The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 906 Too Superb

The following people are still guessing what happened to this matter.Is there any mystery in it.Do you need to stand up and speak up?If you speak.Something should be said or something.But Empress Dowager Li would not let them think about it this way.After all, Empress Dowager Li has already realized it.It seemed that I just said something wrong.No.That can't be a wrong word.It's just that it's a bit ambiguous.It is really suspicious.

However.this matter.How can it be something that can allow others to suspect.Queen Mother Li is definitely not able to give others a chance to took advantage of the time when the people below were thinking.He quickly interrupted them.Urge them to speak quickly.It's a good way to divert your attention.

Those below are indeed considering the possibilities.But now that Empress Dowager Li has already urged her.Then you can no longer pretend you didn't hear it.But this thing.They really don't know what to say.So this time.All raised their heads one by one.Look at Empress Dowager Li.There was a look of regret in his eyes.It means that I didn't think about anything else.But I don't know how to answer this question.In short.Just avoiding suspicion.

That's a good thing.Above is Her Royal Highness the Empress Dowager.And it is Her Royal Highness the Empress Dowager who is in power; all those standing below are important officials of the court.And definitely the kind of important minister who holds real both the monarch and his ministers.Just staring with wide eyes.But he didn't say anything.

See this scene.Feng Bao, who was standing aside, just looked up.He immediately lowered his head.Look at the nose with one eye, and watch the heart with the nose.The appearance of not caring about anything.Obviously he didn't want to get involved here.And Zhang Fan's side.He is confident.Anyway, he also knew the purpose of Empress Dowager Li to let these people speak.This time, of course, she wouldn't talk to him.So he watched the scene as if he was watching a play.certainly.Naturally, there was no smile on his face.

And here.These people looked at Queen Mother Li.All looked sorry.But Empress Dowager Li looked at them not.In fact, Queen Mother Li looked at them at the same time.Anger was about to burst out of his eyes.But these people all look like this.He didn't speak again.She even wanted to reprimand them.I don't even know what to say.This feeling.No matter which side it is for both sides.It's all quite uncomfortable.

"Queen." Finally.Someone started talking.This person is Zhang Juzheng. "Just now. Mr. Zhang talked about the situation at that time. It was indeed extremely critical. However, I really couldn't think of anything after such a short meeting. There are too many doubts in it." The reason why Zhang Juzheng dared to start this.It is also because he relies on himself that he is the person Empress Dowager Li needs most now.Even if he really said something wrong.Empress Dowager Li would not blame him either.The more important point is.Zhang Ju understood exactly what was going on here.Even if he doesn't understand everything.But there are many things he still knows a lot.So he felt he could speak the right words.Or he felt that he would not make a mistake.

"Oh. Aiqing saw something." Empress Dowager Li also understood Zhang Juzheng's thoughts.But she didn't intend to stop him from speaking. "But it's okay to say. Anyway, I don't have a clue now. Just speak freely. Aijia won't blame anyone."

"Queen." Zhang Juzheng also spoke. "There are a lot of doubts in this matter. First of all, since you dared to assassinate His Majesty. And now Mr. Zhang can be sure. The assassin did not come to assassinate His Majesty based on his own opinion. There must be someone behind him. So Firstly, the person who instructed him must be someone with status. And he was able to make such a person so obedient. Obviously, that person also had some tricks.

"Besides, no one will go to assassinate, but he will go to assassinate His Majesty. Obviously, this is not a random choice. I feel that I am afraid that this person really has some deep hatred with His Majesty. And this is what I said. The most puzzling part. After all, His Majesty is only at this age now. And His Majesty has not personally conscripted. What's more, the decree made in His Majesty's name. I remember everything clearly. But I really can't see it Any one of them will bring death to His Majesty." Zhang Juzheng's words were very euphemistic.He said "the decree in the name of His Majesty" has given Zhu Yijun a lot of face.Otherwise it has to be said.Zhu Yijun has never issued an imperial edict on his own will.But it doesn't matter.Anyway, the people present.And who doesn't know this situation?

"Yes. What Zhang Aiqing said is very true." Zhang Juzheng's words.Empress Dowager Li also had to agree.Ever since she and Zhang Fan planned this matter.It's been very smooth so far.It can even be described as perfect.But that doesn't mean the whole thing is perfect.There's a little bit of it.It can even be regarded as a flawed injury.

That is.The reason for assassinating Zhu Yijun.

