The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 843 Unbelievable

In the past few days, one incident has continued to spread in the court. Compared with this incident, the news of Feng Bao's "congliang" seems so insignificant. In the final analysis, it is because this incident is too surprising Now, compared to this, those unthinkable things before now seem extremely normal.

But Feng Bao, who was the instigator of this incident, didn't feel anything. No matter what people think of him, he looks normal no matter whether it is on weekdays or in private, and he doesn't see any strange meaning at all. Zhang Fan, who was involved in this incident, and Zhang Siwei, the third one who knew about this incident and was closely related to it, were both worried at first, but then calmed down, unlike others, It was as if he had seen something that was rarely seen in a hundred years, and he kept chasing after it.

This matter is actually very simple, that is, in the recent period, Feng Bao and Zhang Siwei have had too much contact, and the relationship between them is quite close, and there is absolutely no intention of hiding it from others, and even in public, the two People don't pretend to be hostile, and they also show a very intimate appearance during conversations. It seems that only good friends are like this. Sometimes, Zhang Juzheng will follow up. Even more related.

This scene really frightened a large number of people, and everyone looked at these three people with a look of juggling, as if it was something strange.

In fact, the matter started a long time ago. From that day, after Zhang Fan approached Zhang Siwei, and the next day, Zhang Siwei went to Feng Bao's place. There was no intention of hiding his whereabouts. Naturally, he was seen by others. .

If it is said that Feng Bao took the initiative to find Zhang Siwei, people would not find it strange. Although Feng Bao has been quite low-key recently, as if he has changed his appearance, everyone is dubious about it. If Feng Bao took the initiative to find Zhang Siwei now, it is most likely that Feng Bao couldn't bear his temper and wanted to find trouble. Although everyone didn't want to see that appearance, they could figure it out.

But now, the situation is completely different. It wasn't Feng Bao who went to find Zhang Siwei, but Zhang Siwei took the initiative to find Feng Bao. Thousand layers of waves, everyone is talking about this matter, some speculate, some feel sorry for Zhang Siwei, thinking that he is seeking his own death.

And then, people began to think about it. Although Zhang Siwei was upright, he was not a person who had no heart. They didn't believe that Zhang Siwei didn't know about this period of time, especially since he had just entered the cabinet, it was Feng Bao who most annoyed him. When he is angry, Zhang Siwei at this time should first of all keep a low profile and gather strength. When the wings are full, it is not too late to seek revenge from Feng Bao, but now he did not expect that Zhang Siwei is so impatient .

But when people think about it, they also feel that something is wrong. Zhang Siwei is not like the kind of person who would do such a thing when his head is hot, and then people inquired again, and they also found out that Zhang Fan went to see him the day before. Zhang Siwei also talked with him for a long time, so everyone naturally wondered whether Zhang Fan was involved in this matter.

Although it is said that this is Zhang Siwei's matter, and in the court, some people stand in the middle and don't want to intervene; some are worried about Zhang Siwei from Zhang Siwei's standpoint; It's just that these people don't have any grudges against Zhang Siwei, they just think that if Zhang Siwei is so self-inflicted, his cabinet minister will not last long, and then he will have a chance.

In short, there are naturally people with all kinds of thoughts. Among them, those who are worried about Zhang Siwei naturally want to ask. Even if they can't control this matter, the most important thing is to ask the end What's going on, why are there such abnormal signs.

Obviously, it is inappropriate to ask Zhang Siwei face to face about this matter. Some people have tried it like this, and Zhang Siwei responded with the appearance of a well-educated monk. No matter what others ask him, he always looks like a He smiled and said nothing, seeing him like this, these people stopped asking.

And although Feng Bao must know the reason, but naturally no one from his side intends to ask, no one.

In the end, there was only one person left who could ask, and that was naturally Zhang Fan who facilitated this matter. However, it was a bit troublesome to ask something from Zhang Fan.

It hasn't been long since Zhang Fan became an official. Now, if you count your fingers, Zhang Fan has been an official for five years. In the past five years, Zhang Fan has risen to the position very quickly. The relationship between Juan Zhenglong was established, but other than that, during the past five years, many unconvinced people could understand that Zhang Fan relied on more than these, at least, no matter how favored and trusted by two generations of emperors He, he must have some skills to be favored by two generations of emperors. Moreover, people who have a close relationship with Zhang Fan also understand that Zhang Fan is not the kind of arrogance, or bullshit. Your jester.

