Empress Dowager Li just threw such a difficult question to the ministers present.But for this.These ministers have nothing to complain about.After all.this kind of thing.The relationship is important.It is also absolutely impossible to cut off easily.Even now the emperor has been assassinated.But nothing happened after all.Since nothing happened.So there's a lot to discuss here.

But these people are not most concerned about these.It was the last sentence Empress Dowager Li just said.The phrase "so good".

Before.Empress Dowager Li asked Feng Bao whether he should also participate in this matter.But Feng Bao replied no.Although the excuse of "something" is far-fetched.I don't know if it's true or not.But Feng Bao said he did not want to participate.Everyone can figure it out.After all.It hasn't been long since what happened to Zhang Siwei.Even now.Zhang Siwei has joined the cabinet.Even Zhang Siwei now has a good relationship with Feng Bao, who once wanted to kill him.But all the people in the court can see it.Feng Bao's actions now.Much more restrained than before.There is only one reason.It is the "warning" of Empress Dowager Li to Feng Bao that Feng Bao still has lingering fears until now.

so.Feng Bao said now that he didn't want to get involved in this matter.This is for everyone.It's all a matter of understanding.but.Empress Dowager Li did not participate in Feng Bao.It's not the kind of "so it is" in the common sense.Instead, he said "that's fine".What does it mean.

If you want to talk about it.There is obviously no problem with the phrase "so good".But if you really care about it.The problem here is bigger.What is "so good".That's exactly what it sounds like.It's really great that Feng Bao doesn't participate in this matter.And think the other way around.If Feng Bao got involved.What's the problem?Feng Bao's Dongchang and Zhang Fan's Jinyiwei were listed as the two "most famous" organizations in the Ming Dynasty.what for.No one in the court knows.No one knows.

now.The emperor was assassinated.Such a big deal.Naturally, the clearer the investigation, the better.Even if it is finally investigated what is going on.But nothing can be done.But this matter also has to be revealed.That being the case.Just ask Zhang Fan's Jin Yiwei to investigate.Why not let Feng Bao's Dongchang also come to investigate.Then come on.The things that come out of the investigation will obviously be more reliable.But for Feng Bao's non-participation.Empress Dowager Li was not unhappy.He also said "that's fine".How can this not make people wonder.

Hard to say.In the case of the emperor being assassinated.There is something unspeakable.Things that the fewer people know, the better, will not work.If so.What will be in it.

These people present.To be able to be called here after something like this happened.Obviously all of them are prominent.People with great power in their hands.And these people.Of course it won't be a fool.Think again.These people were a little surprised.Although there is still a calm look on the face.But in the heart.Really messed up.

but.These people did not think so much.They did not consider that this matter would be planned by Queen Mother Li herself.after all.The assassination scene described by Zhang Fan just now.It's really unbelievable.It was a sham act.Definitely a real murder.

And there is such a prerequisite in it.This has greatly changed the thinking of these people.The first thing they think about is.Empress Dowager Li already knew what was going on.Even if you don't know.I will also know about it.

And in their view.This matter is most likely to be related.That's why Empress Dowager Li just asked Zhang Fan to investigate this matter alone.They were not so naive as to think that the reason Queen Mother Li did this was simply because Zhang Fan had been by Zhu Yijun's side from the beginning to the end of this matter.Witnessed the whole process so simple.There should be other reasons.

And what else is the reason.It only exists between Queen Mother Li and Zhang Fan.Now these people can only think of one thing.It was what Zhang Siwei had said before.The thing that incited the people to riot in the capital.Since it was found out that Zhang Siwei was not responsible for that incident.They were released to Zhang Fan and Feng Baolai for investigation.but.Although in name it was Zhang Fan and Feng Bao who checked.But everyone knows it all.Feng Bao did something wrong in that incident.So that matter was only left to Zhang Fan to investigate.

And that matter has not yet left its aftermath.Still affecting Feng Bao.But there is no news anymore.Drag until now.Even if someone mentions it occasionally.But also feel.This matter is estimated to be so depressed.Don't mention it anymore.

