"This matter. Absolutely can't just let it go."

"That's right. Your Majesty is the Son of Heaven. He is the king of a country. Now the king of a country is being assassinated. Even if the other party fails to succeed. But this matter is really damaging to the court's face. It is also a big threat. If you can't track it down, find out The murderer's words. What will be the face of His Majesty and the court?"


On the Great Hall of the Emperor.People keep saying that.Although these people do not know who the object of attack is.It's not in front of them at all.But they are so excited.It was as if the culprit was right in front of his eyes.It seems that you can't move your hands.Under verbal criticism.It's like putting that person to death.In short.This is a completely excited look.

And above the hall.So many people are talking.But there were also people who remained silent.Zhang Fan is one of them.And the rest.It is the cabinet and the six ministers.Actually.Those who arrived at the Compassion Ning Palace yesterday.No one spoke today.It's not that they don't want to talk.It's just the news they knew yesterday.It really surprised these people too much.Let them these people.It was also indigestible for a while.Not to mention what to say.

It was also in the Compassion Palace yesterday.There is only one Feng Bao who is not present at this time.But judging by the current situation.I'm afraid even Feng Bao is here.He also wouldn't say anything.

"I heard that this incident has involved a certain prince." All of a sudden.I don't know who said such a sentence. "If that's the case. What should we do about this matter?"

in such a noisy environment.I don't know who said such a sentence.But apparently.The voice of this person is not small.Even in such a noisy hall.Almost everyone heard it.And following his words.Also almost.Almost everyone stopped talking in their mouths.All of a sudden.Above this huge Emperor's Great Hall.There was silence.Except for the sound of breathing.There is no sound.

And wait until this time.Just pressed a person who spoke.Also no longer speak.When everyone wants to find out who it is.But I couldn't find it either.

Facing such words.Almost everyone present was astonished.Those were not in the Compassion Palace yesterday.People who don't know about it.Facing such a news.Naturally, I was very surprised.After all, there is a prince of this dynasty who wants to assassinate the emperor of this dynasty.this kind of thing.Although if you really want to find a reason.It is also reasonable.But no one heard.Everyone will be surprised.

And among these people present.Most surprising.Then count the people who already knew about it yesterday.yesterday.They can also be regarded as the first batch of people who knew about this matter.And after they left the Compassionate Ning Palace yesterday.Although they have not discussed with each other.But none of them are stupid.I know what kind of impact it will have if it is revealed.so.They are very compatible.Everyone is tight-lipped about this matter.It never even occurred to me to say it.so.Now I heard someone here actually say such a thing.How could these people not be surprised.

but.these people.Even including Zhang Juzheng.All of them looked surprised.But Zhang Fan is not.Actually.When Zhang Fan just heard someone say such a situation.Also a little surprised.But immediately.He calmed down.And it regained its previous silent appearance again.Stand there without saying a word.As if something happened there.Everything has nothing to do with him.

Zhang Fan will do this.Naturally there is a reason.It's not that other people can't think of what Zhang Fan thinks.It is Zhang Fan who fully understands what happened before and after this matter.things he's thinking about.It is also different.

Those people who were in the Compassionate Ning Palace yesterday.Zhang Fan can be sure that they will not tell the matter.It wasn't that Zhang Fan knew those people well.Or how confident they are that they won't say it.It is because.This thing is too big.The big one is that people of their status can go out and talk nonsense.If they talk about power.It is really one of the best in this imperial court.It is definitely the top priority of the court today.But the identities of these people are there.They are not royalty.For royal affairs.If Queen Mother Li let them know.That's good enough.As for them.No matter from what point of view.This should not be discussed in vain.

And Feng Bao.Zhang Fan believed that Feng Bao would not say anything.after all.Feng Bao has already stated that he will never get involved in this matter.about this point.Zhang Fan actually had some doubts.But even Feng Bao would investigate something in private.But it is absolutely impossible to tell this matter.If so.No matter how secretive he is.Eventually it will be revealed.Today's Feng Bao.Absolutely don't want to get involved in anything.

And Zhang Fan himself.He said nothing.Zhang Fan himself is the clearest.

