Speaking of it, any amazing thing cannot stand the test of time. Even if it is the kind of miracle that was once considered impossible, after a long time, when people mention it again, they may feel fascinated, but No more surprises.

But now, the matter between Feng Bao and Zhang Siwei is actually the same. Although the news of the reconciliation of the two of them was very surprising when it was first announced, it is not a spectacle of rivers flowing against the river and the sky falling apart. It really surprised people when they first heard it, but it faded away after a while.

And before, it was also because they were surprised that the two reconciled, so although many people thought it was unreasonable, they didn't think too much about it, they were just surprised, and it was this surprise that blinded people for a while. I didn't think much about what was going on here.

And then, after a period of time passed, people gradually calmed down about this matter, and as their minds calmed down, their minds were able to calmly think about something, and thinking like this really made them They came up with something, how should I put it, they don't know the inside story of this kind of thing, they can only guess based on their own imagination, although it won't be accurate, but they can guess something.

The most important thing is that, from their point of view, no matter whether Feng Bao really wants to change, or just pretending to show others, no matter what, Feng Bao must do some things in a down-to-earth manner. That's right, that is to say, no matter what his motivation for doing this kind of thing is, he has to do it.

But now, he was able to find Zhang Siwei, so it seems that it is not something that people can't figure out. After all, if Feng Bao really wants to make a difference in the affairs, then he It is bound to need the help of many ministers. Although Feng Bao alone has a lot of helpers, and there are many people in high positions among them, but among these people, there are really few who have real skills. , Most of them got to their current position by following the trend and flattering others.

Of course, it is impossible for people who can stand in this position to say that they have no ability at all, and there are many people with real ability and great ability among them. I'm hiding my true skills, I'm afraid I won't say it easily, sometimes I will do bad things with good intentions, and I obviously want to help, but people don't appreciate it, and instead I want to get myself involved, especially in this port , no one knows exactly what kind of thoughts Feng Bao is harboring, anyone should proceed with caution.

Obviously, in this case, it makes sense for Feng Bao to go back and ask Zhang Siwei for help, because other people will not help him, or dare not help him, but Zhang Siwei will not, Zhang Siwei Dare to resist Feng Bao uprightly, dare to point to Feng Bao's face and count his faults in detail, but in the same way, if Zhang Siwei said he wanted to help, he would definitely not be hesitant.

And it seems that now, looking for Zhang Siwei has become Feng Bao's only choice, and almost no one else in the court is more suitable.

Although people in the court have admitted this matter now, they still don't know what is going on and what Feng Bao asked Zhang Siwei to do. Of course, some people also thought of Zhang Juzheng's "Testing Method" Go, after all, now, this matter has become the number one event in the court, and it is obviously normal for Feng Bao to find Zhang Siwei for this matter.

But there are still many people who think that this is not the case. After all, everyone knows whether the "Testing Law" is actually implemented, whether it can be passed, and whether it can be passed for a long time. Zhang Juzheng should be most concerned about this matter. No matter why Zhang Juzheng put forward the "Examination Method", whether it is to display his ambitions or his selfish desire to gain fame, but only Zhang Juzheng himself should care about this matter.

Of course, people will naturally not deny that there are naturally those people who are for the sake of the country's righteousness in the DPRK. Even if this proposal is made by one's own enemies, as long as it can benefit the country and the people, they should agree to it. No matter it is a dark and stupid period, there will always be such a person in the court, and Zhang Siwei is exactly such a person.

Moreover, Zhang Siwei is also doing such a thing. The reason why Zhang Juzheng recommended Zhang Siwei to join the cabinet is to hope that he can help him, and Zhang Siwei also lived up to Zhang Juzheng's high expectations for him. Zhang Siwei, who has just joined the cabinet, He didn't care about the matter of gaining a firm foothold and full power at all, and immediately set out to help Zhang Juzheng. At that time, the two of them were preparing for the troubles they might encounter in the future.

