The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 801 Finally Ended

final result.It seems to be doomed.Zhang Siwei's begging for rest before was indeed because of a physical problem.Not guilty of deceiving the the consultation of three imperial physicians.This is already certain.There can be no omissions at all.For Feng Bao himself.Maybe he bought Wang Youcai alone.Feng Bao believed it.Although Feng Bao knew that Wang Youcai had a relationship with Zhang Fan.But I don't know how the relationship between them is.But if Zhang Fan bribed Wang Youcai to make him tell nonsense.Then Feng Bao would definitely believe it.

But what if.If Zhang Fan bribed all the imperial doctors in the imperial hospital.Feng Bao would never believe it.After all, Zhang Fan is doing almost the same job as him.How can you not understand that the less people know about this kind of thing, the better.There are too many people who know.In case anyone slipped up.There will be endless troubles in the future.So say this above.Even now Feng Bao is unhappy.I wouldn't even think of it.

and.Even without considering these.The same is true when considering just a question of reliability.Even if Zhang Fan bribed all the imperial doctors in the imperial hospital.Let them all testify against Zhang Siwei.And they can keep their mouths shut.If Feng Bao didn't believe it.At that time, find a doctor he trusts to show Zhang Siwei.Suffice it to say that this is what the Queen Mother meant.It is impossible for Zhang Siwei to defy.At that time, the lie will be exposed immediately.It doesn't work at all.

That is.Although Feng Bao at the moment.I was extremely upset.But he also had to admit it.What Zhang Siwei said was true.He was indeed in Wang Chonggu's barracks all the time.

at this time.Feng Bao felt a little regretful.He felt that what he had just said was too full.It shouldn't be just to seize the matter of accusing Zhang Siwei of deceiving the emperor and give up the crime there.Only at this moment.He has already spoken.He also patted his chest and said that he could be responsible.As soon as this is said.And still in the courtroom as the plaintiff.Then it cannot be this end.Feng Bao really regretted it in his heart.only.There is no one who regrets taking medicine in this world.Now that the words have been spoken.It was like splashing water.It cannot be taken back.

only.This is just Feng Bao's own emotions.That's all.He is such a person.Maybe afterwards.He would be so angry that he would trouble Zhang Siwei again.But he will never resent anything in this matter.I did not succeed.It can only show my bad luck.Or the other party thought of something that he didn't think of.These are not reasons for oneself to resent the other party in this matter.

"Eunuch." At this time.Liu Si asked.It's just that he didn't speak to provoke Feng Bao.Or worse.Not because of sympathy for him.It was because he was afraid that Feng Bao would be overwhelmed.Make trouble for others. "I understand what my father-in-law is worried about. But this matter, I should go and talk to the queen mother in person at that time. Moreover, although the father-in-law just said that he believed what Mr. Zhang said before, but this case is after all a public trial in Dali Temple. Although the father-in-law said It counts. But we still need to ask the Ministry of Criminal Justice to find out. As for whether Mr. Zhang is guilty or not, everything will be clear when the people from the Ministry of Criminal Justice come back from Shanxi."

"So... that's thanks to Mr. Liu." Feng Bao said.But that's all he said.Then he lowered his head again.No more words.

"Zhang Siwei." Liu Siwen responded when he saw Feng Bao.Also don't say anything to him anymore.Turning to look at Zhang Siwei.Said. "Now the matter has been found out. You have no problem. You can go home now. It's just that the complaint has been clarified. But the matter of this rebellion has not yet been settled. That is to say. Now you are still suspected You are alive. So after you go back, please forgive me for being rude. You must be sent to watch you. Until the people from the Ministry of Criminal Justice who went to Shanxi to investigate the truth come back. There is a conclusion. Whether to release or blame. At that time, it will be clear .So please forgive me.”

"Master Liu is polite." Zhang Siwei also bowed. "There is such a result. Ziwei is very grateful. Besides. It's up to now. Ziwei only wants to be able to pay off his innocence. As for other things, Ziwei understands that Mr. Liu is also acting according to the rules. How can there be complaints?" Now Everything is fine.Although Zhang Siwei was never nervous from the beginning.Now it has become more natural.

"It's so good." Liu Si asked after hearing this.Said. "In this case, the case is suspended today. After the people from the Ministry of Punishment return from Shanxi, the trial will start again. Withdraw from the court."

Following Liu Siwen's words "retreat".The scene immediately became lively.After all at this time.The trial is over.Then Queen Mother Li's edict not to speak has lost its effect.Everyone started talking.It seemed as if he wanted to spit out all the unhappiness accumulated in his heart after holding back for several hours without being allowed to speak.for a while.The public hall of Dali Temple is like a vegetable market.It's just that the voices of hawking and counter-offering are missing.

