The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 815 The Internal and External Situation

"Yo, Master Zhang,"

"Hello, Mr. Wang, where are you going in such a hurry?" Zhang Fan didn't care too much, but just regarded it as a very ordinary meeting, and asked for a casual question.

"Oh, Mr. Zhang doesn't know something. The situation in the Northeast is not stable now. Although the court has long known that Wang Gao is not dead, and has been plotting and planning a rebellion, it's just that there is no evidence, and it has been unable to start. Now, Mr. Zhang is aware of the movement in the Northeast, although the court still has no evidence, but the Queen Mother has issued a decree, telling Li Chengliang to step up his defenses and be ready to meet the rebels at any time."

"So that's the case, then, Mr. Wang, this is it. You should rush to the Ministry of War to report. If this is the case, I won't delay your business. Next time I have a chance, I will ask Mr. Wang to give me a favor and go to my house for a drink or two. Seeing that Zhang Fan had already asked a question, he didn't delay any longer. After saying a few polite words and dismissing him, he continued to walk towards Qianqing Palace.

Today, there is a Sutra Banquet in Qianqing Palace, but the Sutra Banquet is very different from the past. The original Sutra Banquet speaker, don't worry, it must be Zhang Juzheng, unless Zhang Juzheng really has important business to leave If you don’t open it, then someone will speak for you, but the person who speaks for you is either Gao Yi or Zhang Fan. After all, one of these two people completely obeys his command, and the other is his student. No, it was no problem for Zhang Juzheng.

But it is different now, just like now, today, it is none other than Zhang Siwei who has just escaped from a crisis situation.

Does it sound funny? It's obviously Zhang Siwei, the person who opposed Feng Bao, but now, he is standing here, giving a lecture to the emperor. He, but at this moment, standing there, it still makes people feel extremely weird.

After all, the reason why Zhang Siwei suffered those crimes before was not because he offended Feng Bao, but Feng Bao wanted to trouble him, but he hadn't succeeded. In addition to making jokes, you have to be on guard all the time in fear that Empress Dowager Li doesn't know what method she will use to punish and beat him.

In view of this situation, it is conceivable that Feng Bao is definitely becoming more and more ruthless towards Zhang Siwei, especially in the case of this kind of naming that he hates to the extreme, but he still can't take action against him, that is hatred. For today's Feng Bao, even outsiders don't know what he is thinking in his heart, but if Feng Bao wants to skin Zhang Siwei's cramps and eat him alive, he will definitely believe it.

As for Zhang Juzheng, only Feng Baoma was the first to look forward, so facing Zhang Siwei, whom Feng Bao hated so much, how could Zhang Juzheng let him give a lecture to the emperor? This is simply unbelievable.

Of course, if these things are excluded, Zhang Siwei is definitely enough just to look at knowledge. In fact, in this court, let alone these court officials, Beijing officials, are officials from other places. If you are knowledgeable, you are also competent enough to do this, but it is no small matter to give a lecture on the scriptures, whether it is a large scripture ceremony or an ordinary small scripture feast, so in addition to knowledge, it also depends on qualifications.

In terms of qualifications, Zhang Siwei is also completely in line.

Now that you have both qualifications and knowledge, the next point is to look at interpersonal relationships. In fact, this is the most important point. No matter how high your knowledge is or how old your qualifications are, No one agrees with you, that's bullshit, although it's a bit vulgar to say, it's the truth.

Obviously, today's Zhang Siwei does not have this interpersonal relationship, but why did he give a lecture on the Sutra Banquet? In fact, this is what Zhang Juzheng meant. However, no one understands why Zhang Juzheng did this.

The same is true for Zhang Fan. This matter was decided yesterday. When Zhang Fan heard about this matter, it was not too late. There was no ambiguity at all, so I went to Zhang Juzheng immediately, wanting to ask for clarification.

Thinking of the conversation with Zhang Juzheng yesterday, Zhang Fan was puzzled until now, he couldn't understand at all what Zhang Juzheng was planning.

In yesterday's meeting, Zhang Fan already asked all the questions that should be asked, and even had something in his words, implying to ask whether Feng Bao ordered Zhang Juzheng to do this, and whether there was any conspiracy in it. These words, Zhang Fan did not believe that Zhang Juzheng would not understand.

