"Who are you? Who sent you here to assassinate me?" Zhu Yijun walked up to the man and asked.

because before.The skill shown by this person is high and strong.So even now.He was trapped with his hands.He knelt down on the ground.The people next to him still didn't dare to let Zhu Yijun get closer.At a distance of more than ten feet from him.It just stopped him.this distance.In addition, the other party is now being escorted to kneel on the ground.Even if he can stand up.He also wanted to be unfavorable to Zhu Yijun.There is already enough time here to stop it.

Although Zhu Yijun is only a child in his teens.The voice has not changed much.Now let's talk.Still a childish voice.but.Maybe it's because of sitting on the throne.His words.between words.Naturally with a lot of majesty in it.People have to bow their heads.

But in the face of Zhu Yijun's questioning.The man had no intention of answering at all.He didn't even look at Zhu Yijun in the face.It's back to what it was before.There was a smile on the corner of his mouth.There was no contempt to be seen.But there is no respect in it.

"As a prisoner under his rank, he is still so arrogant." Seeing that he didn't speak.Zheng Chengxian, who was standing beside Zhu Yijun, spoke. "Your Majesty is asking a question now. It's better to answer. It's better to suffer less." Finished.Zheng Chengxian winked at the two men who were guarding him.

The two officers and soldiers got the order of the Shangguan.Immediately put the official knife on his waist.Even the scabbard was inserted into the gap between the arms of the man who had been bent behind his back.The two of them crossed each other at the same time.immediately.The man's arm is further backward.Almost both of them moved closer together.even.There seemed to be some sounds of bones breaking.Appeared in the minds of everyone.

See this scene.Both Zhang Fan and Wang Meng frowned.Of course they don't want this.But now it must be so.and.The two of them must never open their mouths to intercede.Even the people present couldn't see any flaws.But this kind of thing needs to be fully prepared.Just in case something unexpected happens.

"Hehe. Zheng Aiqing. It doesn't have to be like this." At this time.It was Zhu Yijun who spoke. "Since he has become a prisoner, it is inevitable that he will not speak. What's more, in my opinion, I am afraid that these methods will not make him speak."

"Your Majesty's words are very true." Zheng Chengxian agreed.Let the two men remove the knife.

"Now..." Zhu Yijun looked at the man again.Open your mouth and say. "I've already given you great face. Don't tell me quickly. Who are you? Who sent you to assassinate me?" Zhu Yijun asked the same question again. .

And this time.This person didn't play Shen Shen anymore.No more words.Instead, he looked up at Zhu Yijun and smiled.Said: "What right do you have to ask me. You didn't catch me. What do you want me to tell you?"

"Presumptuous." This time.Not just one person.Almost everyone next to him yelled.

"This is today's day." Zhang Fan said quickly. "Don't say it's your life. There are tens of thousands of people in this Great Ming Dynasty. All of them are His Majesty's subjects. Your Majesty asked a question. There is no reason not to answer."

But in the face of Zhang Fan's words.The man just smiled disdainfully.Just turn your head away.Never mind again.

And Zhu Yijun saw him like this.He didn't mean to be angry at all.Instead, he took two steps forward.I saw Zhu Yijun going forward.Those big inner guards were about to stop them immediately.But it was swung away by Zhu Yijun.have no choice.These people had no choice but to follow Zhu Yijun together.They walked up to that person together.

Zhu Yijun looked at the man.Regarding what he just said.Didn't mean to be angry at all.Looking at him with a smile on his face.Said: "You said that I am not qualified to ask you. But I said that I have. Why. Not convinced. Then you listen to what I say is right.

"That's right. It wasn't me who captured you. I also admit it. If I were alone, I wouldn't be able to capture you. The one who captured you was Wang Meng and Wang Qing's family. However, don't forget .I bestowed the title of "the first master of the imperial court" on Wang Qing's family. The reason why I added the word "imperial court" in front of it is because I also understand that there are people beyond people. There are mountains beyond mountains. Maybe in the future It is also possible for Wang Qing's family to meet someone with higher martial arts than him.

"But don't forget. It doesn't matter whether the Wang Qing family will meet such a person in the future. But the martial arts of the Wang Qing family are better than yours. That's for sure. But at the same time, you have to figure out one thing No matter whether the martial arts of Wang Qing's family is too strong, he will also serve me. This point is also beyond doubt.

