now.The scene in the Compassionate Ning Palace is temporarily over.certainly.To be more precise.It is the end of the part that Empress Dowager Li needs to perform.things behind.Empress Dowager Li doesn't need to ask.But Zhang Fan had to continue acting.after all.Zhang Fan can't be like Queen Mother Li.In the end, all the doubts can be avoided by simply saying the last sentence "Aijia is tired".Zhang Fan did not have this special treatment.

And this.Although Zhang Fan felt that it was very unfair.But he has no reason to go.I can only suffer by myself.and.this matter.In fact, Zhang Fan had a very headache.After leaving the Compassionate Ning Palace.These ministers will definitely come to talk to him.Some are to ask.Inquire about it; some want to ask Zhang Fan's thoughts.

only.Both situations.Either way.Son, Zhang Fan looked.It's all very annoying.Because he didn't know how to answer these people at all.Not good.In case I missed it.Reveal what should not be said.The most troublesome one is Zhang Fan himself.Do not underestimate this issue.Don't underestimate these people in front of you.Which one of them is good at this aspect.They are not comparable to Zhang Fan, who has only entered the official career for five years.

And if you don't say anything.But it is also inappropriate.Even Zhang Fan's status is very high now.But the ones in front of me are not bad either.If nothing is said.But to neglect these few.Then it will be troublesome again.and.Even if Zhang Fan told them openly.Said that the Empress Dowager had an explanation for this matter.Do not discuss without evidence.But who knows what kind of thoughts these ministers are holding.Things that offend people.Zhang Fan also didn't want to do it.

Just as Zhang Fan was thinking about how to solve this matter.Wait until these people come to ask him something.What the hell should he say so as not to tell them what the hell is going on.When you won't offend anyone.A dramatic scene appeared.

The first person who came up to ask questions was Lu Tiaoyang.Just now in the main hall of the Compassionate Ning Palace.Lu Tiaoyang talked a lot.Not that he had anything to do with it.It's just because he is more concerned about this matter.But whatever.Lu Tiaoyang would probably ask something.Zhang Fan already had an idea in his heart.

but.The dramatic scene is.Lu Tiaoyang came over.Walked in front of Zhang Fan.Even the mouth is open.And Zhang Fan is already ready to accept the move.But.Lu Tiaoyang is good.I saw his mouth opening and closing so many times.But he never uttered a single last.Lu Tiaoyang looked extremely helpless.While shaking his head.While sighing.Turn around and leave.

This situation.Zhang Fan looked at it in a daze.It never occurred to him that this would be the case.If Lu Tiaoyang asked some questions.Even if it is to make things difficult for him again.Although he will feel troubled.But very reasonable.But now.Lu Tiaoyang actually looked like this.Honestly.This was definitely beyond Zhang Fan's expectations.

And if only Lu Tiaoyang is like this.That's all right.but.What happened next.It really made Zhang Fan completely dumbfounded again inexplicably.

The second one to come up was Grohe.If you really say it.The friendship between Gao Yi and Zhang Fan is also considered good.After all, Gaoyi can join the cabinet.Thanks also to Zhang Fan.Although now.There is no connection between Gao Yi and Zhang Fan.He has climbed the "high branch" of Feng Bao.but.Between Gaoyi itself and Zhang Fan.There is no gap.You can still speak.

But even so.Gao Yi came to Zhang Fan.Almost made the same movements as Lu Tiaoyang before.They all opened and closed their mouths for a long time.As a result, not a single word came out.Then shook his head and left with a sigh.

Now.Zhang Fan's brain is not enough.And next.And that's not all.One after another.People kept coming to Zhang Fan.The author did the same.Open your mouth.silent.Shake your head.Turn around and leave.

If there is only one or two.Zhang Fan could still figure it out.Just treat it as something unspeakable.But all of them are like this one by one.This left Zhang Fan speechless.As if.These people think.The root of this incident is the same as that of Zhang Fan.This made Zhang Fan have nowhere to complain.This matter really has nothing to do with him.Even in reality.This is something he planned with Queen Mother Li.But these people in front of this situation don't know.They are now.There is no reason at all.

at last.Almost everyone.They all "performed" in front of Zhang Fan.Then turn around and leave.There is only one Zhang Juzheng left.

then.A very strange scene just appeared in front of the palace gate of the Compassionate Ning Palace.Zhang Fan stood there without moving.And not too far ahead of him.Zhang Juzheng also stood like this and didn't understand.This two masters and apprentices.Just look at each other like that.only.Zhang Ju had no expression on his face.But there was a strange look in his eyes.And Zhang Fan here.His eyes had long since lost their brilliance.Only the corners of his mouth were still twitching.

