The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 823 The So-Called Ambition

For this kind of thing, especially something like this, where he is about to be promoted, if he says he doesn't know and still shows a look of doubt, then there are only two possibilities, either he deliberately concealed it, or He really didn't know.

Deliberately concealing it is very simple. After all, whoever encounters such a thing, especially a major event such as joining the cabinet, probably has this kind of thought, most of it is to keep a low profile and avoid suspicion, lest those who are not selected What trouble can one make of oneself.

And if he didn't know, then he really didn't know, there was no other reason.

But for Zhang Fan, in his eyes, Zhang Siwei is not a person who can put on airs, but he knows that he will not say anything because he has scruples. So, it seems that Zhang Siwei really doesn't know.

However, in this situation, Zhang Fan can think of one or two things. After all, from the news he heard, he concluded that Zhang Juzheng and Queen Mother Li had only discussed this matter not long ago. I am afraid that even Feng Bao did not. He said that now, it was just because Zhang Fan heard the news first by coincidence, and Zhang Siwei himself didn't know about it, so it didn't seem to be something that he couldn't figure out.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan felt a little worried. In any case, Zhang Juzheng didn't tell Zhang Siwei about this matter in advance, and Zhang Fan could understand it. It feels unreal, but most people will agree, and Zhang Siwei is not this kind of person, he is a very calm person, and, no matter whether he will think about the reason or not, I am afraid he will say it first , would be the words of rejection.

Therefore, it is completely understandable for Zhang Juzheng not to tell him.

When this matter is established, at that time, the imperial decree, even if Zhang Siwei is unwilling, he can only accept the decree to thank him. At that time, even if he is unwilling, he has no choice. Siwei is not a person who will cling to the past and never let it go. At that time, in Zhang Siwei's view, he will not think about how to ask for help. He will care more about it. It's just such a group of people, and Zhang Siwei doesn't know how much effect he can play in the cabinet, at least he is more capable than his current position.

However, it seems that Zhang Fan has slipped his mouth just now. Of course, he hasn't finished speaking, so he can stop there and make up some nonsense things to fool him. But in addition to making Zhang Siwei more suspicious, Apart from causing his trust in Zhang Fan to drop, it didn't do any good, and...

Zhang Fan thought about this matter carefully, and Zhang Siwei, seeing Zhang Fan's appearance, knew that he must have some doubts in his heart, so he didn't mean to disturb him, and continued to wait, although Zhang Siwei didn't know what Zhang Fan was thinking. What, but also understand that Zhang Fan is not a person who will do useless work.

And it was during this period of time that Zhang Fan wanted to understand. In the final analysis, this matter was Zhang Siwei's matter, and it was something he would know sooner or later. I slipped my mouth, if that's the case, let's be more straightforward, and it doesn't matter if I say it.

Moreover, maybe Zhang Siwei wouldn't object out of the blue, of course, these were just Zhang Fan's thoughts to comfort himself.

"Why, Mr. Zhang doesn't know?" Zhang Fan made a look of surprise, and then he pretended to look around, and then moved to Zhang Siwei, with a mysterious look, and said, "Just now I I met the Empress Dowager on the way here, and I heard from the Empress Dowager that Mr. Wang in the cabinet is about to retire, and it will only take about two days. If this is the case, isn’t there a vacancy in the cabinet?"

"Well, I've heard of this matter before." Zhang Siwei also nodded, but he also immediately realized what Zhang Fan meant, and said in surprise, "You...Master Zhang, could it be..."

"That's right," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "Just as Master Zhang thought, I met the Queen Mother just now, and the Queen Mother also mentioned this matter to me. The Queen Mother intends to let you enter the cabinet, Master Zhang. But it's a great event, how can I not congratulate you?" Although Zhang Fan had already made up his mind to tell Zhang Siwei about the matter, he still didn't say it. This was first proposed by Zhang Juzheng. Of course, if Zhang After Siwei asked, Zhang Fan would naturally tell him, but it is also possible not to ask, of course, the possibility of not asking is very small.

"Wait, Mr. Zhang, don't rush to congratulate me. What's going on?" Zhang Siwei waved his hand and asked, "Ziwei's own affairs are the most clear. Yes, it’s not impossible, it’s just that there are many people in the court who are worse than Ziwei, why does the Queen Mother just like Ziwei?”

Well, this is indeed a problem, but...