But when they think about it this way, people feel something is wrong again. After all, it is Zhang Siwei's own idea to help Zhang Juzheng, and it is not Feng Bao who asked him to do it. Siwei has already been completed, so why does Feng Bao need Zhang Siwei? Could it be that it is just to resolve the conflict between the two? No, Feng Bao is obviously not this kind of person, no matter what his reason is Thoughts, regardless of whether he changed his face or not, but he would never bow his head and apologize to others. Even if Feng Bao really had regrets in his heart, he would never tell the other party directly, at most he would find someone to tell the other party.

This point has been confirmed. Obviously, Feng Bao first went to Zhang Fan and asked him to tell Zhang Siwei about this matter first, and then meet with Zhang Siwei for a detailed discussion.

But when things got here, no one could figure out what was going on, because no matter how they guessed, judging from the information people could get at this stage, there was no need for Feng Bao to talk to Zhang Siwei at all. , he just needs to sit and wait for things to develop sequentially.

However, even if they can't figure it out, no one wants to give up on this matter. After all, this matter reveals too much weirdness, and it is one of the most important things that make people not give up thinking about this matter. The important reason is that Feng Bao, Feng Bao will never do any useless and superfluous things, but this matter has no use for people from the beginning to the end, so obviously, there must be something in it The reason is inside.

But this is really difficult to guess, because only Zhang Siwei and Feng Bao knew what was going on, and no one else knew about it, whether it was Zhang Juzheng or Zhang Fan, especially Zhang Fan. After people know the general situation of the matter, Zhang Fan will no longer hide it. If someone confirms this matter to him, Zhang Fan will also tell them in every detail that he will not keep it private. Regarding what Feng Bao and Zhang Siwei talked about and what kind of relationship they had reached, Zhang Fan also admitted that he had no idea.

Therefore, the people in the court were under such speculation, but they did not give up on this matter. Fortunately, Feng Bao and Zhang Siwei were no one. Whatever plan you make, it will be shown in front of everyone.

The time is September, the season has already entered autumn, and finally got rid of the scorching heat of midsummer. In addition to the crispness of autumn, the exuberant vitality of summer has not receded immediately. At this time, it is the most suitable time to go out and enjoy the scenery Seasons, at this time in the past, there will always be a lot of people gathered in scenic spots in the vast territory of the Ming Dynasty, not only the mountains and lakes, but even the temples and Taoist temples are full of people, and it is these places that earn sesame oil money great opportunity.

This is especially true for the capital city. There are hundreds of Buddhist temples and Taoist temples in the entire capital city, and the mountain scenery in the suburbs of Beijing is even more beautiful. Relatives and friends come here for a stroll, and every year when autumn comes, it is also the most leisure time in the imperial court. The autumn harvest has not yet started, and midsummer is over, even if there is a flood or a drought, it is already a place for treatment. Come here, there is nothing to worry about, so at this time, many officials will find some time to take their families out for an outing, so it is good to relax.

But this year is different. In fact, in the past few years, those dignitaries and dignitaries would go to places almost every year at this time. This year, since the beginning of autumn, I have seen a few days ago, and not a single one after that. See you.

Of course, for ordinary people, they naturally don’t care about these things, and it’s even possible that they haven’t noticed them. Even if they have ideas, they won’t be curious about them for no reason. Many, after all, in the eyes of many people, are these people the ministers of the imperial court? Maybe there is something very busy in the imperial court now, and they need to be the pillars of the country to be loyal to their duties, so that they have no leisure time to come and play. It's a normal thing, so not many people will pay attention to their whereabouts.

However, others don't pay attention to them, but they themselves know that a very important event is happening in the court. This event not only involves the entire court, but it can also be said that it involves the official career of the entire Ming Dynasty. For such an important matter, it is naturally impossible for these ministers to have the leisure to travel around the mountains and rivers. Even if they have the heart, they don't want to ask anything, but they don't have that time.

The cause of the incident is that it started on July [-]th. On that day, less than a month after the beginning of autumn, and the next day was the Ghost Festival.

It happened on the morning of the [-]th day,

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