"By the way, since you're here, don't talk about those unhappy things anymore," Zhang Fan said with a sudden smile, "It's almost three o'clock in the afternoon, and I'm busy talking to you, you've had dinner ,"

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Joanna also understood, and said with a smile: "Thank you for your concern, sir, I ate it when I just arrived, and the two subordinates of your lord are bothering, and even asked someone to buy food and drinks , eating these things again, I really have some indescribable feelings in my heart, "

"Then what are you going to do in the future," Zhang Fan continued to ask.

When Joanna heard what Zhang Fan said, she stood up and saluted Zhang Fan. It was a very standard Portuguese court etiquette. For a while, Zhang Fan couldn't figure out the etiquette. Moreover, although Zhang Fan noticed Joanna when she entered the door, he still didn't ask until now.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Fan looked at Joanna and asked, "Besides, why are you still dressed like this?"

What Zhang Fan was referring to was Joanna's dress. She was still wearing a European-style dress, and it was different from what she wore when she came to Daming. At that time, she was a diplomat and a soldier at the same time. The top is a military uniform, but now, what she is wearing is a court dress, which is very gorgeous. Even in this era, her dress completely outlines her figure.

Although Zhang Fan has never seen Joanna dressed like this before, he has seen this outfit before. Of course, it was on TV in his previous life. Although this is the first time he has seen it with his own eyes, Zhang Fan is not surprised by it. He said that what he was really puzzled about was why Joanna still dressed like this, and she even dressed up carefully.

Faced with Zhang Fan's question, Joanna naturally understood, she smiled and said, "This dress was the only one I took with me as a salute when I went to India. , but this dress is the only thing that reminds me of my mother, but this is the first and last time I wear it, and it will be hung in the closet forever, "

These words sounded a little sad, but to Zhang Fan, it was not the case. Since Joanna would say this, it meant that she really wanted to let go of the past. Maybe this dress is gorgeous, but its value to Joanna These are not the only things, perhaps this is the only thing that allows her to have a little warm memory of that cruel past.

However, Joanna also said just now that this is the last time she wears it, which means that although she will not forget the past, she will never be bound by the past, which is naturally a good thing, so when After Zhang Fan heard what she said, he was naturally happy. It is a good thing to be able to let go of the past, especially the past or some unhappy things.

"As for what to do in the future..." Joanna said here, looked at Zhang Fan, and said without looking awkward or embarrassed, "I have no relatives here, and I know a lot of people, but I can really do it." I'm afraid the only person who takes refuge in you is the adults, so this time, I'm here to take refuge in the adults."

"This..." Hearing what Joanna said, Zhang Fan didn't know what to say. He seemed to have forgotten that he should praise Joanna and even used the idiom "unaccompanied". Very, very open, without evasion at all, and without any intention of covering up, completely blunt everywhere, Zhang Fan didn't remember until she said these words, the woman in front of her was not from the Ming Dynasty , even she was not born in the Central Plains.

Although in the feudal era, even European women had to be more conservative, but compared to eastern countries, they were still a lot more open. It is not correct to say that they dare to love and hate. It can only be said that they like to express straightforwardly. own mood.

For Joanna, this is particularly prominent, not because she is more open than others, but because of her experience. After she suffered those things, she understood that if she still can't face herself If you don't have any feelings, this kind of behavior is tantamount to suicide, but, perhaps because of Joanna's special experience, she got her feelings wrong.

Yes, she did have a fondness for Zhang Fan, but that kind of affection really couldn't be transformed into the degree of love she has for Zhang Fan now. In fact, it was all because of what happened to her, which made her unable to see clearly. In this case, take this good feeling as love.

But these don’t matter now, it seems that now, both Zhang Fan and Joanna are willing to accept this feeling, and there are some things that really don’t need to look at the cause and effect anymore, and the situation in front of them is actually the most important thing. ok.

