Zhang Fan was on his way home. He was riding on a horse, but he was thinking about what happened just now. It wasn’t that the events in the Palace of Compassion and Ning made Zhang Fan think about it. After all, it was already obvious. Zhang Fan has already understood what the Empress Dowager Li meant, and there is nothing worth considering. As a subordinate, Zhang Fan, since he has received an order, he can just follow it. From Zhang Fan's point of view, he would not make any problems with this matter.

What Zhang Fan was really thinking about were those ministers, or to be more precise, Zhang Fan was really thinking about the few words Zhang Juzheng said to him just now.

Zhang Fan naturally understands what Zhang Juzheng's words mean. He just hopes that Zhang Fan will not go too far when doing this, or let him show some sympathy. After all, what he has to deal with now is A majestic prince, even if he is a vassal, a prince who has not been too close to the court, but he is still a prince, if Zhang Fan really "finds out" something, and makes Zhu Xuanqi suffer a lot If it is difficult, this matter will be very unfavorable to Zhang Fan in the future.

At that time, everyone will understand that Zhang Fan is only following the order of Queen Mother Li to do this matter, but at that time, if something happens to Zhu Xuanqi, all the princes of the Ming Dynasty will definitely be in danger In this way, Queen Mother Li's goal of killing chickens and monkeys was achieved, but all those princes were concerned about this matter in their hearts.

And maybe at the beginning, these princes didn't make any moves, they all forbeared, but this kind of thing, everyone can understand, the more forbear, the deeper the fear will be in the heart. I don't know when, when these princes feel that the Queen Mother Li will no longer treat them like this, will they want to take some safety measures? Thinking about it, this possibility is also very huge. After all, this kind of It is better to eliminate the threat.

And when that time comes, these people will definitely not trouble the Empress Dowager Li, she is the current Empress Dowager, and now she has all the power, even if Zhu Yijun is in charge in the future, the Empress Dowager Li will lose her power, but when that time comes, It was even more impossible to do anything to Queen Mother Li. As an emperor with real power in his hands, how could he not be able to protect his mother.

Then until that time, they will only target one person, and that is Zhang Fan who personally handled this matter. The relationship between Fan and Zhu Yijun, Zhang Fan's position at that time will only be more stable, but Zhang Fan is a courtier after all, not a king, and it is not very troublesome for these royal families to eliminate such a "threat" Things, as long as they jointly play, even Zhu Yijun can't ignore this matter.

And Zhang Juzheng's words actually mean this. He wants Zhang Fan to think more about it when he does this. If he can leave a little room, that would be even better. Don't kill them all.

However, although Zhang Juzheng's words had such meaning, what he said had something in it. He asked Zhang Fan to persuade Queen Mother Li, and this sentence was completely casual. Except for this matter, no matter Li Whether the Empress Dowager is the mastermind behind it or not, she is absolutely impossible to let Duan Wang Zhu Xuanqi go, and at the end of the day, this matter will ultimately be decided by the Empress Dowager Li later, and it depends on how the Empress Dowager Li will judge.

But there was another sentence in what Zhang Juzheng said to Zhang Fan, he said, Zhang Fan should do his best to investigate this matter, and he must investigate to find out the truth. Of course, the investigation is to investigate Duan Wang. There is no doubt about it. And immediately after this sentence is, if there is anything else.

Other things, what are other things, this is really very knowledgeable.

That is a prince, and he is also a local vassal, a local vassal with rights and freedom. Compared with those who live in the capital, this kind of prince seems to enjoy endless prosperity and wealth, but in fact It is no different from being under house arrest, and the prince who has no power in his hands has a lot more power.

Especially the Shuduan king Zhu Xuanqi is even more different. After all, he was born of a concubine, born of his father's concubine. He was able to sit on the throne because his father and his father's first wife could not give birth. It's just a son, and he didn't make Zhu Xuanqi his son until the last moment, when his father realized that only the son of this concubine could inherit his throne.

Before that, Zhu Xuanqi's life was not easy, but now suddenly the sea and the sky are bright, not only no one bullies him, but even has to curry favor with him, this change, and all the rights and interests It is very difficult to say what a wealthy upstart will do.

