The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 899 Sleepless Tonight

"How could the empress mother know about this?" Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Zhu Yijun was very angry, "Besides, now here, except for the rear army, they are the guards of the big house, who would say that, "At this moment, Zhu Yijun was very angry. He was not angry because Empress Dowager Li would know about this matter, but because he was angry and why his mother would know about this kind of thing so quickly. Although Zhang Fan said very Mysterious, but Zhu Yijun believed that Zhang Fan would not deceive him.

Seeing Zhu Yijun's appearance, Zhang Fan sighed slightly. It can't be blamed for Zhu Yijun being so angry all of a sudden. From his point of view, this kind of thing really makes people feel very angry Well, it's as if I have hidden my privacy very well, but I can't resist others' inspection at all. I have no secrets at all, and this situation is the same for anyone.

"Your Majesty, if it is because of this matter, there is no need to be like this," Zhang Fan said. Seeing that Zhu Yijun was in a hurry to say something, he hurriedly said, "Don't panic, Your Majesty, just listen to the minister's words. Speaking of it, it is really disrespectful, but now, compared with His Majesty, he is also clear about what the court looks like now. Although His Majesty is the Ninth Five-Year Lord, all the power is now in the hands of Queen Mother Li. There is no doubt about it , and there will be no change for the time being, if His Majesty is still angry because of this matter, Wei Chen feels that it is unnecessary.

"But now, Empress Dowager Li is in power, so it is very easy for her to know something. Even, there is no need for the Empress Dowager to send someone to inquire, and someone will take the initiative to tell the Empress Dowager. Because of this, she was appreciated by the Queen Mother, but this is not a bad thing in my eyes, after all, the Queen Mother is His Majesty's biological mother, and everything the Queen Mother does is for His Majesty, and will never harm His Majesty. "Zhang Fan still has something to say, he is among those informers, but what he did is not something like appreciation, besides, Zhang Fan will never tell Zhu Yijun, and actually ask someone to assassinate him His, it must be his queen mother, if this is said, it will be over.

After hearing Zhang Fan's words, although Zhu Yijun still felt that something was wrong in his heart, his face had already eased up a lot.

"Then... I don't know what the teacher thinks, among these people here, who will go back to get the informant," Zhu Yijun suddenly asked.

"This..." How can Zhang Fan answer this question, making it clear that there is himself in front of him, "Your Majesty, the human heart is unpredictable. I really don't know this kind of thing, but I feel that your majesty also Don’t worry about this matter, although these people only talk about it for themselves, but after all, this matter is also for the good of His Majesty, it’s just that these people haven’t thought about it, that’s all.”

"Oh," Zhu Yijun didn't insist on hearing what Zhang Fan said, but just sat down with a powerless look. Obviously, he had given up on pursuing this problem that he couldn't handle. The palace is coming," Zhu Yijun had a very aggrieved expression on his face when he asked these words.

"Weichen thinks so," Zhang Fan didn't mean to sympathize with him this time. After all, Zhu Yijun has been out for more than half a month this time, and he has played everything that should be played. Even if he continues to stay here now, except Being free means being boring, "It's just that if the queen mother's order is not met, if your majesty doesn't want to go back, there is nothing I can do about it, but if the queen mother's order arrives tomorrow, I'm afraid your majesty will not be able to do this matter."

At night, it was really a sleepless night. Zhu Yijun didn't sleep well. He couldn't sleep because of the assassination today. This kind of thing really couldn't shake Zhu Yijun's nerves. He couldn't sleep because of his mother's affairs. Although Zhang Fan's words had already relieved him a lot, this kind of thing couldn't be eliminated with just a few words from Zhang Fan.

And Zhang Fan didn't fall asleep either. He wasn't worrying about Zhu Yijun's affairs, but was continuing to think about how to make this matter more perfect. Although the drama has already been acted out, the preliminary preparations can be regarded as lacking. In vain, at least the people present, as long as they didn't know the inside story of the matter, none of them saw any problems.

