Every sword the man stabbed at Wang Meng was not much different from before. In terms of accuracy, it was also the same as before. Poor, there will be no deviation at all, and in terms of speed, it is not slower than before. Whether it is an insider or an outsider, it still looks the same, but in terms of strength, it is weaker than before Some, if Wang Meng blocks, he can easily block his long sword, but about this point, it doesn't matter, after all, the way of using the sword, coupled with his swordsmanship, is mainly based on stabbing. Lord, not to mention chopping, even picking is very rarely used. For humans, it doesn't take a lot of effort to pierce such a sharp sword point, so the power is weaker. , it's nothing.

However, in the same way, no matter if you are an outsider or an insider, you can see that the state of the person in front of you is obviously not as good as before. Of course, this so-called not as good as before does not mean that this person is no longer good. , but through Wang Meng.

When Wang Meng and him first fought, although Wang Meng was stronger than him, in fact, Wang Meng had an advantage from the beginning, but at that time, Wang Meng's advantage was actually not much, maybe it was just He was only a little bit ahead of him, but now, Wang Meng can easily dodge the sword moves he attacked, and even if he couldn't dodge, it is no longer as laborious as before to block with a knife It seemed very relaxed, that is to say, this gap was actually seen by everyone through Wang Meng.

However, the real situation is not like this. After all, it is not the first time that Wang Meng and him have fought against each other. Because of the rehearsal of such a play, they have already done a lot of battles. Needless to say, before this, There have been many confrontations between the two, as early as at that time, the two were already familiar with each other's moves, and the problem caused by this is that in fact, the more familiar the two are with each other , but Wang Meng is more powerful to him, but he still has nothing to do with Wang Meng.

In other words, if Wang Meng wanted to, then within five moves, he must be able to capture this person. There is no suspense about this, but now, this is not a battle between two people. It is only necessary to take care of such a group of "audience" who are watching their performance. Therefore, it is very inevitable that the two will choose this thankless way when they fight.

And since Zhang Fan's signal was sent out, Zhang Fan didn't even need to send a signal at all. They are all martial arts experts with extraordinary skills, and they understand this kind of thing better. , is definitely able to grasp the opponent's action mode. In this way, as long as Wang Meng recruits and defeats the enemy, and then captures him, no one will see any flaws. Then the whole thing will be natural. It is a matter of course.

The fire was almost over, and I saw the man once again stabbed Wang Meng's face with a sword. His face was no longer the calm look before, but full of ferocity, a vicious look, although for Wang Meng For him, showing this kind of expression is really a huge change, but for other people present, they all watched all this with a smile. Originally, it was the person in front of them that made them go crazy. But now, the situation has been reversed, Wang Meng is from here, and Wang Meng, so powerful that he has nowhere to use it, but it is useless to display all his abilities, which will definitely drive him crazy. And the look on his face now is the best proof, and being able to see this scene is naturally what everyone present hopes most.

The fierce stabbing of the sword was definitely out of order, since the hand holding the sword was shaking, it already showed the instability in his heart, coupled with the expression on his face, it was already It showed that he didn't care about other things at all, and just wanted to kill Wang Meng, but in this way, the force was too fierce, and he was not like Wang Meng, even if he exerted all his strength, he could still change his body. direction, so...

Facing the stabbing sword, Wang Meng didn't show any panic at all. He turned his head slightly to the right, and the stabbing sword stuck out against his face. , Wang Meng did not delay at all. When he dodged the sword, the knife in his hand was also raised upwards. However, the knife seemed to be due to impatience or other reasons. In short, Wang Meng did not move the blade upwards. , but hit him on the wrist with the back of the knife.

This is nothing, anyway, Zhang Fan has already explained before, whether it is captured alive or killed, it is all right, that is to say, what should be done is completely up to Wang Meng to decide, besides, Everyone present understood that the person in front of him must be more valuable if he was captured alive than dead, so Wang Meng did this. But it is rare to cut off that person's hand, but no one will blame him for anything. Now, as long as the person can be captured, it doesn't matter.

And just as everyone saw and expected, although Wang Meng's sword was just the back of the sword, it was extremely powerful, and the man could no longer hold the long sword in his hand. In an instant, the long sword fell out of his hand and fell landed on the grass.

It seems that it was because the man really did not expect that Wang Meng would make such a move, or in other words, he really did not expect that he was defeated by Wang Meng so easily. In short, after the long sword in his hand fell to the ground, the man would He just stood there blankly, looking at a loss, even his wrist was obviously dislocated by Wang Meng's knife. It should be very painful, but he didn't chew it. One sound, just standing there.

"This time, I have finally caught you," Wang Meng did not hesitate. After knocking down the long sword in his hand, the sword was placed on his neck in an instant, and the blade was tightly attached to his neck. It has even pierced his skin, and traces of blood can be seen flowing down the blade.

But here, just after seeing Wang Meng restraining the man, someone rushed up, tied the man's hands, and held him tightly. Wang Meng waited until everything was in place before putting away his knife.

And that person waited until Wang Meng put away his knife, and then he recovered his paralyzed face. Looking at Wang Meng, he had a complex look in his eyes that he didn't know how to describe. He seemed to have a lot to say, but For a while, he couldn't speak at all, and didn't want to speak.

But Wang Meng didn't look at him at all, turned around and came to Zhu Yijun, kowtowed, and said: "Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life, and I have arrested the thief."

"Wang Qing's family is indeed very skilled, and they really deserve the reputation of being the 'No. [-] master of the imperial court'," Zhu Yijun was obviously very excited now, and even clapped his hands to express his happiness, and said, "In this way, I will take it seriously today." It is my will to give you the title of 'No.

"Thank you for your reward, Your Majesty," Wang Meng didn't mean to refuse. Of course, it's not true if he really cares about such a title. After all, although such a title is not easy to come by, it does contain It is genuine, but at the same time, this name will bring him endless troubles. After all, some things cannot be kept secret, not to mention that this kind of name is originally used to publicize. If the title of "No. [-] master in the imperial court" is spread, it will definitely cause him a lot of trouble, not to mention those who are skilled in martial arts in the imperial court. Well, since they are all members of the imperial court, they all have learned literary and martial arts, and belong to the emperor's family, then why is it that you can get the title of "No. [-] Master" and I can't? I will have such thoughts There are absolutely no fewer people, and at that time, what Wang Meng has to face are countless challenges. Even if he can defeat all these people, this kind of thing is extremely annoying, and it is definitely an annoying thing .

In addition to the people in the court, what Wang Meng has to face is people from outside. After all, after he won this title, the so-called tree is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it. At that time, it will not only be the people in the court. People, even people in the Jianghu will want to compete with Wang Meng. After all, reputation is absolutely important when walking in the Jianghu. , that will definitely greatly improve their reputation.

Perhaps, Wang Meng's identity is a thousand households of the imperial court, and also a member of the Jinyiwei. It is not an exaggeration for ordinary people from the rivers and lakes to seek advice from him, even if they are accused of attacking "imperial officials of the imperial court", but those people are not Those who care about these things, on the other hand, can prove themselves by defeating Wang Meng, that is the most important thing.

However, facing Zhu Yijun's impromptu reward, Wang Meng did not refuse, but accepted it frankly.

Moreover, not only Wang Meng, but everyone present, no matter whether they knew Wang Meng's ability before or not, after watching the competition just now, no one would object to Zhu Yijun's decision. Wang Meng, it can be said that It is well deserved.

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Yijun walked towards the captured man, and Zhang Fan and others followed along.

A big drama has come to an end, and the next one is about to start,

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