The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 813 In the Backyard

"Master Liu... come... drink this glass of wine."

"Lord Wang...what's the matter. In the past, you and I didn't talk when we met. The memorial to impeach me last time. Although it was not signed. But if you think about it...if you think about it, it's probably Master Liu's handwriting. Why now. You I've come to such...a point. I still want to way."

"Huh... I hate it. I hate you. But I didn't look down on you... You have to drink this glass of wine with me today. Otherwise, I will go back and continue to write a memorial to impeach you..."

"Okay. I... I will accompany you. But if you don't drink the wine in the glass, I will impeach you too."

"You... why are you impeaching me. I, Wang, have been an official all my life. I am frank and frank. You don't want to falsely accuse me."

"False accusation. You can't even drink cleanly. How can you deal with court affairs. You should resign immediately. Go home and take care of your grandson."


This is just in the banquet.A conversation between two of them.only.The dialogue between the two is very representative.Those who are here today.In fact, it's more or less like this.These people love wine.Also good wine.But unfortunately.Most of these people are of literati origin.Even if it is doing the job of a general.But he has never been on the amount of alcohol.That's debatable.

three cups.Um.It sounds nice to call it good wine.Anyway, Zhang Fan gave these people enough to drink.Absolutely not bad.Three glasses of good wine to eat your stomach.Everyone doesn't know who they are anymore.I don't even know who I am.Where will I ask.Is there an enemy sitting next to him?Even if you understand it in your heart.But it is also like a friend who has not seen for many years.Persuading people to drink.Enlightened.Anyway, that's what it looks like.

But this scene.In the eyes of the servants of the Zhang family, there is nothing.Zhang Fan has held this kind of banquet many times.for them.Originally a dignified court minister.But it's no surprise that this kind of scene has happened.But they are just servants after all.Some are that illiterate.Some may just do things for the boss for convenience.And just know a few words.They can't see the mystery.

And if there is someone who has a little understanding of officialdom to observe these people.It just feels amazing.These ministers.Even drunk.I started toasting and talking with those who were against me in the past.But it will also maintain a three-point cautious in it.In fact, as long as you listen carefully to their conversations, you can find out.Even in such a situation where the mind is a little confused.They will never say anything that can make the other party grasp the handle.

at this point.I'm afraid it's a stunt that only these people can perform.

And today's scene.most representative.Still on the chair.After drinking for three rounds.All the atmosphere has changed.Ge Shouli and the other three were not bad.But the six people in the opposite cabinet were obviously drunk.They took turns continuously toasting the three of if they don't want to.But the three of Ge Shouli had already turned into a drunken look.

And Zhang Yufang and his son have long since lost the previous kind.The feeling of embarrassment that ordinary people feel when they see a big father and son chatted happily with the few people present.certainly.To them.But I won't talk about the current political affairs.It's just talking about some folk knowledge.even though.A few of you here.Listening to their narration, they all showed a look of great interest.But I'm afraid that's all there is to it.

The same is true for Jung Seung Heon.There is no need to mention the role of wine here.Anyway, for Jung Seung Heon.He no longer has so many worries.I can have a good chat with several people present here.He can even offer a toast.This is for him.Nature is a good thing.and.Once again he played to his best ability.Even a toast.Say nice things.Obviously, he wanted to make the people present have a good impression of him.But it happens that people can't hear any deliberate meaning.And actually.Zhang Fan has not discovered Zheng Seung Heon's true thoughts until now.

but.Perhaps Zhang Fan knew about it.Although the evaluation of Zheng Chengxian will be lowered.But don't blame him too much.Again.If Jung Seung Heon can always put on a show.Then these are not a problem.

And the most interesting thing is.Feng Bao and Zhang Siwei didn't know how many glasses of wine they had drunk.and.The two of them didn't look like they had any holidays at all.This is probably today.The weirdest thing ever.Fortunately, everyone has almost drunk.Don't care about these things either.

The front looks like this.But it was different in the backyard.

I said it before.Since today is to celebrate the full moon of Zhang Fan's youngest daughter, Zhang Lianqing.Then the theme can not be forgotten.Even the front yard looks completely different.But this backyard is still very suitable for the occasion.

There are really not many female relatives who came here.Except for the people in Zhang Fan's family.That is Zhang Yufang's family.There are also two residents, Ruan'er and Liang's mother.Although it is said that the ministers who come to "congratulate" rarely bring female guests.But speaking of it.In fact, none of the female guests showed up.This can be regarded as a family banquet in a sense.

certainly.If you really want to say that there are people besides these people who should have been there.And that indeed came one.Wei Yaoyao.good.It was her.

