The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 850 The Open Secret

Many people are wondering.What was Feng Bao looking for Zhang Siwei for in the end.It's just that the two of them don't talk.But no one can guess it.Made a very mysterious look.And even Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng, who were very close to both of them.In fact, they didn't know what kind of plans Feng Bao and Zhang Siwei were planning.Talk about guesswork.They can guess some.But exactly what exactly.They don't even know.

And now.Just when Zhu Yijun was trying to find a way to speak to these ministers who disagreed.But someone stood up first.This person is none other than someone else.Of course it was Zhang Siwei.He stood up like this.Although nothing has been said yet.However, many people also somewhat understood what kind of decision he and Feng Bao had reached.Judging from the current appearance.Of course it is.There will be no more trouble like this in the future.All of them were spoken by Zhang Siwei.And Feng Bao stood behind him.It was to help him back up.

have to say.This method is still very good.Although it is said that Feng Bao is in power now.Even after what happened last time.Queen Mother Li did not give him too severe punishment.At most, Zhang Siwei was brought into the cabinet.It was used to contain Feng Bao.But Feng Bao didn't care about these things.Now it is more passive than active.Zhang Siwei, who had restricted himself a lot.Actively shorten the relationship between the two.They have even formed partnerships.This has to be said to be Feng Bao's ability.To be able to turn things that were originally bad for you into your favour.

but.Feng Bao has a point.He is a eunuch.No matter how much power he holds in his hands.There are some scenes.He stood up as a eunuch.It is very inappropriate.certainly.He can also be thick-skinned.Don't care about other people's verbal criticism.Just stand up and speak with a strong attitude.But today is not what it used to be.Queen Mother Li is not a person in power who asks about everything.If Feng Bao dared to do this.He was in trouble.And Feng Bao is not as careless as Wang Zhen and Liu Jin.He didn't want such a strong momentum either.The last time he wanted to be knighted.It was his only time.But because of Zhang Siwei.He failed.The momentum in my heart was also suppressed.Now Feng Bao doesn't think about these things at all.

And Zhang Siwei.He was originally a Jinshi official.And he has been in the court for so many years.There is also a lot of credit for this.And Zhang Siwei's character.People in the court understand it.Just because of his age.So no one can give him a thumbs up in his face yet.But I definitely admire it in my heart.

And now.Zhang Siwei, who has already joined the cabinet.Although the seat is not yet firmly established.But the identity is there.If he stands up and speaks.No one dared to say "no".more importantly.Zhang Siwei cooperated with Zhang Juzheng as soon as he joined the cabinet.It has been said that it has a very stable position.Not to mention the relationship between him and Feng Bao now.Zhang Siwei wanted to stand firm in the problem.Just need to wait.

The two came like this.The division of labor is clear.Something happened.Zhang Siwei will stand up and speak.And Feng Bao supported him from behind.Backing up doesn't just refer to Feng Bao's power.In fact, power is the last thing Zhang Siwei needs.The most important role of Feng Bao is that he has a lot of evidence from many people in the court.It's all unknown to ordinary people.These.It will become the best bargaining chip for Zhang Siwei to stand up and refute others.

certainly.Zhang Siwei is a principled person.He will not abandon his principles because of the cooperation with Feng Bao.If things are for business.It's a big a good thing.Zhang Siwei will definitely help.But if it’s a bad thing, a private matter, etc.Zhang Siwei would not help at all.Thinking about this, Feng Bao had planned for a long time.But what to do next.But it is up to Feng Bao himself to measure it.

"Oh. Zhang Aiqing has something to say." Seeing Zhang Siwei, she stood up.Zhu Yijun's frown just now also eased a lot. "I don't know what Zhang Aiqing has to say." Actually.Zhu Yijun was also troubled.Although he had just started.But he didn't think about what to say next.Now someone can stand up and do it for him.He is naturally happy.and.The matter between Zhang Siwei and Feng Bao now.Although he didn't know what was going on.But also heard a little wind.He also wanted to see what Zhang Siwei was going to do.

"Your Majesty, what I said is also about whether the imperial court should apply the "Kaocheng Law"." Zhang Siwei said.

"That. I don't know what Zhang Aiqing means..."

