Coming out of the palace, Zhang Fan was still thinking about what happened in the Palace of Compassion and Ning just now.

Now it is the You hour, but because it is midsummer and the days are long, the sky is still bright and it will take another hour or two before it gets dark, but Zhang Fan is standing outside the palace gate at this moment. I was thinking about other things.

The trial in the afternoon was finally over. Although Zhang Siwei was not completely cleared of his charges, in fact, that was the case. It would take time for the people from the Ministry of Criminal Justice to go to Shanxi and come back, but Zhang Fan understood that no matter Anyway, things are already doomed, and there will be absolutely no changes. What is needed now is just to wait, and nothing else needs to be done.

On the way Zhang Fan sent Zhang Siwei home, he talked a lot with Zhang Siwei. Although the two of them didn't have much interaction in the past, this kind of thing doesn't require such a deep relationship. Fundamentally, there is a way that is different and does not seek each other. No matter how long you get along, if you have different ideas, you will part ways sooner or later. Once both parties have the same thoughts, even if they have never seen each other before, this sentence or two , can also become best friends.

Zhang Fan and Zhang Siwei talked about a lot of things, but in fact most of them were Zhang Siwei who was asking Zhang Fan. After all, although the matter was settled, Zhang Siwei himself was a little worried. Although he doesn't dislike Feng Bao, he doesn't like it either, so he knows very little about Feng Bao, so Zhang Siwei has been worried that he is safe and sound now, but he is afraid that Feng Bao will Going to trouble others for this matter, if this is the case, the gain outweighs the loss.

However, after Zhang Siwei listened to Zhang Fan's words, he had another thought in his heart. Feng Bao's personality, including his kind of thinking, originally Zhang Siwei didn't know, but when he understood After the incident, Feng Bao wanted to put him to death even in this matter, but he still had a little admiration for Feng Bao in his heart. , On the contrary, there are very few people who blame themselves.

But admiration is nothing but admiration, and Zhang Siwei became more worried because of this, just like before the rift between him and Feng Bao, Zhang Siwei was not alien to Feng Bao, but he was not close either, but at that time, Feng Bao After all, Bao Bao did a few good things in the court, and for Zhang Siwei, he admired Feng Bao very much in this regard.

As for the fight with Gao Gong before, Zhang Siwei didn't take it seriously. After all, there was no one who didn't bother Gao Gong at that time. After getting rid of Gao Gong, Feng Baoyou dealt with many people, but these were nothing to Zhang Siwei. After all, it is very normal to exclude political opponents, not just Feng Bao, but anyone else It's not surprising to do it.

Besides these, Feng Bao has done a lot of things. The most notable thing is that Feng Bao’s elimination of dissidents is not just those who have opposed him in the past. The actual situation is that even those who have opposed him in the past, or It is the person who once stood on Gao Gong's side. If he is really useful, Feng Bao will keep him, and those who have always had a good relationship with him, but are really not suitable to hang out in the court, Feng Bao will keep him. Bao will also remove them from office.

Since Feng Bao got the support of Empress Dowager Li, the abolition of redundant staff and reduction of expenditures really brought a lot of new atmosphere to the Ming Dynasty. Moreover, after Zhang Juzheng came to power, he did a lot of things, especially the " The matter of "Examination into the Law" has now become known to all courts, and Zhang Siwei naturally knows it, and not only does he know it, but he himself strongly agrees with it.

But what Zhang Siwei saw was not only these, he also understood that Zhang Juzheng could ascend to this position and make these actions without Feng Bao's support. Among them are also key figures. Without Feng Bao's support, Zhang Juzheng would not be able to do anything.

All in all, for Zhang Siwei, Feng Bao is very good, but because of Feng Bao's status as a eunuch, Zhang Siwei is not too close to him, so when Feng Bao wanted to be knighted in vain, Zhang Siwei was The first to stand up and firmly oppose it.

But when it comes to this matter, Feng Bao is really a little too fussy. After all, a eunuch canonize, let alone the Ming Dynasty, even if you look forward 500 or 1000 years, you can't find one.

Presumably Feng Bao also understands that once this matter is mentioned, there will be people who will object to it, and the reason why Zhang Siwei will become the only target of Feng Bao's dealing with it, rather than others, is because this matter is Zhang Siwei. Siwei was the first to stand up to oppose it, and it was almost at the same time, almost when the news of this incident had just spread, Zhang Siwei stood up to oppose it.

