Zhang Fan was like this, standing still without moving, Dong Ye quietly standing there without moving, watching Yu'er's petite back going farther and farther, until she turned a corner and completely disappeared from his field of vision Among them, it's just that although Zhang Fan appeared to be very calm on the surface, in fact, he couldn't calm down in his heart at all.

Zhang Fan knew exactly why Yu'er came to him this time. She must have sensed some of Zhang Fan's thoughts about her, so she came here to explain clearly to Zhang Fan. , "I know you don't like me, and I know in my heart that I can't handle you, but let me tell you, I don't have any bad intentions. It's just what a woman in Vanity Fair wants. Now, to be honest with you Make it clear, don't come to trouble me when you go in the future, and I won't trouble you, and I can even help you." That's what it means.

In other words, Yu'er came to Zhang Fan this time to tell him clearly what she thought and what she didn't want Zhang Fan to do to her. Yu'er's words were very clear, and her words Although she was extremely calm from the beginning to the end, and she was never excited once, making it impossible for Zhang Fan to find out where her bottom line was, but when Yu'er said these words, it was not with a request to Zhang Fan. mean.

However, due to her personal reasons, even though she came to ask Zhang Fan this time, there was still no condescension in her words, it was completely calm and forceful, which was not what she intended to do. Yes, after all, she is not stupid, so how could she not understand that if she is so smart, only by lowering her posture and begging others can it be effective, but she just can't do it, she is not born with the ability to lower her head It can be said that this is a very strange thing, but she is like this.

As for Zhang Fan, he completely understood what Yu'er was talking about, and not only that, he also knew very well in his heart that what Yu'er said was not wrong, but in this way, Zhang Fan could not let go of his feelings for Yu'er. Be vigilant, and become more suspicious of her in my heart.

And Zhang Fan's idea is actually groundless. If you really want to say it, it means that Zhang Fan has always had such an idea and feeling in his heart. It can be said that Zhang Fan's feeling is It's groundless, but he can't help but think so, Yu'er, a girl who is only barely ten years old, really makes him too wary.

He didn't know what this Yu'er was planning to do. It would be more reasonable to say that she was deceiving Zhang Fan just now. If she was deceiving Zhang Fan, she also had other thoughts, such as To paralyze Zhang Fan's nerves and make him lower his vigilance towards her so that she can act in the future, Zhang Fan felt that the possibility was even greater.

And if what Yu'er said to Zhang Fan is true and did not deceive him, it is not unacceptable to Zhang Fan, as long as he only brings, in this era, a woman in the palace, If you are not resourceful, it is very difficult to survive. The imperial palace is a very dangerous place, and the degree of danger in it is absolutely unimaginable for ordinary people. This is true for maids and eunuchs. Further, then It is really a vast sea and sky, without any exaggeration, if you can get the appreciation of the dignitaries in the palace, that is, the royal family, you will naturally be able to stand out, but if you take a step back, it is really a deep abyss, even if you want to find a way to escape. Those who want to die are very likely to be let him live like this; when they want to bear the humiliation and wait for the opportunity to start again, it is very likely that the other party will not give him such a chance at all, let him immediately Just die.

Therefore, only by finding ways to stand out and put others below yourself can you have the possibility to protect yourself and live better. Of course, some things cannot be changed. The eunuchs will never be able to obtain the highest power, even if there are some powerful characters among them, who can even change the person sitting on the emperor's throne, but they themselves have no way to become such a person, but these people There are always various ways to curve to achieve your goals.

Just like Feng Bao, although he was not the most trusted eunuch when Longqing was in power, Feng Bao was clever, knowing that the emperor didn't like him, so he should keep a low profile, so even if he was robbed by Gao Gong There were two opportunities for him to sit in the ultimate eunuch seat, but Feng Bao just kept his anger in his chest and didn't let it out, waiting for the opportunity to attack again.

Now, Feng Bao has got his wish. Not only did he sit in the seat of the great eunuch, but he has unlimited power in his hands.

