The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 846 Someone Opposes

Today's morning is different from the past, not to mention that Zhu Yijun who used to sit there silently and would not speak unless he had to, but this time he took the initiative and was the first to speak It's not a strange thing, after all, he has been the emperor for more than a year, and some unexpected things will always happen, and more importantly, today is not just as simple as the first time he speaks, in the past even if he The first one to speak was mostly asking others, but this time, Zhu Yijun didn't want to ask questions.

"Yesterday, Mr. Zhang gave me an excerpt," Zhu Yijun looked at them when he got up after Zhong Zhongshan shouted long live, and said, "As for what was said in the expository, I don't think I need to repeat it. You already know what it is, you are all people with great supernatural powers, so don't hide it in front of me, so as not to hurt your friendship, "

Zhu Yijun would not have uttered the second half of the sentence, but as soon as he uttered the first half, he found that someone was showing a look of displeasure, and even wanted to stand up and defend himself with a pretense. Looking at it this way, Zhu Yijun was angry for a while, and he said such words, which can be regarded as angry words.

But even if it is an angry word, it is a terrible thing to come out of an emperor, even an emperor who has not yet had power. I still remember the last time, Zhu Yijun's "Ten Years of Revenge" remarks were really scary. There were quite a few people there, especially those who didn't think there was anything wrong at the time, but after going back, these people became more and more wrong, and now, no one dared to provoke Zhu Yijun at will.

Seeing that no one came forward to speak, Zhu Yijun seemed a little disappointed, and said, "Since this is the case, it will be easy to handle if you all know about it, but can someone speak up?"

To be honest, Zhu Yijun said this matter at this time, it is not the day he chose, nor is it what Queen Mother Li meant, this matter actually depends on how Zhang Juzheng does it, anyway, Queen Mother Li has already passed it. Now, as long as Zhang Juzheng felt that the time was up and he had written a script, he would announce it here. However, even if it was an announcement, he still had to ask the ministers present.

However, even Zhu Yijun understands that this cutscene is not so easy to go, and there will inevitably be many people who will stand up to oppose this matter. Offending people, at least more than [-]% of the officials in the court will lose their interests. Although it is imperative to say that the "Taochengfa" has now been approved by the Empress Dowager Li, these people still have to struggle After all, there are no absolutes in the world, as long as there is a one percent possibility, it is impossible to miss it.

In short, this is a nonsense thing.

However, I have to mention that it is not without reason that Zhang Juzheng proposed to let the imperial court implement the "Taocheng Law" at this time, and it is not just the reason for the Queen Mother Li's consent. In June of the calamity, Empress Dowager Li had already agreed, and she could bring it up at that time, but Zhang Juzheng was not in such a hurry, because he knew that the time was not yet ripe, and acting rashly would only lead to failure.

And during this period of time, there are still many people who are working hard on this matter, such as Ge Shouli and his group. Although the relationship between Ge Shouli and Zhang Juzheng is somewhat unclear, Ge Shouli is willing to talk to Zhang Fan. After all, no matter how you say it, what Zhang Juzheng did is a great thing, and as I said before, neither Zhang Fan nor Zhang Juzheng expected Ge Shouli to persuade those people to agree to the "Examination" Law, as long as it keeps them from opposing it.

And after this period of time, this item is indeed effective. Although the effect is not very significant, it is also effective. In fact, for Zhang Juzheng or Zhang Fan, Ge Shouli can make one or two out of ten people. It is already very satisfying, and Ge Shouli is not only so capable, in fact, he has far exceeded the expectations of Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng. Out of ten people, Ge Shouli has reasoned with five people. This is not a simple matter. matter.

But even so, Ge Shouli helped a lot, and the pressure that Zhang Juzheng would face was suddenly reduced by half, but Zhang Juzheng still had to face a large number of people who wanted to oppose him. This cannot be the reason for Zhang Juzheng to bring forward the matter in advance.

What really made Zhang Juzheng decide was not an uncertain thing like time or timing, but a very fixed thing, which was the matter of flood control in the three places.

