After Zhang Fan and Empress Dowager Li staged such a play, even though they hadn't figured out what the plan was between the two of them, the few people present immediately realized what Empress Dowager Li meant. .

But when I think about it carefully, I can't blame anyone for this incident. After all, this incident is too coincidental. Who can imagine that Feng Bao wants to deal with Zhang Siwei only because of the previous incident, Zhang Siwei offended Feng Bao, it's nothing more than making him lose face, but that's all. Feng Bao wants to deal with Zhang Siwei for this reason, and there is no other meaning, and Feng Bao himself didn't think too long-term. He just wanted to deal with Zhang Siwei.

Now, Feng Bao's plan has come to nothing, and Zhang Siwei can basically be sure that nothing happened, but the matter is not over yet. In fact, Empress Dowager Li has seen that there are other uses in it, so, This matter will continue.

And the performance just now made everyone understand.

Zhang Fan said that after playing "Yongle Dadian" separately, Zhang Siwei got into trouble after he was appointed a new official position. This has completely explained the problem. Zhang Siwei's subsequent position was Zhan Shifu The so-called Zhan Shifu, Zhan Shifu is an institution that is in charge of the affairs of the queen and the prince's family (Eastern Palace), and is in charge of the political affairs of the government, workshops, and bureaus to guide the prince.

At that time, the emperor was Longqing, and the empress was Empress Chen. Empress Chen was weak and sick, and had a gentle temper.

And now, Longqing died, Zhu Yijun ascended the throne, Zhu Yijun was still young and had no queen, that is to say, in fact, what Zhang Fan said meant that Zhang Siwei was just assisting Zhu Yijun, but in fact, Zhang Fan understood that Some of Zhang Siwei's deeds are not too well deserved.

Back then, when Zhu Yijun was still the prince, Zhang Fan was in charge of teaching. At that time, although Zhang Siwei was the Zhan Shi of Zhan Shifu, and he was not a false title, he was indeed an official with that power. , but rarely appeared in the East Palace, so there would be no intersection between Zhang Fan and Zhang Siwei, otherwise, after all these years, the two would never be unable to speak to each other.

The reason why Zhang Siwei does not often appear in the East Palace is not because he is a person who is not dedicated to his duties, but in fact it is just the opposite. No one is more loyal to his actions than Zhang Siwei. At that time, Zhang Siwei had been busy entertaining.

Speaking of entertainment, Zhang Siwei was actually very helpless. At that time, Long Qing was still in power, and Zhu Yijun was still the prince, but the situation was not as simple as it seemed. If Zhu Yijun was not the only living son of Long Qing, then everything Although there will be some confusion, it is very common, and this is the problem. Zhu Yijun is Long Qing's only son. It was not until two years ago that Concubine Li Gui gave birth to Zhu Yijun's younger brother Zhu Yijun to Long Qing. Obviously, both With two brothers born to a mother, and a child who couldn't think for himself at all, it was inevitable for Zhu Yijun to ascend the throne after Long Qing's death and become emperor.

Moreover, everyone knows about this matter, and those who come here will never play. After all, Long Qing's "special" hobbies, as well as the news he got from the imperial physician in the palace, all indicate a news that Long Qing will die soon. of.

In other words, if you want to keep your job in the future, or go to a higher level, there is only one way to approach Zhu Yijun before he ascends the throne and establish a good relationship with him. At that time, Zhang Fan, who had just started his official career, was definitely the envy of all the officials in the court.

At that time, Zhu Yijun was only seven years old. Although he loved to play and went out of the palace behind his father's and mother's concubine's backs, he was not in an official position, and even if he went out, he was very secretive. He will not let other people know, so it is very difficult for other people to get close to Zhu Yijun.

And if Zhu Yijun is in the palace, he will basically stay in the East Palace, or go to Qianqing Palace and other places to pay his respects. Zhu Yijun seldom comes out the rest of the time, that is to say, those who want to get close to Zhu Yijun. Seeing him, I can only go to the East Palace to meet him, but the East Palace is the prince's residence, so how can it be so easy to get in.

And if you want to enter the East Palace, the most important hurdle is Zhan Shifu, which is in charge of Zhang Siwei. Zhan Shifu is in charge of the affairs of the East Palace. During the time, Zhang Siwei was constantly entertaining, but he didn't have to run errands. These people all flocked to his home, giving gifts or saying good things countless, and Zhang Siwei was too annoying.