Maybe it was because she already had that kind of relationship with Zhang Fan.Although Zhang Fan invited her.But in Wei Yaoyao's opinion.She always felt that it was inappropriate to come today.certainly.It's just that she has a ghost in her heart.Actually.It's not appropriate not to step on it.

And Zhang Fan.Seeing that Wei Yaoyao was so persistent.Even after a few words of persuasion, he could not agree.Had to give up.But Zhang Fan stopped talking.It doesn't mean others won't say it.after.When Yingyue and Zhaoxue went to look for her again.Just mentioned this matter.

so.Can many things be accomplished.It's not about whether it should be done or not.It's about who does it.Zhang Fan's invitation.Wei Yaoyao can refuse.But it was replaced by the words of Yingyue and Zhaoxue.Wei Yaoyao had no reason to refuse.Not only no.Wei Yaoyao was not unexpected.She knew that once she rejected the invitation of the two of them.That's what's going to happen.

At today's banquet.Although all of them are women.But after all, for these women.Today is also a good day.Celebrate Zhang Lianqing's full moon.Maybe those men didn't take it seriously.But for these women.Naturally it is a big deal.

so.These guys are doing it today.Even the Zhao family who never drank alcohol.I also drank two glasses happily.

And they are concerned about Wei Weiyao's arrival.That is of course very happy.Ever since what happened to Yingyue and Zhaoxue.Wei Yaoyao's name was already known by everyone in the Zhang family.Especially the Zhao family.She was a kind-hearted person.Learned about Wei Weiyao.A woman has lost her husband.Apart from widowhood.And took in so many orphans.Just that.It already made Mrs. Zhao want to see her very Zhao met Wei Leiyao.That is of course very happy.

As for Wei Yaoyao.Naturally, Yingyue and Zhaoxue had the best relationship with her.And especially today.The arrival of Wei Yaoyao.It made both of them very happy.The chatterbox seemed to be closed.Always chattering non-stop.

If Zhao Shi didn't know how to answer Wei Yaoyao.A look of silence.He quickly stopped the two of them.I'm afraid Wei Yaoyao will suffer for this speech.

certainly.In the eyes of others.Wei Yaoyao didn't speak.I'm afraid it's shy.her reaction.For everyone present.All very natural.After all, where is the Zhang Mansion.Coming here is uncomfortable.That is also very normal.

But what they don't know is.Wei Yaoyao is not a person who is afraid of showing think.Although she is a woman.But he also came from a scholarly family.Well educated.Especially since my husband passed away.She opened a tea shop.This kind of work.Naturally, you need to be in touch with people.Although Zhang Fan was the only one who went to Wei Yaoyao Tea House.They are also female customers.But aren't there all women here now?

The reason why Wei Yaoyao really didn't want to speak.It was because she felt ashamed in her heart.Especially after she had that kind of relationship with Zhang Fan.Sitting here now.He clearly knew Zhang Fan's four women.Everyone is qualified to reprimand her.But it happens.No matter who is here.It's been really good for her.Too much.

And the more they treat Wei Yaoyao like this.Wei Yaoyao felt more and more guilty.

For a moment.She was going to tell the truth.But I have considered that today is a day that should be happy after all.Those words were too depressing.She kept holding back and didn't say anything.

without speaking.Wei Yaoyao also thought about it in her heart.Should I completely cut off contact with Zhang Fan?But she couldn't let go of this bondage.

Even her original intention of having that relationship with Zhang Fan.Not because of love.And not for long.But Wei Yaoyao already faintly felt that she couldn't do without Zhang Fan.

Such an ambivalence.It made Wei Yaoyao feel very uncomfortable.Although at the moment.She also let go a little bit.His speech is not as awkward as it was when he first arrived.And the smile on his face is very natural.But there was always a knot in her heart that couldn't be solved.especially.Whenever Yingyue and Zhaoxue cared more about her.Her sense of guilt grew stronger.

And besides that.In fact, there is an outsider here.Just this outsider.Some people don't know what to say.It is very easy to introduce her.only.She always gives people an invisible feeling.Even if she is only a few years old.

That's right.This person is Zheng Chengxian's daughter.The little girl who was replaced by Yu'er.

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