The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 900 Want to shirk

Early the next morning.Although last night.Right in this camp.There are a lot of people who don't get a good night's sleep.But early this morning.Almost everyone got up.Even those who didn't sleep well last night.Although there is tiredness on the face.But it was impossible to sleep be honest.These people are troubled by their minds.

yesterday.Zhang Fan had already made it very clear to Zhu will definitely return to the palace.Even if he doesn't want to go back.Empress Dowager Li will definitely come to order him to go back.

certainly.Although Zhu Yijun was unwilling.But he also understood in his heart.If it is said that his mother really came and wanted him to come back.He can't help it either.had to obey.But if Empress Dowager Li didn't make an order.Well here is his max.He calls the shots.He didn't want to go back then.Still no one can force her.That is.Zhu Yijun was actually betting on the possibility of this fluke.Bet that the Empress Dowager Li would not decree him to return to the palace too soon.

only.What is the nature of what happened yesterday.Say no more.Everyone understands.And for Queen Mother Li.Even for the uninformed.Guess can guess.Empress Dowager Li probably knew what happened here last night.Now that this has happened.Empress Dowager Li has absolutely no reason to let Zhu Yijun stay here.After all, the palace is much safer than here.

so.early in the morning.Chen Shi has just passed.Empress Dowager Li's order to let Zhu Yijun return to the palace immediately has arrived.And it was not someone else who came to deliver the decree.It was Feng Bao himself.certainly.Let Feng Baolai issue the decree.And it's not because of Feng Bao.But to let people understand.What is the importance of Empress Dowager Li on this matter?

and.came together.It's not just Feng Bao and the people he brought.And the entire rear army sent by Queen Mother Li.Prepare to cooperate with the 1000 troops brought by Zheng Seung Heon.A total of 5000 people.They escorted Zhu Yijun back to the palace together.

Let's talk about the show.Naturally it is bigger.After all, go back to the palace from here.Distance doesn't want to at all.Half a day is up.And this is the suburb of Beijing.It is also the capital.It is at the feet of the emperor.It is enough to have Zheng Chengxian's current 1000 people to escort Zhu Yijun back.Which courageous assassin would dare to face a thousand soldiers and come over to assassinate Zhu Yijun.It is even more impossible for a large group of people to charge over.

However, this arrangement did not make anyone feel that it was too much.after all.This is related to the life and safety of the emperor.Even if you get more people.It's not an exaggeration.

And these.Neither is the most important.The main thing is.Zhu Yijun is very upset now.original.He was hoping to get away with it.Fortunately, his mother would not issue a decree for him to return to the palace as soon as possible.certainly.Although Zhu Yijun is naive.But he is not stupid.Especially after what Zhang Fan had said to him last night.Zhu Yijun understood the truth of this even more.He wanted his mother to not issue a decree for him to return to the palace as soon as possible.This is almost impossible.

so.Zhu Yijun didn't sleep last night.In fact, it is thinking about this last.His conclusion is that.After Li made the proposal, it was impossible not to issue an order to let him return to the palace early.But there is still such a fluke in his heart.Fortunately, it is best that his mother can let him go back later.Even if.It's just a day late.Let him have one more day of freedom.It's also good.

But now it seems.Empress Dowager Li obviously won't follow his wish.This is not.Zhu Yijun's fluke mentality.Existed for less than an hour.Empress Dowager Li's edict has now arrived.

This made Zhu Yijun feel uncomfortable at the same time.He also has nothing else to do.I can only obediently obey. .Go back with the rear army that guards him.

Now that Queen Mother Li's order has arrived.That's easy.So early in the morning.Zhu Yijun didn't need to say anything at all.After Feng Bao read out Yizhi.Immediately ordered people to start packing things.Ready to go home.During this period, he still came to look for Zhang Fan.Asked about it.

"Master Zhang." Feng Bao walked straight up to Zhang Fan.Then ignore the eyes of others.Pull Zhang Fan to a secluded place.said to him. "Master Zhang. What is going on here? Last night our family was asleep. We were suddenly woken up. We heard about His Majesty being assassinated. This... how could this happen. Your Majesty is still young now. You are young. And you don’t have any power in your hands. Let alone do something that makes some people resent you. How could someone suddenly come out to assassinate His Majesty.”

When Feng Bao said these words.Zhang Fan was observing him carefully.Just to take a closer look.Are Feng Bao's words sincere?It is also to see if he already knows something.Now I want to get some words out of him.But Zhang Fan didn't see anything.Now.Zhang Fan felt relieved a lot.

