The results come.Zhang Fan didn't rush to open it to check.first.He believes in this.Wang Xiliang would not deceive himself.Unless he was also deceived by those people.Second.Even if he wants to see it.I'm afraid I can't understand it either.but.Whether you can see it or not is one thing.But Zhang Fan still wanted to ask about the situation.

"This thing has to come. Does it cost much?" Zhang Fan was the first to ask about this matter.after all.Although he also understands the situation of this thing.But he also understands how embarrassing and corrupt the other party as a concern.He also wanted to ask.

this matter.Although Zhao Xiande knew it.But he didn't pay attention.Anyway, it wasn't something he should worry about.And Wang Xiliang heard Zhang Fan's question.He didn't answer right away.Instead, he showed a troubled expression.

Zhang Fan was very clear in his heart.After all, he also understands that this matter is a bit difficult.Even if it's what they want.In fact, the opponent has already been eliminated.No.It cannot be said to be eliminated.After all, the Portuguese military is still equipped with the Franc cannon.But because the age is indeed a bit far away.So it's not a secret.

But for Daming.Fran cannons are very important things.Especially nowadays.Shipping starts.Not just on warships.It is also installed on ordinary merchant ships.And its advantage is not the range.After all, its rear-loading ammunition loading method.It does not have a very closed and very tight explosion space when it fires cannonballs.but.It excels in accuracy and rate of fire.

And this.For the Ming army, it is completely enough.after all.The Ming army did not look like the melee in East Asia.No one or any country can become the opponent of the Ming court.The opponent may have a big ship.There are a few old cannons.Some don't even have big ships.Just like those Japanese pirates.They all use boats.

and.The people that the Ming army had to deal with basically needed to come to a very close place before they could attack.In this way.For the Ming army, the Fran cannon.Especially at sea.That is the best tool.

And even in land warfare.The Fran cannon is also very beneficial.Qi Jiguang's Qi family army is outside the Shenji camp.The second troop heavily armed with firearms.And among them.The number of artillery is naturally not a small number.And basically all of them are Franco cannons.Old-fashioned earth cannon.Although there are still.But most of them are placed in fixed places.Must enter the harbor or on the tower.

Total this.This is the case.That is.The Ming court is in great need of this weapon.And since importing a few doors that year.It has never stopped researching and imitating this day.It's been so many years.The Franc cannon imitated by Daming has basically met the requirements.There are even several items of data.It is much stronger than the original indicator.

Zhang Fan didn't understand these things.But he has.There are several key things in it.The group of craftsmen in the Ministry of Industry still couldn't fully figure it out.So Zhang Fan made Wang Xiliang go to Europe this time.Get back the original blueprint from Portugal.

now.Seeing Wang Xiliang's appearance.Zhang Fan couldn't help laughing.Asked: "You don't have to do this. What it looks like inside. I can also think of it. Tell me. How much it cost."

"Your Excellency predicts things like a god." Although he understood that Zhang Fan would not punish himself for this matter.But I don't know if Wang Xiliang's previous habits can't be changed or what.He still flattered.Said to Zhang Fan. "Actually, it really didn't cost much. It's only 50 taels of gold."

"Oh." He said it was 50 taels of gold.Zhang Fan was also a little interested. "Let's hear it." Fifty taels of gold is indeed a lot in the eyes of ordinary people.But for this matter.It's a little bit.even.If you really want to compare.They could get that amount back by shipping in a set of fine tea sets.

but.Zhang Fan was a little curious.Why did Wang Xiliang spend money.Or.Where did the money go.

after all.If the Portuguese royal family agreed.This thing doesn't cost money.At most, it's just a few things.But now.But it needs to use real gold.Obviously this is definitely not the normal route.Just treat it as gossip.Zhang Fan was very interested in inquiring about the inside story.

