July [-]th, early in the morning, except for those who set up stalls for business, or those who traveled overnight, those ministers who need to go to court early got up early, and now it is almost a month after the beginning of autumn Now, the days are getting shorter and shorter. In summer, when you get up early in the morning, the sky is already a little bright. Now, it can really be called wearing the stars and wearing the moon, and there is no one besides them. It's really weird to say that it's really weird to rush to the palace to go to court on other people's streets in the inner city of the capital.

But today, these people waiting outside the Meridian Gate were all discussing something, and their voices were not as low as in the past, but they just spoke in a normal tone.

In fact, speaking carefully, it’s not a big deal. Tomorrow is the Hungry Ghost Festival, which is also called the Ghost Festival, but no matter what, it’s a festival. New Year’s Eve, Qingming Festival, Double Ninth Festival, and the July Hungry Ghost Festival The Zhongyuan Festival is a traditional ancestor worship festival in China. Although the Zhongyuan Festival has become more and more popular since the Tang and Song Dynasties, it does not mean that the royal family is no more than this festival.

Moreover, this year's festival has a very special meaning. First, this year is the second year after the death of the late emperor Zhu Zaihou. Even if this kind of festival needs to be worshiped, it is natural to have a good time.

Secondly, this year is also the first year that Zhu Yijun officially used the reign name Wanli after he took the throne, that is, the first year of Wanli. For this kind of thing, he, as the emperor, naturally needs some worship.

Although things like ancestor worship can't be described as lively, but this time not only the royal family, but also the ministers of the court will participate together, and even the wife who is ordered to be there will also be present. It's a rule, so even if it can't be described as lively this time, it is definitely huge.

In fact, although it is said that geniuses are festival days, even the Empress Dowager Li attaches great importance to this, so the decorations inside and outside the palace have actually been arranged since last night, and now even these ministers Standing outside the Meridian Gate, although there is no decoration here, you can still see the eunuchs and maids in the palace, including the guards, are all busy, most of them are carrying some things.

Speaking of this, I have to mention it, that is, the expenses in the imperial palace today are really not bad for money. After the Ming Dynasty opened the sea ban, the imperial court collected commercial taxes, and the treasury became richer, so the emperor's internal treasury was naturally Plump, although Zhu Yijun, the emperor's internal treasury is definitely not as good as the national treasury, but it is not much worse. After all, Zhu Yijun and Zhang Fan are doing business in a "partnership", and the money will definitely not be less.

Although, in order to reduce trouble, Zhu Yijun did not show up, and did not name himself, although, in order to reduce trouble, even if those people did everything possible to evade, Zhang Fan still asked people to pay all the tax money, but even so, what they did The money earned will definitely not be small. Let’s take this year as an example. Wang Xiliang and his party came back. After taking stock, after deducting the cost of the goods and the cost of going to sea and maintaining the ship, the net profit is tens of millions. Two taels of silver, and 200% of the thousand and one hundred taels of silver belonged to Zhu Yijun. Ten thousand taels of silver.

With this money, even Zhu Yijun, who is greedy for money, feels a little boring. This kind of boring makes money useless, and it seems a bit extravagant. Let's take the ancestor worship of the Ghost Festival this time. Let’s talk about it. In the past, this kind of thing was mostly shared by the emperor’s internal treasury and the national treasury. After all, although it was said that the emperor went to worship the ancestors, it was still a major national event. No more money, all the money will come from the treasury.

But this time, Zhu Yijun's performance was incomparable, all the money was allocated from the internal treasury, and, in the past, the money spent on this kind of festivals was no more than 10 taels, which was already top-notch, but this time Zhu Yijun's tone was serious, and he didn't know whether he didn't know it or did it on purpose, so he just opened his mouth and took out ten times the price, 100 million taels of silver, to do this matter.

This sounds unbelievable, and even if everything is done according to the highest standard, and everything used, even the white cloth hanging on the city wall for decoration is fine silk, but it is only two days. For the preparation time, the 100 million taels must be spent within two days, and all of it must be used locally, which is really difficult.

