The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 787 The turning point begins

What Liu Si asked.Although everyone understands.On this occasion.He had to say so; although everyone understood.Liu Siwen who said these words.It doesn't mean that's what he thinks in his heart.But even so.Heard him say that.The people present still felt uncomfortable.And this mood releases.turned to the face.Just another look of resentment.It's upsetting to watch.

But Liu Siwen is not a person who doesn't know the time.Even if he hates this feeling.But he also understands.This is not the time to be impulsive.I'm still trying to find a way to solve this matter right now.

Think here.Liu Siwen said: "It's the same again. Everyone insists on their own opinions. In this way, there is no way to figure out what's going on."

"Grandpa. Why do you talk like that." One of the people kneeling below.Open your mouth and say. "This letter was indeed written by you, Engong. I don't read many books. I can't recognize any handwriting or not. But this letter is the same as those written by Engong in the past. Especially at the end That imprint. It's exactly the same. Only benefactors can use it. It can't be wrong."

"First thing. Don't call me 'Benevolence' anymore. I have never met you before." Zhang Siwen looked at the man.Said very calmly. "Second. I haven't written this letter either. I have to say something. The mark is indeed meticulous. Whether it is in terms of strokes or signs. It is indeed obvious at a glance. It has something to do with me. Even myself See it that way. But. I've never used that mark either. So what. It's mine."

"But benefactor..." The man obviously didn't give up.Even Zhang Siwei said so.He was still struggling to say what to say.

"Yes. This is indeed troublesome." Liu Si asked. "These eight people took out such a letter. They said it was written by Mr. Zhang. And they insisted on it. They wanted to ask something different. But it was difficult. But it happened. This is just what they said. It can't This alone justifies the matter.

"As for Mr. Zhang, he also said that he did not write this letter. But the same. It is still empty words. Since it is a verdict, it must be fair. You can't say that you don't believe the words of these eight people. You must believe what the court ministers said. It's just that. In this way, it is really difficult for people to make a decision."

"Master Liu. There is nothing to decide." Feng Bao stood aside.Said with a sneer. "Even if this letter is written with the left hand, and the appearance of the writing is mostly the same. But it is not absolute. No matter who uses the left hand or the right hand, there must be some differences. Let's, why don't you ask Mr. Zhang to use the left hand on the spot. According to Write this letter again. Can't you see it after reading it?"

"My father-in-law is right. But it can't be used here." Liu Siwen said.Seeing Feng Bao anxiously about to speak again.He said hastily. "Eunuch, don't panic. My official's objection to this matter is not groundless. Everyone present understands. It is extremely difficult to forge this handwritten thing. The painting is easy to say. But the writing has too many flaws. People with a discerning eye You can tell the truth at a glance.”

"That being the case, I don't know why Mr. Liu objected." Feng Bao looked very unhappy. "Since it's not easy to imitate, then it's right. Just ask Master Zhang to write it again. If it doesn't match, then these people framed Master Zhang. If it matches, we don't need to say anything more. .”

"It's exactly as my father-in-law said." Liu Siwen said.Then the conversation changed. "However, I know one more thing. This is written with the left hand. It is very easy to forge. Just add a little bit of that person's strokes. There is no difference at all. Even if it is a person who has practiced calligraphy with his left hand. But it's the same."

I figured it out myself.Zhang Siwei's method can be solved at once.It is now invalid.Feng Bao's complexion became even more ugly: "Then what is the meaning of Mr. Liu? Since there is no basis for empty words, it is natural to have to do it to know the truth. And Mr. Liu is so obstructed by so many parties. This case still needs to be solved." Do not continue the trial. Could it be that Mr. Liu cares about his friendship with Zhang Siwei. Deliberately delaying the trial. Trying to favoritism will not work."

"Eunuch, don't get angry." Liu Siwen said quickly. "That's right. Master Zhang and I are colleagues. Although we don't have much contact with each other on weekdays. But in general, Master Zhang and I are pretty good. However, a case is a case. Youdao is a prince who broke the law. With the common people Same crime. These words are not just what Gongsun Yang (that is, Shang Yang) said back then. There have been examples in this dynasty. If it is finally found out, this matter is indeed what Mr. Zhang did. This official will never take personal matters into account .Bringing the law for personal gain. But at this moment, everything is still uncertain. If you act like this rashly, you will only make a big mistake."

"That's according to Mr. Liu's wishes. What should we do with this case? We can't just drag it on like this." Feng Bao said so when he saw Liu Siwen.Also unable to answer.Had to make a compromise.