"Master Zhang, don't underestimate yourself," Zhang Fan said, "What Master Zhang said is not unreasonable, but the incident before... In short, because of that incident, the Queen Mother also noticed Mr. Zhang, but Mr. Zhang My lord, don't think about it too much. The queen mother did not do this to compensate you. After all, the selection of people to join the cabinet is a matter of great importance. ,” Zhang Fan said, and he himself didn’t quite believe the reason.

There are many things like this, and things are obviously like this, but in many places, the obvious reasons, even the reasons involved, cannot be used.

"If you say this, Ziwei is ashamed." Sure enough, Zhang Siwei naturally didn't believe what Zhang Fan said, and asked, "But Ziwei doesn't believe it. The queen mother will take the initiative to say so. Compared with Someone must have suggested it."

"Here we come," Zhang Fan felt bald when he heard Zhang Siwei say this, saying that he was really afraid of something coming. Although the possibility of that was rare, Zhang Fan still couldn't help but want to Think about it, but now, the trouble is here, and it cannot be easily avoided. No, in fact, Zhang Fan can't escape at all. Moreover, although Zhang Siwei's question is simple, his eyes are pressing. , which made it impossible for Zhang Fan to escape.

"Master Zhang, in fact, it is indeed as Mr. Zhang expected, it was indeed brought up by someone," Zhang Fan had no choice but to say, "It's just that, in the final analysis, it is a question of who can join the cabinet for this kind of thing. Following the orders of the Empress Dowager, as a courtier, he is only offering an opinion, so how can he influence the Empress Dowager's thoughts?"

"Master Zhang, you and I both understand." Seeing that Zhang Fan refused to say anything, Zhang Siwei stopped saying those polite words, and put on a look that was much more serious than before. He looked at Zhang Fan. Fan said, "Although Ziwei felt that what happened before was inevitable, he still thanked Mr. Zhang very much. If Mr. Zhang treats Ziwei like this, don't blame Ziwei for turning his face."

"Alas..." Hearing Zhang Siwei's words, Zhang Fan couldn't help but heaved a long sigh. He wasn't afraid that Zhang Siwei would turn his face, but he said so. It's not so easy to say, "Master Zhang, who recommended this matter? Is it really so important? Also, Zhang Fan also has doubts in his heart now, so it's not an exaggeration for Master Zhang to ask this matter." , but why did Mr. Zhang ask about this matter? What can Mr. Zhang do if he knows.

"Also, I'm afraid Master Zhang doesn't mean that when he asks this question. If Zhang Fan is to say it, it's probably not that Master Zhang wants to know who it is, but whether the person who recommended you is someone you don't like. The one I hope for, although these two things sound the same, but in Zhang Fan's view, there is a big difference between them."

Zhang Fan's words made Zhang Siwei silent, but Zhang Siwei's silence didn't last long. After a while, he spoke again: "Yes, what Mr. Zhang said is not bad at all, but Ziwei, on the contrary, has some My mouth is wrong.

"Things are just as Mr. Zhang thought. The reason why Ziwei asked this question is not that Ziwei doesn't want to, but that he wants to know who it is, or it can also be said that Ziwei wants to know, is it that person?" Someone recommended me." Zhang Siwei is also a straightforward person, and he doesn't stick to those things. Now that Zhang Fan has said it so clearly, he won't worry about those things any more, and asked very straightforwardly. come out.

"Okay, Master Zhang asked quickly." Seeing that Zhang Siwei was not going to play with those things, Zhang Fan felt relieved, and said, "Since Master Zhang asked so straightforwardly, it would be a little uncomfortable if Zhang Fan didn't speak up quickly." Got acquainted.

"Master Zhang doesn't need to worry about this matter. Feng Bao didn't bring it up. Even, I think Feng Bao might not know about it until now."

"This..." Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Zhang Siwei was confused again, "Feng Bao didn't know, this... unless you said it,"

"No, no, Zhang Fan understands very well, even if he wants to join, it won't be so straightforward," Zhang Fan waved his hand with a smile, and said, "What's more, Zhang Fan is not bored enough to do this kind of work. Questions and answers,'

"Then... who the hell is it?"

"It's Zhang Fan's teacher, Mr. Zhang," Zhang Fan said.

Speaking of it, it was really funny, all three people were surnamed Zhang, and what Zhang Fan told Zhang Siwei was all about the person surnamed Zhang, but no one laughed.

"Master Zhang," Zhang Siwei was really surprised when he heard that Zhang Juzheng recommended him, "How is this possible?"

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