After all, she was born to a concubine's room, and she was still a daughter. Therefore, although there were indeed many people who came to the banquet held by Zhang Fan's family today, the purpose of coming was not clear, or it could be said that coming These people who came here did not come to congratulate or anything. I am afraid their purpose is to use this opportunity, this occasion, to say something that cannot be said normally.

Therefore, the members of the Zhang family are also very "conscious". Except for Zhang's mother Zhao, Ru Xue, the regular wife, and Luo Linger, the mother who came out, even Zhang Lianqing, who was supposed to be the protagonist of this banquet, was not caught. Hold it out, at the moment she is behind.

However, Luo Ling'er, who should have felt very wronged, didn't say anything. Not only would she not blame anything, she was actually very happy in her heart. After all, her background was compared with what she can enjoy now. Well, the gap is indeed too great, Luo Ling'er is really able to laugh out loud in a dream.

So, even now, she clearly knows that the people who come here are not because of her daughter, but living in this world, if people think too much about practical things, it will be too painful. Now, for Luo Linger, even if It's in name, and it has already made her very satisfied.

The same is true when I think about it. After all, the theme this time is that my daughter Zhang Lianqing's full moon wine can come in the name of so many people, and all of them are ministers of the court, and they are all court officials. Wouldn't it be very face-saving to change anyone, but for Luo Linger, if she wanted more, it would be greedy.

Of course, the situation here is like this. Naturally, these old men are here to drink and talk. The female relatives just come to toast, say a few polite words, and then go back to the backyard. There is also a special banquet for the female guests. In fact, there are very few female guests who come, after all, those people outside basically don't come with their female relatives.

However, although there are very few people here, this place is a bit of a place to go straight to today's topic. Although there are not many people here, they will all tease and tease Xiao Lianqing, say a few words of praise, and then maybe lala There is a more ordinary feeling about homely things. Although there is such a big gap between the two sides, they seem to complement each other.

The banquet had already started, and the people outside had already started to drink. The seating arrangement this time seemed to be the same as last time. In fact, it was really weird, especially for Zhang Fan.

A few times, he was the host, but Zhang Fan, the host, never arranged seats, probably because they thought that if Qiangzi arranged, these people might ignore them, which would make them appear It's embarrassing, and secondly, if it was arranged, if something happens because of this, it will be troublesome, and he will be blamed.

So Zhang Fan simply let them choose by themselves, except for a few powerful ones, naturally they can't offend them, if they want to invite you to the seat, if there are hostile people to meet, there is no way, for others, Let them choose freely.

However, it seems that every time, these people are so desperate that they want to be with their enemies, especially at the beginning of the banquet, almost everyone on every table is staring at each other. Sometimes I have to say a few sarcastic remarks in a sarcastic manner.

This scene makes Zhang Fan feel very weird every time. In his opinion, these people are just asking for guilt. no fun.

However, this is still not the most eye-catching place nowadays. What people find most incomprehensible is the scene when these people are drunk. Whenever these people are drunk, they will start talking nonsense, and, at first It is absolutely always to say something that the other party does not like to hear, and to express the dislike of the other party in the heart completely, leaving no room at all.

And the person who heard this would not be angry, no, it can only be said that he would not be angry rationally, because he was also drunk. Yes, the more they talk, the more intimate they become. Sometimes, the conversation between them sounds like a pair of friends who haven't seen each other for many years, joking and slandering each other, almost without shoulders.

And later on, it is time to enter the confession mode. One party first starts to regret what he said and did, and offended the other party, and then the other party starts to do the same. It looks like they are definitely going to reconcile with each other, and work together as colleagues in the future. , for the sake of the glory of the Ming Dynasty, he played his role even better.

But unfortunately, even if these people do this, no one will say anything, because by this time, the only ones who can actually wake up on the side are those servants who serve others, and as guests, they will actually be sober. It's all about the same, almost the same.

And every time Zhang Fan came to this time, he was still able to maintain a five-point sobriety, and every time he saw this scene, he felt extremely weird in his heart. From the human point of view, this is simply sincere.

