choice in this matter.Zhang Fan and Wang Meng also considered for a long time before making a decision.Actually.People detained in Jinyiwei.Much.Although this kind of person was arrested for committing a crime.But not to be executed.But also the ones who can no longer put them back.Much.

And so many people.Even if it's only around the capital.I want to find dozens of people who can deal with Wang Gao and those people.But it is more than enough.And what Zhang Fan needed was left.That is to find those people who are easy to be controlled by oneself.

Obviously.Jin Yiwei is for everyone who is caught.A very in-depth investigation will be conducted.Although some investigations can be regarded as useless.It is very likely that it will not be used in the future.But Jin Yiwei's experience of more than [-] years told them.Be prepared.Definitely not a bad thing.

therefore.This item helped Zhang Fan a lot.He doesn't need to investigate any more.Just let someone find the files of these people and look through them.See who has dependents at home.Those people care about their families.Jump these people out.And everything will be fine.

And actually.these people.I heard that Zhang Fan threatened them with their family members.It is already a compromise.even though.These people all hated the court.He hated Jin Yiwei who arrested them even more.There is no need to mention their hard work.But it's different now.After all, they had something to fall into Zhang Fan's hands.Let them have to.

and.Zhang Fan told them.Let them kill people.It's just a bunch of foreigners preparing breakfast.even though.These people don't care about any national affairs.Nor has it risen to the highest level of "a great man. For the country and the people".But at least.To kill foreigners who are ready to rebel.Even if they don't do anything particularly good.But such things.At least it won't make them feel uncomfortable.Not to mention any psychological burden.

and.In the eyes of these people.Regardless of the other party.Those are all uncivilized deal with these people.It seems very easy to them.

and.Zhang Fan also promised them.As long as they can complete this task.and set them free.Although it is said that Jinyiwei is the imperial court.They will never believe the words of the court.But Zhang Fan also took out the pardon in black and white.Although they don't know when.Will Zhang Fan break the contract?But now.Anyway, they have no other way to go.Can only go this way.

only.What these people don't know is.those in their view.Disdainful savage.Those Jurchens.It's actually surprisingly powerful.Otherwise.They are limited in number.What is it that can resist the attacks of the Tartars for so many years?only.these questions.These people don't think about it.In their view.These people are very easy to deal with.and.As long as they organize these easy to deal with people.I am also free.

That's all they think about.certainly.About why Jin Yiwei didn't go out on his own.But the reason why they insisted on taking the risk to let them do this.They didn't think much of it.It's not that they are all simple.In fact, none of these people have ever thought about it.On the rivers and lakes.There are so many things that cannot be told to outsiders.And those who want to find out the truth.I don't know how many people lost their lives because of this curiosity.

Although these people are not from the imperial court.But it's not like you don't know anything.And even if it's just based on what they know.Make them understand too.If everything is involved with the court.That's definitely not a good thing.Especially this kind.The bigger the official position.So what's involved.It is even more difficult.They don't even want to know.otherwise.It was supposed to be a thread of life.But it is still possible to survive.But once you know something.I'm afraid that in the future it will be certain death.

So this kind of thing.It is better not to know than to know.To avoid any trouble in the future.

In short.After explaining these things.Zhang Fan sent these people away.certainly.In order not to let them make any trouble.Or let others see what flaws.Their weapons are also ready together.Of course they won't be exactly the same.Rather, it was as if they hadn't been caught.All kinds.They are all the weapons that they are used to.

certainly.Won't be here for them.Their first stop was Guangningwei.over there.Weapons and some necessary things will be issued to them.After that, they are no longer supervised.Let them continue toward the northeast.Guangningwei can be regarded as the gateway to the Northeast.Go past there and go forward.That's the real Northeast.

before departure.Zhang Fan asked people to stare at those people more.In fact, we want to see more about whether Wang Degui can blend in with those people.

Obviously.Wang Degui's punch was not in vain.Although those people were seeing Wang Degui for the first time.Don't know his history at all.But they also quickly accepted Wang Degui.Plus.Wang Degui's daily behavior.The tone of speech and so on.are relatively close to them.Let those people immediately regard Wang Degui as their colleague.Can't see any flaws at all.

