"Who is it? Who is it? How dare you come here to assassinate the Ai family's son. It's just...it's really daring..."

It's just past time now.There is no morning morning today.They even used those cabinet bachelors to fill the scene.But there was no one on the dragon chair, and the morning court was not held.What is the reason.I'm afraid these court officials have received a lot of news more or less.Although the sources of these people are all different.And even the content of the news is not the same.uneven.But the news these people got.One is exactly the same.That is today's Da Mingzi.Wanli Emperor Zhu Yijun.Was assassinated last night.certainly.The emperor is safe and sound.Or now.These people are not able to sit at home and inquire about news with peace of mind.

But now.It looked dead outside.But inside the palace.But it was very lively.No.It's really not appropriate to describe it as lively.In fact, in the palace today.the vast majority of places.It is also the same as the outside.It was dead silent.But within the scope of the Compassionate Ning Palace after passing the Longzong Gate.Not so calm.If you are standing, it will be closer to the Compassion Palace.you can hear it.There will be a voice with great anger from inside.And some court ladies and eunuchs nearby.All shy.They didn't dare to move at all.

the reason is simple.Empress Dowager Li is losing her temper now.After all.Someone dared to kill his son.Even ordinary people.Which mother will not be angry when she finds out that someone is coming to kill her son.not to mention.What is the status of this mother and son.One is the emperor.One is the queen mother.To know.Empress Dowager Li is now in power.And the reason why she can hold so much power in her hands.Isn't it all because his son Zhu Yijun sat on the throne?Even Queen Mother Li herself is not a greedy and powerful person.But she naturally doesn't want to lose power.Now someone dares to touch her son.This is not just a mother outraged at the danger to her son.More of a queen mother.Anger at having all my hopes wiped out.

certainly.Actually all of this.It's all directed by the Empress Dowager Li.But this matter was not known.She didn't want others to know either.So now.She is trying to make a show.So that others will think it's real.just work.

so.Now it can be heard here that this man has always been known for his calmness.And even scolding his own child.It's not too much the angry roar of the empress dowager who is too stern.Um.It may not be appropriate to say roaring.But in fact it is almost the same.and.It seems that Queen Mother Li also understands that she is doing this kind of thing.Some lack of momentum.Not much experience either.So now.From time to time, the sound of porcelain breaking can be heard here.Come on to add more aura to those growls.

Outside.Those eunuchs and maids who have separated from the Queen Mother Li do not know how many walls.Just hearing Empress Dowager Li's voice made her tremble with fear.All were trembling and afraid to speak.Didn't even dare to move.And in the main hall of the Compassionate Ning Palace.What kind of appearance will those people in front of Queen Mother Li look like?

Actually.These people are much better.

Now in the main hall of the Compassionate Ning Palace.There are many people standing.It's just those eunuchs and court ladies.Not a single one is here.Except after Queen Mother Li.Among those present.There is Feng Bao.There is Zhang Fan.There are six grand maesters in the cabinet.He also has six Shangshu.Among the imperial court.All the respectable people are here.

now.These people were all standing in front of Empress Dowager Li.Keep your head down.Not a word was said.Let Queen Mother Li stand on it alone and get angry.Throwing those fine china.They can hold their breath.I don't care that Queen Mother Li is scolding.Anyway, she wasn't scolding herself.There is nothing to worry about.to speak.We have to wait until Empress Dowager Li has almost lost her temper.Let's talk then.

That's all there are people here.But it is unique.The protagonist of this matter is gone.Emperor Zhu Yijun died.As for Zhu Yijun now.According to Queen Mother Li, it is.He was frightened.Go back to Qianqing Palace to rest.

Just the people present.I'm afraid even the Queen Mother Li who knows what's going on.will think.Zhu Yijun was really frightened.Only Zhang Fan was alone.After hearing the news.Although there is no expression on the face.But in my heart I couldn't stop laughing.Zhu Yijun will be frightened.If it wasn't for Zhang Fan being there last night.Maybe he felt the same way.But last night.Zhang Fan was beside Zhu Yijun.Even after it's over.He also went to see Zhu Yijun.Zhu Yijun didn't look a little frightened.The whole thing is extremely exciting.Frightened.More or less stimulated.

but.Zhang Fan wasn't worried about anything.Anyway, Zhu Yijun has entered the palace now.Even if it was because of the assassination incident, he was very excited.But there are many restrictions in the palace.In a few days.His excited state will disappear.Then you don't have to worry about these things.

