The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 883 Want to join in the fun

"Presumptuous, Your Majesty is here, why are you so flustered?" Zhang Fan's acting skills are perfect now, he is thinking of good things in his heart, but he can express his displeasure on his face at the same time. For a person who is mixed in the officialdom, now Zhang Fan is basically qualified, "If you can't say anything, you will be punished for a serious crime,"

Zhang Fan's words were matched with his expression, it was really just right. Although he was scolding severely, he didn't act so ferociously. He still looked like the usual Zhang Fan. From the eyes of others, Zhang Fan's words were just very ordinary, just to protect Zhu Yijun's dignity, and there was no suspicion of crossing the line.

"Teacher, there's no need to be like this," Zhu Yijun smiled and said, "Since he is in such a hurry, it must be because of something urgent. Let him talk about it." Zhu Yijun said these words very easily, and it seemed that he was just It was normal, but he was actually very happy in his heart.

Just like Zhang Fan's reason for persuading him to return to the palace before, Zhu Yijun has played everything that should be played, relaxed and relaxed, even too free and easy, and he is starting to feel bored. The reason why Zhang Fan persuaded him He went back because he saw this point. Of course, Zhang Fan would say that not only because of this point, but also because of the reason to separate the relationship, but these are not the problem. The problem is that although Zhu Yijun still If he wants to stay here for a while, even if it is very boring, he still needs to be free, but being so boring is not an option. Now, this Zheng Chengxian's subordinates came here in such a panic, it is obvious Just something happened, which made Zhu Yijun, who was troubled by boredom, secretly happy in his heart, if something interesting could happen, it would be great to pass the boredom.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Mr. Zheng personally led the troops to patrol the foot of the mountain," the schoolboy said without being wordy, "I bumped into a person in the west."

"A person," Zhang Fan frowned in a timely manner when he said this, and asked with a thoughtful look, "Is it a man or a woman, what does it look like?"

"It's a man, and that man's attire looks like that of an ordinary person," the principal quickly replied, "Even his appearance is tight as usual, so there's nothing wrong with it."

"What's all the fuss about?" Hearing this, Zhu Yijun couldn't help being disappointed, and that disappointment expression appeared on his face undisguised, "I guess it's just an ordinary tourist. It’s no big deal to get here in the middle of it.”

"No, Your Majesty," Zhang Fan said with a serious face, "I'm afraid this matter is not that simple. This place has been sealed since His Majesty came to Qiushou, and outsiders are not allowed to enter. In addition, there are 1000 people from the rear army led by Mr. Zheng to come to guard, it is almost impossible for outsiders to come in, but now there is this one person, I am afraid it is not easy, "

"This..." Zhu Yijun heard what Zhang Fan said, thought for a while, and said, "But why didn't anyone come here until now, and this is the only one, maybe it's Zheng Aiqing's subordinates, because it's too late For a long time, neglecting to take precautions, this is to allow others to break in occasionally, "

"Your Majesty's atonement," Zhu Yijun had just finished speaking, and the first person to speak was not Zhang Fan, nor the little schoolboy who came to report, but Yu'er, who had been standing beside Zhu Yijun. When he finished speaking, he knelt down with a plop, "The servant's father has such a heavy burden, but now he has committed such a crime. Although it may be that the people under the father were negligent, but the father's laxness is I have nothing to say, I just ask... I just ask His Majesty to forgive my father's sins, "

Zhang Fan really didn't think of Yu'er's action. Although it appeared now, it was reasonable, but Zhang Fan didn't consider this before, but fortunately, Yu'er's actions will not affect Whatever trouble Zhang Fan's plan caused, on the contrary, it might still help Zhang Fan a lot.

"Yu'er, don't panic," Zhu Yijun said, "Get up first, I don't know what's going on now, besides, Zheng Aiqing discovered this person, and I don't want to blame Zheng Aiqing, after all, Zheng Aiqing Just brought 1000 people out, but they have to guard such a large area, even if there are some omissions, it is not something unreasonable."