However, in the final analysis, this is just a starting point. What Zhang Fan has to deal with in the future is not these guards and officers and soldiers who are easy to deal with, but an ambitious and not stupid prince. , especially when kings like King Shuduan are enshrined in other places, and they do not contact the court, the court rarely asks about them. Although Jin Yiwei will pay attention to these people all the time, paying attention does not mean that they are They have to be monitored all the time, so these princes from different places can develop freely on their own fiefdoms. Over the years, how much energy these princes can have, and how much power their subordinates can have. To be honest, no one can know. Even Zhang Fan, the head of Jinyiwei, only knew a little bit, but he didn't dare to say that what he knew was all.

Therefore, he has to think carefully now, and think more perfectly. No matter how much he thinks now, it is estimated that some unexpected situation will happen at that time, so now, it is not an exaggeration to think too carefully.

Moreover, Zhang Fan still has a lot of uncertainties about this matter. The most important point is that he doesn't know what the Empress Dowager Li's plans are for this matter. He said that Zhang Fan didn't know at all whether the Empress Dowager Li wanted to play the game thoroughly and abolish him as the king of Shuduan directly, or whether she wanted to beat him with this incident. It was not an actual punishment, but It was to make him feel invisible pressure, and finally achieve the effect of killing chickens and monkeys. Zhang Fan didn't know about it. When Queen Mother Li explained this matter to him, she never mentioned it.

Zhang Fan is now thinking about this matter. He even thought about going to the Queen Mother Li and asking him face to face, but this idea just disappeared in his mind. Only a fool would do this, and Zhang Fan didn't want to be such an idiot. Some things, even if there were only two people, couldn't be said clearly. What was said, no matter how well concealed it was, might become the root of trouble in the future.

But Zhang Fan was really not very good at guessing what was going on, which made Zhang Fan very uncomfortable.

And tonight, the people who couldn't sleep were not only the two monarchs and ministers, even that Yu'er didn't fall asleep.

What she was worried about was not the assassination that happened today, maybe because she hadn't seen what was in it, or maybe she didn't care about it at all, but she was thinking about Zhang Fan .

From her point of view, what she said to Zhang Fan a few days ago was tantamount to clarifying the hostile relationship between the two. Even after going back that day, she regretted it. She knew that she had gone too far. I am immature, those words may not only not dispel Zhang Fan's suspicion of her, but may still deepen his guard against her, so during this period of time, Yu'er never thought of provoking Zhang Fan again, and even talked with Zhang Fan. Not a word has ever been said.

Moreover, sometimes, she could see Zhang Fan's eyes looking at her, there were a lot of inexplicable things, but she interpreted it as hostility.

It's just that today's incident made Yu'er confused for a while, why Zhang Fan wanted to speak nicely in front of Zhu Yijun for her father, even though he was already upset with her.

What happened today, Yu'er was also by Zhu Yijun's side, so she saw all of it, although she didn't say a word, and even on the surface, apart from worrying about the army She has never shown any other expressions, but that's not the case in her heart. She needs to worry more and more. After all, with the rear army led by her father today, the performance is really not good. It can even be said to be a great embarrassment.

Because of this, Yu'er even complained about her father. She was afraid that because of her father, Zhu Yijun would be unhappy, and as a result, her status in Zhu Yijun's eyes would decline. Yu'er is absolutely unbearable.

However, she, as a maid, can't interfere with this kind of matter.

And when Zhang Fan mentioned this matter to Zhu Yijun, Yu'er was really surprised.

Zhu Yijun didn't blame his father, Yu'er could understand this, or something she could figure out, but Zhang Fan would actually find a reason for Zhu Yijun for Zheng Seung-heon, that's what Yu'er couldn't figure out, Zhang Fan It is impossible not to know that she is Zheng Seung-heon's biological daughter, if Zheng Seung-heon's status in Zhu Yijun's heart rises, she will naturally benefit from it, but what Zhang Fan showed before is not the case at all.

This is what Yu'er couldn't figure out, why Zhang Fan told her that he didn't like her, and even secretly expressed that he would deal with him, but now, what Zhang Fan did was to help her.

"It seems that this Tai Tuo is not an easy master to deal with," Yu'er thought in her heart, "I thought that from now on, we will never get in trouble with him. I manage mine in the palace, and he messes with his outside." , now it seems that this is probably not going to work, and in the future, when dealing with this Master Taifu, there will be no less, "

Tonight, there are more than just these three people who can't sleep here, and there are many more people who can't sleep outside.

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