The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 835: The Edge of Crisis

"Joanna, how's your journey?" Zhang Fan also seemed to be a little embarrassed. He also wanted to find a topic to talk about slowly, so he asked about this matter. In fact, after Joanna met him, he was carefully Observation, Joanna has definitely changed a lot compared to before, that temperament is definitely tempered by surviving the battlefield, but apart from that, Zhang Fan didn't see much more. , "How did you get here during this time?"

Listening to Zhang Fan's words, Joanna laughed, but that smile was a wry smile without any relaxed look inside.

"That year, as soon as I got home, that happened," Joanna began to narrate. "After that, in less than a week, I was convicted, forced to go In two months, he was sent to the battlefield..."

That year, when Joanna was still in Daming and hadn’t returned to China, the conspiracy against her had already started in Portugal. So, when she just returned home, she hadn’t actually fulfilled her role as a nobleman. The responsibility of foreign diplomats, even the face of Emperor Philip II has not been seen, and he was arrested almost as soon as he disembarked.

After that, when it came to a trial, in fact, Joanna had never been to court at all, and she had never even met the judge, but the verdict was placed in front of her, just to Let her sign. For Joanna at that time, she signed her name without much thought. First, she was indeed a little desperate. Second, she knew that even if she struggled in this regard, she would not It is too easy to forge something like a signature.

Therefore, Joanna, who had never done anything, was sentenced, but what she was sentenced to was not the death penalty, but deprived her of her noble status and the rank of an officer, and treated her as a low-level soldier. Go to the front line, and for Portugal, which is currently undergoing a colonial war, a soldier at the bottom is no different from cannon fodder, and they all go to the front line to die.

Even though they, as colonists, have much more advanced weapons and equipment than the other side, and have more rigorous training and combat than the other side, but in this era, the gap is actually not that big of a difference, especially when faced with When a group of people face a group of people who have lost everything, it is also difficult to predict what kind of variables the other party's ferocity will bring.

In short, this is tantamount to sentencing Joanna to death in disguise, and for a woman like Joanna, the risk of going to the front line to fight is not only from the enemy. After all, most of the soldiers on the front line are men. A woman, and such a young and beautiful woman, in that kind of place, it seems that the danger from among her own people is greater than the enemy on the opposite side.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with it. On the first night Joanna just arrived, this kind of thing happened. Several soldiers who hadn't seen meat for several months were just looking for sex, and they also knew why Joanna What was the reason for being assigned to the front line, so they understood that no one would punish them even if they did something, and even, there were officers passing by, and they clearly saw this situation, but they were indifferent.

It's just that these people picked the wrong time, or they didn't catch up with that time. What happened in Portugal made Joanna desperate, and during the few months on the ship, although she was used as cannon fodder, she was also a A prisoner, coupled with European superstition, has always had misfortune to let a woman be on board, so Joanna was locked up alone during the few months on board, and no one would go there. get close to her.

And it was these few months that made her think about a lot of things, among which, the most important point was that Joanna's heart, which was already as dead ashes, was once again ignited with hope.

And it was that very faint hope that saved her. Joanna killed two of those soldiers who dared to behave against her, and two others were eunuched by Joanna with a sword. This time, No matter how young and beautiful Joanna looked, no matter how ugly the woman was, even if she was surrounded by men who hadn't seen a woman in half a year, no one dared to touch her.

Even the officer didn't dare. Although it was said that if Joanna killed the officer, she would be shot immediately, but the officer was already dead, and the calmness Joanna showed that day and the way she swung the sword The madness revealed is already very telling, she will kill any man who dares to do anything to her, no matter who the other party is.

Therefore, it took only one day for Joanna to eliminate her biggest threat, and no one dared to harass her anymore.

After that, all she had to face was how to survive the war, but at this point, it was because of the previous incident that she faced even greater troubles. After all, that incident made all While people were afraid of her, it also made many people hate her, so they wanted to trouble her.

Putting this on the battlefield, it is easy to find loopholes. If you charge too far forward, you will be entangled by the enemy, because your life will be in great danger. If you stay too far behind, someone will deliberately find trouble. Said she was disobeying military orders or something.

However, Joanna has done a good job in this aspect. Every time she fights, she is not the most active one, but she is definitely not a lazy person. Every time, when she wins, there will always be a record of her fighting; and Every time she retreats, she will never be the last one to retreat.

How should I put it, perhaps during this period of time in Daming, she also learned the "Golden Mean", and maybe it is really invincible in this aspect. As long as she persists in this way, no one can find her. Trouble, of course, this is not a watertight approach. If you really want to trouble her, you can still think of a loophole if you rack your brains. However, it is obvious that Westerners are too lacking in experience and talent in this area. Now, in the face of Joanna's imitation without knowing the essence, she can't see any flaws.

After that, the only thing Joanna needed was how to win the battle. Portugal had a huge advantage against India at that time, large and small dynasties. The opponent's bows and arrows must be muskets with strong lethality and long range, and behind them, every successful invasion of a place will become their supply point.

Therefore, although they are advancing layer by layer, the speed of advancement is not slow, and the speed is not slow, which means that the chances of them encountering enemies will increase. In Joanna's memory, there are three months of them , There will be battles almost every day, which simply drags people to the verge of fainting, but in order to survive, they can only persevere firmly, there is no other way.

And in this situation, there is no way to cheat. This is not a risk that can be avoided by thinking fast or thinking of any way. Moreover, on the contrary, if you want to survive in this situation, you are afraid Cringing will only make people die faster, especially when they invade other people's homes and advance every day, so that they cannot be more familiar with the geographical environment than their own enemies, which is the enemy's home.

As for Joanna, she has never been on the battlefield, and her first time will usher in a fierce battle that is no different from the future. However, for Joanna, there is no problem. At that time, she, There is a desperate existence in my heart, I feel that my motherland has betrayed me, maybe it doesn't matter if I die under such circumstances.

But at the same time of despair, there is more hope in her heart. She is a Christian, and she regards all of this as a trial of God for her, and there is still hope in front of her. And that hope is not something illusory, but something small but visible.

With these things, Joanna survived the battle. Although she was injured, and it was seriously injured, and she was about to return to the kingdom of heaven, she still survived, just because of the hope that supported her she.

Of course, Joanna didn't say anything about her injuries, perhaps because she didn't want to worry Zhang Fan, or because she felt that she didn't need to mention these things to Zhang Fan to gain his sympathy for her, but these are now It doesn't matter anymore, the past is the past after all, now, she is no longer in danger.

"Until last month," Joanna said, "I have gone deep into the inland with the army, and I am far away from the seaport, but I heard that there are a group of Ming businessmen returning from our country in the seaport, and I heard that they belong to your lord. Sir, I know this is the last chance. I escaped from the barracks that night. In order not to be discovered, I had to take a small path. It took nearly half a month before I arrived at the harbor. God bless, my lord. My subordinates haven't left yet, and until today, I finally saw you again, "

Zhang Fan didn't interrupt when Joanna was talking, but just listened quietly, and didn't say a word until she finished speaking.

Although Joanna's words were very plain and simple, even when she talked about those frightening life and death brinks, her tone didn't change much.

But Zhang Fan understood that no matter how plainly she said, she couldn't conceal the danger in it.

But now, after Joanna finished speaking, Zhang Fan still didn't say anything. It wasn't that he didn't want to say anything, but that he really didn't know what to say.

Joanna seemed to understand Zhang Fan's mood at this time, and she didn't mean to blame.

After a long time, Zhang Fan could only say "Welcome back", but even so, Joanna still laughed. This time, there was nothing helpless in her smile, it was completely happy smile,

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