originally.this kind of thing.There is really nothing to say.After all, this kind of thing will happen to anyone.Some are like Zhang Siwei.For those who have special purposes, it can be said that oil and salt are not acceptable.This will indeed cause a lot of trouble.Even if someone really wants to take revenge on Zhang Siwei in this way.Nor is it impossible.after all.This matter speaks of its nature.Although it is a rebellion.For those ministers.That is definitely a capital offense.But for those royal relatives.Sometimes it's a capital offense.Sometimes it is not easy to decide.

And some people.Sitting in Zhang Siwei's seat may do something that runs counter to him.Flatter on both sides.Neither side is to blame.But in this way.I'm afraid he will die faster.after all.There is no airtight wall in this world.Once the matter is exposed... in the eyes of some people.This is called ease.Neither side is to blame.And it seems to some people.This is eating inside and crawling outside.The performance of disloyalty.And obviously.The person sitting in this position faces two parties.Or the royal family in the palace.Or it is the relatives of the emperor outside the palace.And these two parties don't think that you can be a man or an official.In their view.This is eating inside and crawling outside.And for this kind of people who eat inside and outside.These people have no scruples.All they need is an obedient man.rather than capable.

But speaking of it.These problems have little to do with Zhang Siwei himself.And the reason why it has become like this now.It was only because Empress Dowager Li needed to use this thing to accomplish another thing she wanted to do.It's just something that never happened for any reason.after all.Such an excellent opportunity lay before her eyes.It was impossible for her to remain indifferent.

As for the real murderer behind the scenes.It's not that Empress Dowager Li doesn't want to check.But there is a question of which is more important than that.Choose the most important thing to do right now.and.Not to mention although it has not been identified yet.But Empress Dowager Li already knew in her heart that Feng Bao was behind this incident.Even if Empress Dowager Li doesn't know.She would choose to do so now.

She made such a choice not because she was only concentrating on power and disregarding the stability of the Ming Dynasty.She really understood it in her heart.This matter comes to an end.Now everyone can see it.Whoever it is.None of them really want to rebel.It's just to entrap Zhang Siwei.And for this kind of person who has personal grievances.Such a big move was made all at once.Whether he succeeds or not.It will be difficult to make such a move in the future.That is.Unless another person wants to use the same method to deal with the enemy.Otherwise, this kind of thing would not have happened.And for this matter.This time Zhang Siwei escaped safely.It will also greatly reduce the chance of this happening again.

Since there is no such consideration.Then Queen Mother Li will understand.Even if this matter is left alone.No problem either.So why not use it to fulfill one of your wishes.What's more, that wish is for Queen Mother Li.It's not just her personal wish.more importantly.She does.It is also helpful to consolidate the Daming country.Although her starting point.In the final analysis, it was just for her son to be able to stabilize the country.But different routes lead to the same goal.The end result is the same.

It is also for this reason.So when Zhang Fan understood this point.Only then will we try our best to cooperate with Queen Mother Li.Rather than dismantling.Don't underestimate Zhang Fan.Although it is said that those in power in the current dynasty want you to cooperate.It will be bad if you don't agree.But just now.Empress Dowager Li's look.If Zhang Fan wants to pretend to turn a blind eye.Words that cannot be understood.Empress Dowager Li has nothing to do with Zhang Fan.

And it is for this reason.So when Feng Bao understood this matter.Don't bother to pay attention at all.Although he also annoys those people.But I also understand what I want to deal with those people.It must be troublesome.It's best not to involve him in this matter.But this is probably just Feng Bao's extravagant wish.After all, Empress Dowager Li has already said it.The investigation of the matter requires Zhang Fan and Feng Bao to do it together.But Feng Bao didn't even want to get involved in talking.