And now.Such a thing happened.and.Empress Dowager Li made it clear this time.I don't want Feng Bao to intervene.Or only Zhang Fan was appointed to investigate this matter.Perhaps many people will find it strange.There is very little relationship between these two things.If there is any similarity.That is, there is only one Zhang Fan who investigates these two matters.

Ordinary looks.This is simply far-fetched.There is simply no reason that can be said.But who are these people present.How sensitive they are.Even if it's just such a seemingly far-fetched reason.This is for them.It was enough to make them alert.

And now that they have an idea.I had to think about it further.And these people don't think about the relationship between the assassination and Queen Mother Li.If so.All they could think of was.The matter of the emperor being assassinated.It is the same thing as inciting the people to riot before.Is there any connection.

perhaps.Although that matter since then.Been here for so long now.There is almost no news.But maybe.It didn't end there.perhaps.Zhang Fan was still investigating in secret.But recently.Zhang Fan's investigation.Somewhere there is finally a breakthrough.

This is not something incomprehensible.After all, Jin Yiwei's actions.Everyone knows.Now that Empress Dowager Li has given orders.It is absolutely impossible for the matter to end like this without a follow-up.

And maybe.It would cause Zhu Yijun to be assassinated.It might just be because of Zhang Fan's investigation.Or maybe.Zhang Fan's investigation revealed something well-founded.But Jin Yiwei's investigation may have gone awry somewhere.Let others know what's up.This eventually led to the fact that the emperor would be assassinated.

So many maybe.It sounds really incredible.but.These are not impossible.especially.This kind of thing happened in the court.Then nothing is impossible.Anything that seems impossible.Into the court.All are possible.

If so.I couldn't help but let these people present not think about it this way.perhaps.Zhang Fan's investigation really had some clues.But this look.Not a good sign.Which is involved in some of the status of big shots.And Jin Yiwei leaked the wind during the investigation.Let the "big man" hear something.after all.Incite the people to riot.If this is said to be big.But the crime of rebellion.As long as you want to.It is perfectly possible to put him to death.And that was for what reason.Offended the court.After all.able to do that kind of thing.There is absolutely no deep hatred with the imperial court.then.After knowing that Jin Yiwei has found his head.He was in a hurry.Simply take the risk.Assassinate the emperor.Let the court be busy with this matter and have no time for him.

It sounds crazy.Also very careless.For one's own benefit.Dare to disrupt the world.This is simply insane.But insane.But it's not something unreasonable.If something is related to a person's life and death.Then do anything insane.None of it will come as a surprise.

And these people think so.But it is not all.There is one exception among them.This person is Zhang Juzheng.Feng Bao would not consider these things.Now he doesn't bother to think about these things at all.He doesn't care what's in it.Anyway, he, Feng Bao, just didn't care.Didn't even think about it in private.If so.is the safest.

But Zhang Juzheng was not so worried.The main thing is one point.He is among these people now.The fourth person who knows what happened to Zhang Siwei best from beginning to end.Zhang Juzheng understood.Feng Bao was responsible for Zhang Siwei's incident from beginning to end.It is impossible to involve anyone else.but.Zhang Juzheng also understood.It is absolutely impossible for Feng Bao to do such a thing as assassinating the emperor.So.This thing today.what is going on.This time Zhang Juzheng couldn't figure it out either.

And actually.Zhang Juzheng once doubted it.And what he suspected was possible.That's the truth of the matter.But that's possible.Zhang Juzheng just gave up after thinking about it.It is absolutely impossible for him to think so.Empress Dowager Li will let people assassinate her own son.Especially since this son is still the emperor.It is the guarantee of her current power.

"What. What are you doing standing there without saying a word." Seeing that no one spoke.Queen Mother Li also realized that she seemed to have slipped her mouth just now.Fortunately, she thought about it.These people don't know what to guess.This can be regarded as reassuring. "Things have already happened. What are you still doing in a daze. Let's talk about it. No matter what you say, the Ai family will not blame you."

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