Hearing Zhang Fan's words, Empress Dowager Li showed a relaxed look on her face. There was nothing wrong with Zhang Fan's guess. Empress Dowager Li did have some thoughts in her heart. to do something.

As for exactly what to do, Empress Dowager Li didn't say, and Zhang Fan didn't ask, but this didn't mean that Zhang Fan couldn't guess, and in fact, what Zhang Fan guessed was exactly what Empress Dowager Li thought.

"Since this incident was not done by Zhang Siwei, the people behind the scenes must still be hiding in the dark, and they must find out who dared to do such a thing. First, the court ministers don't say anything, and incite the people to rebel We must find this person out," said Queen Mother Li with an angry look, "but now it seems that this matter is not that simple, and the Ministry of Criminal Justice and the Metropolitan Procuratorate need to step up their investigations, but Dongchang and Jinyiwei can't relax either, this time you have to join hands and investigate Aijia carefully, and you must find out who did it."

"The servant obeys the order," "The servant obeys the order," several people replied in unison.

"Well," nodded, Empress Dowager Li turned to Zhang Fan, who was standing beside her, and asked, "Looking at what Zhang Aiqing just said, it seems that she thought of something, let Ai's family listen to what she said, and let everyone here My love, please refer to the details, "

"Back to the queen mother, this is just a little thought of this minister. If there is something wrong, I hope the queen mother will forgive me." Zhang Fan bowed and said, "The queen mother also said just now, although there is no final conclusion yet. , but thinking about it, Zhang Siwei's innocence can already be determined. Then, this whole thing is someone who is manipulating behind the scenes and wants to frame Zhang Siwei, and the person who can do such a thing to Zhang Siwei , must be someone who hates him deeply and wants to put him to death, and this person must have some momentum in the court, otherwise he would not have come up with such a method, "

"What Zhang Aiqing said is true," Empress Dowager Li nodded and said, "It's just that although the Ai family and all the Aiqings are aware of these things, they don't know how to find this person. After all, things in the court, Presumably there is no need to say too much about the Ai family, all you loves understand. Sometimes, I am afraid that I will offend others if I don’t understand why. Zhang Siwei’s time as an official is not short. Although he is modest, if he offends It’s a bit difficult to find out who it is.”

After Empress Dowager Li finished speaking, the four people standing below all glanced at Feng Bao who was standing on the side with suspicious eyes. However, at this time, even if everyone understands in their hearts that this matter has nothing to do with Feng Bao, and it may even be Feng Bao's doing, but no one will say it.

And the Empress Dowager Li would not do anything to Feng Bao, not because the Empress Dowager Li would let Feng Bao behave like this, but because, under the current situation, Feng Bao is very important to the Empress Dowager Li, although it is very Maybe because of this incident, she lost a capable court minister, but in comparison, if the Empress Dowager Li lost Feng Bao's help at this juncture, she would only be more troubled.

Faced with this situation, Feng Bao looked calm and composed, no, rather than being calm and composed, it would be better if his thoughts were not here at the moment, although he put on a look of lowering his head , but in Zhang Fan's view, it looked like she was thinking about something, but at the moment, Empress Dowager Li didn't care about it. Although she wouldn't do anything to Feng Bao now, she must be punished afterwards , As for what the penalty is, it is unknown.

"What the queen mother said is true," Zhang Fan didn't pay too much attention to these things, and said, "but now it is not without direction. Zhang Siwei entered the official career many years earlier than Weichen, and Weichen also found him from Weizhong these days. I came over to look at the dossier, and I found that after Zhang Siwei became an official, he seemed to do some official positions that did not require contact with people. He was like this until the first emperor asked him to copy the "Yongle Dadian". Weichen thinks that after that, Zhang Siwei, who was above the official position, offended someone, that's why this happened until now."

When Zhang Fan said these words, the others didn't react. They just felt that what Zhang Fan said made sense, but just being reasonable was not enough. Just relying on this alone still didn't make any sense.

Others couldn't react, but they already knew it in their hearts. Empress Dowager Li, who had reached an agreement with Zhang Fan to play a play with Zhang Fan just now, naturally understood in her heart, and after understanding, Empress Dowager Li also felt very She was happy. She heard Zhang Fan take up the quarrel just now. Although she was happy in her heart, she was worried that Zhang Fan might misunderstand her meaning. Now that Zhang Fan said these words, she was completely relieved, but... …

"You...you are so courageous." Although she was happy in her heart, Empress Dowager Li showed a very angry look on her face, especially when she stood up suddenly, trembling all over, And pointed at Zhang Fan with trembling fingers and said, "Who gave you the courage to dare to..."

