The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 782 Flaws Appear

Feng Bao is very upset with Liu Siwen now, but unfortunately, in this scene, he can't say a word, and his heart is as uncomfortable as he wants. Today's Feng Bao is the most irritated At the same time, Liu Siwen asked such a sentence again, which was simply finding fault. Feng Bao couldn't keep silent anymore, and said it in such a vicious tone. If Liu Siwen wanted to continue talking, I'm afraid... …

But obviously, today Feng Bao is not even trying to succeed in one thing. This does not mean something that hasn't happened yet, but it means that most of the people present have such an idea in their hearts. Liu Siwen, who put his ideas into action, is also a very intelligent person, so naturally he would not follow Feng Bao's way.

"No, no, my father-in-law misunderstood." Liu Siwen hurriedly looked a little scared, even a little panicked, and nodded and bowed to Feng Bao completely. It is also hated to the bone, daring to instigate the people to cause chaos below, this is already an unforgivable crime, not to mention, they actually caused trouble in the capital, it is an unforgivable crime, if it is about being punished, let alone Dong The factory or the Jinyiwei have changed, and if I change this yamen, it must be for them to eat a pot, "

"Then, Mr. Liu just now..." Hearing what Liu Siwen said, Feng Bao was completely confused. He didn't know why Liu Siwen said such a thing. He was flattering Feng Bao, and there was nothing against him. Of course, Feng Bao would not believe it. Just based on his frightening words and face, Liu Siwen was scared, but he couldn't figure it out either. , Liu Si asked why he said that.

"I'm just wondering why there are almost no traces of torture on these people," Liu Siwen said, "It's not that I'm accusing my father-in-law of being lenient or something. After all, if you want to talk about the job of torture, This yamen can't compare to Eunuch and Lord Zhang's, but I can't see anything, maybe there is something new, it can't be seen on the surface, but in fact... "

Liu Siwen didn't finish what he said, but even so, everyone understood what he meant. Indeed, the appearance of these eight people looked very miserable, and there were spots of green and purple on their bodies, but If there are any defects or traces of severe punishment, or some kind of inconvenient appearance, I really can't tell it. Liu Siwen was asking just now if there is any new method, although it can't be seen from the outside. Great punishment, but in fact, it is a very miserable punishment.

But Liu Siwen was not the first to ask Feng Bao this time, but looked at Zhang Fan who was sitting beside him.

Zhang Fan was very calm, and said: "Well... Dongchang belongs to the father-in-law's side, and I don't know too well, but among the Jinyiwei, there is no such way. They can either beat them severely, or beat them lightly. It's useless, if you beat them hard, you'll either have your arms and legs broken, or you'll die straight away. From the looks of these people, it's true that they were beaten, but they don't look like that. If you still can't see the punishment, the torture tools are useless, and I only know one kind, that is to feed the poison, but once the poison is fed, it will be difficult for gods to save them. If you use this method to torture them If they hadn't, it was impossible for them not to know that they were being poisoned. If they knew that they were being poisoned, it would be impossible for them to be so calm now.

"Could it be that the father-in-law really came up with some good method, even with the severe punishment, nothing can be seen from the outside, this...Eunuch, this is true, Jin Yiwei and Dongchang are the emperor together , Serving for the imperial court, with such a good way, how could you not tell me," Zhang Fan said in the following words, looking at Feng Bao beside him, and he said it with emotion, between words, blame As for the smell of excitement.

To be honest, Zhang Fan's words made the ministers who were listening below turn pale. It is true that Zhang Fan is gentle and knowledgeable, and he is kind and kind. Moreover, since Zhang Fan took charge of the After Jinyiwei, the occurrence of unjust, false and wrongly decided cases has been greatly reduced, and the image of Jinyiwei to people is no longer as scary as it used to be, and some people even start to think it is good.

However, what Zhang Fan said just now made everyone present realize that Jin Yiwei is Jin Yiwei. The nature of the organization has not changed, and it is still the scary organization.

Suddenly, everyone present had a funny idea, laughing at themselves for being so confused, and began to feel that Jin Yiwei was not scary anymore. Those who had this kind of thought were really startled into a cold sweat, and some people began to He felt that even if he made some small moves, Zhang Fan would not care about them, but now it seems that he was wrong.

