The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 814 Shocking the world

Zhang Fan had to deal with those people outside.Naturally, it cannot be in the backyard.But before.He is also here.After all, today is for Zhang Fan's family.The most important thing is to celebrate the full moon of my little daughter.As for those out there.Although very important.But for today.They are secondary.

And here.Zhang Fan naturally saw Wei Maoyao.It seems that Zhang Fan's interest is really very high today.Even seeing Wei Yaoyao.And Wei Yaoyao also clearly has such an appearance that she has something on her mind.But Zhang Fan didn't care at all.It is also more solid without a trace of worry.even.When he saw Wei Yaoyao's embarrassed look.He also deliberately said some words that outsiders could not understand.Embarrassing Wei Yaoyao.Although I was already extremely shy in my heart.His face didn't dare to turn red at all.Afraid that others would see something.

certainly.These are just blips.Not the point.The point is.Zhang Fan once again saw the little girl he had seen outside the gate of the capital.The daughter of Zheng Chengxian, the governor of the post-military governor's mansion.The little girl named Yu'er.

saw her.That's when Zhang Fan remembered.When I saw Zheng Seung Heon in the front yard before.Heard him talk about it.He brought his daughter along with him.At that time, Zhang Fan was busy greeting people.Naturally, he didn't pay much attention to his words.Just a hasty nod.Said that he knew.

And until Zhang Fan saw Yu'er's face.That's when he remembered.anyway.Yu'er is just a very ordinary little girl.Even on the day when she only met Zhang Fan once, she showed a maturity different from her age.But it shouldn't be remembered too much by people like Zhang Fan.But.Happily.Zhang Fan remembered her quite clearly.If you say we won't meet.Not to mention its okay.Once seen.The weird feeling in Zhang Fan's heart will arise.

If you ask Zhang Fan.Why do you have such thoughts about a girl who hasn't even reached the age of ten.I'm afraid Zhang Fan can't answer it himself.but.Zhang Fan had this feeling in his heart.

If anything.It can only be explained by something as illusory as the sixth sense.certainly.Men also have a sixth sense.It's just that men's sixth sense is different from women's focus.

Perhaps it was because Zhang Fan was very busy today.After all, there are so many court ministers outside waiting for him, the master, to take care of him.So he didn't think much about it.But as long as you can think about it.You will find the problem.

Jung Seung Heon has two children.a son.Another daughter is this Yu'er.And Zheng Chengxian is a minister of the court.And it's still one in Zhang Fan's opinion.Although very nice.But it is also for those who hope to climb up.This occasion is definitely for him to make connections.Great opportunity to sell yourself.

And faced with this opportunity.Zheng Seung Heon naturally needs to prepare well.And obviously.Take the family.Especially it is very unwise for a daughter to come.It is impossible for Zheng Seung-hyun not to know this.But.He still came with his daughter.This has to feel weird.certainly.Someone had to notice the weirdness.Zhang Fan was too busy.That's why I didn't notice.

If you really want to say it.If Zheng Chengxian brought his son here.Then everything can still be justified.After all, as a man in the family.Zheng Guotai has a great chance to follow in his father's footsteps in the future.Embark on official career.Even if you take him out now.Even slightly inappropriate.But it's not completely unreasonable.But come with Yu'er.That's a bit confusing.

Well this thing.There are only two explanations.Either Zheng Seung Heon is just a careless person who doesn't care about anything.And obviously.This answer is not very reliable.Then there is only one other explanation left.That is Jung Seung Heon.I can't control this daughter.even.He still wants to listen to his daughter who has just passed the first year.

This sounds beyond incredible.It is simply a fantasy.But.Except for this poor explanation.But I couldn't think of the second possibility.

It's also strange that Zhang Fan is thinking about how to deal with so many people coming outside at this moment.I didn't think much about that in my heart.but.If Zhang Fan really thought of it.He will definitely do some preventive things later.

such a young age.It is with this kind of "capability".It can be seen that this Yu'er is absolutely limitless in the future.and.Such a strong temperament.Coupled with her perfect beauty.He will definitely be an incredible character in the future.Especially this jade.In a few days, she will enter the palace as a show girl.And this.With her appearance and family background.Don't even think about it.He will definitely be able to enter the palace smoothly.