In fact, for Feng Bao, he just wanted to add icing on the cake. If people who are overweight are afraid of his power and don't speak up, then this matter will be settled, and if many ministers in the court stand up to oppose it at the same time , Feng Bao will not deal with them all, this matter is over, and Zhang Siwei's performance in this matter is too strong, Feng Bao does not deal with him or anyone.

After sending Zhang Siwei home, Zhang Fan didn't stay long, and went directly to the palace. It just so happened that Liu Siwen, Sun Piyang, and Ge Shouli had already sorted out the files they had just interrogated, and it happened that the four of them met. Even if they went to the Palace of Compassion, after all, Zhang Fan was also involved in this matter, so it doesn't matter if they went to see Queen Mother Li together.

After arriving there, the four found that Feng Bao was already there, and the little emperor Zhu Yijun was also there, talking with Empress Dowager Li. After a few people met, it was Liu Siwen who presented the dossier to Empress Dowager Li.

Although Zhang Fan stood aside and didn't speak, he took a closer look. Feng Bao stood quietly, with a very calm expression on his face, as if nothing had happened, but Zhang Fan I understand that he must still be thinking about something now, but although his mood still fluctuates, he has generally calmed down.

But the three of Liu Siwen below looked at each other, and the three of them also looked at each other, with worried expressions on their faces.

Zhang Fan saw that the three of them didn't need to ask, and he knew in his heart what they were worried about. These three people must be worried. Feng Bao came here a step earlier, would he say something in front of Queen Mother Li? What, but Zhang Fan is not worried about this, he knows Feng Bao's, such unsure and unnutritive things, Feng Bao will never do it.

Sure enough, after Empress Dowager Li took the file from the eunuch, she did not speak, but read it very carefully, which made the three feel relieved.

Although the trial took a long time, it only took two or three hours, so there were not many things recorded in the file. It didn't take long for Queen Mother Li to finish reading it. She raised her head and said to several people: "It turns out that What happened, it seems that this Siwei has indeed provoked someone, and someone actually wants to use such a vicious method to deal with him." Speaking of this, Empress Dowager Li did not turn her face away, but glanced at the side where Feng Bao was standing. .

At this glance, the three people below were all listening to Queen Mother Li with their heads down, but they didn't see it; Zhu Yijun was holding a file to read, but he didn't see it either; I saw it, but Zhang Fan could see it clearly, and Empress Dowager Li also knew that Zhang Fan had seen it, but she didn't have anything to do, she just glanced at Zhang Fan again with a little deep meaning.

It was just two glances, and Zhang Fan realized something instantly. It turned out that what everyone thought was not the case. Empress Dowager Li seemed to know nothing on the surface, and no one would disclose the news to her. However, I'm afraid, she has already understood the universe, no, it's not fear, it's a certainty.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan was not surprised. Although Empress Dowager Li has the giant Dongchang under her command, and Jinyiwei is under the emperor's jurisdiction, it is easy for Empress Dowager Li to transfer, but who can guarantee that she has no other subordinates? It's over.

And the look that Empress Dowager Li gave to Zhang Fan also made Zhang Fan understand. Not only did she understand what Feng Bao was going to do in it, she probably knew exactly what Zhang Fan did. It's clear.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan felt a chill down his spine, but he also felt that this was inevitable.

"Weichen and others feel the same way," Liu Siwen said, "It's just that the people sent by the Ministry of Criminal Justice to Shanxi have just started their journey, and Zhang Siwei's suspicion has not been lifted yet."

"That's what I said, but I'm afraid I can't find anything," said Queen Mother Li. Relief, but, who is responsible for this matter, if you don't figure it out, Aijia really feels a little uneasy, "

The three people below didn't know what to say for a while, and they all fell silent. At this time, Zhu Yijun also put down the file. He didn't care about this matter, so he looked like he was doing nothing, and Feng Bao was still standing. Not saying a word, thinking about something.

Seeing that several people did not speak, Queen Mother Li did nothing else, but looked at Zhang Fan again, but this time, the meaning in the eyes was more profound.

Zhang Fan was not stupid, he immediately knew that Empress Dowager Li wanted him to speak, but what should he say?

Since Empress Dowager Li gave him a hint, it would not be a trivial matter, he must have known about it.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan immediately understood, and said, "Qizou Queen Mother, I have some ideas."

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