The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 781 During Interrogation

Liu Siwen had given Feng Bao a prestige, and his neither soft nor hard way made Feng Bao really unable to say a word. Regarding this, no matter how angry Feng Bao was in his heart, he couldn't express anything. He can only be bored in his heart, and this feeling is definitely what Feng Bao is most uncomfortable with, but now he has to accept that this time, Feng Bao can't get up and down, which is quite uncomfortable.

Of course, this is only for Feng Bao, but the other people present, including those from Feng Bao's camp, are just the opposite. Some people are naturally ecstatic, while some are not ecstatic , that would definitely be a joy, to be honest, since Long Qing passed away and Zhu Yijun ascended the throne, there are very few people or things that can make Feng Bao feel embarrassed. The last time was also the joint trial of the three divisions. Fortunately, this is the second time. If it wasn't for the fact that the incident was not more than three, I am afraid that everyone would think that Feng Bao has something to do with the word "joint trial".

As for Liu, Sun, and Ge sitting in the middle of the case, although they were happy in their hearts, they didn't pay too much attention to this place. After Liu Siwen asked the question, he concentrated on the eight people and listened carefully. Listen to their reply.

"My lord, the grass people have been recruited before..." one of them said, "it is Zhan Shifu Zhang Siwei, who is the benefactor of the grass people. This time, it is Zhang Engong who asked the grass people. to do this,"

"Oh, that's how it is," Liu Siwen didn't show any anger to this answer, and Feng Bao who was on the side, when he heard a few people answering this way, the simmering anger on his face just now disappeared immediately. It became a smile.

"In this case..." Liu Siwen didn't care about these things, and asked, "Then I want to ask, how did Zhang Siwei save the names of you guys back then, and how did you make it so that you could repay them with your lives? "

"Master Liu," Feng Bao on the side seemed to be unable to estimate other things, and spoke again, and the voice was also yin and yang, which made people feel uncomfortable, "This matter, It has nothing to do with this case, since these people have said that it is Zhang Siwei who is the chief envoy, then Zhang Siwei should be brought up for questioning."

"Father, don't panic." Facing Feng Bao's changed question, Liu Siwen said calmly, not worried at all, and said calmly, "It's natural for me to ask such a question, and this case is of great importance. , and before, there was a question that I really couldn't understand, so I had to ask it clearly."

"Oh, that's how it is," Feng Bao's face became even more eccentric, "In this case, our family will no longer bother Mr. Liu to ask questions." At this moment, Feng Bao was sneering in his heart. Come on, Liu Siwen wanted to ask this question because he actually wanted to find out the flaws in the case, but in his opinion, Liu Siwen's effort was useless. After all, he didn't know that these eight people belonged to Feng Bao, and Feng Bao Now that you plan to do this, how could you not think of this.

It's just that Feng Bao is also a human being, and sometimes he miscalculates. The reason why Liu Si asks this question is not here.

"Responding to my lord," one of them said at the moment, "That was in the 45th year of Jiajing, that is, the year of Bingyin. At that time, the eight people including Caomin had no jobs, but worked in the Zhenyong Escort Bureau in the city. When walking the darts, it was just a scene of grandeur, not knowing any martial arts, just to make a living. At that time, there was a trip to Pingyang Mansion, but there were thieves on the way, and several escorts were killed. Those people didn't want to let Caomin and the others go. Fortunately, Engong passed by at that time with guards by his side, and rescued Caomin and others. Engong was kind to Caomin in saving their lives. I understand the principle of repaying a great kindness, that’s how it is.”

"Well, the year of Bingyin..." Hearing what a few people said, everyone present began to think.

Zhang Fan was not in the court at that time, and even the Zhang Fan at that time was not the Zhang Fan now. He naturally didn't know what happened to Bingyinnian, but judging by the way everyone at the scene was thinking, it was obvious that What happened in a year, especially Feng Bao, who was sitting next to Zhang Fan, with a confident face, made Zhang Fan more sure.

"I will ask you again, when was the year of Bingyin?" Liu Siwen continued to ask, "Do you still remember clearly?"

"Remember clearly, remember clearly," at that moment, someone immediately said, "How dare the grassroots forget the kindness of your benefactor for saving your life. It was August [-]th at that time, and the grassroots dare to guarantee that you will never be wrong." Feng Bao's brilliance, like this kind of thing, the more detailed it is, the easier it is for people to believe.