Although Zhu Yijun is very young at the moment.But there are rules in the palace.Even if this daughter was conferred the title of concubine just after entering the palace.There is really nothing surprising.future.Can Yu'er become a queen?No one can say this kind of thing.But one thing is certain at the moment.If there are no major surprises.She will definitely become Zhu Yijun's concubine.

and.Such a young age.So mature and thoughtful.Even if it hasn't been revealed too much.But there are already many faint signs.

If only Zhang Fan could think about it more.Zhang Fan, who thought of this, would never let this Yu'er enter the palace.And that's why he didn't check at this moment.How much trouble will there be in the future.That's really not clear.

And today.Actually.Zhang Fan has many opportunities to know what this little girl's "true face" is like.

just like.It's not time for lunch yet.In the backyard.Many people were looking at Xiao Lianqing.Some sent congratulatory gifts.And with blessings.

And now.The Zhang family has four children.Three are Zhang Fan's children.The other is the son of Zhang Fan's cousin Zhang Yan.Is the child there?After all, I can't hold back my temper.Sometimes adults have to wait.But the child will this time.It is inevitable to use something interesting to distract the children.certainly.The most effective ones are naturally those preserved fruit pastries.

Several children are young.Naturally, I don't care about many things.Since there are delicious things.Then enjoy it.But here.Obviously only Yu'er came alone.No one knew her.

And Ru Xue saw her sitting on the side alone.Silently.after all.Yu'er's face.Coupled with that cool look.While everyone loves.But it makes people feel a little pitiful.especially.They also know.Yu'er will enter the palace soon.want to come.It must be the strict etiquette education like that in the palace since childhood.Still have to learn a lot of skills.Such a big girl.There is maturity.But it became so silent.Let alone the early death of my mother.While losing maternal love.And lose your childhood.

Ru Xue lives in an official's family.Although Chen Wenchuan didn't train her and Zhaoxue sisters in that way.But it doesn't mean that Ru Xue doesn't know about this.It can be said.Ru Xue is very clear about Yu'er's "encounter".She had even seen that kind of daughter with her own eyes.It's obviously the age when you should be innocent.But it was as if there were many things on his mind.No matter where you go, you are silent.

I don't know it's poor.Or some other emotion.Or since becoming a mother.Such maternal care.It is also magnified on her body.all in all.Seeing Yu'er sitting there so alone.She always felt that she should be doing something.

then.A very simple thing.Ru Xue went up and sat beside her.Talk to her badly.

This is a big deal.originally.Ru Xue's original intention was to comfort Yu'er.certainly.Ru Xue didn't think too much of herself.Just by yourself.A few words in such a short time.It can change Yu'er's character that has been cultivated for so many the very least.Ru Xue hopes for her.Even if it's just today.You can spend it cheerfully and innocently.

But this conversation.Ru Xue felt that something was wrong.Ru Xue mostly tried to pick some topics that children would be interested in talking with Yu'er.And for these topics.Yu'er has no enthusiasm at all.Still the same indifferent look as before.

Just when Ru Xue was racking her brains to think of what could impress this weak-tempered girl.Yu'er was the first to speak.only.This is what she said.Although not loud.Only Ru Xue heard it.Others who were teasing the children did not hear.but.Ru Xue was really taken aback by Yu'er's words.

Yu'er a problem.She asked Ru Xue.It was how to please Zhang Fan.She spoke very clearly.Among Zhang Fan's four women.If it is about appearance.Undoubtedly it belongs to Luo Linger; if there are any small actions that can catch a man's mind.Obviously Yingyue and Zhaoxue are two lively girls.But why Ru Xue is Zhang Fan's wife.

this problem.If Yuer asks after ten years.Ru Xue would not feel surprised at all.But she asks now.It really surprised Ru Xue.Too.A seven or eight-year-old girl will ask how to please a man.Especially a girl of such a background.Said it was shocking.That is no exaggeration.

When Ru Xue asked why.Yu'er is even more calm.she says.women in this world.doesn't make a difference.most important.That is to conquer capable fulfill one's wishes.She said it confidently.In the future she will have everything she wants.

Face this discourse.Ru Xue was silent.But that's all.She just felt sad for Yu'er.

only.Ru Xue chose to keep this matter in her heart.If she told Zhang Fan.future.I'm afraid it will change a lot.

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