"I feel that it is a good thing for the imperial court to apply the "Testing Method". And it is a very good thing." Zhang Siwei said.Lang Lang's voice.No pretentiousness. "After all. The "Kaochengfa" has been very effective in the water control of the three places before. If it can be used in the court, it must be able to greatly improve the efficiency of the court. In this way, the court can order and prohibit it. It can also supervise Officials complete the work at hand and benefit the people. Why not do it. More importantly, if the court implements the "Kaocheng Law". The corruption and fraud in the court today. Although it can't be said that it can be swept away And empty. But it can also greatly reduce the occurrence of such things.”

Zhang Siwei's words.After saying it.Responses have been varied.For the emperor Zhu Yijun.Or people like Zhang Fan and Ge Shouli.I don't think there is a problem.And I also feel that what Zhang Siwei said is very correct.But other people don't see it that way.after all.Although Zhang Siwei's words were not loud.But its meaning is not trivial.It is even more straightforward.

If so...

"Master Zhang..." Zhang Siwei's voice just fell.Immediately someone stood up.And when he speaks, he also has a yin and yang tone. "This official does not deny the benefits of the "Taocheng Law". That's right. This time, the water control matter. The use of this "Kaocheng Law" has indeed achieved remarkable results. If it can be used in the court, this official also agrees. I believe it will be very effective. However, Mr. Zhang said just now that he said that he could sweep away the corruption and fraud in the court. What does this mean? Could it be that what Mr. Zhang meant was that in the official circles of the Ming Dynasty. Such a person cannot."

This person obviously looked like he had been trampled on a sore foot.In fact some people are like that.There are ghosts in my heart.I am also very afraid of what others will say.And if someone else really said it.He will feel very wrong again.Immediately I wanted to stand up and defend myself.Such people.It's just too much.Now Zhang Siwei said so.Naturally, someone has to speak up.If not, he would be replaced by another person.

And his argument is very clear.It means that Zhang Siwei insulted the entire court.Honestly.The fact is as Zhang Siwei said.But this kind of thing.There's nothing wrong with discussing it in private.But now.This is above the court.Such a big crowd.Such a formal scene again.Say something like this.Even the truth.But it will also be treated as slander.

In this way.Some people will stand up and say that Zhang Siwei is wrong.Of course it is a very normal thing.and.this kind of thing.Once the other side competes.It's all hard to answer.If say no.Well obviously.What you just said is untenable.But if you choose to be tough.Saying that is the case.That's the same.The other party can immediately impeach you for contempt of the court.And this kind of thing.Generally speaking.Regardless of the facts.It's something no one wants to admit.That's pretty obvious.Zhang Siwei posed a difficult problem.

And the people present.Those who originally sang against the imperial court's plan to implement the "Kao Cheng Fa".Now seeing Zhang Siwei committing suicide like this.Naturally, I am very happy.originally.Zhang Siwei will stand up.Even if he didn't say a word, he knew that he was going to come out in favor of the "Testing Law".After all, his efforts during this period were also involved.and.Zhang Siwei's current identity.If speak.Also very substantial.

However.No one thought of it.Zhang Siwei would actually say such a thing.This made those who were still worried.Immediately let go of the heart.And immediately became happy.I wonder if Zhang Siwei has taken the wrong medicine.There is such a meeting place.It was like giving them a great opportunity for nothing.How could they be unhappy.

now.Zhang Siwei has already faced this matter.Some people sweated for him.I think he will have a hard time coping with this situation.And some people are gloating.I think he's just killing himself.

"Why? Could it be that I'm wrong. " Zhang Siwei faced such a question.There was no trace of panic on his face.It's just that his expression has become more serious. "Still. Is what I said wrong?"

"Of course it's not right." Seeing Zhang Siwei, the man didn't buy it at all.I was also surprised.But it didn't seem rushed.Immediately it became even more severe.It was as if he had suffered some great grievance. "Master Zhang. You say so. Don't you want to impeach all the officials in the court? If so, please show evidence. If not. Then, I will join Master Zhang." He said good.Also pretty smart.It actually implicated all the officials in the court.

"Don't confuse the public here." Zhang Siwei was still very calm. "You don't have to put a big hat on me. What I say is not right about people. Normally, I don't care about those things. But now. I want to talk about it. As for why. Could it be that even this... I have to say it again. "

atmosphere.Suddenly became very tense.

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