And these people ask each other about their experiences.Wang Degui did not hide it.Said directly that he had been in the army.It's just those things that came after.That was entirely a discussion between Wang Degui and Zhang Fan.Compiled plot.

Zhang Fan knew a little bit.They made up lies one by one.That is absolutely flawed.No matter how thoughtful you think.There will inevitably be flaws left in the such an uncertain way.Absolutely not.After all, it matters a lot.Absolutely no mistakes at all.

However.If some half-truths and half-false words.It's so easy to think it's real.Take this matter as an example.What Zhang Fan and Wang Degui had in mind.Wang Degui's experience in the army is true.This can be said.It doesn't matter.After all, among these green forest robbers.Although not many.But there are also people who have served in the military.There's nothing wrong with that.And after that.Those experiences of Wang Degui.Of course it's all fabricated.

Except those aren't just made up.There are many.Wang Degui also participated in it.certainly.Without exception, the targets are Tartars.Some of them were some things that Wang Degui had heard.slightly adapted.Just make it his own experience.

all in all.before these people set out.Wang Degui has been able to integrate into their circle very well.

And here.surveillance of these people.In fact, although it is all in the dark.But it was only as far as Guangningwei.Wait until they pass Guangningwei.After starting to move towards the destination.Unless something happened.Otherwise, it would be difficult to hear from them again.

Zhang Fan was naturally a little worried about this.But it's not that I'm worried about dying.This task is indeed a narrow escape.But all the same.Wang Gao is also acting in secret.Although he knows.his actions.It is impossible to keep a secret completely.It will definitely spread.But even so.He did it anyway.Precisely because he understands.Even if Li Chengliang got the news.Nothing will be done to him.

But even so.Wang Gao still needs to be more careful.Be careful here.Not for the outside.But internally.To the Jurchens themselves.Although he did this to gather more troops to rebel.But if you let your tribe know before.His plan hasn't started yet.It is the words that have killed many of their own people.There is always an impact.Wang Gao is indeed a lunatic.But not to the point of dying.He can still understand such a reason.

so.Anyway.What's happening in the Northeast now.It's all done in a relatively secretive way.

therefore.After the people sent by Zhang Fan actually entered there and started to act.Zhang Fan understood.I will completely lose contact with that side.Never really knew what was going to happen.

This is not alarmist talk.Actually.Things over there started a long time ago.Wang Meng went there alone for so many days.Aren't you just busy with this matter?Although Wang Meng himself did not say anything.But Zhang Fan did not believe that Wang Meng would not inform him of this matter.Why did Wang Meng wait until he came back before telling him this.Although Wang Meng didn't say anything.But Zhang Fan is also sure.Wang Meng really had no way to spread the news from there.

and.Except Wang Meng told him.Whether it is the Northeast, the imperial court, or Weizhong.There is no news in this regard.visible.How secretive is Wang Gao's actions this time.

So.Unless there is something that must use Wang Degui.It is very likely that Zhang Fan has no idea what will happen over there.

Everything can only wait until the matter has an understand.

Zhang Fan responded to this.Naturally, I was very worried.It's just that he's sensible.Understand this matter.Even if you worry about it.It was of no use either.Simply.Zhang Fan put these things aside.Thinking about how to deal with the situation in front of you.

A few days passed.The Ministry of Punishment went to Shanxi to investigate Zhang Siwei's group.Still no news.It's not good for Zhang Fan to worry too much about this matter.Although I was very worried in my heart.But there is not much rush to ask.

But there is news from Yangzhou.Zhang Fan's uncle Zhang Yufang's family.After receiving Zhang Fan's letter from home.Also very happy.Clean up a little.Then he came to Beijing together.Although it is a long way from Yangzhou to Beijing.However, there is the escort of Jin Yiwei.Naturally, there will be no obstacles along the way.Although the line is slow.But it didn't take long to reach the capital.

After Zhang Yufang and his party arrived.Zhang Fan was very happy.He has been able to completely let go of his, I am very happy.

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