Empress Dowager Li's performance can be said to be quite in place, but think about it, a woman who was born as a court lady can sit down to today's empress dowager who is in charge of the government, and her wrists will definitely not be bad. In other words, it is naturally not at the same level as in the officialdom. If you make a wrong step in the officialdom, there is still a glimmer of life, but in the palace, if you take half a step wrong, it will be an abyss, and there is no turning back.

So if you want to compete for "acting skills" on the spot, no one will be the enemy of Queen Mother Li.

However, although Zhang Fan is still a little short of time, it is not too bad to catch up. Now that Queen Mother Li has already made a move, Zhang Fan immediately knelt down on the ground and said with his head down: " The humble minister didn't check, and he slipped his mouth for a while, and hoped that the Queen Mother would punish him," and also showed a very scared look.

The play jointly staged by Empress Dowager Li and Zhang Fan stunned all the people present. Moreover, although what the two of them said originally sounded a bit out of order at first glance, for those present For these few people, it was not unexpected, but Queen Mother Li's such a fierce reaction, coupled with Zhang Fan's unprecedented appearance, did make them react for a while. However, they all froze in place.

And Queen Mother Li's yell brought Feng Bao who was on the side back to his senses. Looking at the scene in front of him, he was a little puzzled at first, but then he understood what was going on. He looked at Zhang Fan, Glancing at the Queen Mother Li who was blushing, Feng Bao didn't plan to take this muddy water, and lowered his head again, as if he didn't know anything.

And the only person on the scene who cared about Zhang Fan was the little emperor Zhu Yijun who was looking at Zhang Fan with worried eyes. Although he was a little scared, he still tugged at the hem of his mother's clothes and said cautiously: "Mother... ..." Obviously, Zhu Yijun wanted to intercede for Zhang Fan, but he couldn't say the rest, or he didn't dare to say it.

And this situation shocked Empress Dowager Li again. You must know that Zhu Yijun is her own flesh and blood after all. Although she is usually serious about Zhu Yijun, she is also very strict and not as close as the relationship between mother and child. , but she still understands her son very well.

And it was the son who was always trembling and cautious when he saw him, but for Zhang Fan, he pleaded with himself who was in a rage. Although Zhu Yijun only stopped talking halfway through, but in Queen Mother Li's opinion, It is already very extraordinary.

Originally, for Queen Mother Li, she also knew about the relationship between Zhu Yijun and Zhang Fan, but she didn't think it was a big deal. After all, Zhu Yijun is an emperor after all. Although she is in charge of the government now, there will be a day in the future when Zhu Yijun will As a pro-government, Empress Dowager Li is not an authoritarian person. She also understands that at that time, Zhu Yijun needs a strong and trustworthy supporter, and Zhang Fan is the best candidate.

But now it seems that Empress Dowager Li understands that the relationship between Zhu Yijun and Zhang Fan is not just that simple.

But then again, Empress Dowager Li didn't think it was a bad thing, and she understood Zhang Fan well. If Zhang Fan could remain unchanged, he would definitely be a great help to Zhu Yijun in the future.

"You..." Although I thought of something else in my heart, the play still had to go on, "Forget it, since His Majesty has pleaded for you, you can stand up and speak, but Aijia wants to remind you that when you speak, Be careful, if Aijia finds out that you are disrespectful, hum..."

"Wei... I thank the Queen Mother for her irresponsible grace," Zhang Fan stood up slowly.

And Sun Piyang and the other three on the side, after the buffer just now, their minds are a little clearer. Thinking about it this way, they also instantly understood why Queen Mother Li was so angry with Zhang Fan's words just now. up.

But if you think about it carefully, you will find that this is not the case. Does this matter really require Queen Mother Li to be so angry? If not, then all of this may be...

Thinking of this, the few people stopped thinking about it, after all, they already knew what was going on, and they didn't need to speak about the next thing, they just had to stand aside and watch.

"Queen Mother," Zhang Fan continued after standing up, "After Zhang Siwei copied the "Yongle Dadian", he took over the official position. Although it was the same before, but this time he has to deal with many people. It was forged at that time,"

But Empress Dowager Li didn't speak, and looked thoughtful.

The thing is obvious. Zhang Siwei later served as the Zhan Shifu of Zhan Shifu. The trouble probably came from this.

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