The man opened his mouth and said only a few words.But the effect is definitely extraordinary.Suddenly.Such a few words.All the people present were stunned.But think about it too.Now there is an emperor driving here.And it's no secret.It's something everyone already knows.but.Now there are people.It is clear that the emperor is driving here.Dare to do it.This has to be entertaining.

The people present were indeed stunned by the news.I can't figure out what's going on.subsequently.People who have recovered.Each responds differently.Those guards and attendants.There were smiles on every face that didn't know how to answer.It seems that this is a very funny thing.Seems stupid again.Or a little admiration.all in all.On the faces of these people, there is such a strange look that cannot be explained in one word.

And Zhu Yijun.The emperor who is not afraid of heaven and earth.What he did was really extraordinary.Perhaps other emperors heard such things.The first reaction is that the other party is here to assassinate him.And for a person who can sit on the throne.They are concerned about their own lives.That's all baby.For fear of accidentally losing it.So whenever this kind of thing happens.The first reaction of these people.It is to push others before oneself.Use it as a shield for yourself.

but.Zhu Yijun is completely different.When he just heard the news.He reacted in exactly the same way as everyone else.They all looked stunned.But the next moment.After Zhu Yijun came back to his senses.His first reaction.It's not about finding a safe place to hide.Or hide behind someone's back.Or simply let these big inner guards surround him.Hurry up and send it back to the palace.

Zhu Yijun's first reaction.There was a look on his face that was worse than what he said just now.And even more excited expressions.And at the same time.Zhu Yijun's movements did not stop at all.Turn around and prepare to go down the mountain.No.Should be running.

this scene.Let everyone present.All of them were stunned for a moment.No one expected Zhu Yijun to have such a reaction.Fortunately, Zhang Fan has quick eyesight and quick hands.In other words, he had already foreseen that Zhu Yijun would make such a move.Zhang Fan at this time.Where can I care about the courtesy of the monarch and his ministers.He grabbed Zhu Yijun's sleeve.stopped him.Zhang Fan held on tightly.Zhu Yijun left in a hurry.The sleeves made of fine silk were almost torn off by Zhang Fan.

But at this moment.No one would blame Zhang Fan.They still have to be grateful to him in their hearts.After all this time.Although Zhang Fan was the only minister who accompanied Zhu Yijun.But he is a civil servant after all.Even Zhang Fan is in charge of Jinyiwei.But everyone knows.If this happens.At that time, Zhu Yijun had nothing to say.Zhang Fan can definitely escape the relationship.At most, you will be punished severely.

But they are different.They are Ouchi guards.The others are Zhu Yijun's attendants.If something happened to Zhu Yijun here.The first unlucky one.It must be these big inner guards.after all.Their duty is to protect Zhu Yijun's integrity.Now they are out of work.And because of Zhu Yijun's identity.This is bad luck.I'm afraid I'm going to lose my head.

And those servants.There is absolutely no escape from this catastrophe.By the time.He must also be punished.And where they are.It is a good place to be close to the emperor.There will definitely be many people coveting.By the time.I'm afraid they will have to be beaten to death just by hitting the board.

so.Although Zhu Yijun rushed down alone.After all, there are still people under the journey.Whether it will happen or not is still unknown.But this kind of thing.I'd rather believe it.It's unbelievable.In case something really happened.That's the end of Zhang Fan held Zhu Yijun back.It can be regarded as completely killing the slightest possibility or impossibility.How could this prevent them from thanking Zhang Fan?

"Teacher. Why is that?" Zhu Yijun pulled himself back so "savagely" towards Zhang Fan.Didn't feel any problem.In his opinion.No matter what Zhang Fan does.They won't hurt themselves.So he didn't have that idea at all. "Why hold me. Let go quickly. I want to go down and have a look."

"Your Majesty, here...there is a fight down here. What's there to see here." Zhang Fan smiled wryly. "If you want to watch the fight, wait for Mr. Zheng's men to capture him. Just let a few guards compete in martial arts. What are the following things to watch?"

"Oh. It's different." Zhu Yijun shook his head.Said. "Contest. After all, it's just a contest. Since it's a contest, it's natural that the point is to stop. Don't talk about hurting people's lives. Even if you get injured, it's very rare. And the following. If I didn't guess wrong I'm afraid it's a life-and-death fight. This is much better than the shy martial arts. Besides, I haven't seen it before. This time it will be an eye-opener. Teacher let go quickly. If Zheng Aiqing's men will Someone caught it. Then I don’t have to look at it.” Finished.Zhu Yijun grabbed Zhang Fan's hand.Want to go downhill.But Zhang Fan was determined not to let go.Zhu Yijun was not angry either.It's just that there was a look of grievance on the face.

