The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 822 Thinking About Ways

Now that Empress Dowager Li has made it so clear, there is no reason why Zhang Fan still doesn't understand. He has already mentioned the Southwest, and it is accurate to Sichuan. Although Sichuan is very big, those people have names and surnames, so what? Maybe they can't find it, and what's more, the person Queen Mother Li is going to deal with must have caused trouble before. Zhang Fan only needs to go back and check for a while, and he will understand who the Queen Mother Li is referring to. It is not difficult.

However, these are not things that interest Zhang Fan. In the final analysis, no matter how noble the blood of these people is or how powerful the local power is, as long as they are not emperors, it will be easy to handle. Now that the people who hold the real power in the world want to deal with them, it will be even more difficult.

First of all, look for evidence. If you find evidence, it will be easy to handle. If the evidence you find is insignificant, then exaggerate it. If not, then fabricate it out of thin air. Compared with the previous exaggeration, this is even more of Jin Yiwei and Dongchang's forte, and it is even less difficult.

Of course, in the final analysis, these things are all bad things. People who are not the kind of "strong minded" really don't have the heart to do it. As far as Zhang Fan is concerned, he really has nothing to commend him in this regard. .

But, things always have two sides, you always have to look at what you are doing it for, just like for ordinary people, murder and arson are naturally outraged by humans and gods, let them do it, I'm afraid Few of them are willing, but if some of these people join the army, receive orders from above, or go to the battlefield, then the situation will be different.

Of course, the situation Zhang Fan faced was not so simple. It was not a simple question of either you die or I die, but involved many things. For Zhang Fan, although these people were really annoying, but as far as he was Personally, he hasn't reached the point where he has to kill and then hurry up.

In other words, Zhang Fan himself has no conflicts with these people. Now, it is the Empress Dowager Li who wants to trouble these people. Zhang Fan didn't have any ideas in his heart.

For these people, Zhang Fan knew that if they really wanted to cause any serious trouble in the future, it would probably be very rare. After all, Zhu Yijun was already at a high level, and all the procedures were very formal and formal. Moreover, Zhu Zaihou died young. Of the few sons, only Zhu Yijun and his younger brother Zhu Yiliu are left now, and Zhu Yiliu, the future prince, is only a toddler now. Those people have no basis for fighting for those things. During Zhu Yijun's reign, don't cripple the huge Ming Dynasty, and there will be no such things.

These people, at most, can only make small troubles earlier.

However, in comparison, if it is really a big trouble, it doesn’t take too much trouble. For this kind of big trouble, there are two ways to solve it, either denounce it or send troops, but the end result is the same, both of which will lead to death , once a person dies, then everything will be calm, so it's not a problem.

But if these people are looking for small troubles, it will be quite annoying. Today they want to blackmail money with an excuse, and tomorrow they want to rely on the favor of their ancestors to add a few more private soldiers. What did they do that caused the local people to complain? , but also to intercede, these things are the most annoying.

And it was precisely because of these seemingly trivial things, in the end, when they converged into streams, they would turn into big troubles. For the Ming Dynasty, which is now going downhill and just about to look a little bit better, it is definitely not a good thing.

This is the situation that Zhang Fan least wants to see, so Zhang Fan is very happy to take over this job. After all, he also wants to do his best. Don't let these troubles keep coming out to cause trouble.

However, Zhang Fan is not a fool who only knows how to do things recklessly. Although Queen Mother Li asked him to do this matter, and Queen Mother Li also gave him a guarantee that this matter would not be counted on him, and Not to mention whether the promise that Empress Dowager Li said verbally will be realized, the most important thing is that there is no date for this promise.

In case Zhang Fan has settled this matter, Queen Mother Li is very happy, and she will not use this kind of excuse to trouble him now, but it does not mean that she will not in the future.

Moreover, there is another point, even in the future, this matter will not be brought up again, but as insiders, the Empress Dowager Li and Zhang Fan both understand that this matter was done by Zhang Fan, but it was the Empress Dowager Li who asked him to do it. If you did it, it's the crime of being pregnant, maybe, Queen Mother Li won't make Zhang Fan shut up forever because of this reason.

All in all, this thing that will never happen now is very likely to happen in the future, and no one can guarantee that I will always be favored in the future, and I will not do anything that dissatisfies Shangyi, let alone It's this kind of companion, even ordinary people can't guarantee it.

