The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 903 Charter Road

On the road, the crowd of 5000 people is now escorting the emperor Zhu Yijun to the capital. In fact, the place where they started is not far from the capital. If they ride a fast horse, it is estimated that even a quarter You can enter Fuchengmen within a short time for a stick of incense, but there is no way, now you have to go back so slowly, this is not the time to put on a show, after all, the assassination incident last night, let Many people's hearts are raised in their throats, and now is the time when safety comes first.

Along the way, Zhang Fan also followed. The one next to Zhang Fan was Wang Meng. He went back and forth from last night because he had something to discuss with Zhang Fan.

Now, the two are driving at the very edge of the team, and they are almost in a state of leaving the team. After all, what the two of them want to say is really important. If someone listens to it and shakes it out, Those two will have to lose their heads.

"What's the situation in the capital now?" Before Wang Meng could speak, Zhang Fan was the first to speak. He knew that he was always by Zhu Yijun's side. Naturally, it was impossible to know what was going on in the capital, so he wanted to ask. Look, moreover, the situation in the capital can also make him understand some things.

"It's okay in the capital," Wang Meng replied. After all, it's not something that can't be said. Even if people heard it, it's no big deal. Ordinary people in the capital don't even know that this kind of thing happened last night, and no one would think about it that way. In fact, the Empress Dowager Li did a good job in this matter, even in the official circle. Here, the queen mother didn't let people publicize it, but there are still some people who know about it, like the few academicians in the cabinet, they all know about it, and the people below, as long as they have some connections, can also inquire about it. This matter, but they don't know much, they just know that His Majesty was assassinated, "

"Oh," Zhang Fan nodded upon hearing Wang Meng's words. It was within Zhang Fan's expectation that Queen Mother Li would do this. A play to deal with people, of course, must be done to the extreme. The more mysterious you make it, the more people will think it is true. If you make it too much, you may even If you don't even believe this thing is true, how can those individuals below buy it.

"However..." Before Zhang Fan was about to ask something, Wang Meng spoke, but he said it very reluctantly, "It's...the family of the adults... I don't know who I heard about this matter from." When I heard this, I immediately rushed to the Lord's mansion, but when I arrived, although it was an ugly time, none of the adults' family members were awake, and all of them were awake, and they were all in a hurry. Second lady... Madam was about to rush over to see if something happened to your lord, but fortunately she was persuaded by your mother, so I hurriedly told your family the news that your lord didn't have any accident, so I calmed down, "

"..." Hearing Wang Meng say such a thing, Zhang Fan was stunned for a while. He really didn't expect that this thing would reach the ears of his family members. It was a helpless wry smile, but at the same time, Zhang Fan felt very warm in his heart. It is really a great blessing and extremely lucky to have such a caring family.

"By the way," Zhang Fan put aside his family affairs for the time being, looked around, and asked Wang Meng, "After you went back last night, how was it?"

Hearing Zhang Fan's question about this matter, Wang Meng also became vigilant. Before answering Zhang Fan's words, Wang Meng raised his head and looked around. Even the people who were closest to them probably wouldn't be able to hear them with their own ears. Talking, not to mention how loud the footsteps of these 5000 people marching, their voices have been hidden long ago, but even so, it is related to this matter after all, so Wang Meng replied Zhang Fan Still, be very careful.

"My lord," Wang Meng approached Zhang Fan and whispered, "Things went very well. Last night, I returned to the city with the fifty terracotta warriors from the rear army. They sent people to the gate of the yamen, and saw the brothers in the yamen escort Zhuo Yang in, so they went back to treat the dozen or so injured people," Zhuo Yang, who was named by an assassin last night.

"Is Zhuo Yang okay?" Zhang Fan also asked in a low voice, "I see that yesterday, your knife was really unforgiving. Zhuo Yang also lost a lot of blood, so it doesn't matter." Obviously, Zhang Fan cared about that person very much.

"Your Excellency, don't worry," Wang Meng replied, "The knife that the humble officer took last night was very measured. It may seem that Zhuo Yang was seriously injured and bled a lot, but in fact, he was fine at all. , as long as it is bandaged, and when the wound heals, you can turn around and practice martial arts,"

"That's good," Zhang Fan felt relieved after hearing Wang Meng's words, and then asked, "Is there any flaw in the matter, where is Zhuo Yang and others now?"