As Zhang Juzheng said.It has been a period of time since Zhu Yijun ascended the throne to the present.That did nothing.Even if the imperial decree was issued in the name of the emperor.But almost everyone knows it.Those are all subject to Queen Mother Li's nod.Only Zhu Yijun could issue it.In short.Today's Zhu Yijun.It's like nothing has been done.

And Empress Dowager Li also knew.Zhang Ju knew the inside story of this matter.If it is said that at this time, another person stands up and speaks.Even if that person just said the same thing as what Zhang Juzheng said at this time.Neither fit.these words.Only Zhang Juzheng could speak at this time.

But now.It's no longer the time to dwell on these things.Anyway, what Zhang Juzheng said has already been said.And just when others were about to speak.Empress Dowager Li spoke first.

"Could it be possible to say..." A look that could be called lost soul.Empress Dowager Li spoke intermittently. "It's hard to say. The emperor will...will be assassinated. it the reason for mourning the family?"

The words of Queen Mother Li.I said it very carefully.That intermittent look.Among the people present.An accident happened to Zhang Fan who knew the truth about this matter completely.Even Zhang Juzheng, who is the most suspicious about this matter.It was also completely deceived by Queen Mother Li.

This can't blame these people for their poor eyesight.Can't see the reason for this.It is because.Empress Dowager Lee's acting skills.Compared with these people, it is much, much higher.Although Queen Mother Li is not even 30 years old now.These people present.There is only one Zhang Fan younger than her.But what Queen Mother Li experienced.But it was not at all the same level of things experienced by these people present.

These ministers present.At most, it is trying to figure out people's hearts and colluding with bribes.Or clean and honest.Then there is no need to say any more.all in all.These ministers present.To be able to climb up.It can be said that it is omnipotent.And even if they have climbed to that position.But it still needs to consolidate its position.Or hope to be able to go to the next level.This is another "intelligence test".Including the most important thing like acting also among them.

only.These things.Although it sounds really impressive.It's really amazing.It's not easy being an official.It's not just about being able to read.There are so many things to know.

But.their skills.There is no comparison with Queen Mother Li's.

For these ministers.It can't be said that "a misstep will cause eternal hatred".Even if something goes wrong occasionally.But it doesn't necessarily mean death.Most of the time.They will all be dismissed from office.As long as you don't offend Jin Yiwei.Or a place like Dongchang.The misfortune of life and death is rare.

But Queen Mother Li can't.Regardless of whether she was originally in Yuwang's mansion as Li Caifeng.Or in the Forbidden City as Concubine Li later.None of them are comparable to the kind of generosity in the the palace.And she is the woman who is the head of the first house.There are definitely countless people vying for this position.And for these concubines.After making a mistake.There are only two outcomes.One is that it can be given to death.But this is really a minority.After all, this dewy marriage.No matter what the emperor said, he would take pity on him.What's more, he was thrown into limbo.but.If any concubine is imprisoned in the cold palace.It's basically the same as being dead.No one came back to ask.Such a good time wasted.Decades have been deserted.Until death.For many women who have been sidelined.It would be better to die.

The Empress Dowager Li did not actually have much experience in this regard.She can be said to be extremely smooth along the way.after all.She is Zhu Zaihou's two sons.Two flesh and blood who can inherit the great line.They are the only two living sons of Zhu Zaihou.Although it is said that Li Caifeng did not take the position of queen in front of Zhu Zaihou.But she is not greedy for this.

but.That doesn't mean she doesn't know anything about it.Because of some reasons of Zhu Zaihou.When he was a prince and emperor.Whether it is in the palace or in the palace.Women are absolutely indispensable.And this woman is more than one.It is easy to have right and wrong.For this kind of fighting thing.Empress Dowager Li.It's just too much to see.Over time.Even if she doesn't have to play in person.But it is also self-taught.Handy for this kind of thing.

So now.Empress Dowager Li made such a play.These people present.No one can see the flaw.Even Zhang Fan.If it wasn't for he already knew.He also couldn't tell that Empress Dowager Li was acting.she that.It's exactly the flustered appearance of a mother who has implicated her son because of something she did wrong.Nothing unnatural.

And it was the performance of Queen Mother Li.The doubts that these people had just now disappeared.

Only Zhang Fan confirmed it.Zhang Juzheng was still skeptical.And Feng Bao.Today's Feng Bao.But nothing.Just standing there and wandering in the sky.

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