But although Zhang Siwei was troubled, he understood what it meant, and he also understood what those people were planning, so Zhang Siwei would never let go of this matter, he just insisted on his own opinion. He would never allow these people to meet Zhu Yijun to achieve any purpose. After all, he also understood that Zhu Yijun was young at that time and could easily be deceived by others. Although the person has a good impression of him, he is not at ease without knowing him.

And then, it just happened.

At the beginning, Zhang Siwei was still able to be patient and reject these people with kind words, but this kind of thing lasted not for a few days or months, but for a few years. Being harassed like this in the next year will also explode.

However, no matter what, Zhang Siwei was born as a scholar. Even if he had a trace of military general because of his uncle Wang Chonggu, he was still a literati after all. For those ministers, it is completely irrelevant, that is to say, this situation has continued since then.

However, just thinking about it this way can't solve the problem. After all, at that time, there were quite a lot of people who wanted to enter the East Palace to meet Zhu Yijun. Is it annoying or not.

But Zhang Siwei did not know how many people he offended from his mildness at the beginning to his outburst later. He won't turn against Zhang Siwei. Maybe Zhang Siwei said something unintentionally and angered these people, which may lead to the current trouble.

However, although it is good to think this way, it still cannot solve the current problems. After all, no one knows which person Zhang Siwei had the worst attitude towards at the time. If these hundreds of people come in one by one, it is not necessary. Desperate, obviously, this idea is not right.

However, none of the people present were stupid. Since Queen Mother Li said it, and Zhang Fan also cooperated with the performance, it meant that the matter was not so simple.

Think about it again, and everyone will understand.

In fact, at that time, Zhang Siwei, who was Zhan Shifu of Zhan Shifu, offended not only the ministers of the court, but also a group of people. Compared with this group of people, they cared more about who the future emperor was. This group of people is naturally the royal family of Daming.

At that time, in addition to the ministers, there were still many people from the Ming clan who wanted to see Zhu Yijun, and even if these uncles and brothers of Zhu Yijun wanted to enter the East Palace to meet him, they had to get the consent of Long Qing or Zhang Siwei. Agree, and Long Qing has high expectations for his son, and at the same time, he doesn't want him to be troubled by these things in the process of growing up, so if there is such a person who wants to see Zhu Yijun, Long Qing will never allow him.

And since the emperor can't get through, he can't find himself uncomfortable again and again, so these people put their ideas on Zhang Siwei and want to achieve their goals through him. It seems that they are the clan of the Ming Dynasty, and Zhang Siwei is just a courtier, so it should be easy to handle.

But in fact, this is not the case. Zhang Siwei is more reticent about this matter than Longqing, and even Zhang Siwei's attitude towards these Ming clans is much worse than those court ministers. It's not because Zhang Siwei himself has any dislike for these moths who only know to ask for money but do nothing. After all, raising these people is an ancestral system, but these people who eat and drink for nothing don't know how to be grateful, instead they do this. Click on Siwei and you can't watch it anymore.

Ever since, in this matter, although Zhang Siwei did not offend as many people as the ministers in the court, but the hatred was the deepest, and some of them were not the kind who only knew how to eat and drink for nothing. Some princes and county kings who don't do it really have real power and troops in the local area.

Moreover, the matter is not over yet.

After the death of Long Qing, Zhu Yijun's ascension to the throne was the only choice, but since the death of Zhengde in the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Houcong, who was of the same generation because he had no heirs, succeeded to the throne, all the vassal kings in the world saw a different kind of hope.

But now, Zhu Yijun was such a young emperor, and the power was in the hands of a woman like Li Caifeng. In this situation, those who always like to daydream saw a glimmer of hope that was actually impossible.

At this time, although Zhu Yijun is already the emperor, the Zhan Shifu is still in charge of many things. For the ministers, no other people's consent is required to see the emperor, but for those clans, it is still necessary to see Zhu Yijun. It was necessary to pass Zhang Siwei's nod, so a new round of trouble came again.

During this period, Zhang Siwei really offended several people severely.

Perhaps, the trouble Empress Dowager Li refers to comes from this,

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