Of course, with such a large sum of money, in such a two-day period, it would be unbelievable if no one wanted to do anything to enrich their own pockets, but Zhu Yijun would naturally guard against such a move. Zhang Juzheng's "Testing Method" is put here. Anyone who wants to buy something needs to be recorded in advance. Since the time is very short, we have to wait until after the verification. Although it is beneficial to do so, after all, those people below are also Knowing the power of this "Testing Method", there are really not many people who dare to reach out in secret, the most are those kickbacks, but the most important impression of doing so is that it has delayed a lot of effort, and now everyone is doing it. All flustered.

As for this matter, not many people actually know about it, and at the beginning, even Zhang Fan didn't know about it. It was the Empress Dowager who was a little worried when she found out about it, so she called Zhang Fan over. Speaking of this matter, Empress Dowager Li was also worried that at such a young age, Zhu Yijun would be so extravagant in this kind of matter. She was worried that Zhu Yijun would do something even more outrageous after he took office in the future.

After Zhang Fan heard about this incident, he was naturally a little worried, but he didn't worry for long, and he was relieved. There are at least eight or nine years before Zhu Yijun takes office. In fact, there are not many opportunities for Zhu Yijun to waste so much. Even, Queen Mother Li can tell him to keep everything simple and not be too extravagant, then Zhu Yijun will naturally not refuse to listen.

And the role of these eight or nine years is not only these, after all, now, whether it is Zhu Yijun or the national treasury, a lot of money is collected every year, and this kind of income has become rich, but the expenditure is not too much. Given the obvious changes, it is really a question of how much wealth these two places will accumulate when Zhu Yijun takes charge.

And when Zhu Yijun took charge of the government and was able to be the master of his own family, as an emperor, there were only a few things that cost the most money, either sending troops to fight, or building palaces without doing business.

Things like war have always been related to the Ming Dynasty. It has been like this since the founding of the country, but with Zhu Yijun's temperament, he is not the kind of person who will take the initiative to attack. Besides, hasn't the Ming Dynasty always fought in the past? , and relying on the taxation at that time, didn't he survive, now and from now on, life will only be easier.

As for the construction of palaces, Zhang Fan has already calculated it. Not to mention the previous dynasties. In the Ming Dynasty, several emperors did this kind of thing. The most important one is the building built by Ming Chengzu Zhu Di. The Forbidden City was built. The Forbidden City used [-] craftsmen, took [-] years, and spent countless silver, which cannot be accurately calculated, but now it is estimated that tens of millions of taels were filled in every year at that time.

And obviously, it is impossible for Zhu Yijun to build another Forbidden City. Even if he wants to build a palace for fun, the cost will be no more than 2000 million or [-] million. , so that there will be no more violent expropriation, which will then lead to uprisings in various places.

If Zhu Yijun really wants to do this kind of thing, as long as he can afford the money, and it can be handed over to people on time and accurately, and there will be no tricks in the middle, doing so is tantamount to motivating The local economy has developed.

In the blink of an eye, such a thing that was regarded as a bad thing with great harm in the past dynasties turned into a beautiful thing in Zhang Fan's mouth.

Moreover, Zhang Fan did not use some of his own professional knowledge and some professional words to bluff the other party like the later generations. Instead, he explained it very clearly. After listening to it, Queen Mother Li did not understand anything. Moreover, after hearing what Zhang Fan said, she also felt that she was a little bit filtered. Even if Zhu Yijun spent money lavishly in the future, her income would still increase. She didn't believe that Zhu Yijun alone could spend so much money. Besides, with Zhang Fan around, she believed that Zhang Fan would also persuade Zhu Yijun.

Anyway, that's how things are.

But these, no matter what, don't say that these ministers don't know, even if they know, then this is tomorrow's matter. Since it is tomorrow's matter, then naturally we have to wait until we understand it before asking. Now, in their There are more important things in front of you to consider.

Today, many people have already got the news and know what the morning meeting will be. The most important point is that Zhang Juzheng is about to request that the entire court will start to use the "Examination Method".

Although it is said that the water control work is over now, and the reconstruction progress of the three places has already passed halfway, the power exerted by the "Kao Cheng Law" in it is more prominent and more effective.

However, even so, there are still many people who don't want to use it, or in other words, the more effective the "Testing Method" is, the more people don't want to use it.

Today is the time to decide on this matter,

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