In fact, it is also the case. How could Zhang Juzheng not understand what Zhang Fan wanted to ask, but the words Zhang Juzheng answered to Zhang Fan are the culprits that have made Zhang Fan puzzled so far. Shaking his head solemnly, he said that he did not have any intention of doing this, nor did he follow Feng Bao or anyone's orders, it was entirely his own intention, and he himself never intended to frame Zhang Siwei .

What Zhang Juzheng said is that the water control in the three places is about to come to an end, and although the reconstruction has not yet started, even so, the trial of the "Kaocheng Method" during this period has achieved remarkable results. Millions of taels of silver have been allocated, and until the day when the flood control is completed, the deficit is less than 1 taels. Although the deficit still exists, compared to the past, it is like a sky and an underground. Not the same.

And the number of officials found to be greedy for ink is not high, there are as many as hundreds of them, but the hundreds of people here have not counted those involved, otherwise the number will be even more, of course, this is also Zhang Juzheng's Meaning, he didn't want to do it so badly from the beginning. Not only would it not help him, but it would have the opposite effect. Zhang Juzheng is very satisfied with this kind of result now. Most importantly, this As a result, no one in the court opposed him anymore.

Now, Zhang Juzheng is making preparations to greatly promote the "Taochengfa" in the court, but Zhang Fan can't help with this matter, after all, he still has things to do that Empress Dowager Li told him.

Therefore, in the cabinet, Gao Yi has become Zhang Juzheng's most important helper now. Don't look at this Gao Yi, who is now completely under the orders of Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao, but he still exists. With him assisting Zhang Juzheng, it is natural No problem.

But the problem is that even if such two capable people work together, things still seem a bit overwhelming, and under such circumstances, Zhang Juzheng has to give Zhu Yijun a lecture on scriptures. The body is obviously a little unrealistic.

Therefore, this important task now falls to Zhang Siwei.

As far as Zhang Fan pointed out, Feng Bao, who heard the news, did not make any remarks. Of course, this does not mean that he will be willing in his heart. In fact, the main reason why Feng Bao did not speak is, This matter was also approved by Queen Mother Li. If it wasn't for this, Feng Bao would never have stopped talking and watched Zhang Siwei get so close to Zhu Yijun.

All in all, that's how it happened, and today, as Zhang Siwei's first lecture on the Sutra Feast, Zhang Fan wanted to see what was going on, but the news he just heard on the road made Zhang Fan think. .

The situation in the Northeast is very unstable now. Although in fact, it is not any different from the previous period. Li Chengliang has made preparations early and has always been serious, guarding against Wang Gao's attack. Now it is just More than [-] people were added to disturb Wang Gao's plan, and this matter was exposed, but it is naturally impossible for the court to do nothing about it.

But even so, the court still has no evidence that Wang Gao intends to rebel. The current situation, in the final analysis, is that Wang Gao himself is massacring his own tribe, and there are a group of unsightly heroes who just draw their swords to help when they see injustice. Of course, For the imperial court, they want to see this scene, but they will never agree with those people.

But even so, for the imperial court, there is still no evidence. It is important to be a teacher, and you must be famous. Now, there is no evidence, and there is no reason. No matter from which aspect, there is no such thing as a teacher. conditions of.

Of course, the imperial court can also completely let go of these things and go directly to the northeast to catch Wang Gao by surprise. In this way, there may be some damage, but it will always be much less damage than waiting for the palace to attack and counterattack.

It's just that this is really a bad idea. If it is not a last resort, it is absolutely impossible to do this. Although the Jurchens in the Northeast have submitted to the Ming court in name, they are all foreigners anyway. Under the rule of the Ming Dynasty, there were many such foreigners, and some were bullied by the Han people.

If the Ming court came out of Wuming and directly sent troops to attack Wang Gao, this must be a warning to the foreigners in other places, warning them that the Ming court has always cherished the belief that "if you are not of my race, your heart must be different" Thinking, then when the time comes, the scene of constant rebellion in various places can be imagined.

All in all, the matter is very troublesome, and for Zhang Fan, he just hopes that Wang Degui can come back safely, if he can kill a few more generals under Wang Gao's command, so that there will be fewer deaths in the war at that time, that would be even better.

Thinking about these things, Zhang Fan had already walked outside the gate of Qianqing Palace, shook his head, and put aside all the troubles in his mind, Zhang Fan was about to step up the stairs, but the guards stretched out their hands and stopped him.

"Your Majesty is having a feast, Master Zhang has ordered that no one should enter and disturb you," the guard said with an upright voice and expressions.

"..." Faced with this scene, Zhang Fan was confused,

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