"So. Even if I don't have the ability to capture you. But my subordinates have the ability. That means I'm still more capable than you. How about it? If that's the case, are you convinced?"

"..." The man heard Zhu Yijun's words.He raised his head and looked at Zhu Yijun.And in his eyes.Has a very obvious color of dissatisfaction.But.But it is biased.He didn't speak again.obviously.Even if he was dissatisfied with Zhu Yijun's words in his heart.But he couldn't find anything to refute him.

And this time.Zhu Yijun's words.Apart from letting the people on the side applaud, praise, and flatter.But Zhang Fan was once again shocked.He really didn't think of it.Zhu Yijun was actually able to say such a thing.

Say something like this.It's not a very difficult thing.The hard part is that he can think like that.And people who can think like this.That's the real smart guy.This kind of person will not do things in front of him that he can't do at all.Instead, let those who can do it do it.And this way.If it is placed on a person who does business.That will naturally lead to a booming business.The family wealth is tens of thousands; if it is placed on a person who is an official.It will naturally rise step by step.The reputation is prominent; but it is placed on an emperor.But it is different.

The emperor is too clever.I really don't know if it's a bad thing or a good thing.If it is an emperor who has been thinking about how to make his country flourish.With such a clever mind.That's definitely a good thing.But if it is an emperor who is only greedy for pleasure and selfish desires.But at the same time, he had such a clever mind.That would be a big deal.By the time.It's not just that no one can restrain him.It will make things even more difficult.

Today's Zhu Yijun.There is already a condition.That is he is quite smart.It is easy to see through the essence of things.And it can be used to refute the words of others.at this point.Definitely very important.only.For the original Zhang Fan.He was able to tell Zhu Yijun a lot of truths.And make him listen.even.Zhang Fan can spend a long time instilling a certain kind of knowledge in Zhu Yijun.Thus subtly affecting him.These are all things that Zhang Fan can do.

but.There is only one thing Zhang Fan can't do.That is to make Zhu Yijun smart.This is not to say that Zhu Yijun is stupid.Actually.Zhu Yijun is very smart.Although he is not the kind of person who decides to be smart.But definitely not stupid.But from Zhang Fan's point of view.Zhu Yijun's ingenuity.It will be used in his intelligence and political affairs in the future.Still somewhat lacking.

but.bright mind.This kind of thing is innate.And it cannot be trained the day after tomorrow.If Zhang Fan wanted to make Zhu Yijun smarter.And only this.He can't do it.

And now.Zhu Yijun's words.Let Zhang Fan understand.his previous worries.But it's all just worrying.Zhu Yijun is definitely more than just two simple words "smart" can be described.even.If compared with him.Many people in the court.Including those like Feng Bao.All are not enough.

This is a prerequisite.Finally let Zhang Fan grasp it.It also relieved him of many worries.

And now.All Zhang Fan needed to worry about was that.How to guide Zhu Yijun.Will his bright mind.Use it for the right things.Make him more positive.And be more responsible.

but.Zhang Fan also knew.This point is quite difficult.after all.Zhang Fan in his previous life.Even his different history.But I also know the history of Ming Dynasty.The laziest emperor ever.The Wanli Shenzong must be counted.Want to change his laziness.It is indeed a very difficult thing.But fortunately.Zhu Yijun is still a child now.Although he is already sitting on the throne.But there are many things.He's not set yet.It hasn't even shown up yet.Zhang Fan can be said to be in a favorable position that can change Zhu Yijun.

And the more important point is.This about Zhu Yijun.Although it is difficult to change.But these may also be brought by nature.But it's not something that can't be changed.As long as Zhang Fan can find the right way.I want to change this point of Zhu Yijun.There is still a way.and.He also has a lot of time to complete this matter.

"What. You don't speak. Obviously you know what I said is right. You are also speechless." Zhu Yijun said. "However. You are a big man. You have the guts to come and assassinate me, but you don't have the guts to answer a child's words. It seems that I really thought highly of you before." Zhu Yijun said.It is clear.It's just motivating him.

"No one sent me," said the man suddenly. "I'm alone. It's my own decision to do this."

"Why?" Zhu Yijun asked immediately.

"Because. I want to become famous in one battle." The man said. "If you can assassinate the emperor. Is there anyone in this world who doesn't know my name?"

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