Now, the floods in Shandong, Henan, and Nanzhili have been dealt with in early July, and now the reconstruction work has begun, and because of this time, the floods are very strong, but the water is not strong. It is too much, so when the flood recedes, many places do not need to be rebuilt, but only need to be repaired a little. Therefore, this is only a short period of half a month, but the reconstruction progress of the three places has already progressed. Very fast, and now the project is more than halfway done.

And it is precisely because these three places have achieved success in water control that this is the reason why Zhang Juzheng formally proposed this matter. The reason is very simple. After all, Zhang Juzheng had a plan at the beginning of water control in the three places Let's try "Examination Room Hair" this time when we are controlling the water to see how effective it is.

Since this time it was just a trial, and it was not intended to be officially used for anything, although the people in the court were a little worried, there was no way to stop it. After all, Queen Mother Li also agreed. In this kind of thing, if the person in power wants to Making small changes, as long as it doesn't mean it's permanent, isn't against the rules, and no one can object to it.

And this time, the "Testing Method" can be regarded as the first contribution. When the water control in the three places came to an end, after the report, it was discovered that it was precisely because of the "Testing Method" that this time, it was just for water control. Almost all of the 50 taels of silver that I bought was actually used, and all the expenses can be found out. Of course, it is unrealistic to say that there is no deficit at all. This time, no matter how careful I was, I recovered a lot in the middle Silver, but in the end, there was still a shortfall of nearly a thousand taels of silver.

But this is really nothing, yes, 1000 taels of silver, if it is placed in the hands of one person, it is indeed a lot, but when it comes to this matter, it is quite small, after all, it is a lot of value A project of 50 taels of silver, and the deficit is only 1000 taels of silver, let alone this, if it was in the past, even if it was a matter of 10 taels, there would be a deficit of tens of thousands of taels. More than two is really nothing.

Moreover, the matter is not just like this. In fact, the 1000 taels is not a big hole, but a thousand taels of silver accumulated from many things. The trial of "It can be said to be perfect. After all, this kind of thing that needs to spend a lot of money, there are many times, some money is not clear, that is very normal.

In other words, the trial of the "Testing Method" this time was quite successful, and it could even be said to be perfect, and it was also this matter, with such a merit in hand, that Zhang Juzheng dared to formally propose it, so that the court could completely He started to implement the "Testing Method", after all, he has gained confidence.

However, Zhang Juzheng has the confidence. In fact, no matter whether he has the confidence or not, as long as this matter is brought up, someone will inevitably stand up and oppose it. He didn't think there was any problem either. First, it was an inevitable thing, and it would be useless to worry about it. Second, he was sure to block the words of these people. No matter how bad it was, take a step back. There are many people, but since Queen Mother Li has agreed at this time, there is nothing to say.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhu Yijun finished speaking, someone immediately stood up and spoke ironically.

"Your Majesty, I feel that it is too early to talk about this matter at this time," said Yu Menggui, who was the first one to stand up.

When the people present saw him stand up, they had some understanding in their hearts. After all, Yu Menggui belonged to the Sixth Division, and the Sixth Division was responsible for supervising the Sixth Division. One stood up to object, either because someone had explained something to him, or because the "Tao Cheng Fa" really blocked his way.

"Oh, how can you see Aiqing?" Zhu Yijun was not angry when he saw Yu Menggui standing up to object, and said calmly. , Hastily refuted will only lead to problems.

"Master Zhang's "Testing Method" has now been tried in the water control of the three places, and the effect is indeed remarkable." Yu Menggui is also smart, and he didn't object at the beginning, but tossed around a bit.

But everyone knew that if he spoke again, it would definitely be the word "but", and similarly, everyone knew that as long as he said the word "but", what he said before would not count.

"However," Yu Menggui said without any surprise, "the matter of water control in the three places is just a trivial matter after all, and this "Testing Method" has not been verified for a long time, and now it is only slightly effective, but I don't know if it has any effect. What kind of flaws, so it has to be used in the court, it is really too much to do, I do not want to object to this, but I hope to do more trials, or have a reference, so that I can get rid of the shortcomings and take it its superior,"

"Well, what Aiqing said is not bad," and Zhu Yijun didn't object to his words, and continued to ask, "Now that Yu Aiqing has said it, does anyone else have something to say?"

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