The so-called old friend.In fact, what Zhang Fan learned was not an old friend.After all.At most it is his own subordinates.It was Wang Xiliang and Zhao Xiande who went out to sea to run the boat.

Let's talk about these two people.Now it's really a big deal.Because of Zhang Fan's relationship.Even Zhang Fan would never do anything about seagoing ships.But knowing the identities of Wang Xiliang and Zhao Xiande, they went to run the boat.Obviously this was ordered by Zhang Fan.In this way.As long as it's about these two people on the ship.Within the territory of Ming Dynasty.Most of them can be released worry-free.This kind of convenience is the only one in the entire Ming Dynasty.No semicolons.

This convenience goes beyond saving money.What's more.high speed.Fast words.They were able to go to sea a day earlier.Some special ones are carried on board.Goods that cannot be preserved for a long time will be more valuable.And be able to arrive at the place one day earlier.Things can also be sold for a price.Earn more too.

Especially for Zhao Xiande.Originally he was alone.Earning is indeed more than now.But now.Even under Zhang Fan's command.The money is not as much as before.But security is greatly increased.And speaking of earning less.In fact, there is not much less.The solo adventures in the past few years have allowed Zhao Xiande to accumulate a lot of wealth.He is not a greedy person.It is best to be able to make money so smoothly.

and.Zhang Fan's relationship is not limited to this.Especially here.It's not just Zhang Fan.The man sitting on the emperor's throne also participated.It used to be Zhu Zaihou.Now Zhu Zaihou has passed away.Zhu Yijun, who succeeded him to the throne, enjoyed this matter even this point.Except that Zhu Yijun didn't make much publicity.Almost in full cooperation.

And in this relationship.The most important thing.That is, their supply of goods is fully guaranteed.They can for the same price.Get goods that are several grades higher than others.This is also a very important thing.

After Zhang Fan heard the news that the two of them had returned.It was indeed a little surprising.After all, in the past.They all have to delay their return for a long time.Sometimes it is even delayed for two or three months.And this time.They came back only ten days later than the others.

But these are not the point.The point is with the news that these two are back.It made Zhang Fan think of many things.The first thing is that he resold firearms to several daimyos in Fusang, which was in the Warring States period.

But actually.Zhang Fan didn't sell many.Money is earned a lot.And it's all gold.But actually.The total shipments in the past two years are only [-] pieces.but.After all, it is called Warring States there.Actually.The main force in the war is just some peasants.After hasty training, he went into battle with a knife and gun.

It's not that the daimyos there don't have well-trained elite soldiers.It is really very few.Often only one to two thousand people.Even less.But they are all treated as babies.It will not be easily dispatched to fight.Use it as a deterrent.It sounds a little funny.But that's what happened there.

But no matter what.In short.Here are [-] firearms.But it caused a huge change in the form there.original.And some estimates.I don't want to send troops too much.A daimyo who doesn't want to consume too much force.Because of such a batch of firearms.Minds have changed.They all feel that they have such strong support.It becomes easy to defeat the opponent.

therefore.In this precarious situation.There are more wars than ever.That's a very normal thing.For the situation over there.Although Zhang Fan was concerned.But you don't have to put all your thoughts there.and.There was so much movement over there.It simply doesn't need to be.Just send someone.Even if you ask anyone casually, you will know.

In short.This time comes.There are many more battles of various sizes than before.And the number of casualties.It's just less than half a year this year.The number of deaths has already caught up with the sum of the previous five years.

In short.That's what happened over there.Actually.For Zhang Fan.Knowing this is enough.He doesn't need to get too deep into it.

And until Zhang Fan waited until Wang Xiliang and Zhao Xiande returned to the capital.Only then did Zhang Fan know why the two of them were able to do this so early.Reasons to come back months early.The reason is very simple.The goods they shipped sold out quickly.Since the goods are sold out.The money was also accepted.Then naturally there is no need to stay in a place where they are not used to living.It's good to be back soon.

