The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 824 The So-Called Ambition

"You mean. It was Master Zhang who recommended me to join the cabinet." Zhang Siwei looked at Zhang Fan with an unbelievable look.After asking these words.Also muttered to himself. " is this possible."

For Zhang Siwei's reaction.Zhang Fan naturally understood very well.after all.The relationship between Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao lies there.There is no one in the whole court who doesn't know, who doesn't know.And Zhang Juzheng, who was in the same camp as Feng Bao.Although his style of acting has not been too obvious.However, the ministers in the court have already seen signs that he is thinking about Feng Bao everywhere.

And obviously.Now this place is full of Zhang Juzheng who only follows Feng Baobao.He would actually recommend Zhang Siwei to the cabinet.Let alone Zhang Siwei himself.I'm afraid it would be difficult for anyone to change.

No.It cannot be said that no one can figure it out.In fact, Zhang Fan thought of this.And he figured it out.and.For Zhang Fan.This is nothing out of the ordinary.As long as you can figure out the universe in it.Then this matter has an explanation that can convince anyone.

"Master Zhang. Let's not talk about that." Zhang Fan said with a smile. "It's noon now. Zhang Fan is going home too. How about Mr. Zhang. Let's go first."

It seemed that he was shocked by Zhang Fan's words.Zhang Siwei didn't say anything.Follow Zhang Fan and walk towards the palace gate.

walk aside.Zhang Fan said to Zhang Siwei. "Let's not talk about the teacher's recommendation of Mr. Zhang to join the cabinet. Zhang Fan has a question to ask Mr. Zhang. I hope Mr. Zhang can tell the truth."

"I don't know what Mr. Zhang wants to ask. As long as Ziwei knows. It's not something that is inconvenient to say. It's no harm to tell Mr. Zhang the truth." Zhang Siwei said.This is not because Zhang Siwei is too smooth.But it is true.Some things are just inconvenient.Zhang Siwei just didn't want any misunderstanding.

"Master Zhang doesn't need to care. Zhang Fan didn't want to ask Master Zhang about any personal matters." Naturally, Zhang Fan didn't care about these things.After all, in court.No matter who answers this kind of question, it needs to be thoughtful.And most importantly.It is to avoid stereotypes and embarrassment. "Zhang Fan's question is very simple. I just want to ask Mr. Zhang. What do you think of the teacher?"

"You said Grand Master Zhang." Hearing Zhang Fan's question.Zhang Siwei thought about it.Said. "Scholar Zhang became an official earlier than Ziwei. He has experienced much more affairs in the court than Ziwei. If we talk about the past few days, the 'great grievance' Ziwei suffered. I'm afraid In Zhang Dashi's opinion, it was like a child's play.

"However. Today's Grand Master Zhang... It's not that Ziwei is biased. It's just that the current Grand Master Zhang works with Feng Bao. It's really not a good thing. Of course. If Feng Bao's actions in the future will only Limited to this. Ziwei has nothing to say about it. Not to mention the current Grand Master Zhang. Even Feng Bao. Ziwei does not hate him. On the contrary, he admires him a little. After all, the court's cabinet disputes are all It has been so many years. Several generations have come here. But it ended in Feng Bao. I have to say that Feng Bao has made great contributions to this matter.

"Moreover, after Feng Bao gained power, he was not as aggressive as Wang Zhen and Liu Jin. He was so aggressive. He just fractured himself. Regardless of the overall situation. And during this period, Feng Bao's actions are obvious to everyone in the court. Although it is because There is Empress Dowager Li backing him up. And Feng Bao's method is also used to suppress him. But I have to admit that the court has calmed down now.

"As for Grand Scholar Zhang. That's not to mention. Grand Scholar Zhang has ambitions. It's the same now. And. Grand Scholar Zhang's plan. Ziwei also understands it in his heart. I think Master Zhang is more clear than Ziwei. .Now things are on the right track. Not far away.

"Actually. Ziwei couldn't understand it in his heart. It's a last resort for Master Zhang to do this. After all, if you don't give in to Feng Bao, all of this is just nonsense. For this reason, Master Zhang. It’s already paid off a lot.”

In the end.The expression on Zhang Siwei's face was a little dim.But for Zhang Fan.Why not.Actually.No one can understand Zhang Juzheng better than Zhang Fan, who often talks to Zhang Juzheng.

In fact, you can understand it when you think about it.Zhang Juzheng climbed to his current position.How many people have been offended.How many people have been betrayed.Now.How many people are dissatisfied with him.

