The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 876 It's Not Simple

"Master Taifu." The so-called said Cao Cao.Cao Cao will be there.Zhang Fan was thinking about Yu'er.A girl's voice sounded behind him.It was Yu'er.

"Oh. It's Yu'er." Zhang Fan saw her.Made a normal appearance.Confront this girl.Zhang Fan felt that she was more difficult to deal with than people like Xu Jie and Gao Gong.So he also took out his own skills. "By the way. After you enter the palace, you will be able to serve His Majesty. I didn't expect it. Although I will enter the palace every day, I will see you every day. I have no chance to talk to you. It is good now. How is it. You formally It has been a month since I entered the palace. Everything is fine."

"Thank you, Master Tai Tuo, for your concern. The servant girl is doing well." Yu'er said very gently.And also with a smile on his face. "Being able to serve His Majesty. That is a great blessing for a slave. What's more, God treats slaves well. Your Majesty is approachable. He never blames others. It is very good to treat palace servants. To meet His Majesty. You are really a slave. The blessings that have been cultivated in several lifetimes."

"Hehe." Hearing what Yu'er said.Zhang Fan also smiled.Yu'er's words.It reminded him of when he first met Zhu Yijun.At that time, Zhu Yijun was very naughty.As long as Emperor Longqing and his concubine Li Guifei couldn't see it.That stubborn temperament was shown.Take your anger out on people.Stop being angry.Even if nothing happens.At that time, the eunuchs in the East Palace will also suffer.

Only now.Zhu Yijun's temperament has changed a lot.Perhaps it was because of the impact of Long Qing's death on him.Or it may be the influence of Empress Dowager Li's stricter control over him.It may also be the reason for Zhang Fan's education to him.In short.Today's Zhu Yijun can be said to be much calmer.and.Zhu Yijun's temperament is indeed pretty good.Even if it is something unpleasant to encounter in the court.He also won't vent his anger on others at will.certainly.In fact, this point needs to be verified.after all.No matter what happened in the upward direction.After Zhu Yijun came down to court next.It is the time of supper.A sutra feast takes nearly two hours.No matter how angry Zhu Yijun is.They have all been consumed.Even if he was wronged a lot.Even a sutra feast can't eliminate the words.Then Zhang Fan will accompany him in the afternoon.Vent to Zhang Fan.Then through Zhang Fan's enlightenment.Maybe tell him a funny thing or two.It is estimated that it is impossible for him to have any grievances that cannot be vented.

so.About this matter.Zhang Fan's statement is for another discussion.Who knows if Zhu Yijun will be upset in the future.No one can enlighten him about the situation.At that time, will Zhu Yijun implicate his anger on unrelated people?That's not necessarily true.

but.Now is not the time to talk about this.

"That's right." Zhang Fan said to Yu'er. "We will have dinner later. You should be by His Majesty's side at this time. Just help him wash up. But he came to see me instead. Is there something wrong?"

"The slave has finished washing up for His Majesty. Your Majesty is resting now. The servant is afraid of disturbing His Majesty. That's why I came out." Yu'er said very gently.Not justifying at all.Or force others to believe her words.Just talking normally. "Although I saw my father yesterday, the servant has never had time to say a word to my father. Just now, the servant took this opportunity to meet my father."

"That's great." Zhang Fan also nodded.Said. "You are now a member of the palace. You are His Majesty's personal maid again. You will have many opportunities to meet your father in the future. But if you want to say a few words, it will be difficult. Take advantage of this opportunity and talk to you more Let's get together, father."

"Thank you, Grand Tutor. This servant heard that His Majesty came back for Qiushou this time. It was also the idea of ​​Grand Tutor. This servant can meet my father. I also want to thank Grand Tutor." Yu'er said.Bow down and worship. "Beyond that. The servants came to see the Tai Tuo this time. I also want to thank the Tai Tuo."

"Hmm. Didn't you already thank me just now? What are you thanking for?" Zhang Fan also became curious now.

"The servant just heard some news from my father." Yu'er said with a smile. "Your maidservant knows. Master Taifu told my father about the matter of the rear army. He also asked my father if he intends to take over as the commander of the rear army. My father also accepted the kindness of Master Taifu. Although he said it, Yu'er knew it in his heart. Master Taifu will follow My father said these things. I'm afraid it's not just because the Tai Tuo thinks my father is a good person, but also because he wants my father's help in the future. But this matter is indeed good for the servants and the family. So Yu'er has to thank the Tai Tuo .” Yu’er said here.Changed his name.And here he bowed down to Zhang Fan.Much more respectful than before.