And the other three Ge Shouli.After thinking about this matter.There is no plan to stop it.And they get it too.Empress Dowager Li is trying to impose a crime on her, so she has nothing to say.Those royal clans may not do such a thing.However, although they feel that Queen Mother Li has some problems in doing so.But compare.They understand better.If those people are allowed to act recklessly.It will definitely not be a good scene in the future.So they kept silent.

certainly.As for how Queen Mother Li plans to deal with those people.At this moment, none of these people had any thoughts in their hearts.But one thing is clear.That is, although they will be unlucky.But definitely not bad luck.Even this matter.In the end, they were charged with rebellion on their heads.Empress Dowager Li would never take their lives.

after all.These people are the royal family.And between the royal clan.or close to each other.Or have mutual hatred.But there is always a connection.If you designate a family to be the victim of the knife to make an example of others.Although this crime can be forcibly pressed on their heads.But what is the real situation.Others may not know it.By the time.If you kill someone.I'm afraid it will cause trouble.Even more chaotic than now.

And if you want to be warned.Find such a bad guy.Reduce fiefdom.Give less money.Or more bang bang bang bang.But it will make other people understand.let them know.If the orthodoxy in the palace wanted to rectify them, it would be easy.In this way.These people will be honest.The trouble will naturally be reduced.

And Ge Shouli and others wanted to understand this.That's why I won't ask what Queen Mother Li is planning.at this point.No one dared to underestimate Queen Mother Li's wrist.Although this matter needs Zhang Fan and Feng Bao to handle it.But in the end.It must be the Empress Dowager Li herself who made the decision.Then come.She can definitely solve things perfectly.And there is no doubt about it.

and.The reason why Queen Mother Li wants to deal with these people.It's actually pretty full too.These people were when Zhu Yijun was still the prince.Just want to get close to him.And that time it seems.These people just want to show favor to the prince who has not yet become emperor.On the one hand, after he becomes emperor in the future.It's just that they can give their uncles or peers some more favorable treatment.

But.Things did not end so easily.The reason why these people are going to curry favor with Zhu Yijun now is not just because Zhu Yijun was young at that time.easy to convince.One more important point.Also mentioned earlier.That's what almost everyone understands.Long Qing at that time.He is about to die soon.Now that the emperor is dying.Then naturally it is necessary to say hello to the successor who has been confirmed below.

so.that time.Although Long Qing did not agree with them going to see Zhu Yijun.And Zhang Siwei also took very tough measures to stop these people.But these people didn't take it seriously.In their view.There is still plenty of time.They have plenty of time to get close to Zhu Yijun.

But.What they didn't expect was.Long Qing died so fast and so early.In fact.News of Long Qing's death.Although the whole country was shaken.But the most shocking thing is that these people are the first to bear the brunt.

then.These people who have no idea for a while.Seeing the new emperor ascend the throne.And these are uncles and elders.But he didn't even say a word to him.And then it was Empress Dowager Li who came to power.Empress Dowager Li's behavior is stricter than that of Long Qing.It was even more difficult to meet him.

so.that period of time.These people acted like crazy dogs.Although anyway.These people are all members of the imperial clan of the Ming Dynasty.It is indeed a bit inappropriate to use the word mad dog to describe them.But the word mad dog is already the minimum word that can describe these people.If you want to change it.There could only be worse words than that.

But these people are not aware of it.Have been looking for ways.Zhang Siwei's side is their last hope.But actually.Go find Zhang Siwei.It is even more impossible than finding Queen Mother Li herself.Rather.That's all they can do.

But gradually.There's no way this is possible.For these people.Also gradually lost patience.And lost patience as for.I can no longer think calmly.without being able to think calmly.You will start thinking wildly.And such a random thought.You'll come up with things that didn't exist before.and.The more I think about it, the more this is the case.The more I think about it, the more it feels real.

These people are like that.

They began to doubt.Why all these years.Whether it was the former Longqing or the current Queen Mother Li.They don't want to let them see Zhu Yijun.Could there be any other reason?

Think about it.These people feel it.There really is something wrong here.Maybe... Maybe the Empress Dowager Li felt that they, the royal relatives, were really dangerous.And the more they think about it.The more I felt that this was the case.

then.For the people of Lao Zhu's family.Sitting still is definitely not their character.Instead, they should take the lead.First, knock down those who can threaten you.Only in this way can you keep yourself safe.

This sounds amazing though.But actually.That's the way it is.now.These people are just around the corner.

And Empress Dowager Li has been suffering from knowing this situation clearly.But nothing can be done.And now.Finally let her seize a chance.How could she let it go.

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