The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 852 The So-Called Efficiency

Take care.Zhu Yijun is the supreme ruler of such a huge empire.And a representative of the country.Even if he is facing his own minister.Even in this kind of internal meeting.Speaking of it, there are many things that need to be paid attention to.The bottom line is.You can't weaken your own name.You can't ruin your face.But now.What Zhu Yijun did.But that's not the case at all.

originally.Mr. Qian.What I want is.Since Zhu Yijun is an emperor.Then this basic face is still necessary.It's not that Zhu Yijun is a child in his teens.After all, he was born in the royal family.This sense of honor is born.It will not change because of the current situation.He just saw it right.So it was Zhu Yijun who "asked for help" just now.I thought Zhu Yijun would definitely not indulge Zhang Siwei's arrogance.

only.It always seems to backfire.Obviously thought it should be like this.I said so myself.Zhu Yijun no matter what.No matter how much you disagree in your heart.But nice things have to come out of your mouth too.If so.The words of Mr. Qian.It will be able to stand firm.And he is for Zhang Siwei.Although not familiar.But also very low awareness.The most important point is.Zhang Siwei is not as good as those who make their own decisions.In Zhang Siwei's heart, there is still a loyalty to the imperial power.If so.As long as Zhu Yijun talks.If you can't look at it that way.No matter how uncomfortable Zhang Siwei felt in his heart.But he couldn't say anything more.

However.this time.All people's conjectures were all in vain.It's not just the group of people who oppose the "Kaocheng Law".Even agree.Including people like Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao.Even the one with the best relationship with Zhu Yijun.Zhang Fan also did not expect it at all.That's how it's going to be.

Zhu Yijun.He actually said such a thing.This is indeed something that people can't think of at all.But now.Things did happen.Zhu Yijun's words.It's eye-catching.It shocked the people present even more.

And the one who bears the brunt is Mr. Qian.He was even more confused by Zhu Yijun's words.A state of bewilderment.No idea what happened at all.It's no wonder he would be like this.After all, it was such a sure thing.Now it's in front of him.But it has become so unbelievable.

And not just him.It was only because he was face to face with Zhu Yijun.What Zhu Yijun said.Although it's not just for him to hear alone.And when he talks.The eyes didn't just stare at him alone.Instead, look around.It looked like he was talking to all the officials present.But obviously.Who told him to be standing in the very center of the hall right now?The words were clearly addressed to him.Even if not.At least he was the one who was named first.

"Your Majesty..." Now.This Lord Qian looked at Zhu Yijun.Finally murmured.But I don't know what to say.His face was full of disbelief.

"What's the matter?" And Zhu Yijun's performance at this time.Be as indifferent as you want.He didn't even pick an eyelid.Instead, he looked at the top of the court.It's as if it's covered with silver.Open your mouth and say. "Could it be that I can still say that it's not right? You talk about it yourself. Just yourself. Which one is serious about obeying the law and obeying the law. Acting in accordance with the regulations stipulated by the court. Never even a little bit of selfishness. I haven’t even taken a tael of silver that shouldn’t be taken. I won’t talk about the previous dynasties. It’s people from before the Ming Dynasty. There is no need to discuss it again. I dare to say it today. All the officials of the Ming Dynasty. I’m afraid I’m afraid now That is to say, there is only Hai Rui, the governor of Yingtian. Dare to say that. And I also believe it. But you, especially those who can stand at this place every morning. I dare to say it. No one is innocent. Passed.

"If you say this, who else among you dares to stand up and speak up. If not, it means that what I said just now is completely correct. There is no need to speak about such awkward things. If someone can stand up and refute me If so, I won’t be angry. But everything needs evidence. If someone says that, then you need to show evidence. But if you can’t show it, I won’t blame you. I won't say that you are talking big things without evidence. I will help you find evidence."

When it comes to this.Zhu Yijun stopped.I looked around.It seems to be waiting for something.And many people present.I didn't understand it for a while.What did Zhu Yijun mean by saying that?There is nothing wrong with talking about evidence.But then again.Who will be at court.They all sorted out their own innocence certificate files.Tuck it in your sleeve.Take it out whenever you need it.