And now.What Zhang Fan needs to consider is not these things.It's about how to play the drama in front of you with Queen Mother Li.Purpose.Just to make all the ministers present feel.In this matter.There must be some big conspiracy.Someone must be behind this whole thing.If this matter can be done well.Then things will go very smoothly in the future.But if this matter is not done well.The ministers were not convinced.Even suspicious.Then the following things will be difficult.

There was a "bang".Accompanied by the sound of broken porcelain.Another cloisonné fruit plate was dropped on the ground.become shattered.The people present didn't think there was anything wrong.On the contrary, some of them really think so.Empress Dowager Li's hand strength is getting stronger and stronger.This cloisonne is mixed with copper.Can be smashed to pieces.It really does take a little effort.For a woman like Queen Mother Li who is not even 30 years old now.It's really good to have this strength.

here.It seems that everything on the table has been dropped.Feng Bao hurried over to bring a cup of tea again.I don't know that he is trying to scare Queen Mother Li.Still let her continue to fall.But this time.Empress Dowager Li obviously felt that she was about the same.My hands are sore.This is sitting down.He picked up the cup and took a sip of tea.

Take advantage of this opportunity.Feng Bao winked at the two little eunuchs who were watching this side tremblingly at the door.Although the two little eunuchs were extremely unwilling.But Feng Bao gave orders.They also have no choice.You can only walk in quickly with your things.Those on the ground were originally extremely valuable.Now it is worthless rags.Pack it up quickly.He stepped back quickly.

Empress Dowager Li felt that she was so shocked.The performance is almost the same.This is putting down the teacup.He opened his mouth and said to Zhang Fan: "Last night. What happened. You were by the emperor's side. Let Aijia tell the story now, and let all the adults present listen to it."

"My minister obeys the order." Zhang Fan bowed and bowed.Then he opened his mouth and told what happened last night.

When Zhang Fan mentioned that dozens of Zheng Chengxian's subordinates surrounded the assassin but they were unable to capture him.When several people were injured.Almost everyone present showed surprised expressions.Including Feng Bao, who already knew about this matter, is no exception.This is indeed surprising.After all, how could these people present think of it.One person can face dozens of people unscathed.And Empress Dowager Li also had a surprised face.He looked at Zhang Fan.She also didn't think of it.Zhang Fan actually found such a person.

And when Zhang Fan said.Zhuo Yang's sword pointed at Zhu Yijun.Almost only a few inches away.Everyone present took a deep breath.The same is true for Queen Mother Li who planned this incident.But Queen Mother Li is very open-minded.In his opinion, since Zhang Fan dared to do this.That must be [-]% sure.Otherwise.In case something goes wrong.Even if Zhang Fan died ten thousand times, it wouldn't help.But Zhang Fan's life is extremely important to Zhang Fan himself.Empress Dowager Li believed it.Zhang Fan would never take his own life as a joke.

at last.Speaking of Wang Meng arrived in time.Zhu Yijun was saved.And after capturing the assassin alive.Only then did the people present let go of their hanging hearts.

"Well. Wang Qing's family is really skilled." Even Queen Mother Li.Even if she knew it was a play.But she still praised Wang Meng. "The title of 'No. [-] Master of the Imperial Court' bestowed on him by the emperor is not in vain. This matter, Zhang Aiqing, Ai's family will be handed over to Jin Yiwei to investigate and deal with it. Aiqing must investigate Ai's family The truth is revealed. Let’s see what’s going on. Is this assassin sent to do these things? If so, who is it?”

"The humble minister takes the order." Zhang Fan bowed here to accept the order.

"Feng Bao. Do you want to participate in this matter?" Empress Dowager Li suddenly said this to Feng Bao who was beside her.

"No. Empress Dowager. The servants have some things to do recently. I will leave this matter to the Tai Tuo." Feng Bao flatly refused. "It's just that. If there is any request from the Tai Tuo, just ask. The servant will definitely do his best."

"Well, that's fine." Queen Mother Li nodded.Then he pointed his face at the person below.Said. "What are the thoughts of all the Aiqings present. Now it's time to talk about it. After all, everything has been put on the table. Let the Aiqings talk about it first. I guess what is going on with this matter."

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