Zhang Fan saw Zhu Yijun's appearance.Can't help but smile wryly.He thought about it.Asked the little principal who came to report: "What's the situation down there? How is that person's skill?"

"Go back to Taifu." The little school said hastily. "Master Zheng brought more than [-] people here. When the villain came up, the lord was leading people to catch that guy. The man was quite skilled. But he was surrounded by more than [-] of our brothers. Although the brothers I can't take him down for a while. But he can't do it if he wants to escape. It's just that it will take some time to take him down. In addition, Mr. Zheng has ordered him to catch him alive. So the brothers dare not use heavy hands. I'm afraid Have to wait."

"That's it." He heard his reply.Zhang Fan's face became relieved.Then he turned his head and said to those big inner guards. "You are going to escort His Majesty down. But remember. Be sure to pay attention to His Majesty's safety. If His Majesty makes any mistakes, what will happen. I don't need to talk about it."

"Yes." Zhang Fan's words to these big inner guards also made them tremble.Quickly replied.even though.They are Ouchi bodyguards.And these people are now dedicated to protecting Zhu Yijun.Logically speaking.They should only obey Zhu Yijun.But now Zhu Yijun's heart is obviously not on this.Zhang Fan's words helped them find their way.

See Zhang Fan agreed.This is Zhu Yijun smiling.A beaming look.Under the protection of these big internal guards.Go down the hill.

And Zhang Fan.Looking at Zhu Yijun's back.It is really helpless.shook his head.Also stepped forward to follow the past.

Got to the bottom of the mountain.Not far.Although I haven't seen anyone yet.However, the sound of "clang, clang" made by swords and swords can already be heard.Obviously.It's not far from here.

"Over there." Zhu Yijun gestured to the east.Immediately walked over there.And the big inner guards who followed him naturally surrounded Zhu Yijun.Go there.

later.Zhang Fan also followed.Fortunately.Although Zhu Yijun was in high spirits.But he was surrounded by so many people.Can only walk over.No matter how fast he walks.Zhang Fan was also able to keep up.

In front of it is a huge rock.turn around.I saw it.I saw Zheng Chengxian standing closest to this side.He was accompanied by two of his deputies.And further ahead.You can see a group of terracotta warriors forming a circle.One of them is being dealt with.And beside.But there are several terracotta warriors lying down.But it's good to see the past.Just got hurt.There is no danger of life.

"Master Zheng." Zhang Fan called Zheng Chengxian.

"Oh. It's Mr. Zhang. Why. Your Majesty is here." After Zheng Chengxian replied.That's why Zhu Yijun was also watching from the sidelines.And quietly.Zheng Chengxian also saw him just now.But look at this.But Zheng Chengxian was taken now.Although the scene has been calmed down.Even if it's because of the opponent's extraordinary skill.But after all, a hero can't stand a crowd.It took a lot of effort to take him down.But it is also a matter of time.

but.This does not mean that there is no danger here.In fact.Here is the most dangerous.No one knows what accidents will happen.In case this person is the target.It was Zhu Yijun.Perhaps he has stayed behind until now.Now Zhu Yijun appeared.Will he fight hard?If Zhu Yijun made any mistakes.What can I do.

Think here.Zheng Chengxian broke out in a cold sweat.

"It's okay. Mr. Zheng." Zhang Fan naturally knew what Zheng Chengxian was thinking.walk up to him.Said. "However. What the hell is going on here? It's so good. It started fighting."

"My lord, this matter..." Zheng Chengxian finally came to his senses.Although still very worried.But Zhang Fan's question.He also had to answer. "Just now. It didn't take long. The officer led a person to patrol the area. He happened to come here. But he saw this person wandering around here." He was talking.Zheng Chengxian looked forward.

Zhang Fan followed suit.I saw surrounded by so many people.A white figure was waving a long sword in his hand.Zhang Fan naturally knew it well.nodded.Continue to ask Zheng Chengxian: "Then what's going on. Who did it first."

"Your Majesty is here. How could the officer do anything at will?" Zheng Chengxian said.He nuzzled angrily to that side again.Said. "He was the one who did it first."

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