That's why, the reason why Queen Mother Li wanted to deal with Zhu Xuanqi was because Zhu Xuanqi's own circumstances changed, which made him at a loss for what to do. He also did a lot of things that he should not have done. It was his arrogance that offended him. Empress Dowager Li made Empress Dowager Li want to deal with him.

And these are not the point, the point is, such a sudden change from a hopeless person to a person who sits on the throne will change him. Zhang Fan has not investigated it in detail yet, let him know in detail. It is impossible to say, but in Zhang Fan's mind, people like Zhu Yijun, after sitting on the throne and finding that there is no one in the southwest corner who can restrain him, will do some extraordinary things, some things that are not at all It should be something done by a prince.

And Zhang Juzheng's sentence "If something else is found out", this is what he meant. Even after Zhang Juzheng's words were uttered, he had been thinking about how to deal with this matter before that. Zhang Fan, who did everything perfectly and had no time to take care of other things, thought that if the investigation continues like this, many ulterior things that Zhu Xuanqi has done will definitely be found out.

These things are good things in terms of this matter. When Zhang Fan submits the investigation file to Queen Mother Li, there will be more than just false evidence that Zhu Xuanqi sent people to assassinate the emperor. The evidence of what he really did, those are true, this kind of evidence is false and true, it is the most impossible to quibble, and it is easier for Queen Mother Li to use this to convict Zhu Xuanqi, and In this way, Zhang Fan understood that even if Zhu Xuanqi couldn't die, he would have to be skinned.

However, this is only a benefit to this matter, but to Zhang Fan, this is a threat. After all, he was the one who found out all kinds of bad deeds of a prince. In the eyes of Queen Mother Li, Zhang Fan is the key to this matter. He is a hero, but in the eyes of other princes, Zhang Fan has become the most threatening person to them.

In short, it can be said that what Zhang Juzheng said was entirely for the good of Zhang Fan. He didn't want Zhang Fan to risk his own future for this kind of thing. The empress dowager reprimanded him, even if there was some punishment, Zhang Fan would not be affected at all after Zhu Yijun came to power in the future. All the princes of the Ming Dynasty were offended all over.

It can be said that there is no benefit for Zhang Fan to do this matter, but Zhang Fan has to do it this way.

And Zhang Juzheng naturally understood the reason why Zhang Fan couldn't help himself, but what he hoped was that Zhang Fan could act smarter when doing this matter, as long as he could leave a little leeway.

And whether it is Zhang Fan or Zhang Juzheng, they will not care about what will happen to Zhu Xuanqi in the end. Anyway, after such an incident, even if Zhu Xuanqi has resentment in his heart, he has to be honest, and what they are concerned about is that this matter What exactly should be done so that other princes will not feel that Zhang Fan will be a threat in the future, and will not let those princes deal with Zhang Fan in the future.

And this is the hardest part.

"Perhaps..." Zhang Fan thought in his heart, "Perhaps when the time comes to find out what is found, it is not necessary to write all of them in the dossier and tell the Queen Mother. It is almost enough to write something that is enough to convict, but this matter is not easy. After all, it is not difficult to convict Zhu Xuanqi, the difficulty lies in how to make other princes feel that Zhu Xuanqi's matter will not threaten them. This is really difficult, so many princes Damn Zhu Yuanzhang, isn't your Zhu family's bloodline not very rich? Even the Zhengde Dynasty has passed away. How come there are so many princes in this world now? Like the lice on a cow, too numerous to count, and annoying as hell,"

This is good for Zhang Fan, he couldn't think of a solution for a while, but even Zhu Yuanzhang started to scold him.

"It seems that there is no good way to think of this matter now." After thinking for a while, Zhang Fan couldn't help but give up because he couldn't think of a good way. Let’s talk about what comes out, as for the other princes, let people inquire about it to see what those people think about this matter. Well, there are too many princes, and it is impossible to inquire one by one. Pick up a few capable people to inquire about, and think about those people when they come, and the others don't have to care too much."

After thinking about it, Zhang Fan has also arrived at the door of his house.

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