As for Zhu Yijun's claim to help them find evidence.In fact, the truth contained in it is also very simple.This truth.For the ministers present, all of them are ministers with great wisdom.It's not something hard to guess.It's just that these people were confused by Zhu Yijun's remarks just now.For a moment, I couldn't figure out what was going on.When they come back to their senses.Zhu Yijun has already announced the answer to the public.

"What. You still don't understand." It was another sarcasm.The expression on Zhu Yijun's face also became more contemptuous. "I think it must be because you all know how to deal with state affairs all day long. You have forgotten how to play with your mind. Hmm. It seems that this is the case. Otherwise, it is impossible to even think about such a simple question. I don't understand."

originally.Zhu Yijun's words already made many people present feel that something was wrong.Now he said it again.There are even more people who feel wrong.And this feeling of something wrong is getting deeper and deeper.only.Now it's an emperor like Zhu Yijun who speaks like this.No matter how wrong it is.The ministers standing below also had to listen carefully and honestly.It is absolutely impossible to stand up and speak at this time.

"En. Everyone loves you. You are loyal to the country. You are diligent and encouraging. My heart is very comforting." Zhu Yijun saw that no one spoke.It also seemed a little presumptuous.Continue to speak. "Since you are so busy, I will not force you. Let me remind you. Let me tell you how I came to help you find evidence. Zhang Fan, the imperial eunuch. That is my teacher. He taught me Although the time is not too long, I have learned a lot from him. But today, I don’t want to tell you about the merits of the Taifu. The Taifu was ordered by the late emperor to be in charge of Jinyiwei. Until now. I think you all know about it. Then, what Jin Yiwei does. I believe I don’t need to tell you. This kind of thing. You are much more familiar with it than I am, Taifu.”

"My minister is here." He heard Zhu Yijun calling himself.Zhang Fan was not overwhelmed by his aura just now.Immediately walked out.Baikow said.

"Since the Grand Tutor is here, I'll help you Aiqing to ask questions." Zhu Yijun is now determined to pay attention to acting.Even the ending that everyone already knows.But Zhu Yijun still has to stage it again.As if it was just for fun. "Teacher. If you say I'm right now. In front of everyone, just point out a colleague of the Taifu. Let the Tutor immediately check if there is any problem with him. I don't know when Jin Yiwei will reply. .

"Respond to Your Majesty's words." Hearing Zhu Yijun's question.Zhang Fan also understood.Zhu Yijun didn't intend to do anything.It's about standing up.certainly.If you say wait until the play is over.But some people are still upset.If you want to try your best.Then Zhang Fan naturally wouldn't stop. "Although Jin Yiwei is one of His Majesty's twelve personal guards, Jin Yiwei has no office in the imperial city. It takes half an hour to go from the imperial palace to Jin Yiwei's office. If your majesty's question is very urgent .Allow the underlings of the humble official to ride away. Then half an hour will be enough."

"Oh. It's so fast." Zhu Yijun heard what Zhang Fan said.Immediately, a surprised expression appeared.Said. "It sounds like this. The Taifu just counted the time of the journey. But the time of the inquiry. The Taifu didn't count it. It can't be said. Jin Yiwei dared to make a knot with thick beards. Use some fake news. Even The news I fabricated out of thin air. Are you here to deceive me?"

"Your Majesty is serious. This kind of thing. Don't say it's a humble minister. Even if it is changed to anyone, I would not dare." Zhang Fan naturally understood Zhu Yijun's meaning.There will be no panic.Said. "Jinyiwei is not like Dongchang. The things it manages are not as large as Dongchang. In this way, Jinyiwei only needs to monitor the ministers in the court for His Majesty. In this way, since it is going to be on weekdays, be prepared It is impossible to wait until everything has happened. Then start the investigation. This will delay the matter. It is possible to get false news in a hurry."

"En. So that's the case. I understand what the Taifu means." Zhu Yijun heard Zhang Fan's words.Pretentiously nodded.Said. "That's the best way. Get everything done in advance. Even some things that may not be useful. In this way, when things happen in the future. Then you can be prepared. Isn't that the case?"

"Your Majesty is wise. That's exactly what you said." Zhang Fan also echoed Zhu Yijun.That's it.

now.It wasn't too much trouble at first.Even if there is something that can be explained clearly in one or two sentences.Department in this case.It's getting more and more chaotic.

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