"There is no flaw in the matter," Wang Meng replied, "Last night, I didn't say anything to those terracotta warriors along the way. They seemed to be a little afraid of me, but this is a good thing. To say the least is wrong, until we return to the yamen, the rules in the yamen are clearer to the adults than to the humble officials. The two brothers who imprisoned Zhuo Yang don't know Zhuo Yang anyway, even if they have doubts, but as long as the humble officials Not to mention, they absolutely didn't dare to ask anything. The humble staff had Zhuo Yang locked up in the dark prison at the back. There were only single people in that place, and there were no guards inside, only outside. The humble staff also specially ordered Brothers in custody, except for the three of you, Mr. Baizhi and Liang Chao, if anyone else wants to come, they will not be allowed to let them go, and there will be absolutely no flaws."

"As for Zhuo Yang's words..." When Wang Meng said this, there was some helplessness in his eyes, and Zhang Fan looked very curious, "Before I came here this morning, I even went in to have a look. I looked at him, but I found that the brothers guarding me looked at me with uncertain eyes. I didn't know until I went in. It turns out that kid Liang Chao didn't know when he learned that Zhuo Yang came back and was locked up last night. Where did he get some food and wine in the middle of the night, and brought them in to have a drink with Zhuo Yang, "

No wonder Wang Meng had a fluctuating expression when he said these words. It turned out that this was the case, but in fact, when Zhang Fan heard about it, he also had a helpless expression on his face: "This Liang Chao is really I don’t know what’s good or bad, but I’m going to the prison with food and drink, if someone sees something, wouldn’t it be troublesome?”

"This... I feel that you don't have to worry about it," Wang Meng said to Zhang Fan with an even weirder face, "Actually, what Liang Chao brought in the food and wine yesterday was not in a food box, but in a food box." It's the biggest box in the yamen, it's a box for torture instruments, from the way it looks, I figured that Liang Chao carried those wine and vegetables into it last night."

Hearing what Wang Meng said, the expression on Zhang Fan's face became even weirder. Using torture instruments to bring in food and drink, this kind of whimsical idea is probably unprecedented.

Daringly, just now Wang Meng said that the guards were looking at him with strange eyes. It turned out that Liang Chao didn't come out all night after he got in with a lot of "instruments of torture".

"And, according to the guards..." Wang Meng obviously hadn't finished speaking, "From last night to now, there are still screams coming from inside."

"Uh..." At this moment, Zhang Fan was really speechless.

This boy Liang Chao is already married, and I heard that he is about to have a child, yet he is still playing this game now. It seems that Zhang Fan has to send someone to talk to Honger sometime tomorrow. Let her discipline Liang Chao well.

"However, my lord, the matter will never be revealed, and this humble position can guarantee it," Wang Meng added, "Liang really messing around, but even if he is messing around, it's not that kind of thing." Regardless of it, it is still very thoughtful.”

"I hope," Zhang Fan sighed, "But now, Zhuo Yang will be in trouble in the future. Once this matter is over, he may not be able to appear in some places in the future. Assassinating the emperor, that will be the whole world. A great crime that everyone can punish,"

"That's true," Wang Meng also looked regretful, "but it's okay, after all, you know Zhuo Yang's appearance, my lord, I'm afraid my lord didn't recognize Zhuo Yang's appearance last night, right?"

"That's true," Zhang Fan also nodded, "However, it's better to be careful about this kind of thing, or you might get into some trouble at any time."

"My lord said that," Wang Meng nodded solemnly, and said, "I will inform Zhuo Yang of this matter, so that he can trust his actions in the future, but after thinking about it, even if Zhuo Yang goes out to do business He has to hide his face and show his face, and with his skill, it is not easy for people outside to recognize him, "

"Now, all of this is over, and it's perfect. There's nothing more to say," Zhang Fan said. "Now, it's time to think about what to do next."

"My lord," Wang Meng continued, "The job of taking the place of the dead ghost has already been done. He is also a prisoner on death row. He agreed to some conditions. Now it depends on what your lord wants to do."

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