It's just that on the second day, everything changed back to the original appearance. Those who should dismantle each other continued, and those who should oppose each other, the relationship would not get better. The "reconciliation" of the previous day was like a mirror image, as if it didn't exist at all. in half.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan couldn't help feeling amused.

But today, as the host, sitting in the chair, there are many people sitting beside Zhang Fan. First of all, the person sitting next to Zhang Fan is naturally Zhang Juzheng. As Zhang Fan's husband, Zhang Juzheng will naturally not stop coming. , and Zhang Juzheng still has other things to do when he comes here. Now, in several water control places, the effect of using the "Testing Method" is really remarkable. In the second account, hundreds of people with problems were found. Under Zhang Juzheng's vigorous action, the money recovered directly amounted to more than one hundred thousand taels of silver.

And it is precisely because of this matter that many people in the imperial court are dissatisfied. Although the "Testing Method" has a remarkable effect, many people still plan to make use of this matter to make a fuss. Zhang Juzheng intends to use this Opportunity, talk to those people, so that they can change their minds and save themselves trouble.

And the person sitting next to Zhang Juzheng is even more powerful. In fact, the six bachelors in the entire cabinet are sitting here side by side. Among the six of them, except for Zhang Juzheng and Gao Yi, they are pulled out alone. Apart from being very important, the other four people are relatively low-key, but now that these six people are sitting at the same dinner table at the same time, it is extraordinary for others to see it like this.

In fact, all the people who came here saw this scene, which made them all feel weird in their hearts, and they were also extremely envious. Each of them was thinking, when will they be able to have With this kind of treatment, when entertaining guests, all six cabinet ministers can be present.

On the other side of Zhang Fan, Feng Bao was naturally sitting. In fact, Zhang Fan was now surrounded by people from the same group, whether it was Zhang Juzheng or Feng Bao, they were all from the same camp.

And even though Zhang Fan wasn't on their side, people would naturally think in that direction from the sight.

But Zhang Fan himself didn't care about these things.

The person sitting next to Feng Bao was more interesting. It was Ge Shouli who had a problem with him. Next to Ge Shouli were Sun Piyang and Liu Siwen, who had previously interrogated Zhang Siwei in the third division.

There is no doubt that even if they are not on the same front, these three people are three people with the same philosophy. Although these three people are not as high as Feng Bao's in terms of official positions or numbers, but But these three people were able to fight against them.

For Feng Bao, he naturally doesn't like this kind of thing, but neither he nor Zhang Juzheng cares about it, because although the three of them have weight, except for one Sun Piyang, the others have already passed away. It's because he's not young, and he won't be able to work in the court for a few years, so Feng Bao is not worried about this.

Next to it is the Zhang Siwei who made Feng Bao gnash his teeth with anger, but there is nothing he can do. Zhang Siwei behaves very naturally today, no matter when, as if he is here to congratulate his colleagues. Everyone was very polite, and even when he sat down before, he took the initiative to say hello to everyone at the table, which made Feng Bao the most unhappy.

And this table is big enough, not only these people are there, Zhang Fan's uncle Zhang Yufang and cousin Zhang Yan are also sitting here, when Zhang Fan introduced these people for them, the father and son were really a little scared Now, I'm afraid they never imagined in their dreams that one day, they would be able to talk and drink with these big shots.

Especially at this time, there are so many people who are at odds with each other sitting at the table. During the conversation, the father and son have also become the object of conversation, but they are worthy of being businessmen. able to let go.

It seemed that Zhang Yufang had inexplicably negotiated two deals for his jade shop that had just opened in the capital, which made him feel a little dumbfounded.

But there was another person here, who was trembling and embarrassed from the beginning to the end.

This person is Zheng Chengxian, the governor's acquaintance of the governor's mansion in the last sentence.

He came here today just to get close to Zhang Fan. Although Zhang Fan admired him very much in the conversation with him before, and wanted to speak well for him, Zheng Chengxian still felt that this opportunity should not be let go.

But he didn't expect that he did fall into this situation, sitting with such a group of people.

As far as official position is concerned, he is a first-rank governor and acquaintance, which is not small, but compared with the power of these people, he is nothing.

In such a situation, the banquet started,

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