This is not something that Feng Bao can hide very well.Even Feng Bao's experience in this aspect is higher than Zhang Fan's.But it's not just that.this matter.After all.It was Empress Dowager Li looking for Zhang Fan.And it was the result that she went to discuss with Zhang Fan alone.That is.This thing started from the beginning.It was the Empress Dowager Li and Zhang Fan who planned it.There is no third person.

Even now.Last night's play is over.But people who know the inside story of this matter.In fact, there were only exactly five people.Empress Dowager Li, Zhang Fan, Wang Meng, Liang Chao, and the person who came to pretend to be the one who was going to assassinate Zhu was just these five people who knew what was going on.And these five people.It will definitely not be a big mouth.Definitely that tight-lipped.The one who will eventually carry this secret into the coffin.

And among these five people.There is no Feng Bao's name.That is.From the very beginning, he had made up his mind to hide this matter from Feng Bao.

now.Zhang Fan listened to Feng Bao's face.A look of shock can be seen.You can also see a puzzled look.You can even see a look of thinking.But these.All are normal.As long as it is a person in the court.Hearing the news that Zhu Yijun was assassinated.Hearing this and showing this expression.That's absolutely perfectly normal.

but.Zhang Fan observed for a long time just now.It's just that there is no suspicious expression on Feng Bao's face.As long as there is no look of doubt.That's it.Feng Bao never suspected that this incident had anything to do with Zhang Fan.

And practically speaking.Zhang Fan was completely overwhelmed.Feng Bao would now pull him aside to speak.It simply means that he has no doubts about Zhang Fan.The reverse is also true.If Feng Bao suspects that Zhang Fan has anything to do with this matter.Then it is impossible for him to say anything to Zhang Fan.

"Father-in-law, don't mention this matter." Zhang Fan looked shocked.Talk to Feng Bao. "Tell me honestly. What happened last night almost scared me to death. I still have lingering fears. Eunuch, you didn't see that sword. It was only a few inches away from His Majesty's face. It was almost I'm about to get stabbed. It's okay. Wang Meng came quickly. Otherwise, I guess my father-in-law won't be able to see me today." Zhang Fan said.It is vivid and colorful.It definitely makes people feel a sense of dread for the rest of their lives after a catastrophe.Fortunately.Although all of this was arranged by Zhang Fan.But the moment Wang Meng rescued Zhu Yijun last night.It really made everyone sweat.Including Zhang Fan himself.after all.That sword is really too hanging.

"This. How could this be..." Obviously.Feng Bao was also frightened by Zhang Fan's words. "Let's not mention the matter of Wang Meng. But at that time, there was still a thousand troops led by Zheng Chengxian. Even if it was impossible for all the 1000 people to be present at the time, there should be hundreds of people there. Why is it like this? Still can't Blocking an assassin on the other side. It almost put His Majesty in danger." Obviously.Feng Bao heard exactly what happened last night.That's why there is such a question.Now Feng Bao can say these words.Someone must have looked for him.

It is estimated that those people have no idea what happened here last night.Some just heard a rough idea.I don't know the details.These people may be afraid that this matter will implicate them.So I went to find Feng Bao.And what Feng Bao said to Zhang Fan now.It's not over yet though.But Zhang Fan also understood what he wanted to say.I'm afraid they want to push all the problems on Zheng Chengxian.In order to protect themselves.

Now Feng Bao just said such a sentence.Zhang Fan recognized it immediately.He made it clear that he wanted to pour dirty water on Zheng Chengxian's body.Push all the responsibility for Zhu Yijun's near death to Zheng Chengxian.

but.Zheng Seung Heon is still useful to Zhang Fan.So Zhang Fan naturally wouldn't watch something happen to him.

"Father-in-law, the matter is actually not like this." Zhang Fan didn't let Feng Bao speak.Said immediately. "I really can't blame Mr. Zheng for this matter."

"Oh." Feng Bao heard what Zhang Fan said.Really curious. "Master Zhang, what are you talking about?"

"Last night. Although there was only one assassin, this person is truly remarkable." Zhang Fan smiled wryly.Said. "This man is very skilled. If Wang Meng hadn't come last night, he might not have been able to capture him. The rear army surrounded him with dozens of people. Not only was this man unscathed, more than ten people were injured here." .

"Even later. Even His Majesty's Ouchi bodyguard went on the field in person. That Jinhu. Presumably the father-in-law also knew it. Jinhu was under that man. Only ten strokes were passed. After ten strokes, he was injured and fell to the ground. .”

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