It's been a long time.Zhang Fan still didn't move.But Zhang Juzheng walked over with strides.Walked up to Zhang Fan.Just about to speak.However, Zhang Fan took the lead.

"Teacher..." Zhang Fan saw the corner of Zhang Juzheng's mouth move.He spoke immediately. "If it's a teacher, you have to do like them. The student asks the teacher not to talk about it. Go back. The student... this... the student feels a little uncomfortable in his stomach." Zhang Fan couldn't figure it out.Why would you say an excuse for an upset stomach.

And obviously.Zhang Juzheng was able to give such a reason to Zhang Fan.It's also not very comfortable.Didn't you see that the corners of his eyes had started to twitch?

"Yuande. don't think so. Being a teacher is the boring." Zhang Fan spoke instead.

I heard Zhang Juzheng speak.I don't know why.Zhang Fan's nerves suddenly relaxed a lot.He opened his mouth and said: "Teacher. What happened just now. The teacher also saw it. They... they all did this. This is just repeating. This matter seems to be the fault of the students. Obviously the students did nothing." Said When the last sentence.Zhang Fan felt a little guilty.Fortunately, this guilty conscience was not expressed by Zhang Fan in his words.Zhang Juzheng didn't hear it.

but.Who is Zhang Juzheng?Even Zhang Fan's words are normal.But Zhang Juzheng could still hear something unusual.Plus.The relationship between him and Zhang Fan is not comparable to those people just this time……

"So, Yuande, you really have nothing to do with this matter." When he asked this sentence.Zhang Juzheng's whole appearance changed.He said this in a joking tone.And squinted at Zhang Fan's question.Although his image.No matter how you look at it, it doesn't fit his status as a cabinet minister.But it is clearly stated.Zhang Juzheng did not trust Zhang Fan's words.

"Is it possible? Even the teacher doesn't trust the students." Zhang Fan knew it very well.Zhang Juzheng is trying to deceive him.Let's see if he has something to say.

But this time.Zhang Juzheng was about to be disappointed.In the face of his words.None of Zhang Fan's flaws were exposed.An even more sad and indignant look appeared on his face.Said: "Teacher, you should know the students well. If there is something wrong with the students, there is no need for the teacher to ask. The students will naturally tell the teacher. After all, the students know it in their hearts. The teacher will not harm the students no matter what. More What's more. Now the teacher has asked the students. How can the students not say anything. The students really don't know."

Zhang Fan's words.Said is very sincere.And that look.It is definitely an appearance that has no reservations about Zhang Juzheng.

Seeing Zhang Fan like this.Zhang Juzheng was puzzled again.It's not that he still doesn't believe that Zhang Fan has nothing to do with this time.In fact, the opposite is true.Zhang Juzheng believed it.He believed Zhang Fan's words.

This is not something out of the ordinary.Actually.Look at it from the beginning.Judging from the beginning of the intersection between Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng.Zhang Fan really didn't hide anything from Zhang Juzheng.Even if it is something that needs to be kept secret.Zhang Fan hardly concealed anything from Zhang Juzheng.

Whether it's Zhang Fan's own private affairs.certainly.He won't take the initiative to talk about private matters.But if Zhang Juzheng asked.Zhang Fan has never concealed it.Or business.Including those unspeakable things that Long Qing asked Zhang Fan to do back then.Let’s talk about what happened to Zhang Siwei last time.The mastermind behind the scenes is Feng Bao.These things.Zhang Fanquan is the first time.He told Zhang Juzheng without any concealment.

And precisely because there are so many examples.So what Zhang Fan said just now.Zhang Juzheng believed that Zhang Fan really had nothing to do with the cause of this incident.

He stared at Zhang Fan intently for a long time.Zhang Juzheng saw that Zhang Fan had no intention of dodging.That's when he retracted his gaze.Said: "Yuande. You have to be measured in this matter. The investigation must find out the truth. If it is found out, there are other things. I think Duan Wang's life is not easy. If there is nothing else, Yuande, you have to persuade the Queen Mother. You have to be forgiving and forgiving. Don't be too extreme. After all, this really..."

Zhang Juzheng left without finishing his words.Zhang Fan was left alone standing there.Think for a long time.

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