The conversation between Zhang Fan and Zhang Siwei is unknown, not to mention that in such a vast place in the palace, naturally no one can eavesdrop without being noticed. There are no walls and ears here. Even if someone saw what the two of them were talking about from a distance, they would never understand what it was. All in all, the conversation between Zhang Fan and Zhang Siwei was placed in the hearts of the two of them, not for outsiders. known.

And the next day, another incident happened in the court, but this incident was not related to Zhang Siwei, but to the Northeast side. The memorial was once again submitted to the court by Li Chengliang.

As far as Li Chengliang is concerned, although his ancestors were from Goryeo, his ancestors who came to the Daming area early, after several generations of reproduction, also integrated into the Han society early, and almost no one would regard them as foreigners when they left home. Look at it, of course, this only refers to ordinary times, when it is really brought to the court to discuss matters, these things can simply be ignored, and they are also brought up by those caring people one after another.

Also because of this kind of problem that did not exist at all, Li Chengliang, who was obviously quite talented, was not officially reused by the court until he was 40 years old, and at that time, it was already in the Longqing period.

Moreover, the reason why Li Chengliang was reused was not because his hard work and talent were really valued by the court, but because the court could only do so.

The situation in Liaodong has always been complicated. Not to mention that there are Jurchens here, even though they surrendered to the imperial court, there are still chaos. Not only do they fight internally, but they also bump into the Ming army. There are also remnants of Mongolia, who come from time to time Raiding is even more annoying. In short, since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the three forces in Liaodong have fought back and forth like this, and there will definitely be many deaths.

And in the Jiajing period, this situation is even more worrying. The reason why Li Chengliang was reused is precisely because, from the late Jiajing period to the early Longqing period, the Tatar tribe invaded many times. Invading Liaodong, even in less than ten years, three generals guarding Liaodong in the Ming Dynasty died in battle one after another.

At that time, apart from Li Chengliang, there was no general in Liaodong who was more qualified than him and understood the situation in Liaodong. Compared with Li Chengliang, and even so, the court at that time was still hesitant. In the end, even Xu Jie stood up to speak, and Qi Jiguang went to the play to ask Li Chengliang to use him. Only then did Long Qing find a reason and get rid of those noisy things. Voice, Li Chengliang was promoted to the commander-in-chief, in charge of the defense of the entire Liaodong.

And Li Chengliang did not let this down at all. When he took office, it was the time when Liaodong’s defenses were slack, and Li Chengliang recruited local people to form an army to fight against the invasion of Mongolia and Jurchen ministries. It was the beginning of Li Chengliang's life legend.

In later generations, everyone knows that at that time there was a saying "Qi Jiguang in the southeast, Li Chengliang in the northeast". However, Qi Jiguang is still not as famous as Li Chengliang. After all, not everyone has the ability to make Mongolia and Jurchen dare not make trouble in Liaodong.

After that, the remnants of the Mongols calmed down. Although they still came back from time to time to disturb, but because of Li Chengliang, they dispatched very few people, and they specially chose places with few people. Although there may be damage, it is not What a big deal.

However, the Jurchens in Liaodong have really calmed down, and they have hardly made any major moves, and many tribes have surrendered to Ming Dynasty.

Of course, this is not a real pacification. Li Chengliang is very clear that there are still people like Wang Gao and tribes like the Zi'atai tribe, etc., who are delusional about starting a rebellion again. Therefore, in the past few years, Li Chengliang has been I am stepping up preparations, preparing for the battle that I don't know when I will come back, but it will definitely come.

And during this period, Li Chengliang also did one thing, which was related to his many performances. Li Chengliang understood that he was sitting in this position, and there must be no mistakes. On the battlefield, when victory is necessary , It is also necessary to ensure a big victory, casualties are inevitable, this is not a problem, the problem is that if too many people die in battle, then even if he wins in the future, there will still be people who will trouble him.

And this is only one aspect. After all, matters related to the battlefield are not something that can be controlled by those literati who can only recite poems and write poems. In addition, there are not so many disturbances in the court today. There are fewer and fewer situations that cause trouble to Li Chengliang.