"Oh." Hearing Yu'er's words.Zhang Fan was surprised by this.Also frowned. "Your father told you that. You thought of it yourself."

"This is what my father ordered my servant." Yu'er didn't seem embarrassed.Tell the truth. "My father told the servants. Regardless of whether this matter is successful or not, it is all thanks to the Tai Tuo. My father really wants to thank the Tai Tuo in person. It's just that my father is too good-faced. Therefore, my father I just told the servants. Let the servants come to thank the Tai Tuo."

"I understand what your father means. I don't mean to blame him. I also accept your thanks." Zhang Fan heard Yu'er say this.The brows are not just stretched.Instead, it sank a little more. "It's just that I didn't ask about these things. In fact. As you said before. I helped your father up. In fact, it's just mutual use. There is no such thing as who needs to thank whom. I just wanted to ask Yes. Actually, it was this matter. The matter of helping. Did your father tell you that too." Zhang Fan asked this question.The sound is really not loud.But the words are much harsher.It's just a question.

"It turns out that what the Tai Tuo wants to ask is this." Facing Zhang Fan, he looked like this.Yu'er didn't look nervous at all.Even the smile on his face.Nothing changed at all.It was as if Zhang Fan hadn't scolded her at all.said calmly. "Those things are all thought up by the servants themselves."

"Oh." Hearing Yuer admit it.Zhang Fan felt a little inevitable in his heart.After all, he wanted this in the first place.It's just that Zhang Fan is curious.Why such a remark.Yu'er can also say it so calmly.

"The servant knows what the Master Taifu is thinking." Yu'er continued. "My lord Tai Tu must feel that I want to get these things at my slave's age. Either the slave is lying. Or the slave has too many thoughts. But these are not difficult things for the slave. Although the slave was young He is loved by his parents and elder brother. He has never suffered any grievances. But my father is in the officialdom after all. And my father's background is ordinary. There is no prominent background.

"Indeed. My father was able to sit in the current position. It is indeed my father's ability. There is also his temperament. And. There is also the appreciation of my father from my father's superiors. However, it is difficult for Mr. Tai Tuo to think that my father should be Haven’t you really used any tricks? Since the servants knew the worldly things, they have been obsessed with these things. Now they can think of this. It’s not a strange thing to think about it.”

"You are quite straightforward." Zhang Fan said these words to Yu'er.It also calmed down on the face.At least the frown was relaxed.It's just in Zhang Fan's heart.Not only did I not feel relaxed.Instead, it got tighter. "Your father has played tricks. Do you know who I am. I am not only the emperor. I am also in charge of Jinyiwei. You tell me this. Are you not afraid that I will trouble your father? When the time comes. Not only Your father will be in bad luck. Your family will also be implicated. Even, including you. Even if you are in the palace, serving by His Majesty's side. But I still have a way to make you suffer bad luck with your family. "

threaten.Zhang Fan's words can be said to be a naked threat.But he didn't intend to do that.He just wanted to try it out.Let's see where this Yu'er's limit is.

"Hehe. Master Tai Tuo naturally has this power. This slave has never doubted it." Yu'er faced Zhang Fan's straightforward threat.It's not just that he doesn't look worried at all.Instead, he smiled. "The prestige of the Jinyiwei. Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, it has made people afraid. Even if the Taifu is kind, he is very reasonable in doing things after taking charge of the Jinyiwei. However, Jinyiwei is still a Jinyiwei. This is not because of the Taifu. However, I don’t think that my lord would do this. After all, if my lord wanted to, my family would be gone a long time ago. Now my lord must feel that my father is not a threat. I can still help my lord .”

"Hmph. You think clearly." Zhang Fan snorted coldly.Continue to explore. "I won't touch your father. As you said. He is not a threat to me. He can even help me in the future. However. What if I point at you."

"Master Taifu won't make things difficult for a little girl." Even Zhang Fan pointed the finger at Yu'er herself.She still didn't look panicked. "Although the servant has ambitions, it's just selfishness. The servant only wants to be famous. But it's only in the palace. Don't worry, Mr. Taifu. Those small thoughts and cleverness of the servant will only be used in the palace in the future. Absolutely will not interfere with the adults. This is the promise of the servants. If the servants violate it in the future, the adults just come to trouble the servants."

Yu'er's words.Zhang Fan didn't come back.But he stared at Yu'er closely.Not at all relaxed.

But Yu'er still didn't care.Said: "In this case, the servants will leave. You hour is almost over now. Your Majesty should also wake up. The servants must go to serve." Finished.Without waiting for Zhang Fan to answer.Yu'er bent down and bowed.Turn around and leave.

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