The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 851 Unreasonable

Zhang Siwei's words.Naturally, someone will stand up and oppose it.even.It's just some of them, whether they are people or officials on weekdays.Character is a person who is praised by everyone.Came across this kind of thing.It is possible to stand up against Zhang Siwei.After all.That is, Zhang Siwei's words stimulated the bottom line of some people's nerves.Even if there are some people who have never done anything wrong.It is possible to stand up against him.

certainly.this kind of thing.Zhang Siwei was born as a scholar.It should be very clear in my heart.but.Now Zhang Siwei still said such a thing.Such a move can definitely stir up all the self-proclaimed justice present.Or the mind of someone with a dream of perfection in their hearts.but.Even Zhang Siwei knew it would be like this.He still said it.That means.He had no idea what would happen next.It also means that he has probably already thought of how to deal with it.

now.Zhang Siwei didn't have much intersection with the one in front of him.There is neither hatred.Nor has there been such a strong disapproval from fellow Favors.But he looked very calm.And not just calm.While calming down.Zhang Siwei also showed a very indignant look.And in the same tone, he uttered some words that were quite intense.

And obviously.This person was also stunned by Zhang Siwei's words.He thought so.If you say so.According to common sense.Zhang Siwei should be speechless.After all, if he still insists on his own opinion.Then there is capital to impeach him.but.No one thought of it.Zhang Siwei was so direct.There is no room for tact.Just say those words directly.

And although this is indeed something that no one would have thought of.But since I have made up my mind before.So since Zhang Siwei has spoken.We will take over.then.This person immediately wanted to impeach Zhang Siwei.but.Even more surprising is yet to come.Even if he has already said everything he intends to impeach Zhang Siwei.But Zhang Siwei still looked like he was not afraid of anything.And the words of counterattack were even more violent.It can even be said to be scolded.

And obviously.Zhang Siwei's scolding was very effective.And not just this guy who confronted him.Even other people above the court.They were also frightened.Honestly.No one had seen Zhang Siwei get angry before.Even if he faced Feng Bao's frame-up against him before.There are even fears for their lives.But Zhang Siwei still spoke calmly.There was no sign of anxiety at all.He never overwhelms people with his voice.So scolded each other.And even if it goes further.There are indeed many people who know Zhang Siwei in the court.There are even many old friends who have been in contact for many years.But these people have never seen Zhang Siwei get angry.Now Zhang Siwei has come all of a sudden.Almost everyone was frightened.

And the person facing Zhang Siwei.I couldn't say a word for a long time.A look trembling all over.I don't know if he was angry with Zhang Siwei's words.Still scared.He raised his hand and pointed at Zhang Siwei.Talk tremblingly.Also slurred.Just say "you".And this "you" for a long time.Also never said a second word.

"Okay, okay." At this moment.Zhu Yijun opened his mouth again to smooth things over. "You two lovers. No matter what you say here, they are also above the court. Both of them are officials of the court. They should have some tolerance. Let's not say a word." Today's Zhu Yijun.The grasp of the atmosphere is very precise.Often always on the verge of eruption.Speak up.Suppress the situation that will soon be out of control.No wonder he can do so.After all, this kind of scene.Zhu Yijun has indeed experienced a lot.Even before he never spoke.But never had pork.But I have seen how many pigs run back and forth.Want to speak words.Still very easy.

only.Although Zhu Yijun is now.The words that come out of your mouth.It was a very well-meaning word of comfort.But actually.His heart really burst into laughter.But actually.The person who stood up now.Zhu Yijun was only from the standpoint of knowing him.But there was no enmity with him.He didn't offend Zhu Yijun either.It's just that Zhu Yijun thinks so.This kind of person is really polite.Although he is an emperor.But facing the minister.But it also needs to show the emperor's bearing.And now.Zhang Siwei was able to stand up and help him teach him a lesson.Zhu Yijun was naturally happy.

This person doesn't know.He has become the representative of that group of people.It has also become an excellent punching bag in Zhu Yijun's eyes.

"But Your Majesty. Zhang Siwei's words like this. He simply doesn't pay attention to the court. He also makes unreasonable words. He actually said that the court is...all corrupt and perverted. Such remarks. If you don't punish them severely. The majesty of the court Where is it? Where is His Majesty's majesty? If this matter gets out in the future, what will be the face of the court and His Majesty? I am a majestic Ming Dynasty standing in the world. Wouldn't it be ridiculed by other countries." Obviously.This man simply won't give up.And it makes more and more sense.It's not like he was frightened by Zhang Siwei's remarks just now.And he was so trembling that he couldn't even speak spoke more and more smoothly.And the words are becoming more and more powerful.As if he had reason at the same time.He looked like he had been wronged so much.