In case something happens in the future, or if Empress Dowager Li thinks that Zhang Fan is a threat and wants to get rid of him, this matter is likely to become a handle. Empress Dowager Li only needs to say that Zhang Fan is deliberately trying to get rid of the royal family. , just this one charge alone, it is certain to die, not to mention, adding any deliberate framing, fabricating evidence and other things, that is, the dead can't die again, and there is no room for survival.

Zhang Fan naturally sees through this point, and in order to prevent this kind of tragedy from happening in the future, he must be prepared, even now, after all, no matter what will happen in the future, the cause of everything is also From now on, Zhang Fan had to make preparations from now on.

However, even though this is what he said, what should be done is another question. After all, Zhang Fan is in charge of this matter, but now he wants to remove his relationship from it, which is very difficult. It is almost impossible to completely disregard his relationship with this matter.

Of course, since the word "almost" is used here, even if it is a one in ten thousand possibility, it is still possible, even if it is negligible, it is still possible.

There is a situation where Zhang Fan's responsibilities can be completely shielded, so that he can not only complete the things that the Queen Mother Li told him, but also clear up his relationship, so that no matter who in the future wants to find him Trouble can't catch him from this aspect.

This matter sounds extremely difficult. After all, to achieve this condition, no matter whether it requires your own efforts or the extreme cooperation of the other party, and for the current Zhang Fan, he really doesn't have much. After all, Empress Dowager Li had pointed out the direction for Zhang Fan, which was to let him deal with the designated target.

If it is said that the other party really has some problems, then it will be easy to handle, but if there is no problem with the other party, it will be a big problem for Zhang Fan. After all, the scapegoat that the Queen Mother Li has already designated, Zhang Fan naturally does not have any problems. The method was changed on the way.

If this is the case, at that time, it is inevitable to follow the old path, set a trap to let the other party enter, or fabricate it out of thin air, but in this way, wouldn't Zhang Fan want to get himself involved again?

While walking, Zhang Fan was also thinking about what to do about this matter. He was so focused on it that he didn't even notice where he was going, but subconsciously, Zhang Fan still walked towards him. The most frequently visited place in the palace is Qianqing Palace.

Along the way, there were quite a few court ladies, eunuchs, or guards passing by Zhang Fan. Naturally, they all knew Zhang Fan. The most important thing was that Zhang Fan was usually polite and came forward to say hello. But seeing Zhang Fan lowering his head and thinking about something, no one came up to disturb him.

Until the sun was approaching noon, Zhang Fan was still walking, and then...

"Master Zhang, Master Zhang..." A voice came over.

"En." Finally, Zhang Fan was awakened by the voice, but he looked up to find the person who called him, but saw a familiar face, and then looked at his position, Zhang Fan couldn't help laughing Get up: "What's the matter, you are not doing your duty, you didn't let me in just now, it's fine, but now you let me in again, be careful that I will sue you,"

The person Zhang Fan spoke to was the guard who guarded the gate of the Qianqing Palace and prevented Zhang Fan from entering. Zhang Fan's current position, although only one step away, had already stepped into the Qianqing Palace. Inside the palace gate.

Of course, Zhang Fan didn't mean to make things difficult for this little guard, but just said it casually.

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, the look on the guard's face became extremely strange: "My lord, it wasn't a villain who called you just now, it was Mr. Zhang. What's more, now that the sutra feast is over, the villain is naturally There is no reason to stop Lord Zhang anymore, "

"Master Zhang, who is Master Zhang?" Zhang Fan quickly raised his head and looked around after hearing what he said, but found that Zhang Siwei was standing behind him, looking at himself with a strange look, "Oh, It turned out to be Mr. Zhang, the sutra feast is over."

"That's right," Zhang Siwei quickly regained his attitude, and said to Zhang Fan, "I wonder if Mr. Zhang is..."

"Oh, I was thinking about something just now and didn't pay attention," Zhang Fan replied.

"Then, is your lord going to see His Majesty, or is there some trouble?" Zhang Siwei asked with some concern.

"No, no, it's not a troublesome matter, it's Zhang Fan's own private matter," Zhang Fan said with a smile, "However, aside from that, Zhang Fan would like to congratulate Mr. Zhang here."

Zhang Siwei was really confused by Zhang Fan's words. He looked at Zhang Fan and asked, "I don't know what Mr. Zhang said, but where does the joy come from?"

It seems that Zhang Siwei doesn't know anything yet,

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