That is.There is only one possibility left.That's the thing.It was Empress Dowager Li who let people reveal it.Actually.Zhang Fan looks like that now.If it wasn't for yesterday, he was in the Compassionate Ning Palace.If it is impossible to let all the courtiers go.I'm afraid Empress Dowager Li has already told about this matter.

But now it seems.It's not bad for Queen Mother Li to do so.This kind of news seems to have leaked from nowhere and made some people say it "unintentionally".To let everyone know.It really is seamless to say the least.

Zhang Fan even understood it very well.Queen Mother Li's intention of doing this.Definitely the same meaning as yesterday.She just hopes that all the ministers will have a brand in their hearts.think about it.It was made by Zhu Xuanqi, king of Shuduan.By the time.As long as Zhang Fan can produce evidence.Even if it is not very reliable evidence.It doesn't need anything real either.Just point to Zhu Xuanqi in the direction shown by the evidence.That's enough.

And the person who spoke just now.Obviously not mediocre.Definitely a person carefully arranged by Queen Mother Li.That sound was absolutely loud.It can be heard by everyone in the entire Emperor's Great Hall.And it's not just that.This man uttered such a short speech in such a loud voice.Now everything in the hall is silent.Those present included Zhang Fan.But he didn't even know who the person who just spoke was.even.Everyone recalled the voice just now.But there is no impression at all.I don't even know who said that.

but.Now is not the time to think about it.now.these words.It has already shocked everyone.

But Zhang Fan was relatively calm.only.Zhang Fan remained calm.But he smiled wryly in his heart.he understands.After a while, I will be busy.

"Master Tai Tuo." Sure enough.It didn't take long for someone to stand up and ask questions.And without beating the bush.Ask Zhang Fan directly. "I heard that the Empress Dowager handed over this matter to the Jin Yiwei of the Grand Tutor for investigation. Is it true?"

Although Zhang Fan already understood.Someone must come and ask him about it.But when he saw the questioner.But still surprised.There is no other reason.The person who asked the question.It was a character that Zhang Fan really did not expect.Now he is the oldest in the imperial court.Zuodu Yushi of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.Ge Shouli.

For this matter.No matter what kind of thoughts people in the court hold.But Zhang Fan can be sure.Ge Shouli really had no other thoughts.everything he did.It's all for the good of the court.But now Ge Shouli was the first to stand up and ask questions.Show how much of an impact this has had.

But for Zhang Fan.Ge Shouli stood up and asked questions.And it was to ask him by name.He couldn't be fooled.Moreover.Before Zhang Fan thought of Queen Mother Li's purpose of disclosing this news on purpose.Zhang Fan felt the same way.At this time, he also needs to say something.

"My lord, this matter. The queen mother has indeed left it to me to investigate." Zhang Fan looked at Ge Shouli and said.

And Zhang Fan said so.Many people present showed that they had something to say.It's just that Ge Shouli spoke first.That's why they didn't ask.

"Okay. Now that Master Taifu said it. I don't know which colleague said it just now. Is it true?" Ge Shouli still asked so bluntly.

As soon as Ge Shouli asked this question.Those present who were staring at Zhang Fan.His eyes tightened even more.obviously.They also want to know the answer to this question very much.

On the other side, the cabinet and the heads of the Sixth Department already knew about this matter.All of them looked at each other in blank dismay.Finally, they all looked at Zhang Fan together.I don't know how Zhang Fan will answer.

But Zhang Fan was very calm.He calmly said: "Master Ge. I don't know who the lord was speaking just now. I don't want to know. I don't want to ask him where he heard the news..." At this point.Zhang Fan stopped.

Hearing Zhang Fan's prelude.The cabinet and those in the Sixth Ministry who knew about this in advance.All are relieved.And the others were waiting for Zhang Fan's answer.But he looked disappointed.

"However. I can be sure." But Zhang Fan naturally wouldn't let the scene cool down. "This is indeed the case. Although now, the officer has not investigated anything substantive. There is no evidence. But there are some things. It does indeed point to a current vassal king."

No one thought of it.Zhang Fan would actually come to such a ***.And heard what Zhang Fan said.The people present were silent for a moment.Wait until the time to react.This is the Great Hall of the Emperor.than before.That was a bit more lively.

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