And this time.Standing aside, Zhang Siwei just looked at him coldly.He didn't interrupt him.other people on the side.Some even shook their heads secretly.Some want to laugh.

The one who shook his head naturally laughed that the man was a little silly.Zhang Siwei is not an idiot.Since you dare to stand up and say such a thing.Then he must have already thought of a way to deal with it.This person is now saying such a thing.It sounds natural and taken for granted.But according to the conjectures of these people shaking their heads.Zhang Siwei must have already thought of a way to deal with it.The reason why I shook my head.I feel sorry for this person.It's a pity that he doesn't know the depth.It's a pity that he doesn't know how to retreat.If it is said that Zhu Yijun left after what he said just now.I'm afraid there won't be so much trouble.

And others laughed.Or just laugh at this person.Or it's those who don't think so much.But he was going to laugh at Zhang Siwei.

And Zhang Siwei.Sure enough, it did not live up to the expectations of the public.Wait calmly until he has finished speaking.Only then did he open his mouth and said: "Lord Qian, I have no grudges against you in the past. I have no grudges against you in recent days. It can't be regarded as intentional slander. But today, I have to speak. You don't need to insult me ​​with such words. You don't It's not that I, Zhang Siwei, are messing around. It's just that Mr. Qian doesn't feel like talking nonsense with his eyes open. Does it violate the duty of a court official at all?"

really.Zhang Siwei had indeed planned for a long time.And Zhang Siwei's plan is more clever.It's not to say something to refute.But just say this.This statement may be very general.But Zhang Siwei grasped a truth.He understands in his heart.People who can stand on top of this court today.Even including himself.There are always a few nicely done ones too.Things that cannot be said to meet people.If so.That's it.No one dared to say that he had never done a bad thing.I am ashamed of this. .It doesn't matter whether others know it or not.There will always be some discomfort in my heart.Now it is pointed out by others.Although very general.But there are always some lumps in my heart.Tell them what to say now.But there will always be such a lump in my heart.It feels like a stick in the throat.But he couldn't spit it out.

It can be said.What Zhang Siwei said really caught the hearts of these people.Although the words are extremely harsh.But also wise.It's hard to deal with.And face the person in front of you.Zhang Siwei's words are not difficult to deal with.But simply can't handle it.Also blame this person.It's not just something as simple as feeling guilty in his heart.Although not familiar with him.But after Zhang Fan looked at him.A lot of things about him immediately popped up in my mind.Although it's not a big deal.But he is an example of winning by quantity.There are many things committed.certainly.Such people.Facing Zhang Siwei's words.Of course it is impossible to say anything.

That is.Now the man looked righteously outraged.In fact, this is what Zhang Siwei said to him.There was no rebuttal at all.

"Your Majesty." But he didn't let Zhang Siwei get so confused all of a sudden.He also wants to get help from others.certainly.At this time, it is impossible for him to ask other ministers for help.The target is naturally the emperor Zhu Yijun who can "uphold justice". "I really have nothing to say about Master Zhang's words. I ask His Majesty to rule."

This can be regarded as throwing a mess directly to Zhu Yijun.certainly.In fact, Mr. Qian never expected Zhu Yijun to help him with anything from the very beginning.He came to Zhu Yijun just to divert his attention.But this time.I'm afraid his hopes are about to fail.

Listen to what he said.Originally, I didn't care much about this matter.I don't want to get involved in this quarrel.It's just Zhu Yijun who feels a little uncomfortable when the ministers oppose him.All of a sudden.It got tough.

"What's wrong?" Zhu Yijun asked at the moment.He put on an extremely indifferent expression.Didn't look at anyone in particular.Just that look.Really very uncomfortable. "Originally, I am the emperor of Ming Dynasty. Even if I don't want to object to this kind of thing, I still have to show my face. But now, things have come to this stage. It's hard to say. Everything Zhang Aiqing said Isn’t it right? Still speaking. What Zhang Aiqing said really touched the pain of all Aiqings. Now it’s time to complain to Zhenlai.”

Compared with what Zhang Siwei said.These words were spoken by Zhu Yijun, the emperor.more severe.

matter.It also became more complicated.

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