The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 788 Prove Innocence

Since Zhang Siwei stood in this courtroom.Of course he also spoke.He is not a wooden man.You can't act too perversely.but.He never said anything to defend himself.from beginning to end.Zhang Siwei was very calm.Not much to say.Unless it is necessary for him to speak.He will talk.Today so far.Zhang Siwei didn't take the initiative to speak.

but now.This time Zhang Siwei is the first time.He took the initiative to speak.And he opened his mouth.Not for anything else.It is the theme of this time.He was trying to defend himself.

This time.It can be regarded as making the scene lively all of a sudden.Even the Empress Dowager Li has already issued a decree.This time allowed to sit in.Do not make noise.Otherwise, the court staff will serve you.But even so.The people present were also discussing in low voices.He didn't take that Dao Yizhi seriously at all.

And Feng Bao didn't seem to care about it.I didn't mean to make trouble for anyone.first.Now he is also more interested in Zhang Siwei.As for the others.Feng Bao didn't care.It's just that there are things that are more interesting to him right now.

Second.It's not that Feng Bao doesn't want to.But face these people in front of you.He really had no choice.after all.These people present can be regarded as "various".It's not just those who want to support Zhang Siwei.Even many people who stood in Feng Bao's camp came people can be regarded as indistinguishable from each other.Everyone is talking in whispers.What should Feng Bao do?It's impossible for him to arrest everyone and beat them up.If it is said that they are all caught.At that time, it's not just that he hit his own people.The news spread to Queen Mother Li.Feng Bao also had to be reprimanded.If only those people who Feng Bao couldn't see were arrested.Then the others are going to make trouble the end.Feng Bao still suffers.

Figured this out.Feng Bao simply turned a blind eye to this matter.Don't ask.All his thoughts were on Zhang Siwei in front of him.

and.Speak the truth.What Zhang Siwei said now.It really did make him very interested.Zhang Siwei said.He has something to say.And it is the words that can prove his innocence.This made Feng Bao very curious.And he was curious.I still sneered in my heart.He wants to see it.What kind of tricks can Zhang Siwei play?What kind of words to say.

"Oh. It can prove Mr. Zhang's innocence." Hearing what Zhang Siwei said.Liu Siwen was also surprised.Said. "Since this is the case, it must be a very important matter. Then I have to ask Mr. Zhang to talk about it. It's just that I will testify for myself. Isn't it a bit inappropriate."

"Master Liu, please rest assured. Ziwei still understands these things." Zhang Siwei smiled slightly.Said. "These things. Although Ziwei said it himself, it is also well-founded. And there are witnesses. If you are talking about everyone present, but if anyone does not believe Ziwei's words, just ask. "

Hear what Zhang Siwei said.All the people present looked at each other in blank dismay.Zhang Siwei said so with certainty.Obviously there is a very sure that this is the case.But now.Although the specific inside story of the case.Still a little confusing.But Zhang Siwei's crimes cannot be accused here.Zhang Siwei couldn't prove his innocence either.but.Current situation.In fact, it is very unfavorable for Zhang Siwei.If there is no evidence to be found.But if these things insist on being held on Zhang Siwei's head.It's not impossible.After all, apart from such things nowadays.Anyway.Someone has to be responsible for this matter.If it comes to the end.It is impossible to specify the words of the mastermind behind the scenes.I'm afraid to find Zhang Siwei, the only suspect, as a scapegoat.Nor is it impossible.

now.It looks like things are about to turn around.

And this scene.Even Feng Bao, who had been confident in convicting Zhang Siwei since the very beginning.Hearing Zhang Siwei's affirmative words.There was also a slight look of surprise on his face.Feng Bao at the moment.The first thing that comes to mind is.Could it be that there is something wrong with myself.Could it be that there is something hidden in it that has not been clarified.

When the Criminal Ministry went to Shanxi to investigate.People from Dongchang are also there.At that time.The people from Dongchang chased Liang Chao at first.However, there was no trace of Liang Chao along the way.But they did not give up.and.They also heard that Zhang Siwei had gone to Wang Chonggu's camp.It's just that Wang Chonggu led his troops out to practice.The Yamen is never notified.Although it is an army of tens of thousands of people.But Shanxi is huge.It is also difficult to find for a while.

And the people from Dongchang acted secretly this time.Don't make a fuss.So it has not been found.Until the people from the Ministry of punishment came.Ask the officials.Know the whereabouts of Wang Chonggu.These people from the East Factory followed suit.