"Your Majesty, I feel that the matter is not so simple," Zhang Fan said with a thoughtful look, "And I don't think that it is Mr. Zheng who made some omissions to show up here. This time it is the emperor's trip, the guards must be very cautious, and, to put it aside, His Majesty has also heard about Master Zheng's background. Master Zheng is not from a noble background, but he can serve as the commander of the rear army You know, you must be extremely rigorous in dealing with people, and there is absolutely no possibility of any mistakes or omissions. Although Mr. Zheng brought only 1000 people this time, it is absolutely impossible to surround such a large area, but the patrol Fan, it is not difficult to keep people from coming in.

"This person is here now, either he came in by mistake, or he has some purpose. If it's the latter, it's much easier to come in,"

"Purpose." Hearing Zhang Fan say these two words, Zhu Yijun was a little surprised, "What purpose will there be?"

"Your Majesty, although the imperial court did not publicize His Majesty's autumn hunting this time, it did not keep it secret either," Zhang Fan explained. People like to chat, so they will tell this matter unintentionally. In fact, before His Majesty travels, although no one mentions it, almost all the people in the capital know about it."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Zhu Yijun couldn't help but think deeply: "What does the teacher mean, do you mean..."

"That's right," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "The reason why I didn't hide this matter at the beginning was because the tourists here would be driven away, which would be troublesome and cause people to discuss it, so the court's plan is Release the news that His Majesty will come here for autumn hunting early, so that the tourists here can retreat obediently, but in fact, before His Majesty left, people searched here, and no unrelated people were found.

"But now, such a person popped up all of a sudden, which makes people feel strange. In Wei Chen's view, it is the second possibility. What is the purpose of this person coming here? After all, His Majesty has not yet returned to the palace, and everyone in the capital knows this. If the ministers of the court want to come to see His Majesty, they will definitely notify him in advance, and ordinary tourists will never rush in under the charge of bumping into the Holy Driver. Come.

"Besides, didn't your majesty just say that there is only one person in the other party, but has your majesty ever thought about why he would come here alone if he is a tourist? Isn't it even weirder?"

"Your Majesty, what Master Tai Tuo said is true," the junior officer who came to inform him also said, "Originally, Master Zheng found out about that person, but the villains didn't pay much attention to it, but Master Zheng Commanded us to arrest him, Master Zheng also said, it is really strange that there is only this one person here, "

"It seems..." Zhu Yijun agreed with Zhang Fan's analysis after hearing it now, but what followed was bursts of excitement. Although he didn't know what Zhang Fan's purpose was, his intuition told Zhu Yijun , this matter is definitely very interesting, "There is really something going on here, I want to see for myself, what is the purpose of coming here?" After saying these words, Zhu Yijun raised his foot to walk down the mountain , obviously wanting to watch the excitement.

"Your Majesty, it's better not to be impatient about this matter," Zhang Fan stopped Zhu Yijun, and said, "We still don't know what this person is here for, but now that His Majesty is here, he appeared. It is very likely that you are here for His Majesty, we have to figure it out, Your Majesty should not go rashly, lest there will be any danger, "

"There's nothing to be afraid of," Zhu Yijun said with a look of indifference, "Don't talk about what he is going to do, even if he wants to assassinate me, but he is only one person after all, and he is still being held by Zheng Aiqing. I was caught, besides, Zheng Aiqing has so many people under him, no matter how powerful he is, I still have so many big guards by my side, so why should I be afraid of him." After saying these words, Zhu Yijun wanted to walk down again.

"Report," Zhang Fan just wanted to speak again to stop Zhu Yijun, but was interrupted by such a sound.

Everyone looked around, and saw another little schoolboy running over in a hurry, shouting loudly while running.

When everyone saw this scene, they were all startled. This one was even more hurried than the one who reported it just now. Obviously, something really happened down there, something extraordinary.

"What's going on?" This time, before Zhu Yijun could speak, Zhang Fan asked first, "What happened at the foot of the mountain? Isn't it just that a person of unknown origin was caught? Why are you in such a panic?"

"Back... back to Master Taifu," the little schoolboy was also a little startled by Zhang Fan's shock, but obviously, what he wanted to say was really important, even if Zhang Fan scolded him, he would Still holding on, "Your Majesty, my lord, Shanxia... Shanxia... is fighting,"

"What did you say?" Zhang Fan and Zhu Yijun asked in unison.

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