Zhang Juzheng's official career can be said to be smooth sailing.It is a great blessing for him to be able to worship under Xu Jie's sect.It's not that Bai can learn much from Xu Jie's disciples.This is only one aspect.the most important is.At that time, Xu Jie was powerful.And the oldest.It can well protect Zhang Juzheng from being disturbed by various forces.But at the same time, it also allowed Zhang Juzheng to learn how to mess around in the officialdom.

this.No matter for anyone.It's almost like a dream.But it was obtained by Zhang Juzheng.This has to be said to be Zhang Juzheng's luck.

And after that.The same is true for Zhang Juzheng's entry into the cabinet.There is Xu Jie, a veteran of the three dynasties, who is the chief assistant of the cabinet.Even the emperor can't say much.Xu Jie wanted to pull Zhang Juzheng into the cabinet.It was a breeze.Even if someone else has something to say.It is also impossible to stop this.Even if you feel upset.But Xu Jie was old at that time.But that momentum.It is absolutely no problem to be the first assistant this year.Just wait a few years.No one can say anything more.

And in fact there is.After Xu Jie pulled Zhang Juzheng into the cabinet.He worked as the chief assistant for several years.only.Xu Jie's ending.I'm afraid it's something he didn't expect.Or so he expected.But he's not like that.

at last.Xu Jie was defeated in a fight with Gao Gong.To serve and return home.But none of that is the point.The point the course of this matter.Originally it was Zhang Juzheng who could help.But it's just watching from the sidelines.Not a word was said.Also didn't do anything.

But Xu Jie was from beginning to end.But he never blamed Zhang Juzheng.It's not because Xu Jie's heart is so cold that it doesn't have any warmth at all.It's just that he understands.I understand why Zhang Juzheng didn't help me.The reason is obvious.Just one word.Zhang Juzheng's ambition has not yet been fulfilled.

It sounds a little funny.If even this kind of thing can't be done.What about ambition?But this is for people in the court.Even for Zhang Fan who had just started his official career at that time and not long ago.It's nothing incomprehensible.After all, having ambition is one thing.That's easy.But if you want to display your ambitions.It is very difficult.There is also a very high price to pay.Zhang Juzheng is the latter one.

For the situation after 500 years.No one can predict the people of this era.And even Zhang Fan from that era.He was also not in politics at the time.Even if the information is more developed.But it can't make people familiar with each other's Fan came from that era.But it is also not clear what motives people have for going into politics.after all.The possibilities are simply too many.

But in this day and age.Even counting forward 1000 and 2000 years.The reason why people want to go into politics.That's very simple.In general, it can be summed up in two sentences.Either for the sake of righteousness.Either to get ahead.Both are aspirations that people harbor.The first kind of ambition.It is ambitious.The second type of ambition is personal.It is selfish desire.

And whether Zhang Juzheng's ambition is big or small.From before.He did it entirely for selfish desires.But it will not do this for selfish desires.Doing this makes everyone feel that he has a character problem.Then there's something wrong with the whole thing.

perhaps.Others dare not say anything.But for Zhang Fan.He understood Zhang Juzheng's real plan.

"Scholar Zhang's painstaking efforts. I also understand a little bit." And now.Zhang Siwei also said the same thing.

"Then. I don't know how Master Zhang feels about what the teacher is doing now." Zhang Fan asked again.

"What Master Zhang is doing now." Zhang Siwei immediately reacted. "That's naturally good. In fact, when Ziwei heard about it, he felt that it was really a great thing. If the Queen Mother can agree. In the future, whether it is for the court or the people, it will be a great thing. .”

"Hmm. That's a good word." Zhang Fan looked at Zhang Siwei.said with a smile. "However. Nowadays, there are very few people in the court who can understand the teacher's intentions. Feng Bao knows. Feng Bao also agrees. But if you ask Feng Bao to do something for the teacher, I am afraid it will be a little difficult. For Feng Baolai Say. These things are optional.

"And if you talk about me, I'm afraid there is nothing you can do. It's not that Zhang Fan is lazy. Or he is afraid of getting into trouble. It's just that Zhang Fan's current position is really embarrassing. If you talk about the future, the teacher's method will be used proudly." It is okay to ask Zhang Fan to do something. But now, Zhang Fan is powerless.

"The remaining people are like Gao Yi in the cabinet today. Although they are indeed helping the teacher. But what is he thinking in his heart. I am afraid Master Zhang also understands."

Listen to what Zhang Fan said.Zhang Siwei didn't say anything.Everything Zhang Fan said was true.But Zhang Siwei actually.Why don't you know.

"Now, the teacher wants to recruit Mr. Zhang into the cabinet." Zhang Fan continued. "I want to come. The teacher is not for any other reason. I just hope to find someone who is sincere. Go and help him."

"Master Zhang, what you said is serious." Zhang Siwei didn't say anything.Instead, he asked Zhang Fan.

But in the face of Zhang Siwei's question.Zhang Fan didn't speak either.Just nodded.Very firm.

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