And as soon as "August [-]th" was exported, everyone looked the same as before.

Zhang Fan was completely confused about this, and out of curiosity, he couldn't help asking Feng Bao who was beside him: "Elder-in-law, what's going on, what happened on August [-]th of the Bingyin year?"

"Master Zhang doesn't know, oh, it's no wonder that Master Zhang was not in the court at that time," Feng Bao said, "in the 44th year of Jiajing, which is the year of Yichou, Zhang Siwei was also very busy in the court. He is an examiner, which is nothing, but that year, the first emperor gave Zhang Siwei a heavy task of copying the copy of "Yongle Dadian". This alone is very busy. Zhang Siwei has been busy for half a year. It was not completed until June of the year of Bingyin. The first emperor thought that he was tired and his health was not good, so he allowed him to return to his hometown for a year of health care. It happened to be August when Zhang Siwei left."

Hearing what Feng Bao said, Zhang Fan understood completely in his heart. He understood that there must be a reason for these people to tell the time. Among them is such a thing.

This time is really accurate, but thinking about it, this is not something unusual, since Feng Bao has already prepared for this matter, it is impossible for him not to think of this, and it will be weird if he can't think of it. Moreover, this The timing is very good.

At this time, it was not only because Zhang Siwei happened to go home and was not in the court, but more importantly, at that time, Zhang Siwei went back alone with his guards. In this way, everything seemed to be logical.

Even if Zhang Siwei is brought up later and confronted with the eight people present, there is no problem. After all, no matter who he is, no matter who he is, he will naturally strongly deny it when he encounters such a thing, but in this way , but it can't solve the problem. After all, no one knows whether what he said is true or not. If this happens, the matter will reach a deadlock. Moreover, it seems that there is only one suspect in this matter, Zhang Siwei. The situation was still extremely unfavorable to him.

Moreover, this was almost eight years ago after all. According to common sense, it would be very difficult for the person who has just been saved to repay with his life. However, if it has been so many years , that is not necessarily the case.

Either they don't meet each other again, Zhang Siwei just saved them when they passed by, and it's just a favor. Of course, things have developed to the way they are now, which is obviously not the case.

Or, there is still this connection between the two parties, and it has not been broken for eight years. In fact, Zhang Siwei's help to them doesn't stop there, maybe there is help from other places, or It was Zhang Siwei who took these eight people for his own use and so on.

And now things look like that.

"Well, it is true that the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring," Liu Siwen nodded, and said, "not to mention it is a kindness of saving lives, but I don't think that if he asks you to do this, you will do it." If you are so obedient, even if you don’t learn countless things, you should know that if you do this kind of thing, it is very easy to be caught, and once you are caught, it is a matter of death if you split your head, you have no hesitation at all, "

"There is nothing to hesitate," one of them said, "Benefactor not only saved our lives, but also helped us a lot later. After that time, Caomin and the others returned home and lost the bodyguard bureau." The rice bowl in the village depends entirely on the benefactor's relief, so we can live a good life. The benefactor not only has the grace of saving the lives of the grassroots, but also has the virtue of rebuilding. The grassroots have nothing to repay. If we can do something for the benefactor , since we should go all out, "

"Well, what you said makes sense," Liu Siwen said. After saying this, all the people below became nervous, but Liu Siwen didn't care at all. Looking at the eight people, he continued to ask, "Then the official asked again, like Now that you have been caught, it stands to reason that you shouldn’t have given out Zhang Siwei’s name, or else you would have harmed him, "

"That's right... Cao Min... Cao Min had already made up his mind, no matter what, he couldn't say the name of benefactor," another person said, "It's just... I really can't stand the criminal law, there is no way, this is the trick, "

As soon as he said this, the other people present didn't feel anything, but Liu Siwen raised his eyebrows, while Zhang Fan on the side was amused in his heart, he couldn't stand the criminal law, so stop joking, if it is said who is the most It is definitely these eight people who can be punished, and they don't think of anything else, but these people will not be exposed if they are talking nonsense with their eyes open.

"So that's how it is," Liu Siwen said, but his eyes turned to Feng Bao who was on the side.

"What's the matter, Mr. Liu," Feng Bao looked at Liu Siwen with a provocative look and said, "Could it be that Mr. Liu is blaming our family for being too ruthless?"

Hearing what Feng Bao said, Liu Siwen laughed instead,

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