"Since that's the case..." Joanna's words did surprise Zhang Fan for a moment, but he soon came to his senses, the idea of ​​calming him down was actually the same as Joanna's. It's completely different, but it's still the same sentence, the way is different, but the purpose is the same, "If you don't dislike it, come live in my house. Although you have lived here, the time is too short after all. Now, you will live here from now on, if there is a problem with Shenmen, there are people here to take care of it, "

However, Zhang Fan's words surprised Joanna a little: "Master, I just arrived here, and my lord let me live here, isn't it too fast?" However, even at this time, Joanna still Calling Zhang Fan an "adult", it can be seen that although she was able to let go of the past, the blow she suffered still had a great impact on her. Joanna lowered her identity because of this, which is what happened Call Zhang Fan.

And, obviously, Joanna seems to be getting something wrong.

In fact, Zhang Fan's starting point is very simple and pure. After all, Joanna didn't stay here for a while and leave. I'm afraid she will stay here for the rest of her life. She is not familiar with her living habits, if she is allowed to live outside alone, there may be troubles, but if she is allowed to live in Zhang's house, she will be taken care of in everything, and there will be no troubles.

And even if Zhang Fan doesn't say it or think about it, but if the matter develops according to the current situation, I'm afraid the solution can be guessed, so instead of waiting until then to make plans, it's better to simply do it now and settle it in one step.

Hearing what Joanna said, Zhang Fan also understood what she meant. Faced with this, Zhang Fan couldn't help but smiled wryly, but he didn't intend to correct Joanna's thoughts. It wasn't that he had any thoughts. It's just that this kind of thing usually gets more and more chaotic the more you explain it, so it's better as it is.

Just like that, Zhang Fan didn't say anything more. Anyway, there will be plenty of time in the future, so Zhang Fan took Joanna to the backyard and found his mother and told him about it. Mrs. Zhao has no doubts about it. , readily agreed. After all, the Zhang family has such a big place and such a big family business. It is not a troublesome thing to have an extra mouth and a bed. Moreover, the person who lives here is still a woman. Although it is said that they are people who live thousands of miles away, for Mrs. Zhao, there is no difference.

However, Joanna's living in Zhang's house has caused a lot of discussion. Of course, this topic was only limited to Zhang Fan's home at the previous stage. Ru Xue and the others didn't seem to have any special emotions for Joanna's arrival. , They are also very curious about Joanna, talking about a few women who are about the same age, the relationship will naturally become harmonious after talking about it, and Joanna told them a lot about Europe, which made the four of them , including Ru Xue, are very interested.

And that's not all, Zhaoxue and Yingyue also introduced her to Wei Yaoyao, and Joanna and Wei Yaoyao quickly became acquainted with each other.

Moreover, there is another point that I have to mention, after she knew about the affairs between Zhaoxue, Yingyue and Wei Yuyao, especially the incident that forced Zhang Fan to appear in the "Spring Tea House", Joanna thought of one thing, and that was the relationship between Zhang Fan and Wei Leiyao. I'm afraid she was the first person to see the relationship between Zhang Fan and Wei Leiyao.

In fact, for this matter, Joanna used her previous way of thinking to think about it. After all, if a nobleman is close to a single woman, in her hometown, there is only that kind of possible relationship, although It seems a little inappropriate to say that Joanna is still guessing people living in the Ming Dynasty with a European way of thinking, but I have to say that she guessed it right this time.

However, even if she guessed it, she would not have any jealousy or hostility towards Wei Yaoyao. In fact, from her point of view, she has the same relationship with Wei Leiyao and Zhang Fan, even if it is not the same now. , it will be the same in the future, the only difference is that she can live in Zhang Fan's home legitimately.

From Wei Weiyao's words and deeds, Joanna, who has already guessed so much, can naturally see that Wei Weiyao's relationship with Zhang Fan is not just that kind of relationship, there is also love in it, so Joanna will not treat Zhang Fan even more. Wei Yaoyao was upset, but in comparison, she felt that she was much luckier.

In this way, Joanna officially started the second half of her life in Daming.

But Zhang Fan, after dealing with this matter, had to throw himself into another battle. At the beginning of autumn in September, the imperial decree was promulgated, and the imperial court fully started to use Zhang Juzheng's "Testing Method" , and trouble came along the way,

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