Goods sell fast.Naturally because things are good.After all, Zhu Yijun and Zhang Fan are backing them.No.It can't be counted as support.Suffice it to say that they are influential.all in all.The things that the two of them brought were definitely good goods.Even in the Ming Dynasty.Even if it is compared with the speed used in the palace.Things will not go anywhere.

Even so.After a long journey.These things come to Europe.The price is naturally sky-high again.but.The people over there are not too concerned about the price.Especially those rich locals.certainly.Most of them are those nobles and royal families.Lately they've been on colonial action.It was really a big profit.These luxuries are still affordable.

so.When the fleet of two people has not arrived yet.It's just the northern hemisphere of the Atlantic Ocean.Many people on the European continent have already received the news.And they all know.The habit of these two people.The first stop is fleet of two people has not arrived yet.Portugal is already a gathering of people from all over the world.There are businessmen.There are also nobility.There are even people sent by the royal family.The purpose is to grab some good things in the first step.Um.It might be inappropriate to say grabbing.However, in fact, there is not much to check.after all.The first people to see the goods.Always picks out the good stuff.

And the two were able to come back so quickly.Not just for this reason.In fact it was because their first stop was Portugal.And people in all European countries know this.They were all gathered there waiting for them.Therefore.this time.The goods carried on their ships are of very high quality.And those people are under such a coincidence.They all gathered in Portugal for the first time.

If in the past.No matter Zhao Xiande went to sea alone to do business.It was he who joined Zhang Fan's command and ran the boat with Wang Xiliang.In fact, in the end, it is necessary to travel to several places in Europe to sell out all the goods brought.again.Zhao Xiande even crossed the English that island country.

But this time it was completely different.People from all over Europe have long gathered here.And they're all rich.And people who have brought enough time.After the two boats arrived.Just start shopping.The ship stopped at the port where it first arrived without moving.It took half a month.Just sold out everything.It's not that they are lazy.It's not that they don't want to go.It's just that they don't need to go anymore.

So.Since put things early.The money is already in full hands.Then they naturally have no reason to stay there.The two of them didn't stop too much.After counting.It is to set sail.I went home.

So this time.They only come back months early.And after coming back.The first thing the two did was to head to the capital.Meet Zhang Fan.Although the amount of silver is huge.However, Zhang Fan's subordinates naturally went to count them.He was not afraid that those people would cheat.After all, compared to being greedy for some money.If he is caught by others and takes the opportunity to punish him.Replace it or install cronies to say.Silver is really nothing.and.Zhang Fan treated them well.Although they can't make them rich.But it is enough for them to spend.

"What. Look at the two of you. It has been almost an hour since you entered the door. This smiling face has never stopped. It seems that this trip has earned a lot." Zhang Fan looked at the two.said with a smile.

"My lord's guess is good. This time I earned a little more than last time." Wang Xiliang said.It's just that although he said it was a little more.But how much.Zhang Fan didn't even ask.Can also guess.That definitely cannot be described with the word "some".

"Yeah. This time it made you a little bit wronged." Zhang Fan said.He said that for a reason.After all, this time going to sea.among those goods.In fact, [-]% of the capital was paid by Zhu Yijun.Imagine that Long Qing was not so greedy for money back then.But after seeing the profit in it.Still involved.

But for Zhu Yijun.Naturally, he seemed to be digging in more.If it wasn't for his status as emperor.If the influence is not good.He planned to pay [-]% of the capital.But since Zhang Fan took the lead.Then he can't do too much.At least sixty percent.He can already earn a meat.You have to let others drink the soup, right?not to mention.It's not someone else either.Although it is much safer now.But that was also a desperate business.

"What are you talking about?" Zhao Xiande felt a little embarrassed. "The humble job is very satisfying now." In fact, what he said was not wrong at all.Although he only paid [-]% of the capital.But compared to his previous.In fact, he did not pay much.There are many more.after all.Now the size of the fleet has gone up.Can hold more goods.Naturally, the capital required will be large.

"By the way. You guys are coming back this time. It's not just about money." Zhang Fan thought of other things.asked. "What about the thing I told you?"

"My lord, tell me. How can you not care about a humble job." Wang Xiliang said this.He took out a leather envelope from his pocket.Hand it over to Zhang Fan.

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