Although they cannot enter the camp.But they were closely monitored.And they found out.Zhang Siwei's people are indeed in the camp.Also let go.

But there is one thing.That's what the people from the Ministry of Criminal Justice investigated.They don't know.And the people from the Ministry of Criminal Justice were on their way back to Beijing.Although Zhang Siwei was brought with him.But the itinerary was not delayed.The journey is fast.Until after the capital.the next day.That is to say, the trial will start today.

It's not that Feng Bao doesn't want to know what news the Ministry of Criminal Justice has received.It's just that this world is really too urgent.No matter how high his status is, how powerful he is, and how capable he is now.But if there is no time.Everything is empty talk.

At this moment, Feng Bao is thinking about it.Could it be that.There is really something in it.It just happened.And it was something he had no clue about.This feeling.Feng Bao didn't like it very much.I don't like it at all.But that is the reality.He can't help it either.

"Since Mr. Zhang has said so, let's not say much." Liu Siwen said. "It doesn't matter what Mr. Zhang wants to say. Whether it's credible or not. We'll talk about everything after listening to it. Mr. Zhang, please tell me."

"That's the case." Zhang Siwei said. "Ziwei went home to recuperate that day. In fact, he didn't stay at home for a few days. He went to his uncle's army. He has been there until now. It has been almost two months. He has never left the barracks. ..."

"Oh." Before Zhang Siwei finished speaking.Feng Bao, who was on the side, couldn't wait to refute. "Could it be that Mr. Zhang means that because you are in the army, there are people around you all the time. So there is no chance to write this letter."

"Elder-in-law, don't worry. Let Ziwei finish." Zhang Siwei interrupted himself to Feng Bao.There is no sign of being unhappy at all.Not even the look of the smile on his face changed.Said. "Ziwei doesn't think that this incident alone can dispel Ziwei's suspicion. What's more, even in the army, some habits of Ziwei can't be changed. Everyone here knows that. Ziwei likes to read some books on weekdays. Books. Writing and writing. Even in the army. This habit is still hard to break.

"If Ziwei really wants some of these letters. There is still a chance. There are no illiterate people in the army. But my uncle doesn't look at me all day. Neither do other generals. And Ziwei always I don’t come back until late at night every day. If you want to write something ulterior without being discovered, it’s still very easy.”

"So, Mr. Zhang admits that this letter is from you." Feng Bao really can't wait now.Never miss a chance.Even at this time.Don't forget to say this.

Facing Feng Bao, he was so impulsive.Although Zhang Siwei is really annoying in his heart.But he couldn't help but want to laugh.Feng Bao was indeed in a hurry.I lost my mind in a hurry.Even a place like this has to stand up and shout.

And facing such Feng Bao.Zhang Siwei still looked slow.Said: "Don't misunderstand, father-in-law. Could it be that father-in-law didn't hear it. Did Ziwei just say the word 'If'?"

"Hehe. Don't blame Mr. Zhang. Our family is also eager to solve this case." Feng Bao's expression also changed quickly. "Our family thought that Mr. Zhang had slipped his mouth for a while. He wanted to cheat."

to be honest.What Feng Bao said was not at all level.How stinky it is.How can I ask such a question.Even if it's a scam.Also thinking by myself.Or think about it for yourself.How could anyone say that in front of the interrogation subject?

The only explanation is.Feng Bao is really impatient now.Some people don't know what the situation is now.

"That's not what Ziwei wants to say." Zhang Siwei said. "But it is also related to this matter. Ziwei is in the uncle's army. He also practiced with the sergeants. And uncle's temper. I don't need Ziwei to talk about it. All colleagues present. Anyone who knows uncle understands. On weekdays Uncle treats people generously and kindly. But once he is in the army, if he faces a sergeant, he will immediately change his appearance. No matter what the relationship is, he will be treated equally."

Zhang Siwei's words.It resonated with everyone present.Although Wang Chonggu has been in the army for decades.But his temper is also well-known in the court.No one knows no one knows.

"Master Wang is really an example." Lian Liu Si asked.All blurted out. "However. How can this prove Mr. Zhang's innocence?"

"Actually..." Zhang Siwei said this.He even showed an embarrassed look.There was a slight blush on his face. "From the day before the flood. Until three days later. It is impossible for me to know about it."

Zhang Siwei said so.Everyone present was stunned.

And Zhang Fan was at the side.Although the expression is the same as the others present.But he had already laughed in his heart: "This Siwei really knows how to act. It turns out that the officials are all movie kings."

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