There is also a reason why Zhang Fan said this. Although he has tried his best to change people's views on Jin Yiwei in the past few years, many people have begun to feel a little unscrupulous. Warn these people, don't have such naive thoughts, if they really committed something, the consequences will be quite serious.

But the purpose of Zhang Fan's words at this time is not here, it is just an addition, and the real thing is for Feng Bao to hear.

"Master Zhang is just joking, there is no such way at our house." Sure enough, after hearing Zhang Fan's question, Feng Bao forced a smile on his face, and seemed to be afraid that Zhang Fan would not believe it, and he still Added a sentence, "Just like Master Zhang said just now, whether it is Jinyiwei or Dongchang, and no matter what the relationship between the two parties is, in the end we are all doing things for the emperor. Master Zhang also understands how much this method has. Good thing, if our family really has it, why didn't we tell Mr. Zhang?"

Although Feng Bao's words sounded like he had suffered a lot of grievances, in fact, the conversation between Zhang Fan and Feng Bao made everyone present sweat like rain. What did they say? They are both the leaders of the two major torture agencies, so openly talking about how to use torture, how to torture people without letting others see any "technical problems", this is already sending chills down the spine, not to mention the two When people said it, they still had a normal appearance, and there was even a kind of coy and humble question in it, how could the people present bear it.

"So that's the case, no," Liu Siwen continued without being affected, "That's a little strange."

"Why, Mr. Liu is still blaming our family for being too harsh." Feng Bao immediately turned to look at him after hearing what he said, and asked fiercely, "These people have done such a thing, the most outrageous thing, It’s not a problem to use heavy punishment, right?”

"No, my father-in-law misunderstood," Liu Siwen said hastily, "Just like what my father-in-law said, these people committed such a thing, and they really cannot be easily forgiven. What I mean is that the punishment of my father-in-law was too light."

"What did you say..." Feng Bao answered as a matter of course, but stopped in the middle of the sentence, and only then could he hear clearly what Liu Siwen asked.

Not just Feng Bao, but actually everyone present, including Zhang Fan and your other two presiding judges sitting beside Liu Siwen, Ge Shouli and Sun Piyang, were all stunned.

This... is this still the humble, polite, benevolent and righteous Liu Siwen, who usually has a lot of sour Confucianism? This Liu Siwen actually said such a thing, this... this is simply unbelievable Can it be said that people who work in the criminal and prison business will end up like this, Feng Bao naturally needs to say, look at Zhang Fan, look at Liu Siwen now, and even, he hasn't even said a word at all Yes, Sun Piyang and Ge Shouli who were sitting on the side were also stared at by everyone's questioning eyes, and they felt very uncomfortable looking at these people.

"Lord Liu, what do you mean by..." Feng Bao was also dumbfounded by the question, and couldn't help asking.

"It's not interesting, it means that the father-in-law's punishment is less severe," Liu Siwen said with an innocent look, but before Feng Bao could speak again, Liu Siwen continued talking, "However, it is precisely because of this that the official's heart There is a big question that must be asked clearly.”

Under the puzzled eyes of everyone, Liu Siwen turned his head to look at the eight people who were kneeling below, who were also inexplicable now, and asked, "You said that Zhang Siwei was your life-saving grace, and not only that, how many times will I treat you later?" There are many people who have help, yes or no.”

Several people didn't know why Liu Siwen asked such a question, even Feng Bao didn't know, but they still nodded.

"You also said that Zhang Siwei ordered you to do this matter, isn't it true?" Liu Siwen continued to ask, not caring about other issues.

Keep nodding.

"In order to repay Zhang Siwei, you are willing to die for him. That is to say, logically speaking, even if you are asked to die, you should not say his name. After all, that would be considered harming him. Yes or no," Liu Siwen asked again.

Seeming to be used to it, the eight kneeling people still nodded.

And when they nodded, Feng Bao on the side immediately screamed in his heart that it was not good, and Zhang Fan on the side reacted so quickly, he immediately understood what Liu Siwen was doing before.

"Master Liu, you..." Feng Bao was eager to say something.

"Elder-in-law, don't you think this is very strange?" Liu Siwen said without giving Feng Bao a chance to speak, "Since they don't hesitate to die for Zhang Siwei, how could they confess his name?"

When Liu Siwen said this sentence, everyone present was in an uproar.

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