"No. Actually, there is another way." Liu Siwen said with a smile. "Now I don't know who wrote this letter. But Zhang Siwei is the most suspected. Naturally, we have to start with him."

"But. My family's proposal just now was rejected by Mr. Liu." Liu Siwen said.Even Feng Bao became suspicious. "I don't know what Master Liu is going to do."

"It's actually very simple." Liu Siwen said. "Actually, until yesterday. When Mr. Zhang returned to the capital, I also thought that the Ministry of Criminal Justice would come to investigate the files in Shanxi. It can be regarded as figuring out what happened before and after this matter.

"However. After reading the file of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, I have always had a question in my heart. If this matter is really manipulated by Zhang Siwei, then how did he send the letter to these eight people? Woolen cloth.

"At that time, Zhang Siwei was in Shanxi. This is already certain now. Don't think about it. But in this way, things are really strange. From Zhang Siwei's hometown to the capital. Even if it is an urgent report from the court, it needs Half a day. Not to mention. If it is this matter, it must be eye-catching. The speed of delivering the letter will be even slower. And. Not just that. Zhang Siwei was not in his home at the time. It was in the barracks of Shanxi Governor Wang Chonggu. He practiced with the barracks. In this way, it is even more confusing. What method did Zhang Siwei use? The letter was passed from Shanxi to the capital within half a day Woolen cloth."

Liu Siwen said so.The atmosphere at the scene has changed a lot.good.This is indeed a place worth pondering.Never mind what happened.Just consider it from the perspective of time.Zhang Siwei is not enough.In this way.Many people see hope.

"Isn't that simple?" However.Feng Bao didn't find this problem difficult.Said very lightly. "That's right. It's just like Master Liu said. If someone sends a letter, it shouldn't be too conspicuous. It will take a whole day anyway. But, maybe Master Liu forgot. .”

Feng Bao had already thought about this question.Actually.Flying pigeons pass on such things.Someone has been doing it for a long time.This land is no exception.Although I don't know exactly when it started.But from the records that people can find.It can be seen clearly.When the Sui and Tang dynasties suffered disasters.Someone did it.

to this day.This approach has already been widely used.Its biggest advantage is.Fast delivery of messages.And it's very convenient.Messages can be delivered anytime, anywhere.Especially in the military.This is definitely a "tool" that can greatly improve the efficiency of military information transmission.The Ming court had many specially domesticated pigeons used here.And it's not something illegal.It is not against the law to keep pigeons personally.

If.Zhang Siwei used this method to convey the words of the letter.Let alone a day.It didn't work for half a day.The letter arrived.

"That's right. Father-in-law's words are also reasonable." Liu Siwen said. "It's just that. How did Zhang Siwei get the news in the first place? This time, Henan, Nanzhili and Shandong. The floods occurred in the three places at the same time. Shandong was a day late. It was the first flood that occurred. Two days. It took only half a day for the people to arrive in the capital. This happened. And there was no flood in Shanxi. In addition, Zhang Siwei was still in the army at that time. There was no way to know the news.

"It's hard to say. These eight people used the same method. Flying pigeons passed on the letter. They told Zhang Siwei about the matter. Then Zhang Siwei came up with such an idea."

"Our family thinks so too." Feng Bao looked calm.replied. "This matter. Now there is only such an explanation."

"Well. It really makes sense in this way." Liu Siwen said. "Thank you, father-in-law, for clarifying my doubts."

And Liu Siwen said so.The following are those who thought they had seen hope.But it shriveled again.

Things seemed to be at an impasse again.

"My lord. Although I am suspected. But there is something I want to say." This time.Zhang Siwei spoke instead.

"No. Master Zhang doesn't have to be like this. If you have something to say, it's okay to say it." Liu Siwen looked indifferent.Said very politely.

This made Feng Bao on the side.Don't mention how upset you are.But this time.He didn't comment on it.Instead, I watched it.He wants to see it.Can Zhang Siwei spit out lotus flowers?What to say.

"Actually. I have something to say. It's a bit difficult to tell. So the people sent by the Ministry of Punishment didn't know about it." Zhang Siwei said. "But now that's the end of the matter. It's no use hiding it any longer."

"Master Zhang, please tell me. What is it?" Liu Siwen said.

It's not just Liu Siwen.The interest of everyone present was raised.

"Things that can prove my innocence." Zhang Siwei said.

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