But for the maids, it is even simpler. The eunuchs have Feng Bao as an example, so the maids, now we must count the Queen Mother Li. The Queen Mother Li was originally just a court lady, and later entered the Yuwang Mansion, and she was still a palace lady. , and even after she became Zhu Zaihou's woman, her status did not actually change until Zhu Zaihou took the throne, and Queen Mother Li was the mother of his only surviving son, Zhu Zaihou Hou Cai made her a noble concubine, and it was not until her son Zhu Yijun took the throne that she was made a queen mother.

But now, Empress Dowager Li is much more powerful than Zhu Yijun, and this can also be seen as the palace maid seems to have more potential in this regard.

Zhang Fan didn't know what Yu'er was thinking. Maybe it was because of her natural desire for power and her sense of crisis for herself that she had such an idea; or maybe it was just because Yu'er was born with I hope to become a master, a person who will not be controlled by others, and who does not have to worry about threats.

Regarding this point, it’s not that it’s hard for people to think about this kind of thinking at a young age. In fact, it’s easy for people to understand. If it is not false, then it is very normal for her to have such thoughts.

However, even so, Zhang Fan was even more worried. Just now Yu'er told him that she didn't want to have any ambitions, but for herself, she wanted someone she could rely on and be loved by. The power she holds in her hands is nothing more than it sounds like it will make people feel at ease, but Zhang Fan will not be calm. After all, it is difficult to draw a dragon or a tiger. Knowing people, faces but not hearts, Zhang Fan does not know how to read minds I can't see what Yu'er is thinking in her heart. Who knows if what she said just now is deceiving people? If so, then Zhang Fan must not relax at this time.

And maybe, what Yu'er said was true, she really didn't have any other thoughts, and she really did say this to Zhang Fan sincerely, wanting Zhang Fan not to hinder her.

However, even so, Zhang Fan still couldn't relax about the girl Yu'er, even if he believed her words, Zhang Fan would still be the same.

After all, this person is not an object. People will change, and they will change very quickly, leaving no time for others to think about anything.

Perhaps, Zhang Fan believed in her, believed in what she said, believed that she would not have any evil intentions, and that what she would do in the future was only for some selfish desires of her own, but who could be sure that her thoughts could be It has been maintained, unchanged.

It needs to be known that if she is not in her position and does not plan her own affairs, the current Yu'er is still just a court lady after all, and nothing else. For today's Yu'er, her primary goal is to first establish her status in the palace. Status, this point should not be difficult for her, after all, she went to Zhu Yijun's side as soon as she entered the palace, and Zhu Yijun also liked her very much, and now because of Zheng Chengxian's "credit" , and even made Zhu Yijun's love for Yu'er even more.

That is to say, one day, it will be very easy for Yu'er to gain a firm foothold in the palace, the only thing is to see how long it will take her to accomplish this goal, but judging from Yu'er's current "state" It seems that there is no need to worry about this at all, she will definitely be able to exceed the quota and complete the goal ahead of schedule.

And when people no longer worry about their own survival, they will want to get more and make their lives better. Although Yu'er is very smart, she can't get out of this range, although it is still uncertain. , but the possibility of her having such a psychological change is very high in Zhang Fan's opinion.

So, even so, even if Yu'er said such words to Zhang Fan, Zhang Fan didn't buy it at all. Not only did he not buy it, but he became even more defensive about Yu'er.

Yu'er came to him for this reason, and she could understand that Zhang Fan had the greatest influence on Zhu Yijun now. If Zhang Fan wanted to interfere with her affairs, he only needed to be in Zhu Yijun's house. If she said a few words easily in front of her, she would never have a bright future, so she came to Zhang Fan.

It's just that, although she is smart, she is too young and inexperienced after all, and under her inexperience, what she reveals is that she is too sharp, which makes Zhang Fan immediately see the problem.

If Yu'er came to Zhang Fan to talk about these things in another two or three years, it would probably be done in a different way. By that time, Zhang Fan would never think of guarding against her.

However, all of this has already happened now, and for Zhang Fan, it was a reminder to him that

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