Zhang Fan just walked into Zhu Yijun's big tent.With the appearance of the eyes.The sound matched the scene in front of me.Zhu Yijun was beaming at Yu'er talking about what happened just now.It's obviously talking about how brave and fearless he is.Even in the face of the sharp knife that had pierced his face.But he was not afraid at all.Stay safe and wait.and.Zhang Fan looked at him like that.That really got louder and louder.

Zhang Fan turned his head to look at Yu'er who was staring at Zhu Yijun with fascination and admiration.Can't help but shook his head again.So is Zhu Yijun.Said so vigorously to a person who just witnessed the whole process.There are even some exaggerated elements in the words.But Yu'er can also act.Obviously what happened just now.She was following Zhu Yijun.It can be said to be seen from the beginning to the end.And for a thing she is already familiar with.And in Zhu Yijun's narrative.Obviously that's where the exaggeration is.But this Yuer.But it looks like an incomparable fascination.like that.It was completely attracted by what Zhu Yijun said.If Zhang Fan didn't know.Yu'er's appearance.Even Zhang Fan couldn't tell that she was faking it.

"Your Majesty. My minister is here." He coughed lightly.Zhang Fan said.It interrupted the two of them.No.It should be said to be Zhu Yijun's monologue.

"Oh. Teacher, you are here." Zhu Yijun looked at Zhang Fan.nodded.He turned his head and said to Yu'er. "Yu'er, go down first. I have something to say to the teacher."

"Yes." Yu'er stood up and bowed to salute.Then he walked out of the tent.

"Teacher, what's going on over there." Before Yu'er could go out.Zhu Yijun asked Zhang Fan.

"Return to Your Majesty. I have asked Wang Meng to take that man back to Jin Yiwei's yamen overnight and lock him up so as not to have long nights and dreams here." Zhang Fan said this.Just at this time.Yu'er passed by his side.He looked at Yu'er.Added another sentence. "Master Zheng also sent dozens of people there. They will go back with Wang Meng to avoid any accidents on the road tonight."

Listen to what Zhang Fan said.He had already reached the curtain.Yu'er was about to open the curtain and walk out.He also purposely turned his head to look at Zhang Fan.only.This glance.In Yu'er's eyes.Really has a lot of things.It's really hard to read.But Zhang Fan didn't care about these.He also didn't want to know what Yu'er was thinking.He just needs to know.She has heard what she said.That's enough.other things.Zhang Fan doesn't have time to ask questions now.

Zhu Yijun didn't notice these things.Or so it seemed to him.Yu'er is just a girl who is several years younger than herself.How could he have imagined that Yu'er would have so many thoughts.

"Yes. Zheng Chengxian is right to do so." Zhu Yijun said. "It's really inappropriate to keep that person here. It's good to take him back. But even if Wang Qing's family is very powerful, but he is alone. It's really not good. Let Zheng Chengxian's men go there together. That's good. I'm not worried about Wang Qing's family. I'm just afraid that if I get away from that person, it will be another trouble in the future."

"Your Majesty has thought carefully," Zhang Fan said. "I don't know if His Majesty asked Wei Chen to come this time. Is there something I want to tell Wei Chen."

"Oh. That's right." I heard Zhang Fan say such a sentence.This is Zhu Yijun's reaction.He had completely forgotten what he wanted to say to Zhang Fan just now. "I asked the teacher to come. I wanted to ask the teacher what he meant. I don't know what the teacher thinks about this matter. Do you have a clue? Who came back to assassinate me."

"This..." Zhang Fan had long thought that Zhu Yijun would ask him this question.So he was also prepared.Said. "Your Majesty. This matter. I didn't have a clue for a while. And this matter is of great importance. Before the investigation is clear, I really dare not make a conclusion." Zhang Fan said something on the scene.

"Oh. The teacher will be offended by saying that." Zhu Yijun looked indifferent.He waved his hand at Zhang Fan.Said. "This matter. Of course, I understand that I can't know the answer so quickly. This time, I just let the teacher talk about it. Even if it is a guess. Anyway, guess it. It doesn't matter. Even if you say something that shouldn't be The person who said it. It is absolutely impossible for me to blame the teacher or something."

Zhang Fan heard what he said.I feel very strange in my heart.Although it is said that if this matter is viewed in essence.In fact, it was just a bitter drama performed by Queen Mother Li for Zhu Yijun.But this kind of thing.No.The whole thing.I'm afraid Zhu Yijun will never be able to find out.Even if he told Zhu Yijun.He would never believe it either.Could it be that Zhang Fan should tell him.It's your mother.Today's queen mother wants me to find someone to assassinate you.