Moreover, Zhang Fan's ability is also there. Zhu Zaihou was able to entrust Jinyiwei to him back then. In addition to his complete trust in him, he also had affirmation of his ability to handle affairs. This matter, even Jinyiwei of the previous generation Both commanders and Cheng Guogong Zhu Xizhong had no objections.

The most important point is that Zhang Fan is a man and an official, which is definitely worthy of praise from the people in the court. Of course, this praise is not to praise Zhang Fan for how well he has done and how knowledgeable he is, but to praise him for being in charge of Jinyiwei. actions at the time.

All in all, Zhang Fan is a very easy-going person. Anyone who goes up to talk to him, even if it is someone Zhang Fan has never met before, he will not look above the top. Will not look at it differently.

So, everyone turned their attention to Zhang Fan, hoping to find out from him what was going on.

However, this time, Zhang Fan also changed his appearance. His attitude towards those who came to ask him was still the same as before. What's more, after this incident, Zhang Fan immediately changed his appearance, becoming exactly the same as Zhang Siwei, with a deceptive appearance. No matter what people said or how they said, they all smiled and said nothing.

Now, people are really confused, and obviously, the more Zhang Fan and Zhang Siwei are like this, the more they don't know what's going on, the more those people feel that there is something in it question.

But unfortunately, these two people who clearly knew the inside story didn't say anything. But these people naturally wouldn't ask Feng Bao. In their view, even if they asked Feng Bao, he would never tell them, and his attitude was even worse than that of Zhang Fan and Zhang Siwei. Much worse and more likely to get into trouble.

So, this person is like this, the more he can't figure out something, the more he wants to figure it out, even these full-hearted ministers of the court and China cannot avoid this, and they want to know what's going on, so several people discuss it After discussing it, I couldn't think of a reason. In the end, if I wanted to find out what was going on, I had to ask someone.

However, who should they ask? After much deliberation, they thought of Zhang Juzheng.

These people had a good idea. After all, Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao were clearly in the same camp. If Feng Bao had any plans, it would be normal for Zhang Juzheng to know about them. Well, judging from Zhang Fan and Zhang Siwei's previous attitudes, this doesn't seem like a shocking secret that can't be told to outsiders. If Zhang Juzheng knew it, he would probably tell them.

Secondly, although Zhang Juzheng is not as easy to get along with as Zhang Fan or Zhang Siwei, he is also different from Feng Bao who rejects people thousands of miles away.

So, these people asked about Zhang Juzheng.

Who knows, the situation is not as they thought. They asked Zhang Juzheng, but they didn't get an answer. It's not that Zhang Juzheng didn't tell them, but Zhang Juzheng told them that he didn't know what was going on, and Even he himself is wondering about it.

At first, people still didn't believe it. After all, Zhang Juzheng had such a close relationship with these three people, not to mention Zhang Fan and Feng Bao, and even Zhang Siwei had been helping Zhang Juzheng recently, and he was doing his best. From the looks of it, how could Zhang Juzheng not know what was going on.

However, Zhang Juzheng didn't say anything like Zhang Fan and Zhang Siwei, and he didn't want Feng Bao to reject people thousands of miles away. Therefore, he couldn't ask alone, and the people behind heard it one after another. He asked Zhang Juzheng what was going on.

But Zhang Juzheng was not very bothered about it, and told the people that he didn't know what was going on every time, but these people all thought that Zhang Juzheng knew it clearly, but if they didn't say anything, Zhang Juzheng's place became "lively" now, almost People come to the door every day, and some of them are not the first time.

In the end, Zhang Juzheng was really annoying or not, he really didn't know about it, and he wanted to find out, so he asked Zhang Fan what was going on.

Seeing Zhang Juzheng came to ask, Zhang Fan didn't hide anything, and told him everything.

After Zhang Juzheng heard this, he was even more amazed, he never expected Feng Bao to be so generous.

After that, everyone in the court understood, but at first, they naturally didn't believe it, they didn't believe that Feng Bao would be like this, but later, even Zhang Siwei nodded and admitted this matter, which made them not believe it.

So, in addition to being surprised, they couldn't help but believe that people who had the heart to kill each other could talk together. Although they didn't want to believe it, they couldn't help but believe in the vivid examples before them.

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