At that time, what Li Chengliang cared most about was the casualties of the people. Due to this passive situation, he knew that the other party would come over, but he was unable to take the initiative to attack. Therefore, if there is a war in the future, it must be Wang Gao. He was the first to lead the army to attack, and then, no matter how arrogant Wang Gao was, he was not a fool. He would not attack Daming's army immediately, but would attack the town.

The towns in Liaodong have lasted too long, and it is difficult to resist the invasion of the brigade, not to mention that there are so many counties and villages along the way. If this situation does not change, once Wang Gao invades, it will be bloody. And Li Chengliang himself had to be in trouble.

This is what Li Chengliang was worried about, so from that time until now, he has a plan to expand the six forts such as Kuandian in Liaodong. Resistance is more acceptable to a large number of local people and saves them from being killed.

However, these require manpower and money, manpower is not a problem, not to mention that Li Chengliang used his status as the commander-in-chief to order, as long as he knows the benefits of it, the local people, both soldiers and civilians, will be willing to do it.

But this money is a big problem. In the land of Liaodong, because of the war for many years, the local situation is not good. Well, their family didn't have much money. When Li Chengliang formally took over from his father, he was actually destitute.

Therefore, relying solely on Li Chengliang and Liaodong, it is absolutely impossible to expand the six forts. Therefore, Li Chengliang must ask the court for help. Of course, the so-called help is asking for money.

And this is the characteristic of the Han Dynasty. It is clear that there will be wars in Liaodong in the future; it is clear that once the wars start, both the army and the people will inevitably be damaged; What's more, for so many years, Li Chengliang has made so many memorials, but until now, the amount of money he wants has not changed, only a mere 100 million taels.

One million taels of silver may be a lot in other places, but it is really insignificant in this kind of thing. However, even so, the imperial court has always, except for the normal military salary. Two extra silver.

If it is really difficult to say that the national treasury is really difficult, then it is okay to say, but in fact, from the late Jiajing period until the death of Longqing, although the national treasury of the Ming Dynasty was not rich, it still had 100 million taels of silver.

In particular, after Zhang Fan's overt and covert efforts, the imperial court began to collect tax money from maritime merchants, and the treasury of the Ming Dynasty was filled like never before. One tael of silver to expand the six castles.

Now, Li Chengliang has made another memorial on this matter, but this time it is different. After all, there are still signs of war disasters in Liaodong. If there is no response, I am afraid it will be too unreasonable.


"Your Majesty, I don't think so," someone still stood up to object, "In the past, Li Chengliang also sent letters asking for money, but now, although there are signs of war in Liaodong, but now the Jurchens are fighting among themselves, when the time comes , even if they call, they will only become weaker, and it is really unreasonable for Li Chengliang to ask for money at this time."

Listen, what a bastard's words this is. Looking at the court, no one does not know that Wang Gao is doing this at this time to expand his own power. If you commit a crime, the strength will only increase, so how can it shrink.

But even if it is such an obvious thing, some people still want to speak nonsense with their eyes open, and some people stand up to agree with these words.

For Zhang Fan who was standing aside and looking at these people, Zhang Fan, who had already understood the various interests of the Ming Dynasty, said that although objectively speaking, these words were too bastard and too incredible, but in his heart he felt that It doesn't have to be normal, even in his opinion, if he can't hear these words, then there is a problem.

Chaozhong received Li Chengliang's memorial yesterday. At that time, after the Empress Dowager Li looked at it, she actually agreed, but she didn't say anything, but called Zhu Yijun to let him make a decision. He wanted to agree to it last year. After all, Zhang Fan also told him about Liaodong. It was put on hold.

Now, Zhu Yijun has already made up his mind to allocate money, and now that the national treasury is full, this is not a big deal at all, but there are still people who stand up and say such a thing.

At this moment, Zhu Yijun laughed: "What Aiqing means is that I don't want to give it yet,"

Obviously, this is irony, which is a precursor to anger.

However, there is still that kind of person, and he said in a loud and dignified manner: "Your Majesty is right, I feel that I still can't give it,"

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