, is naturally very uncomfortable, but now, these people have no choice, they can only watch Zhang Fan grasp their handle, and even if they don't want to , but also understood that he had no choice but to let Zhang Fan drive him.

Looking at each other, although the anger in these people's eyes has not diminished, they have indeed made a decision.

"Tell me, what are we going to do?" Zhou Guangchang asked Zhang Fan, who had become the leader of this gang invisibly.

"Actually, what I asked you to do this time is very simple," Zhang Fan was naturally happy when he saw that he had gotten to the point, so he stopped talking nonsense with these people. Now, there is no need to say too clearly, "This time, I want you to go back to your old business and kill people,"

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, these people were also a little surprised, but after being surprised, these people also calmed down. After thinking about it carefully, Zhang Fan would really say that so they really didn't surprise them.

"Why, you want to recruit us," Zhou Guangchang asked.

"No, no, no, Zhao'an can't be said," Zhang Fan said, "I made it very clear just now, as long as this matter is done, I will let you go free, as long as you don't commit any crimes in the future, you can do whatever you want What, no one will stop you,"

"In that case, who do you want us to kill?" Zhou Guangchang continued to ask without being too entangled in that question.

"Go to the northeast," Zhang Fan said with a smile, "Where is the person you want to kill?"

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