And among them.The focus is naturally Zhang Siwei.After all this time.Zhang Siwei can be regarded as escaped from danger.Although it is said that the final interrogation still needs to wait for many days before there will be a verdict.But in the eyes of many people.In fact, the situation is settled.That is.Feng Bao's plan was completely defeated.

So now.Many people walked up to Zhang Siwei.Say hello to him.Of course.It's not enough to congratulate him or something.That would be too ostentatious.even though.When Liu Siwen just announced that the trial was over.Feng Bao stood up and walked out.But even so.No one dared to say anything about Feng Bao.Or say something sarcastic.These people can only vent in a disguised form by expressing condolences to Zhang Siwei.

But Liu Siwen and the three of them didn't come over.They are also busy sorting out the files of this trial.It will be sent to the palace later.Let Empress Dowager Li check it out.As for Zhang Fan.He is still the same as before.Has been sitting there quietly.Zhang Fan didn't come up to talk to Zhang Siwei.After all, there are many people at this time.He had some private things to say to Zhang Siwei.

Waited until the others gradually dispersed.The Ministry of Punishment has already sent someone to send Zhang Siwei home.That's when Zhang Fan came together.originally.After all, Zhang Siwei has not completely cleared his suspicions.But these people saw Zhang Fan approaching.There is no hindrance.After all, if Zhang Fan wants to follow.It's useless for them to stop.

then.A group of people left the court of Dali Temple.Go to Zhang Siwei's residence.on the way.Zhang Fan rode in parallel with Zhang Siwei.The other people were either members of the Ministry of Criminal Justice or those under Zhang Fan's subordinates.All at a distance from them.They knew that Zhang Fan had something to say to Zhang Siwei.

"Master Zhang. This time, congratulations." Zhang Fan said.

"Hey. What did Mr. Zhang say?" Zhang Siwei was not polite.He waved his hand and said. "This time. It was thanks to Mr. Zhang. I was able to save the day. But then again, it doesn't matter if I'm safe or not. The important thing is. This time the court can be as stable as it is now. Don't cause any trouble .If it is said that the head who wants to come to me can do this thing. I will die without regret.”

"Master Zhang's integrity is so high. Zhang Fan admires him very much." Zhang Fan clasped his fists and said. "But isn't the current result better? It can stabilize the situation in the court. Master Zhang can continue to be in the court. I think. This is better. If Master Zhang can be in the court in the future, there must be What's more, no matter who it is, it must be Mr. Zhang. There will always be ambitions in his heart. If the ambitions cannot be displayed, wouldn't it be regrettable for life."

"Mm. What Master Zhang said is good. I didn't understand it for a while. Thank you, Master Zhang, for your point." Regarding Zhang Fan's words.This is said by other sanctimonious people.It will definitely criticize Zhang Fan again.But for Zhang Siwei.He has always been relatively calm in his dealings with people.Consider things the same way.Never deny everything just because you don't like the surface.

and.Zhang Fan's words.It really did go to Zhang Siwei's heart.Who has no ambitions.These have been studying hard for more than ten years.From being a scholar, to raising people to being a Jinshi.People who have come along the rough road.Who has no ambition in mind?

perhaps.After you become an official.Because of practical reasons, there are various problems in the officialdom.This kind of aspirational mentality will be obliterated little by little.In the end, it is very likely that there will be only a trace of insignificance left.But it will never disappear.

"For Mr. Zhang." Zhang Fan continued. "This matter. Mr. Wang...agreed to help." Although it was superfluous.After all, since Zhang Siwei was not shackled and brought back to the capital.That means that Wang Chonggu is definitely willing to help.But relying on Zhang Fan's understanding of Wang Chonggu.He should not have agreed to such a thing of making up lies to deceive the court so easily.

"I understand what Master Zhang means." Zhang Siwei said. "Uncle's temper. Mr. Zhang knows it too. But if I really do that kind of thing, my uncle will never forgive me. I'm afraid I don't even need to come back to the capital for trial. Uncle himself cut me off with his sword. But uncle understands. I No, and will not do such a thing. What's more, uncle is not a person who does not discriminate between righteousness and righteousness. He knows the severity of this matter."

"I see." Zhang Fan said this.Laughed again. "It's just this time. It's really a coincidence that Feng Bao arrived. But Master Zhang's side. It's really too coincidental. I thought about that incident. I want Master Zhang to prepare it. Who ever Think about it. Things don’t need to be thought about at all. That’s what it really is.”

Zhang Siwei naturally understood what Zhang Fan was talking about.Also laughed.Said: "I'm afraid this is everything in the world. God has his own arrangements."

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