And even now.Zhu Yijun just asked Zhang Fan to guess.He also can't say casually.It is even more impossible to say the goal.Otherwise.Wait until the "investigation" is clear.Zhu Yijun took a look.It is very different from the person Zhang Fan guessed.No matter how young Zhu Yijun was.There must also be doubts.if that is the case.It will be another big trouble in the future.

And actually.For Zhang Fan now.He couldn't name anyone at all.some things.Although Zhang Fan already knew about it.But those were things he wasn't supposed to know.It must be troublesome to say it now.And casually point to a person and say that he may have done it.This is also not reliable.After all...

"Your Majesty." Zhang Fan waited for a while.Make a look of thinking for a long time.This is the look of hesitation.He opened his mouth and said to Zhu Yijun. "Actually, ever since that man fought with Lord Zheng's men, Wei Chen has been thinking about this question in his heart. Who is it? He actually wants to do such a treasonous thing as assassinating His Majesty. It's just. Wei Wei I also thought about it for a long time. At this moment, I have no idea at all. His Majesty already has some thoughts in his heart."

"Oh. I don't have any idea." Zhu Yijun heard Zhang Fan say this.Disappointed.Also shook his head helplessly.Said. "Speaking of it. My matter. The teacher is not clear. I am only 12 years old this year. It has only been two years since I ascended the throne. Moreover, what will I look like after ascending the throne? I think the teacher is very clear In my hands. There is no power at all. Although I am also very unhappy about this in my heart. But things are like this.

"Moreover. Even if it's a decree from the imperial court, it was issued by the queen mother in my name. But I know about those things. There is no decree against anyone from above. Now I am very strange. I didn't offend anyone. Why would someone want to assassinate me? It's hard to say. Those people who were sentenced to beheaded by the local government. However, it is also blamed on me."

"Your Majesty, this matter is not that simple." Zhang Fan said.Some words cannot be said.But some things can be said. "If it's really because of this kind of thing, I'm afraid that the person who comes to assassinate now will definitely not be His Majesty. It's those officials who have been sentenced to beheading. At most, at most. Go back and find trouble with the Ministry of Punishment. But it is absolutely impossible To do something like assassinate His Majesty."

"Well. I heard what the teacher said. It really makes sense." Zhu Yijun said. "If these people are going to assassinate the emperor because of this kind of thing, then the world will be in chaos long ago." Obviously.After pros and cons said so.Zhu Yijun also reacted.And so it is.If these Jianghu figures came to assassinate the emperor because of this matter.That would be fun.Moreover.These are seen by the people below.Beheading is a serious crime.But this Emperor.It really doesn't matter.

"That means..." Without waiting for Zhang Fan to speak again.Zhu Yijun said again. "Behind this matter, there is really someone who is manipulating it."

"I'm afraid. That's the way it is." These words.Zhang Fan said it in a very reluctant tone. "And what this man said at the end. Although he didn't say clearly that someone sent him. But his look of confidence is not the case at all."

"That is to say..." Zhu Yijun said. "Someone must have sent him this time. And that is to say. I really provoked someone."

"I'm afraid that's it." Zhang Fan said at this time.The frown deepened. "If this is the case, then it will be troublesome. After all, if someone can have such an enmity with His Majesty, his status must not be low. At that time, it is very possible. It is not easy to punish whoever is found out. That's the most troublesome."

"Hmph. I want to know who it is more and more." Zhu Yijun sneered twice.Said. "Anyway, I have nothing to do now. If there is such a thing, it will be able to kill some boredom." Okay.Dare to encounter such a situation of being assassinated.It's not just that Zhu Yijun has no fear at all.On the contrary, it is still regarded as a kind of interesting thing to kill boredom.This made Zhang Fan who was listening on the sidelines.I really don't know what to do.

"By the way, Your Majesty," Zhang Fan said. "Now that something has happened, it's not safe for His Majesty to stay here any longer. It's better to return to the palace earlier. But today is really too late. It's not safe to go back to the palace now. It's between humble officials. Why don't you go back to the palace tomorrow morning."

"Why is that?" Zhu Yijun said immediately. "Could it be that the teacher thinks. Am I afraid?"

"No. Of course Weichen didn't mean that." Zhang Fan quickly explained. "It's just that such a thing has happened now. I'm afraid you don't need to say it. It is estimated that the queen mother will let your majesty go back."

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