"My lord, that's actually what happened." Wang Xiliang began to say. "So didn't we mention this to them..."

turn out to be.That time when they asked them for the prototype design drawing of the Franc cannon.Originally, the Portuguese didn't think it was the same thing.After all, for them.Although they are still using that thing.But after all, it was many years ago.And even in Europe.It's no longer a secret.many countries.Even their feud, Spain, has been imitated.

and.A very important point is.The Portuguese had no conflict with the Ming Dynasty.between the two countries.A contemporary technology.Even if you want to ignite a dispute.It is also very difficult.Since there is no conflict of interest.It all became easier to say.

originally.As the first European country to establish diplomatic relations with Ming Dynasty.They have indeed received a lot of discounts from Daming.And what is required here is nothing more than a thing that they have already used.Not really a big deal.

but.Because of that time.It seems that there is a lot of anxiety here.And those people.Perhaps in many ways.None of the means can play against a wise man.But they are also not fools.Although it was only a momentary expression of impatience.But they also saw it.And after seeing it.They also felt that this seemed like an opportunity.Want to exchange something more.

so.That time they did not agree.It's about going back and thinking about it.Actually.That's an excuse.I just want to go back and think about how to extort more things.

so.This time after Wang Xiliang went there and mentioned this matter.They already have a way to deal with it.The solution was to flatly reject his request.He also pretended that it was a state secret or something.all in all.Just one not give.And their tone is quite tough.

But that's all posturing.They're just going to put on the pose.Let Ming people feel that this thing is very precious.It is not easy to give them.want to.That would cost a lot.

As for what this huge price refers to.In fact, even the Portuguese themselves have no conclusions.They want more.But at the same time, we must also pay attention to the bottom line.After all, they also knew about Daming's situation.They knew that the Ming people had already been able to imitate the Frang machine gun.It's just that some key things are not too clear.

They are where you want to place these keys.To maximize the benefits.

And it just happened to be here.Wang Xiliang was full of confidence in this matter at the time.But I didn't expect it.As soon as I got there, I hit a hard nail.This put him in a very bad mood.And I don't know where this pinch of evil fire came from.It just exploded in his heart.present.Wang Xiliang didn't wait for the other party to say anything at all.Just turned around and left.

Wang Xiliang's move.The person on the other side who was just photographed for negotiation was suddenly dumbfounded.While standing still on the spot.He even forgot the act of chasing after him to keep him.

Not to mention what bad luck this person will have in the end.After Wang Xiliang went back.I also regret it in my heart.I'm afraid that because of one of my mistakes, the big event will be delayed.Then he would be to blame for death.But everything has been done.It's too late to think about regretting now.

but.It's not too late either.Although the original path is irreversible.But to use a European proverb. "All roads lead to Rome".Maybe go the other way.still achieve the same purpose.As for the process.It doesn't matter to Wang Xiliang or Zhang Fan.Just get your hands on the blueprints.

As for which way to go.In fact, this is the easiest choice for Wang not forget.Before he went to sea exclusively for Zhang Fan.Also a brocade guard.When he joined Jinyiwei.There is no capital.Also rely on various means.Step by step until today.

And those methods in the officialdom of Ming Dynasty.For a Jin Yiwei.They are all too familiar.Some of them have used it themselves.Some are things they learned at work.all in all.Various methods and tricks can be said to be colorful.

But for Wang Xiliang.He just has to choose the one that works best for him.For these Europeans.They are indeed not stupid.But their experience in this field is too little.Wang Xiliang didn't dare to use any advanced methods at all.Not because he won't.It was because he was afraid that he had used that kind of oblique method.The other party couldn't understand.That would be an own goal.

so.In the end he chose the most direct method.Toto Relationships Find related people.Get in touch with each other a little bit.Then make your own request.In the end, pay directly.Get it right.

It sounds incredible.But Wang Xiliang's thinking is not wrong at all.This is a royal country.In the final analysis, it is no different from the Ming Dynasty.And those below.It is absolutely impossible to be completely loyal to the emperor.Be loyal to your country.Put the national interest at the top.There is no personal selfishness at all.

and.Wang Xiliang is doing some research.After knowing the value of this thing.I understood it in my heart.There is nothing wrong with my own thinking.An obsolete thing.It's not that important.

then.Wang Xiliang, who had made up his mind, did not procrastinate at all.Get started right away.And the last demerit.There are no twists and turns at all.It can be said that it is easy to catch.

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